Beware! MatrixAlliances has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi everyone! I hope the first/last weekend of the autumn/summer has been a good one for you, I know a lot of people have high expectations of the coming week and indeed the season. There’s been a lot of business on the MNO monitor over the last week with late flurry of activity before the listing prices increased on Friday. I’ll be announcing another new program coming up in the news section, no promises but I suspect it to be from the team behind one of the most impressive and well organized programs of the last year so keep reading for more info on that. I want to focus first of all however on another recent addition called MatrixAlliances, a new short term program added to MNO just after it launched during the last business week. There’s probably something in there for some of you at least, so let’s see what MatrixAlliances is all about and whether you want them in your portfolios or not.
The first thing you need to be aware of when investing in MatrixAlliances is that their preferred currency of choice is BitCoin, not dollars as is usually the case with online HYIPs. You are by no means restricted to using just BitCoin as a payment method though, you don’t even need to have a BitCoin wallet or even understand what BitCoin is to invest with MatrixAlliances, but any dollar deposits you make from other payment handlers will be converted into BitCoin and that’s how your interest payments are calculated. By the time you are converting your profits back into dollars the value may have risen or fallen depending on what the exchange rate of the day happens to be.
With that in mind then I’ll be describing the following investment plans in terms of BTC. Anything else would be pointless, not to mention obsolete after about a day anyway. For your reference if you are looking a good and accurate conversion table for various e-currencies to hard currencies including up-to-the-minute rates on BTC to US dollars then I recommend
The first of three investment plans then runs for 12 calendar days. You can join for a minimum deposit of 0.005 BTC, which at the time of writing is about a little under $20. In return for anything up to a possible maximum of 15 BTC MatrixAlliances are offering members a daily interest payment to the tune of 10%. Your principal is already factored into those payments so it’s quite easy you work out that the intended goal is for you to leave MatrixAlliances with 120% back on your deposit, your own money back plus 20% net profit. The break-even point is after ten days so your actual profit comes after that.
Figures for the second plan overlap somewhat, so given that it runs for the same term length but pays a higher interest rate it doesn’t make a great deal of sense to make bigger investments in the previous plan. In this case MatrixAlliances are taking deposits from an opening minimum of 0.15 BTC (about $600 now) and for a term lasting 12 calendar days are prepared to offer investors a daily interest payment of 12%. The actual break-even point is still ten days, though you should complete the term with 144% back on your investment. With MatrixAlliances including your principal in that figure, that means you get your own money back plus 44% net profit. The upper limit for investments in this plan is capped at a 15 BTC maximum.
The third plan is really one for the seriously bigger spending players, coming with a 5 BTC minimum price tag for joining (about $20K now). Again the investment term is still 12 calendar days, the difference is that this time MatrixAlliances are upping their offer to 15% interest per day. This comes to 180% by the end of the term, or with your own principal already included as part of that 80% net profit. The maximum amount MatrixAlliances allow in a single deposit is 15 BTC.
So, any of those appeal to you? If so then the next thing you need to be aware of is your payment options. As I said earlier, despite giving the impression they might only work with BitCoin due to BitCoin being the operating currency, MatrixAlliances have several other payment processors. These include PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash if you prefer using the more conventional third-party payment handlers, or Etherium, LiteCoin, and of course BitCoin if you are looking to take a more direct approach and use your own digital e-currency. Smaller investors please take note that MatrixAlliances have a minimum withdrawal policy of 0.0004 BTC (or about $1.70 now), so make sure you have at least that amount coming to you before expecting to be paid. On the other hand, MatrixAlliances have fully automated payouts. That means there’s no need to log in to your account or to request anything. Just so long as you have at least the stated minimum coming to you then you should see the interest payments sent directly to your payment processor or e-currency account every day without any further effort on your part. Just do regular checks on your accounts to make sure it actually goes through.
Moving on now to some of the more technical aspects of the MatrixAlliances website such as design and main security features, although powered off a licensed script by GoldCoders there were some changes made for this one. The main peculiarity of course is that all the withdrawals are made automatically, so naturally a few things have to be ironed out in order to enable this. Otherwise the MatrixAlliances website itself looks decent enough and well-prepared with a video introduction (which has been also embedded on the MNOVision page here). Hosting is on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by Zamahost, and is SSL-secured by Comodo with the superior Green Bar extended validation certificate.
If you still have any further questions remaining for the MatrixAlliances admin that you think I may have missed here or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then you have a couple of channels open to get in touch. As usual you are strongly urged to start by reading the website’s FAQ page before going any further. If this doesn’t help then the first point of contact should probably be the built-in Live Chat widget you’ll see in the bottom right hand corner of the MatrixAlliances website. In the event of an operator not being available or not able to resolve the problem then you can either fill in your details on the online customer support form and submit it through the contacts page, or else just write directly to the admin at the listed e-mail address. MatrixAlliances have a postal address in the UK but I would suggest you ignore that, mostly these things are just serviced workspaces used for registration but never where you find anyone using them physically located or working from. There’s a UK incorporation certificate on display too, though these are quite easy for anyone to purchase online.
If anyone is interested in the business activities allegedly behind the program, we are told MatrixAlliances are involved with the trading and mining of digital e-currencies. For the benefit of anyone new to online HYIPs however and tempted to believe what they read, let me just remind you that even if something like this were to be true it still wouldn’t guarantee it’s profitable, and certainly not enough to pay some of the exorbitant rates being offered here. So be sensible. Approach this as you would any form of high risk gambling, stay well under an affordable spending limit you can afford to lose as well as recoup quickly without any problems from other income sources, and if you do decide to join MatrixAlliances then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
So, what do you guys think? Is it something you want to be part of or not? If you have given any thought to MatrixAlliances and whether or not you would like to join it then I hope you won’t mind sharing your thoughts with your fellow MNO readers by voting in the following opinion poll. As always it’s completely anonymous and untraceable, and will only take literally a second of your time. The results are never exactly final as such, but will give an interesting picture of what investors do and don’t like about HYIPs and how many of you make a good decision as we learn more about how the program performs. The question is:

I’ll start the news by introducing a new Premium Listed program called BlockchainAlliance. The company claims to have started working a couple of weeks ago, but I have not seen it listed anywhere before yesterday, so I believe it’s definitely a brand new name for you to consider. I’m not sure when I’m actually going to be able to review BlockchainAlliance on the MNO blog, as the profits are accrued to your account on a monthly basis, but you have an option to get your principal at anytime before the expiry date for a 10% fee. You will definitely have to wait for some time before you see a profit from BlockchainAlliance, as it’s clearly aimed at slow growth. The investment minimums are quite high starting at $100 via PerfectMoney, AdvCash, BitCoin, Qiwi, or YandexMoney. BlockchainAlliance credits your account with profits on a monthly basis and you may choose among several offers including 12% for 3 months, 14% for 6 months, 16% for 9 months, and 18% for 12 months, all returning principal on expiry. The website is bilingual, being in both English and Russian (Russian being the better of the two). It runs off a custom-made script which is always a welcome sign. Unfortunately nothing really spectacular in the website security which is quite basic with a three month SSL by Let’s Encrypt Authority and hosting on a shared server from WorldStream. I believe this might change in the future as BlockchainAlliance is a brand-new program, so we will have a closer look at it in a couple of weeks and see what changes. Meanwhile check out the website and read the welcome message left by the admin on the program’s official launch:
“We have opened a web version of the company!
Our company opened online on August 22, 2017.
Working off-line during some years regards, we’ve shown to our investors the sufficient stability in profits. So, the web-version of our company was established thereunder.
As for investors, we have created a 5 types of online deposit that automatically include the drawdown insurance (we have described this individually), with a daily profit calculation and the ability to monitor their deposits in the own cabinet.
Also we developed a multi-level partner program for active partners. Registration on the site is already available, and the financial relationship is possible via Advcash \ Perfect Money \ QIWI \ YandexMoney \ Bitcoin payment systems.
Best regards, BlockchainAlliance Team”.
I believe very few people would argue that LaserOnline is the best program in the HYIP industry which made a profit for hundreds of investors who trusted it with their deposits made into the only available 12% for 12 business days plan. Over two months and paying like clockwork once the timer counts down to zero (read more on that and the other features of LaserOnline in my detailed review posted here) and it currently also accepts a huge variety of payment options too. These include Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, Dash, Ripple, and Monero – so many options others could only dream of. LaserOnline is constantly growing and improving to further increase members’ satisfaction, so no wonder it’s currently the main contender to be the best and the biggest program of the year. The latest stats shared with the investors of LaserOnline in its most recent newsletter are quite impressive too, as it claims to have been attracted millions of dollars of investments with thousands of happy investors in profit. While in 99% of the HYIPs I’ve encountered such stats are entirely fake or at least highly exaggerated I do not think it’s the case with LaserOnline. I can judge by my own downline with several hundred investors on three levels (MNO is the biggest referrer in attracted deposits in LaserOnline which is easily verifiable by looking at the Stats page) and over $83K invested in total. These are truly spectacular numbers that are very far ahead of even the closest competitors of LaserOnline, and so 3.3 million USD invested in the program over the two months is entirely possible. An aggressive advertising campaign and word of mouth spread by thousands of satisfied customers on the main social networks are the two biggest factors contributing to this rapid growth LaserOnline has enjoyed so far, and the new HYIP season that has just started can boost it to even newer heights for sure. The power of social networking and its invaluable contribution to the ongoing success of LaserOnline is the focus of the latest newsletter re-posted below. I could go on about it further, but I’ll let you read the full version of the newsletter below (I only omitted the links to the new chat groups that were already posted in the previous message from LaserOnline):
It’s was only 2 months since the official launch and look at what we’ve being able to accomplish…
– Over $3,300,000 deposited (+$1M since the last week only) and counting…
– $700K revenue paid off to almost 10,000 users from every single part of the globe.
– 3,400 customer support request being handled by our assistants.
– Close to 30,000 transactions performed in total…
It’s no wonder that everything this all can be achieved not only with a strong support of true marketing professionals who make a full use of LaserOnline Affiliate program opportunities but with an impressive Powerful Social Impact of our community to all the online earners worldwide.
The idea behind L.O.P. is so simple and direct, that it has an honest reflection of each soul with a pure intention of using one of the most effective money making machine on the planet for the realization of your own true goals first and foremost.
Today we’ve prepared many interesting and effective updates aimed at maximizing the social aspect of the platform itself.
Constant, secure communication with each other is always one of the most important factors when dealing with rapid full-planetary growth.
Many you are already familiar with Telegram. It is a messenger app which combines security & privacy via encrypted calls and chats, has unlimited file storage and will all devices supported – 100% free with no ads!
Because of many features it brings to its users and our personal respect to Pavel Durov (Telegram CEO) we’ve established a safe network of Laser Telegram Groups for many countries.
If you want to stay in tune with all the important updates, communicate with investors worldwide and get an instant Customer Support, feel free to install your Telegram now at
A full list of all the chats available at the moment can be always found at the personal account’s DESKTOP section or by clicking the “PRIVATE CHATS & DISCUSSIONS” button.
Join now to unite with like minders or become an official country representative by gathering at least 200 members in your team chat! (A request can be forwarded to our Support Team)
Hardly anything can be more important at any community than constant Success Stories sharing and word of mouth!
From now on you can see all the customers testimonials and live reviews available at the homepage of the website (for better displaying make sure to clean your browser’s cache)
Let other users read your success story today!
Leave your feedback at your personal profile DESKTOP section (“WRITE YOUR REVIEW NOW” button) or after each time when you get your payout (new popup window feature)
We trust our users and let clients feedback section to be not pre-moderated, yet no advertising of any kind or other harmful behavior allowed. Make sure to leave a positive and good story about your experience with Laser! Best weekly user’s testimonials will be rewarded with a nice cash bonus!
Since the very first day we follow our 12 months plan (explained here: so everybody not could only see what we’ve being able to complete so far, but continuously observe all the process of building an effective Financial Freedom Machine. If you aren’t familiar with our Roadmap yet, make sure to read it by the link mentioned above.
At LaserOnline LLC. we want to make sure that first and foremost you do understand our vision very clearly. The major key to achieving mutually beneficial partnership is trust, established on both: transparency and utterly distinct understanding of each party’s motives.
LaserOnline Investment Platform is an instrument which was crafted by the team of professionals to become a tool of realization of your true goals. Nothing can be more powerful than the pure intention of the spirit and mind being backed up with one of the most effective money generating mechanisms on the planet. LaserOnline should never become a company of collective blind worship yet it might be the legacy you can use with zero semi-ideological obligations to its creators and maximum profits for you as a trusted partner.
Get started with Laser today!
Find LaserOnline at social media: Twitter:
Having questions or doubts? Visit our extensive FAQ section:”.
Does anyone really believe a HYIP can last forever? If you’re gullible enough to genuinely do so then you are in for a huge disappointment once the program you had such high hopes for eventually collapses. This is always relevant and applies to every single HYIP on the market, without exception, as even the best of the best will come to the same end, no matter what. Is it possible to somehow delay the inevitable and unfortunate finale? I highly doubt it, but that never stopped many admins from using clever tricks to trick investors into thinking that their program is different by inventing some ridiculous claims of further income streams they will have in the future. Of course, such claims are usually highly doubtful and are almost never independently verified. Such claims if they are discovered in a program can signal potential financial cashflow issues and should be taken seriously, but not in the way the admin intended.
The latest news from Ykke (reviewed here) announcing the start of a so-called ICO tokens pre-sale which should start in about a month is cause for concern. While at the moment Ykke still pays instantly to everyone in its only 3% daily plan via BitCoin it will not last forever as after the first two months online this tremendously successful program starts showing signs of decline. Now along with the usual plan Ykke tries hard to sell something called “tokens” in your member’s area. They offer to more than double your money and are cleverly designed to create a sense of urgency by promising bigger profits to the first “unlucky” investors taking the bait. This is a smart move from the admin whose program will probably still be able to pay on the 3% daily “forever” plan to current investors for a couple of more weeks, but these payments will be financed by those who have the misfortune to buy these “tokens” which will certainly not going to be profitable for anyone other than the admin. Judging by the deadline of October, 2 when the alleged ICO which stands for Initial Coin Offering is supposed to start Ykke will certainly collapse by then. This in turn raises the question of the chance to profit for those who are still sitting on the fence and are not sure of regular investments in Ykke at the moment. I would strongly advise against doing so at the moment, as the news posted in the latest newsletter is quite alarming and signals cashflow issues, so even those looking to invest in the 3% daily forever plan will most likely not see a profit at this point. And one last thing – remember HYIP admins are smart, but investors should use their heads and be smarter. Sit down and analyse why admins do what they do. In the case of Ykke this additional offer is nothing else than a clear sign of a pending closure to me, nothing more nothing less. You may draw your own conclusions after reading this email, of course:
“YKK tokens presale, pre-ICO
Ykke is going to broaden the horizons of opportunities.
From the very first days of the company existence, we`ve been cherishing the idea to create a trading bot bringing together the experience and investing strategies of our traders. This unique service will be able to provide our investors with the opportunity of trading in the automatic mode with the possibility to choose the willing level of risks/profit ratio!
At the moment there is an initial preparation period, pre-ICO.
October 2, 2017 is the ICO official start date. It will be held in two stages.
The product presentation is scheduled on this date (its working code is “Ykke Trade Bot”). Also, we are going to present a white paper with comprehensive description of our business plan and the concept idea of our Trade Bot.
The issue of Ykke Trade Bot (YKK) tokens is limited up to 17 000 0000 YKK.
Why does it sound reasonable to buy YKK today?! There is a special offer for Ykke loyal customers: during pre-ICO period the first 7 days tokens are sold for half price ($0.5 per token)!
On the 2nd of October Ykke Trade Bot advertising campaign and ICO are going to be launched. The price of 1 token will be $1! Thus, your investment capital will automatically double!
YKK tokens price:
– pre-ICO (before October, 1):
– 1st week – $0.5 per token (50% off);
– 2nd week – $0.7 per token (30% off);
– 3rd week – $0.8 per token (20% off);
– 3rd week – $0.8 per token (20% off);
– ICO, stage 1 (from October, 2):
– 5 500 000 YKK – $1 per token;
– ICO, stage 2 (from January, 2):
– 10 000 000 YKK – $1.05 per token.
There are additional bonuses offering at the pre-ICO stage. The investors purchasing a big amount of tokens at once are automatically provided with bonuses:
– 4 000 YKK and more, +20% of tokens;
– 9 000 YKK and more, +30% of tokens;
– 20 000 YKK and more, +40% of tokens.
You can buy YKK tokens with 50% off in your personal account. You may use Bitcoins (BTC) to buy tokens. The minimal purchase price is 0.01 BTC.
You can sell your tokens either before ICO start date (in your personal account, for $1 per token), or together with the end of ICO stage when the YKK tokens will appear on the exchange stocks (according to the business plan the estimated price in summer 2018 will be $10 per token).”
Finally up for today, let’s check the results of the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page. It was topical due to the recent closure of the popular TalkGold and MoneyMakerGroup HYIP-related forums which were both owned by the same people. I must say opinions were divided on this one. Still, the biggest share of 46% of voters say they won’t miss TG and MMG much as they didn’t read them very often anyway. Taking an opposing point of view, 42% of voters say they would miss the forums and that they were irreplaceable for them. And finally, 12% have already found alternative sources, so I guess they won’t miss the dinosaurs either.
The final results of the poll were quite interesting and this split in opinions made em think about the possible revival of the MNO Forum that used to run for some time, but was then closed due to the lack of activities there. Now that MMG and TG are gone though I wonder if there is a gap to fill and whether MNO should re-create the forum in one form or the other to satisfy the demand for opinions, especially regarding the programs listed on my monitor. So, the new question I suggest to answer on the MNO TalkBack page is:
Do you think the MNO Forum should be revived?
– Yes, we need more forums to share our opinions
– Maybe, but I’m not sure I will participate myself
– No, I think the ShoutBox is enough for opinions
It will take you just a few seconds to vote on the MNO TalkBack page and if there is enough support I will think about reviving the MNO Forum in one form or another. If you believe it’s not necessary please say so honestly and I’ll drop for good. Thanks in advance for your genuine opinions to be submitted here!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: LaserOnline, TrafficHeap, Respectativa, FatFunds, BandeiraCorp, AurumBank, ControlFinance, ChainGroupService, AlpexTrade.
From MNO Standard list: Ykke, CryptoMineHoldings, MatrixAlliances.
From MNO Basic list: CryptoCenter, Investellect, UKPME, CryptoMaster, AltenergyVenturesGroup.
That’s all for today, guys. I’m pleased to report the new listing prices on MNO were activated on Friday to maintain the elite nature of programs listed here. The contact form which has been under maintenance for a while is back too, and you can write here if you have any questions or suggestions. Of course, I would also appreciate your feedback on the MNO ShoutBox and votes for your favourites on the MNO monitor. If you want to make sure not to miss the next big hit in the HYIP industry you can always subscribe for the news updates to be delivered directly to your mailbox here, or follow MNO for live updates on Facebook, Twitter, or Telegram. It will be much appreciated if you also take a moment to vote in the new poll on the MNO TalkBack page as the final results will be drawn next weekend. I’ll be back on Tuesday with the latest news from the HYIP industry, and even maybe even a review or a new addition to the MNO monitor. Thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of the weekend. MNO is For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Sep 3rd, 2017. Comment.
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