Beware! AltradeGlobalCoin has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi everyone! After a busy start to the business week things don’t look to be slowing down much (I’m pleased to say!) and I have another new program from the MNO monitor to introduce to you today. But before this evenings news section I want to look at another new program that just joined the MNO Premium List by the name of AltradeGlobalCoin. So take a look at it and think it over about whether you think it might be worth adding to your portfolios or not.
Investment plans with AltradeGlobalCoin can be divided into two categories – those that make daily interest payments, and one that pays you by the hour. Unfortunately I don’t think they’re all that well explained, so please pay close attention here. You can start with a $20 minimum deposit which gets you into The Classic Plan. The term runs for 30 calendar days but only makes interest payments from Monday to Friday. The rate is 6% per day. The exact number of business days contained within this period can vary, depending on what day of the week you join, but the admin works off the assumption there will be 22. With AltradeGlobalCoin including your principal as part of that you should hopefully end up with 132% in total back on your investment. So that’s your own money back plus 32% net profit.
Although you are free to do so, if you are spending $150 or more on an investment with AltradeGlobalCoin then it’s pointless putting it into the first plan. Reason being that the figures overlap and the same investment would be a lot more lucrative for you this next option, called The Premium Plan. This also runs for the same 30 calendar day term, except it offers an improved interest rate of 7% per business day, Monday to Friday. By the end of this period payments should total 154%, from which AltradeGlobalCoin are also including your principal. So this time it’s your money back plus a more substantial 54% net profit.
As an alternative to the daily plans, AltradeGlobalCoin complete the list with The Ultra Plan. Rather than days this time the plan is measured in hours – 360 hours to be exact, which also happens to be 15 calendar days. For a $300 minimum deposit you can earn 0.35% interest back on your deposit every hour for the plan’s duration. Or to put that another way, that’s 8.4% throughout the course of a full day, and 126% for the entire duration. And remember it’s calendar day payments this time, not just business days, so AltradeGlobalCoin should still be paying you over the weekend. They also include your principal with the payouts, so you get your own money back plus 26% net profit. If you do intend to invest $300 or more here, this plan is the only serious option I would recommend.
If any of the above plans sound any good to you then the next thing you’ll need to know about is what your payment options are. Predictable, but more or less what most people probably want from an online HYIP anyway. For the more conventional style payment handlers AltradeGlobalCoin are using PerfectMoney. Payeer, and AdvCash, or BitCoin and LiteCoin if you prefer the more modern digital alternatives. Withdrawals are processed instantly but still need to be requested by members from inside their AltradeGlobalCoin account areas. Once done you should have the money in under a minute, though obviously subject to the usual confirmations if using BTC and LTC. Smaller investors please take note that AltradeGlobalCoin have a minimum withdrawal policy of $1, so make sure you are owed at least that before submitting a payment request.
Looking at the more technical design and security aspects of AltradeGlobalCoin, the program measures up to acceptable industry standards with hosting on a dedicated server with support and protection from DDoS attacks by DDoSGuard. Most regular investors will agree that the AltradeGlobalCoin website has a familiar, easy to navigate feel about it which stems from them running off a licensed GoldCoders script, something I guess most of the experienced readers will have recognized without my telling them. For an added layer of security the website is also utilizing a superior Green Bar SSL encrypted connection by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. AltradeGlobalCoin also has a video presentation that is available on the website and has also been embedded on the MNOVision page if you would prefer to watch it there first.
If the need arises for you to try and contact the AltradeGlobalCoin admin with any question you think weren’t addressed in this review or any account related issues you need to have dealt with then there’s a couple of channels open to you. The first thing to do as always is make sure you understand everything on the FAQ page before proceeding. If you need to continue, then the best method for most of you will be to either fill in your details on the online customer support form and submit it through the contacts page, or else just write to the AltradeGlobalCoin admin directly at the e-mail address listed. There’s a postal address in the UK (where AltradeGlobalCoin have registered as a company) which I’m going to suggest you ignore as it’s unlikely to be genuine (not past being a serviced, virtual office at best). The AltradeGlobalCoin website has a LiveChat feature which you can try if there happens to be an operator logged in at the time. Social media fans will be able to connect with the program using their Facebook profile.
On the subject of website content, texts, and any alleged business plan that’s supposed to be backing the whole thing up, AltradeGlobalCoin is, we are told, involved with digital currency trading. Texts are a bit thin to say the least, meaning there’s really not that much to read on the website and not much information on any of this you could independently research and verify for yourself, not that I’d suggest wasting your time with it anyway. It does appear original at least, but has nothing to prove its authenticity. Which pretty much means you need to be treating AltradeGlobalCoin much the same way you might treat any other program you monitor in the online HYIP world – that is to say, a form of gambling. For the sake of less experienced readers and first time investors I’ll just remind you that even a real business can never guarantee the safety of your money, so don’t expect anything in the HYIP industry (of all places!) to change that. Set yourself a sensible spending limit which is well under an amount you can comfortably afford to lose if things don’t work out for you, and if joining AltradeGlobalCoin at all then at least think about keeping them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse investment portfolio.
Just before we leave AltradeGlobalCoin for today and move on to the news section I hope you won’t mind sharing your own thoughts on the program, if you have any, with your fellow MNO readers. Please answer the following opinion poll, which hopefully will show more interesting results and see whether the first impressions felt by investors towards AltradeGlobalCoin are good or bad. So:

I’ll start the news section with the introduction of a new program called LigaTraders. The admin purchased Standard Listing on MNO after running his program for over a week already. LigaTraders offers instant payouts to PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash (only in rare cases they could take up to 48 hours). As I’ve already been paid myself, I can confirm that information as correct. I was paid instantly and moved LigaTraders to Paying status on the MNO monitor. All the investment plans are pretty affordable to join with various minimums ranging from $10 to $70 depending on the one you pick. There are two investment plans that return your initial deposit at the end of the term – 1% for 15 days and 1.3% for 30 days – and two other plans already including principal into the daily paid profit – 3.88% for 45 days and 3.66% for 60 days. All the plans will credit your account on every calendar day and I’ll explain them in more detail in the upcoming review by next week.
As I said already, LigaTraders was officially launched about two weeks ago and in just a few days we will see if the first deposits are going to be returned:
Dear investors and partners! We are glad to inform you that on September 14 the official launch of our platform took place. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding the work and convenience of the site, write to us in the way convenient for you.”
My first impression of the LigaTraders website has been positive enough. Everything seems to be working smoothly, but not really a good English translation of the website (I imagine the Russian version was the original) makes it hard to understand at times. Nevertheless, there is a UK certificate of incorporation on display, and social networks available at your disposal, including bi-lingual Telegram chats. The site’s technical features could not be better, as LigaTraders is powered off a licensed H-Script, is SSL-secured by an EV GreenBar from GeoTrust, and is hosted on a dedicated server by DDoSGuard to avoid any disruptions. Overall, not bad at all, but we will see how LigaTraders will perform, as by the time the review is published next week we’ll already know if the first investors are in profit.
Quite a lengthy newsletter was released last night by LaserOnline (reviewed here). The program has remains the leader of the HYIP industry, running successfully with its tried and tested 12% for 12 business days investment offer since the start of July. Whether LaserOnline will manage to maintain its leading position over the next weeks and even months and become a true industry legend still remains to be seen. However the admin and team do their best to achieve this goal by becoming inventive with the new features that the original script LaserOnline runs off gives them an opportunity to add regularly. This is absolutely the right spirit to always develop and stay ahead of competition and I’m pleased LaserOnline takes this approach seriously. People have been always praising the program for its ability to deliver profits to Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, BitCoinCash, Ripple, Ethereum, Dash, or LiteCoin, but with the level of current expansion it’s certainly becoming a challenge to pay people those high returns. Although I do believe that the convincing power of LaserOnline and their superb writing skills will make a change in people’s minds and bring them more power in the long-term. The last newsletter re-posted below answers the burning question of why LaserOnline‘s marketing platform approach is viable and long-lasting and also explains some exciting new features members can find when they log in to their accounts. Read for yourselves below:
This article I want to start with a little background of LaserOnline LLC’s marketing approach & platform’s goals in general. Don’t worry, it will not take much time of yours, however, I do consider it as an important step of providing our partners with an extra layer of clarity in order to establish long-term, trusted relationships with clients all over the world.
I will be honest with you that L.O.P’s rapid growth has exceeded all our expectations. And as many people have joined today, logical questions could rise up. I would like to answer the most important one so far…
“How could 12% Daily plan can be considered as a long-term one? Are you serious?”
As many of you might expect, my honest reply will be: “Yes, we are absolutely serious about 12% Daily return”.
We all know that cryptocurrency is a powerful instrument, yet how exactly that huge of a R.O.I can be sustained over longer time periods? In fact, it is very simple in its concept.
Living at the 21st century we do agree, that marketing is everything. In order to compete at the cryptocurrency market, we do have to play by its rules, at least from a very first start.
Regulations it has are very simple – higher return you can offer a better chance of your platform to be noticed, and longer you can provide such revenue to your clients – much more stable a company will be. But we will never promise anything to our users that cannot be delivered. And this is why I will try to clarify our approach by climbing up on basic logical factors which everybody can see very clearly. I will try to hike with you straight on the peak of confidence we always here provide:
Why LaserOnline Marketing Plan can be considered as the most stable one?
Skipping those “hardcore unrealistic” first sight offers, mother Math always stays behind everything and ready to back it up for you:
Factor 1. Business Days
12% Daily Profit within 12 business days is possible only if we are talking here about 2 weeks at the calendar plus a couple extra days to spare. It totals we could expect up to 144% monthly return… But it’s quite a number, isn’t? Yes, impossible one… but let’s blindly accept it for a minute and simply continue with it from now…
Factor 2. Principal Included
If 144% return can scare and make even a skilled Crypto Trader run away in tears, why don’t we add up one more factor over it? The principal of your deposit is always included in your daily returns. This could make our offer much more stable than any “principal back”, or “locked till request” solutions. LaserOnline Platform will bring your initial investment within those 2 weeks right at the daily revenue providing almost risk-free money generator. Short plans are made for users in a first place. Faster you can get your money back – better for our own business. Okay, now we’re talking about 88% monthly revenue (44% in 2 weeks). But wait… that’s 2 times higher than J.P. Morgan makes! Okay, it’s all good. Do you still have a minute?
Factor 3. Restrictions & Limits
Without rules there will be chaos. I have a strong opinion on setting up visible and logical regulations which can form a structure of the company for better well-being of the community itself. All users at L.O.P. being provided with different trust levels based on their CS (Credit Score) in a first place. If you look at our FAQ’s section you can find plenty of information regarding users CS system, but with different layers applied to investors, there is no chance of a “bigger guy” getting your meal with his wallet power. Rules are all the same for everybody and the longer you stay with LaserOnline, much more access codes can be discovered.
Let’s just keep in mind that no matter how big your investment is – you can withdraw only what your profile status will allow. Learn more at your profile’s ACCOUNT section. Based on a specific set of restrictions applied to every new user, now we can visibly reduce an average R.O.I down to 44% profit monthly. And yes…I do agree that it is still too big to “rule the world”.
Factor 4. Withdrawal Timing
From the behalf of our team, I must say “Thank you” for many compliments we’ve received on our countdown timer system. It is convenient to always see when exactly your profit will arrive. But besides that, did you know how powerful can be a secret of “long-term” money? Global banks and biggest insurance companies, financial institutes and charity organization all being based completely on a secret of creating a long-term capital for business development. Same idea at LaserOnline Platform. By creating a specific 48 business hours timer (which can be explained as “up to 4 calendar days”) we can literally build a wall of stability & make online investments great again! At the end it does not matter how much % we offer, but how fast do we have to pay this revenue to our users as a company. Don’t get me wrong, we do not lie or sugar coat anything, but finding a perfect spot between a “strong offer” and “rock solid” product. We can definitely agree now – timing plays a big role in defining how stable your company can be.
Factor 5. Instruments & Widgets
Let’s face it… cutting angles is all good for the business, but how do we keep so many users interested in our services? Simple enough – each investment platform should provide as much effective features and instruments as possible. At the end, it’s all about working with your capital and creating custom tailored solutions for your own financial goals. If we want to talk numbers, either it is AUTO-REINVEST (not compounding) or SUCCESS SCHEDULE (automatic “no human involved” payouts), a simple INSTANT TOKEN or CRYPTO MIXER… All these instruments not only can make your investment portfolio exclusive but build a great strength of the Platform itself!
Every single widget we provide aimed at making LaserOnline stronger, more stable and so different from the others which I hope you all can see now.
Factor 6. Financial monitoring, Security and Affiliate Opportunities
No business can run long enough if there are constant informational leakage, con-tinuous hacking & serious security breaches. Don’t we get tired of this same old news title “X… cryptocurrency exchange got hacked”… Again? Why every single Bitcoin-related company got hacked so easily? Don’t you think people with big money should provide much more attention to the safety of the funds of their own customers? I don’t want to go too deep into it, but something here smells fishy. With so many technical innovations and latest cryptography discoveries, we should not be scared of any hacking attempts anymore. Right question is – How protected is LaserOnline Platform? Feel free to discover at As I like to say – When it comes to the safety of your customer’s funds, it is more about your own behavior as a manager and fewer bits at your SSL certificate.
Multi-level marketing (MLM) can and should be considered as a dangerous one only if there is a huge downline debt involved with affiliate bonuses sometimes so high it could be even harder to explain them, than any R.O.I.
Strange coincidence we can see at the market nowadays. More “Stable” return company provides…more downline bonuses it offers to so-called “leaders”. “But wait a minute… don’t you guys offer same multi-level affiliate opportunities at LaserOnline?” Yes and no. We do have very lucrative 5% First downline affiliate bonus for each participant your directly invite, however, we stop at 2 small downline bonus of 2% and 1% for those who want to get a passive income. What is our solution for true leaders instead? A Reward-Check competitive system which unites all true leaders and marketing professional at one single unit of a capital magnet. The concept is simple though – bigger your impact is more reward you can get. Showing real & visible activity will guarantee you an instant check but no more “passive pumps” involved in the development of the platform. If you decide to promote LaserOnline you can earn as much as your professionalism can afford.
Sorry, it was a very long one. I honestly didn’t expect this message to become so long. But as you possibly can see right now – there is no time wasted when it comes to working with your client’s feedback.
I do hope this message provides you with extra confidence at LaserOnline and as always…
Stay in tune for amazing updates & improvements!
Oh wait…didn’t’ I mentioned them all already? Just to make sure, here is a full list of all the recent updates so far:
A remarkable engine of honest rewards to all the best in their category!
Watch short video presentation here:
New instruments available at your Desktop area:
Mix your Bitcoin withdrawals at LaserOnline!
Make up to $5,000 investment and enjoy your right to get up to 3 instant withdrawals a week!
and last but not least:
Have Bitcoins or altcoins in store? Want them to be dollars or vice versa? Do some magic and get it done with our new Balance Converter instrument!
Important note:
Some of the new functionality listed is yet to be completely finished and have a sta-tus of a “Pre-Alpha”. If you have any difficulties using it or simply a bug of the feature itself, feel free to report it back to our Customer Support! We will do every-thing at our best to fix it in no time!
Always yours, Antonio Garley. Company Executive & LaserOnline Team”.
Carismo (reviewed here) is still showing a brilliant performance and everybody seems to adore their investment plan paying about 0.16% on an hourly basis for an open ended term with the option to make a full or partial principal withdrawal at any time for a 5% fee. That makes it theoretically possible to make a profit with Carismo in just two days, especially judging by the very volatile exchange rates of BitCoins to USD, as it’s BitCoin that Carismo exclusively works with. Another good thing about the program everyone will certainly love is instant withdrawals, so you don’t need to wait long to be paid, and even deposits are credited after only one confirmation from BlockChain. So, nothing to complain about really! What’s more? An excellent custom-made script the admin of Carismo takes full advantage of to run his program for over a month now is the cherry on the cake, and with the excellent security features now further strengthened by the addition of the optional 2FA secondary layer protection of members’ accounts which you can enable in the account area settings Carismo looks more appealing to join than ever:
“Security update – 2FA option added.
This is a quick update to inform our members that we have added the option to enable 2FA for your account. 2FA adds additional layer of security to your account improving your safety.
Enabling 2FA is optional and can be done in your account settings. We suggest using Google Authenticator but other authenticators should work as well.”
After working for a while with only BitCoin and AdvCash the admin of Biostry has extended the list of accepted payment methods to include PerfectMoney as of today. There was a short announcement from thim regarding that re-posted below:
“UPDATE – Perfect Money (PM) Added as Payment Processor
Dear partners,
We’re happy to inform you that we have added Perfect Money as a Payment Processor and now we are accepting deposits through PM, Bitcoins and AdvCash
Thanks. Biotechnology Research & Development LTD”.
Although Biostry has yet to be reviewed on MNO (I plan to post that on Sunday) the program seems to be enjoying a warm initial response, despite no one yet being in profit from its only offer paying 2.8% per business day with no expiry date. It will take a few weeks before we see the first lucky investors, but for now everyone who invests in Biostry will enjoy stable instant payouts. Hopefully with time the company will further expand to accept other payment options for further growth.
The above reviewed AltradeGlobalCoin issued a newsletter earlier today where the admin hailed the good feedback his program has received over the first week online. Although no one is yet in profit AltradeGlobalCoin seems to be positive looking into the future and expectations are high based on his predictions. In order to ensure smooth growth AltradeGlobalCoin asks for members support on spreading the word about the program on Facebook and the first trading report consisting almost entirely from various charts and graphics can be now seen at the link in the newsletter below:
Greetings to all our valued investors around the world. We thank you all for choosing AltradeGlobalCoin (AGCL).
AltradeGlobalCoin (AGCL) has been a great opportunity for many people to earn passive income and achieve their financial dreams.
We are pleased to share this good news with our valued investors, We have crossed the 410+ members milestone in just first 6 days of our online operation.
Now We are sharing the weekly trading report of AltradeGlobalCoin (AGCL).
Please click the link given below:-
We are committed to deliver the best in upcoming days, Our business will continue being in good because of our loyal and supportive members. So now is the time to tell everyone about AltradeGlobalCoin (AGCL). Refer your friends and family members; also share on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram and Youtube.
And do not forget to join our Official Facebook Group & Share your feedback & withdrawal proofs.
Join (AGCL) Facebook Group:-
Like (AGCL) Facebook Page:-
Thank You For Choosing Us.
Best Regards, Team – AltradeGlobalCoin (AGCL)”.
I would really think twice before making any additional deposits in RolyInvestment if I were you, guys. You see, despite promising to pay ridiculously low amounts compared to many other HYIPs (21% to 43% monthly depending on how much you spend) and accepting only BitCoin they don’e even deliver on even that much. Today yet another excuse was given, and I strongly suspect that it has nothing to do with their trading performance or AES cryptic system update, but rather is directly connected with RolyInvestment‘s cashflow problems they have very obviously been suffering from over the last few weeks. I would therefore advise caution and suspend any planned deposits until the situation stabilizes and the program is going to start giving the performance we expect from them in line with the rates posted in my review of them here. Below is the latest update from RolyInvestment:
“RolyInvestment – News – AES Cryptic System
Very honored investors and sales partners, our growth in new sales partners, commercial agents and investors is by no means stagnating. On the contrary, our growth is stable as planned.
Unfortunately, not all companies and competitors agree to our growth.
In the last few weeks, our server has seen a lot of hacking attempts.
Of course these have so far been unsuccessful.
Nevertheless, our IT department recommends a server move to a new AES encrypted system.
In the interests of our investors and our partners, we must take this step of improvement.
Because nothing is more important to us than the funds of our investors.
Today, all packages, users and relevant data are transferred to the new system.
In the meantime, you may only have conditional access to your investment packages or user data.
This situation will be maintained by everyone until the relocation is completed.
Thank you for your understanding.”
I simply have no idea why the admin of MegaTraders paid for Premium listing on MNO in advance and got the Sticky option for one month if his intention was to scam in just two weeks. Because that is how long it took him to do so when payouts simply stopped yesterday. No response was given when asked why instant withdrawals had been disabled. Perhaps some big deposits the admin of MegaTraders managed to get over the first two weeks were too tempting. What can I say to that? We can never eliminate such fast scams from coming to MNO, but the least we can do is to keep them to a minimum by deliberately keeping high prices. These tactics are usually enough to deter deliberate fast scams, but rarely they still turn up. I feel sorry for those who might have lost money in MegaTraders, and hopefully you did diversify your portfolio because of so many much better programs monitored on MNO at the moment. Please do not invest there as MegaTraders is a proven scam now!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: ChainGroupService, Coinreum.
From MNO Premium list: LaserOnline, Respectativa, AurumBank, FatFunds, Carismo, OscarBit, AlpexTrade, AltradeGlobalCoin, Bitcoin5, Biostry (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: LigaTraders (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Basic list: BitcoinInvestClub, WideConstruction.
That’s all for today, guys. I’d be glad if you followed MNO on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter for live updates always posted there first, or subscribe to the daily news delivered in full directly to your email address from this page. I will be back with all the latest updates and a full review of quite an original program called TripleTheDaxx on Friday. Meanwhile, don’t forget to cast your votes in the latest poll available on the MNO TalkBack page and email me if you have any further questions regarding the programs listed on my monitor. You can also contact me at @mnonlog on Telegram for an even speedier reply if there is something urgent, or just say something on the MNO ShoutBox where your feedback is always appreciated. Talk to you all on Friday, guys, and take care. MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Sep 27th, 2017. Comment.
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