Beware! MedusaCapital has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi everybody! Hope you’ve all been having a good week so far. From all the new new additions to the MNO monitor over the last couple of weeks which you might have noticed there’s one in particular which really stands out as unique above all others for a variety of reasons. Some are always better than others of course but I hope there’s always something there that you like. The one I’m focusing on today is a short to mid term HYIP called MedusaCapital which many of you seem quite enthusiastic about going by the mails I’m getting from readers. There’s also a huge amount of news stories to catch up on today so keep reading for that, first let’s see what MedusaCapital are offering and if you want them in your portfolios.
Just some background information first, if you do any digging at all it’s easy to find out that MedusaCapital has been online since June. Now, at first glance this might seem like a long time for a short to medium term program, but in this case it’s nothing to be concerned about. If anything MedusaCapital is really only just getting started now. Call it a “sleeper” if you want, but up until now the whole thing has been very much a work in progress. It’s a common enough tactic I suppose, where the admin uses this time to establish a reputation, an online history, and a decent payments record while in reality the current incarnation of MedusaCapital bears little resemblance to the original site from four months ago. A lot of good work has been done, countless improvements made, so I guess the admin now believes the time is right to progress with his program and start a proper promotional campaign.
There’s a lot of interesting features to MedusaCapital, but I’ll start with the basics – the investment plans. There’s only two of them to choose from, one that pays on expiry and the other which makes daily payments. The shorter of the two options is called The Syntomi Plan and it runs for 10 calendar days. MedusaCapital require a minimum deposit of just $10 to join, though if you can afford and are feeling lucky can go all the way up to $50,000. It doesn’t matter how much you invest, MedusaCapital treat all deposits equally and the same terms and conditions apply regardless of size. A single payment of 110% is offered to members on expiry of the term. This includes your principal so you get your own money back plus 10% net profit as your reward for joining. Or to put that in simple monetary terms, were you to join this plan with $100 the hope is that MedusaCapital will give you back $110 ten days later.
All well and good, however I believe the longer term option is going to prove the more popular of the two. Indeed even from the initial feedback received from readers I can see this is already the case. It’s called The Makri Plan and it runs for 30 calendar days. You can still join for an affordable $10 minimum, with MedusaCapital accepting anything up to a $50,000 maximum in one single deposit. In return for your money MedusaCapital offer a daily interest payment of 5%. Ultimately this adds up to 150% by the end of the term, though your principal is included as part of the payments and will not be returned in a separate transaction. So it’s your own money back plus 50% net profit.
To put that into financial terms, let’s say you invested the same $100 amount here. MedusaCapital pay you back at a rate of $5 per calendar day. You reach the break even point after 20 days, that is to say you earn back a sum equivalent to your principal therefore making it impossible to lose any of your own money, and complete the term with $150. The first $100 is yours to begin with, and the extra $50 is your profit.
Officially then there are several payment options open to investors, even though there’s still certain room for improvement. If you’re looking at the more traditional HYIP friendly processors then PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash are your choices. As with most modern HYIPs MedusaCapital haven’t been slow to embrace the phenomena of digital cryptocurrencies either, with the leader of the pack BitCoin plus the growingly popular Ethereum and LiteCoin all in place. Withdrawal requests will have to be made from inside your MedusaCapital members account area, however once done payments are then instant. You should have the money in under a minute, though users of cryptocurrencies will know these are subject to the usual confirmation procedures.
On the more technical, design, and security side of things this is really where MedusaCapital shines and is so much stronger than practically anything else I can think of in the industry at the moment. So much so I don’t even know where to begin! I’ll go through some of the main points that will probably be of the most practical interest to average investor though. Perhaps the single most impressive thing about MedusaCapital is the development of their own Android App. You can download it from the Google Play store to your mobile device/phone and manage your investment with the program on the go. It either means they have a huge start-up and operating budget (if it was developed for them by a third party) or the admin himself is extremely adept and capable when it comes to these things. Or both! Either way I just don’t see a downside to this and it’s a very welcome and positive sign for the program and its investors alike.
The script powering the program’s website is custom-made and quite unique, usually a sign of good planning and preparation by the admin. For an added layer of security the website is SSL-secured with a superior Green Bar Extended Validation certificate by GeoTrust for safer browsing and more secure transactions. MedusaCapital is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection from malicious attacks provided by CloudFlare, themselves quite a respected name in the world of mainstream online business.
Some of the more unconventional features to MedusaCapital include an optional PIN code which you will need to set up yourself. You’ll need this to complete any further transactions or account changes, so it gives you a little extra peace of mind knowing if anyone accidentally accessed your account they still couldn’t do anything with it. This is especially important when a program makes instant payouts as MedusaCapital do. There are also four language translations of the MedusaCapital website (well, three if you’re not counting the default English version). In the interests of keeping the program open to as wide an audience as possible you can check it out using Russian, Polish, and German, all of which are professionally written and not done by an online auto-translate tool. So if you’re more fluent in any of those languages than you are in English it’s a distinct advantage to be able to work like that.
One of the most interesting and at the same time useful improvements made to MedusaCapital from an investor’s point of view however is the integration of the social media network Telegram which has been getting extremely popular worldwide over the last twelve months. In the Settings section of your MedusaCapital account area you simply configure your Telegram ID by entering and saving it in the “notifications” area. After that there are all sorts services and alerts that can be delivered there. You can pick and choose between them, turning some on and others off to suit your requirements. For example, you can be informed on Telegram if there’s a log-in to your account, if an accrual has been made, or a withdrawal request made. If you don’t have a Telegram account these can also be sent to your e-mail address, so communication is taken very seriously here.
And while on the subject of communication, any further questions you might have can go through a number of channels. To start with naturally you need to get familiar with the website’s FAQ section, this can save everyone a lot of time in the long run. This comes under the heading “knowledgebase” when you click the Helpdesk tab by the way. Following that you can simply fill in your details on the online support form and submit it via the Helpdesk page. Interestingly enough once you create a new support ticket there’s actually a little message on the screen telling you approximately what the waiting time is likely to be for a response. I haven’t actually put this to the test yet myself, but I haven’t needed to as the MedusaCapital admin is quite responsive. There’s also a phone number and two postal addresses, one in the US and the other in the UK where MedusaCapital has been registered as a company, though as usual with online HYIPs should the address be physically genuine it doesn’t mean you’re going to find anyone directly connected with the program in the building were you to visit.
Of a lot more practical use I think are the plethora of social media profiles. I already mentioned the importance of Telegram above, but MedusaCapital have went on to take this one step further by opening multilingual chat rooms for Live Support. I’ve mentioned the languages already, which just to recap include English, Russian, German, and Polish. In addition to this you can find MedusaCapital with profiles on Twitter, and providing support through Skype. There’s a regional representative scheme in place now too so you might find an operator in your vicinity for a more personal hands-on approach. Contact the MedusaCapital admin if this is something you wish to participate in, representatives are generally paid in the form of improved referral commission rates. For any other news updates make sure and check the program’s own official blog for all the latest news and improvements. There are some video presentations there too, with the English version embedded in the MNOVision page.
As for the supposed business activities supporting the whole thing, MedusaCapital claim to be involved with of all things fish farming. Not exactly a regular in the HYIP industry I must say, it is at least original and not something we’ve heard a million times before. In this case MedusaCapital can make what ever claim they like, you are never going to be able to validate it. Not to disparage the program before they’ve barely gotten started, I mean at least they made an effort, but we all know that even if all these things were genuine they still couldn’t possibly guarantee you a profit or the security of your money. So as always don’t treat MedusaCapital any differently than you would any other online money making scheme. Proceed with caution at all times, set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose, and if you do decide to join MedusaCapital at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
One last thing before we move on to the news then is that I hope you won’t mind sharing your own thoughts on MedusaCapital by completing the following opinion poll. I think in the coming weeks and months as we see the real fortunes that lie in wait for the program it will be interesting to see the results and how many people made good and bad judgment calls. Remember it’s 100% anonymous and untraceable and takes literally only a second. So:

The LaserOnline admin seems like he can do no wrong and every time something raises my suspicion and I change the status of the program on the MNO monitor temporarily the admin always proves otherwise. Last time that happened was Monday when LaserOnline was briefly moved to Waiting status on my monitor due to some unresolved issues I was having with customer support for over a week by then. Despite that payouts never stopped and were always done on time the delays of technical support in putting the issue right for me really played on my nerves. I now regret being so impatient and offer apologies as after contacting the admin directly my issues were resolved within literally hours and by Tuesday morning I had no reasons to keep LaserOnline on Waiting status on the MNO monitor so returned it to Paying status. It was a weird coincidence that despite the temporary status all my referrals didn’t lose faith in LaserOnline‘s resilience and didn’t lose the faith and instead supported the program with fresh deposits which actually made MNO the first monitor to be awarded the $5,000 prize paid directly to my BitCoin account, as my referral team has invested over $200,000 now. The amazing achievement of MNO and my downline has been documented on the LaserOnline Facebook page so you can also independently verify that the transaction of $5K in BTC value was actually completed. Here is more on that:
$5,000 PAID to mnoblog
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I believe now that we have ended the issue with LaserOnline and the program has been moved back to Paying Status on MNO it’s high time to reflect on what has been achieved already and have a closer look at the impressive numbers of the program’s growing membership that hit 20 million USD in deposits in 100+ days online (easy to believe as via MNO alone over $200K was invested). What else? There are 40,000 active investors in LaserOnline now (about 420 active referrals via MNO), 100,000 Facebook followers, and over two and a half thousand participants on the US English-speaking Telegram chat only (and it’s not counting the several dozen Telegram chats in other languages!). These figures seem to be utterly stunning and truly unbelievable, but if we consider that LaserOnline is definitely the project of the year now (who’d argue with that statement?) we have to accept that success that is going pretty much outside the regular HYIP circle and into the crypto-currency communities as well. All the LaserOnline members though are contributing tremendously to the program’s constant growth by spreading the word about the program in their local communities. They should certainly keep doing so, if they wish the program to continue delivering amazing profits to its members. If you haven’t read my review of LaserOnline (posted here) and are not very familiar with its main features I’ll just briefly remind you a few things before leaving you with the latest updates from their Facebook page. LaserOnline pays you 12% daily which credits on every business day (Monday to Friday) over the 12 day term which will make you 44% pure profit by the end of the investment term. You can make deposits starting from a $5 minimum (could be more depending on the chosen payment method) via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, Payza, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, and Dash. Your account will then be credited every 24 hours with 12% profit (with the exception of Saturdays and Sundays, of course) and you may then make a withdrawal which is processed by the custom-made script automatically within 24 to 48 hours. LaserOnline truly makes history, guys, so have a look below and be surprised at these spectacular numbers other programs can only dream of:
We just hit our first $20,000,000 deposited!
Let’s hit $100,000,000 mark within next 3 months!
Possibly the best yet cryptocurrency money making machine!
I wish you an amazing day today with many new accomplishments!
Antonio Garley. CEO at LaserOnline LLC.”
Nothing can be more important than a feeling of strong community united by constant staggering support of it’s members worldwide. A power of social media destine to bring LaserOnline Platform to it’s heights and now we celebrate our first (surely not the last) 100,000 Facebook Followers milestone!
With almost 40,000 Active investors globally, this movement is aimed at your bright future with no compromises!
Share this article to your friends and show how big of a team we’ve become! Let’s hit our first million by the end of this year…or may be more?
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Get started with Laser today!
Having questions or doubts? Visit our extensive FAQ section:
Join TELEGRAM WORLDWIDE community at:
Encrypted chat with investors powered by:”.
Multiplied by 2500+ users at Telegram “US EN” regional LaserOnline community groups already….Constant, secure communication with each other is always one of the most important factors when dealing with rapid full-planetary growth. Many you are already familiar with Telegram. It is a messenger app which combines security & privacy via encrypted calls and chats, has unlimited file storage and will all devices supported – 100% free with no ads! Because of many features it brings to its users and our personal respect to Pavel Durov (Telegram CEO) we’ve established a safe network of LaserOnline Telegram Groups for many countries.
If you want to stay in tune with all the important updates, communicate with investors worldwide and get an instant Customer Support, feel free to install your Telegram now at
A full list of all the chats available at the moment can be always found at the personal account’s DESKTOP section or by clicking the “PRIVATE CHATS & DISCUSSIONS” button
Let’s build serious LaserOnline community at telegram, you can talk with mind like people and can discuss your better team building strategies. 2500+ members are already discussing their success, and opening up their contacts with more people, you can too! Join now to unite with like minders.
Get started with LaserOnline today!
Find LaserOnline at social media: Twitter:
Having questions or doubts? Visit our extensive FAQ section:”.
I believe that no one in their right mind could argue that the main rival for LaserOnline at the moment is Respectativa (reviewed here). The program has been a tremendous success over its first eleven weeks online and it looks like the real growth has only just started. I believe that the admin has deliberately kept promotion low-key in its first weeks online to save on useless cheap monitors and build a reputation for Respectativa, although that didn’t prevent him from getting listed on MNO from day one upgrading from Standard to Premium Listing a couple of weeks later. The original investment offers from Respectativa have been also adjusted since then and as of now offer more competitive rates of 12% to 13% daily for 12 calendar days (44% to 56% net profit) and 118% to 122% after 7 calendar days (18% to 22% pure profit). You may invest in Respectativa from $25 for the daily plan and $10 for the on expiry plan in one of the fifteen (!) available payment options accepted by the program. The list has been constantly growing to now include Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Dash, Ethereum, BitcoinCash. Zcash, Ripple, EthereumClassis, BitConnect, Stratis, and Monero. Note that all the withdrawal requests are subject to a 2% flat fee that is deducted automatically on request and they are paid manually by the admin within a 24 hour maximum. Now you can see why Respectativa is so famous – six full investment cycles paying over 40% profit each type is very difficult to sustain if an admin in charge is not experienced and has no idea how to handle things properly. In the case of Respectativa however we don’t have to worry about that, as I suspect the admin is very much in control here and a very experienced hand with years of experience and many successes in the past. I can conclude from my private conversations with him which I feel should remain private, but am just sharing my initial good feeling here.
With so many weeks of running smoothly there was a tremendous amount of work done behind the scenes by Respectativa and its tireless team of developers. Only today there was a summary of all the recent improvements shared in a long-anticipated newsletter the admin had planned to publish a few days ago, but due to the increased workload had to postpone until now. Among the many exciting new features the site of Respectativa can now boast of include the translation to several more languages, a video presentation (which can also be found embedded on the MNOVision page), some security advanced features, like the change of hosting provider to the more reliable CloudFlare, etc. More exciting news coming soon from Respectativa which is closely following a so-called Road Map where all stages of development are highlighted and are closely followed by the admin. Among the more exciting things to come soon will be a website redesign, more language versions added, and an advertising campaign focusing more on Bitcoin-related resources. Anyway, things are looking bright for Respectativa and their already vast and growing membership. Here’s the latest newsletter in full for your information, guys:
“75 Days Online of Tremendous Success with Respectativa!
Dear Investors,
We, the team of Respectativa wants to express our sincere appreciation to everyone for being our most valued and respectful investors for over a period 75 working days. During this time we have formed an amazing community where respect, stability and profitability, all meet at one place!
With our primary goal in mind, we’re highly confident about offering the utmost beneficial investment options to our clientele. Our expertise in observing markets, use of latest innovations and technology, field specialists, integrity, and work dedication gives us a hand-above-others in maximizing profits for your clients in long-term business. We are sure that our strong, competitive advantages will strengthen our community’s growth day-by-day with trust and loyalty.
There has been a lot of improvements done to Respectativa since original launch and we’ll continue working on improvements. As time moves and new features arrive at the industry we’re always trying to keep up with these innovations and imply them to our company so you could have the best experience at our investment platform.
Below is the list available for the tasks that have been successfully accomplished:
– Addition of more Cryptocurrencies: Dash, BitConnect, Ripple, Monero, Stratis, ZCash and BitcoinCash
– Video Testimonials published on Feedback page
– Video presentation added to our Main page
– Vietnamese, Korean, Spanish languages were added
– GeoTrust SSL Certificate replaced by Comodo EV SSL with better layer of security and company extended validation
– A very important feature for our investors for discussing and sharing views about our platform and gaining 24/7 customer assistance: Welcome to Respectativa‘s Official Telegram group, feel free to join! (Find the link on the main page, right-bottom corner)
– We have moved to a new hosting provider with extremely powerful and reliable dedicated server for much better performances
– To keep our website’s up-time always at highest level with advanced DDoS Protection, we have moved to CloudFlare which we believe is one of the most reputable Internet Security Provider
– FAQ page has been updated with more Frequently Asked Questions
– Signup and Settings page were optimized (like payment details for instance).
Currently, we are working on the following tasks:
– A new design for our website is in under progress of integration, a layout image is available for now (check here: There will be a lot of new features on which we have been diligently working: video tutorials in a step-by-step manner, motivational videos, career page, live statistics, an option which will allow you to add funds on account balance, earnings’ timer with e-mail and SMS-notification and more.
– An advertising campaign on major crypto-currency sources. Banners on Coinmarketcap purchased and will start displaying from October 25.
– Turkish and Indonesian Language translation in progress and will be integrated with our new website’s design.
For more updates please check our Road Map:
That’s all for now and we hope you liked our news. All withdrawals have been paid on time and many thanks for your support and loyalty. Don’t forget to follow us on our social media pages to be up-to-date and stay tuned for more to come soon!
Sincerely, Respectativa Team”.
You might have already found out from today’s review of MedusaCapital posted above how well and much better than the majority of other programs it’s been organized and perfected over the last few weeks. But it doesn’t stop there and the development goes on, as per the latest weekly newsletter I would like to re-post below. You’ll find there lots of information about the program’s latest improvements, like the addition of LiteCoin, Telegram bot updates, and some fixed errors. Anyway, there are many things to be discussed in the newsletter, so let’s have a look and see what’s new:
“News for 02.10 – 08.10
Good day, dear investors!
New working week comes and lets speak about current news for the last week. Let’s go!
About investments
Nearly 45 deposits are completed by the Syntomi plan. And at the end of this week, quantity of completed deposits will be near 150.
Congratulations our investors with a good profit!
About Partners
Week was successful for our representatives.
Here is a top 5 representatives of MedusaCapital.
Our top leader is OldHyip for now. Congratulations, partner!
Also we invite our users to become our representatives. Read more here.
About upgrades
New payment system: Litecoin.
We want to please our investors, who use Ethereum: we started to develop an automized merchant.
So Ethereum payment system is going to be much more comfortable.
Reviews system
Our investors opinion is very important for MedusaCapital. So we integrated reviews system. You can read reviews here. We received more than 250 good reviews less than for a first 24 hours. It is a very good result and we are pleased for so high feedback.
Telegram – Bot
At the last week we integrated a very good function.
From this moment all our investors can make a withdrawal using our bot. Just type /withdrawal in a chat with our bot and select your payment system. All available funds will be sent at your wallet instantly.
Attention! You need to set your wallets at our site, if you did not set your wallets, you can not use this function.
Payments Statistics
We integrated last Deposits/ Last payouts statictics. From this moment, every our investor can check it.
We extended our knowledgebase: added more answers on typical questions and continue to extend our database.
If you did not found answer on your question, just write us in Telegram Skype or via ticket system.
CMS Optimization and backup system
Quantity of our investors is bigger and bigger every day. That’s the reason why we made a decision to optimize and upgrade our software.
We have upgraded our CMS, and our site works 3x faster than earlier!
Also we developed a backup system to protect our users from some issues and errors.
Other news
We added 2 additional languages: German and Polish. Also we upgraded design of our blog and fixed Android app.
About site issues
1. Bitcoin deposits/withdrawals error
At 6th October our system has an error with Bitcoin. Reason of it was our Bitcoin provider. We have changed our provider and all errors was fixed.
2. Error with account login
At 7th our database was quite broken by our hosting provider. We fixed all errors and our provider recovered our database. Problem does not exists anymore.
This week was very eventful for our investors, partners and also for our technical support.
Thank you for standing with us, now we are working on next good upgrades.
Sincerely, MedusaCapital.”
Good news came yesterday for investors of Earnestic who joined the program via Payza. For them all withdrawals will be processed instantly from now on as announced by the admin in this short update:
“Payza withdrawals are now processed instantly, in max. 3 minutes after request, even if you only have $5.00 invested. Other instants are coming soon!”
I imagine Payza has become a testing ground for more payment processors to join the list of instantly processed payouts which should make Earnestic more competitive with the industry giants also working with Payza, such as LaserOnline and Respectativa. If you haven’t read my full review of Earnestic which also joined the MNO Sticky List posted here, I remind you that depending on the chosen investment plan you earn from 6% to 8% interest for the duration of 24 calendar days to finish up with 44% to 92% net profit. You can start investing with Earnestic with only $5 in your Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, or LiteCoin accounts and I see that withdrawals tend to be processed much faster than they used to be when the program first started twelve days ago. Hopefully by next week we will see the first members of Earnestic already in profit, and I wish everyone luck!
I’ve already edited the original review of Raizex you can find here to include deposits and withdrawals via Payza. Only yesterday the admin has officially made the following announcement on that, specifically requesting that anyone interested specify the necessary info in the settings of your Raizex account:
“Payza payment system
Dear investors, we are pleased to announce the connection of the Payza payment system. You can choose one of the best Payza payment systems in your account when making a deposit to your account. For the withdrawal of profits, specify Payza in your account.”
Payza joins PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin that were all originally accepted by Raizex from day one exactly a week ago when the program officially launched. While we’re yet to see the first investors in profit I can clearly see that Raizex is gaining momentum and the latest news of Payza addition can certainly give them a boost. I remind you that with Raizex you can invest starting from $10 in two available offers – 110% after 10 calendar days and 5% for 30 calendar days. Note that in the second plan your account will accrue profits on a per second basis, so you will actually see your balance growing in real time.
While many other programs are actually trying to be legitimately approved by Payza and get their payment button codes for instant deposits, the admin of OscarBit decided it was alright to cheat a bit. The thing is that despite his announcement today of the Payza addition one will not be able to actually use an API to proceed with the payment, but rather send the payment to a specified account and then wait for manual approval from the admin. I’m not sure this trick will win OscarBit any new investors, like it will for Raizex and others whose admins actually try to be properly approved by Payza. As for me it looks like a sign of desperation, especially when the admin never even mentioned that Payza is accepted in manual mode in his update:
“We made another step in the development of our project. Now you can make a deposit through Payza payment system.”
I myself would discourage people from investing in OscarBit (reviewed here) via Payza to avoid any negative complications once Payza actually ask why OscarBit added them without even asking. As for the other payment systems OscarBit is using, you can make investments starting from 0.003 BTC via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, LiteCoin, Ethereum, Dash, BitcoinCash, Zcash, and Ripple. Then you will be paid 5% to 10% for the duration of 30 calendar days (the more you invest the higher the daily earning) with a chance to earn from 50% to 200% net profit by the end of the term. Note that regardless of your method of investing all your earnings will be converted to BitCoin and paid in BTC, so you will need to have a BitCoin account to collect them. On the plus side, all the withdrawals are usually processed instantly, so there is no waiting time. Hope that now in its fourth week online OscarBit will be able to show a good performance, especially that it was recently hit by a glitch in the script which halted instant withdrawals for some time and made MNO to move it to Problem Status. Fortunately yesterday the admin has managed to restore instant payouts and now everything should be fine. We’ll see if OscarBit is able to complete the full 30-day investment cycle next week, fingers crossed!
As promised by the admin earlier this week, Payeer has now become the second payment processor in Bitcoin5. The program originally started by having just BitCoin on board and has been running this way since August. It was added to MNO twenty-five days ago has already managed to finish its first 20-day investment cycle and brought a nice 54.45% profit to the first investors who liked its quirky plan. You see, with Bitcoin5 (read its full review here) your account gets credited with gradually increasing accruals starting from 1% on day one and going up to a 5% maximum you get on day twenty when you finish the cycle and get your principal back. Note that the minimum deposit via Payeer is $20 while with BitCoin you can invest with 0.005 BTC or higher. More on that can be read in the latest update from Bitcoin5 below:
As we have already mentioned, it is now possible to make deposits in US dollars. Our website grows and develops day in and day out, and more and more new participants have been joining us through the referral links posted by their friends and colleagues. We are glad to see the project’s popularity and Bitcoin5 is not going to stop at what we have already achieved. In the near future we will announce the addition of other payment systems for our users’ further convenience.
– The minimum deposit amount must be 20 US dollars
– There is no upper limit on the deposit amount
– The minimum amount of withdrawal from the system is 1 US dollar
Thank you for your business!”
Unfortunately, I have to finish off for today with two scam announcements. Carismo and AltradeGlobalCoin have been moved to Problem status on the MNO monitor and both are the most probable candidates to join the Scam list by the end of the day.
With Carismo it was possible to make good profits as the program was paying for nineteen days since was added to Premium listing on MNO, and even at the moment of writing this I’m aware that some small withdrawals are still getting paid to people’s BitCoin accounts. But don’t let it deceive you into thinking everything is normal with Carismo! It’s exactly the opposite, guys. Once an admin makes some unannounced restrictions, like the current once per 24 hours withdrawal request allowed, and only process small withdrawals it’s all over. For Carismo being a program when principal withdrawals allowed at any time for a 5% fee any whiff of panic would be fatal. That’s why it’s really impressive that Carismo has managed to last for nearly seven weeks in total paying about 3.7% daily and allowing such flexible withdrawal rules for original investments. No wonder that there were many people who managed to make a good profit. But every good thing comes to an end in the HYIP industry and even a good performer like Carismo has its conclusion. And that day has certainly come for Carismo and its investors, so please stay away and do not invest any more even if you’re still among the lucky ones getting paid!
I don’t really have much to say about the second scam for today – AltradeGlobalCoin. The program has died silently this morning without any complications or peculiarities. Everything happened suddenly and very typical – formerly instant withdrawals are now pending and the admin and Live support have both disappeared without trace. I guess the game is over for AltradeGlobalCoin that managed to complete only the shortest investment cycle with hourly payments leaving those in the other two at a loss. What can I say? A very poor result for the program indeed, but as it was not at all popular among MNO readers I doubt many people suffered. Please do not invest in AltradeGlobalCoin, guys!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: Coinreum, ChainGroupService, Earnestic.
From MNO Premium list: LaserOnline, Respectativa, FatFunds, OscarBit, Bitcoin5, AlpexTrade, Biostry, TripleTheDaxx, MedusaCapital.
From MNO Standard list: Raizex.
From MNO Basic list: Investellect, BitcoinInvestClub.
That’s it for now, everyone. I will be back in a couple of days with a possible update on the latest Top Five Popular Programs on MNO article which was last posted about seven weeks ago so is in urgent need of an update, as more good programs have appeared on the list since then. I really appreciate your loyalty in reading MNO and hopefully you’re rewarded for your choice of following the best and biggest programs in the HYIP industry with profits. Just make sure that you don’t put all your eggs in one basket and diversify your investment portfolios to achieve the best possible results. So far from the preliminary results of the poll you can still vote in here I see that over a half of MNO readers only invested in one to three programs, and therefore carry higher risks for their portfolios if/when one of the programs they are in collapses. There is still time to change your minds and pick up more programs from the MNO monitor for further diversification and better overall results, and keep an eye on more additions for new programs too. Thanks for following MNO on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter, and for subscribing to the reviews and daily news to be delivered to your email address regularly from here. Remember that it’s now the high season in the HYIP industry, so don’t miss any opportunities, and remember that MNO is For Money Lovers, just like you!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Oct 11th, 2017. Comment.
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