Beware! Raizex has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello all! Hope you’re all keeping well after a relaxing weekend and are looking forward to the best opportunities the new business week might bring our way. If there’s one thing I think most readers will agree on it’s that there’s definitely no shortage of choice when it comes to good programs at the moment, so I would hope not too many people are concentrating too much of their portfolios on too few programs. Variety is the spice of life as the saying goes, so if you are (and I hope you are) looking to expand your portfolios as you should now the autumn season is in full swing. One very interesting program hoping to make a major impact (since it joined MNO right from day one) is Raizex. In many ways it’s a classic old school HYIP with tried and tested investment plans that have always been popular with investors. But then to put a more individual and modern twist on things Raizex put their own unique stamp on the process, so in other ways the program really is unique and not like much else on the market today. It may or may not be for everyone, I guess it’s a matter of personal taste when it comes to favouring short, mid, and long term programs, though for the season that we have I would hope most responsible investors will at least make an informed decision about Raizex one way or another. So let’s see what they’re all about and if you have room for them in your own portfolios.
There are two investment plans to choose from in Raizex. As I said in many ways quite conventional, and in other ways quite innovative. I suppose the best way to start the review would be to keep things simple for the moment, just focus on the numbers for now and elaborate on the extras later. So, there are just two investment plans to choose from in Raizex. You can join either one of them with a basic entry level deposit of just $10, about the industry average. The first and shorter term of these runs for 10 calendar days. It’s really quite simple, Raizex just hold your deposit for the term and then return it on expiry with a once off 10% interest payment. So for example were you to invest $100 today, the idea is to get $110 back, principal included, at the end of the term, or 110% total return on your investment.
The other plan I think is going to be far more popular. You can still join for an affordable $10 minimum, however this time the term runs for 30 calendar days with Raizex offering members daily interest payments of 5%. This adds up to 150% in total by the end of the term, from which Raizex already factor in your principal. So that’s your own money back plus 50% net profit.
To put that into basic monetary terms then, let’s suppose you invested the same $100 in this plan. You can expect Raizex to pay you back $5 per day. You reach the break even point, i.e. earn back an amount equivalent to your principal therefore making it impossible to lose money after 20 days. Everything after that is net profit, so when you finish with a return of $150 it’s your own money back plus $50 as a reward for joining Raizex.
OK, that all sounds like pretty basic stuff, so what exactly is it that sets Raizex apart from most other online HYIPs? In the case of the second daily paying plan it’s the earning and payments schedule. You see, rather than 5% per day in the strictest sense, Raizex actually make interest accruals to your account in real time by the second. It looks like a little stopwatch in your account area where you can see the interest counting up bit by bit in front of your eyes. All you have to do is make a withdrawal as soon as your earnings reach a minimum of $0.10 or more. You are not actually tied to the traditional 24 hour earning schedule that most programs impose, so as long as you have earned the $0.10 minimum you are free to withdraw at will.
So if anything in there happens to catch your eye and you think it might be worth taking a chance on, then the next thing you need to know is what are the payment options. Most of the popular processors are included, and some big improvements have been made in an effort to push Raizex towards becoming one of the true industry giants. Originally they were taking deposits via PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash for those of you still preferring the more conventional payment handlers. These have now been joined by Payza which is going to make the program a lot more appealing to the bigger spending and more professional players. If anyone wants to take the more direct route and use your own digital e-currency then Raizex are also using BitCoin. Currently at the time of writing all withdrawals are made manually and need to be requested from inside your Raizex members account area. Allow 24 hours for all transactions to be completed, though the admin says further improvements here are in the pipeline, so expect instant payments to be introduced before long.
I should however say a few words about the current withdrawal process, although it’s quite simple it’s also very different from any other program. First you need to click the “New Withdrawal” tab on the right hand side of the page. Select your chosen payment processor from the dropdown box, and then enter the amount. You will also need to re-enter your account password at this point and submit. What happens next is that Raizex will send you an automatic e-mail with a payment activation link. You will then need to validate this link from your e-mail in order for the transaction to continue. Don’t waste any time with this, the quicker you click the “confirm payment” link in your e-mail the quicker you get paid. Nothing will happen until after you do so.
Moving on to the more technical, design, and security side of things now, Raizex is running off a script that’s been specially developed and custom made to meet the program’s individual needs. The website is SSL encrypted with a superior Green Bar Extended Validation certificate by Comodo for an extra layer of protection, and hosting is on a dedicated server with the support of and protection from DDoS attacks provided by Dancom.
If you have any further questions for the admin or account related issues you need to have dealt with then there are a number of different channels, mainly by filling in your details on the online e-mail support form and submitting it via the contacts page. You can also connect with the admin directly by writing to the e-mail address listed. Though you might want to check the FAQ page first and save yourself the trouble of writing any lengthy e-mails, maybe get your queries dealt with before you even have to ask. The Raizex admin also looks to be active on social networking sites, so if you’re a fan then you might be able to check them out on the likes of Facebook and Twitter. There’s also a postal address listed in the UK where the admin has registered the program as a company, though I think we can all safely conclude that this is not a place where you’ll find anyone connected with the running of Raizex physically located.
That’s about it really. There’s not a great deal else I can think of adding other than Raizex is a fairly typical HYIP that has first to put its earliest members into profit before I suppose we can really say that it’s up to a reasonable standard. I’ll make sure you hear about it right here on MNO if and when that happens. The website is well laid-out, even if the texts are a bit vague, though I wasn’t going to suggest paying too much attention to the information contained there anyway. For the record I’ll just say the claim is made that the program is involved with the production of synthetic sapphires for industrial use, but remember that not only can you not prove this, even if it were true there’s still no guarantee that it would have to be necessarily profitable anyway. Just as long as you remember to treat Raizex with the same caution you should with every other online HYIP and stay within a sensible budget that you can comfortably afford to lose then that’s OK. If you know not to expect any guarantees in the HYIP industry then you should know how to behave responsibly, stay within sensible spending limits, and if joining Raizex then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
If you’ve already come to a decision about whether Raizex is suitable for you or not then perhaps you wouldn’t mind sharing with the other readers and answering the following poll. Remember it’s 100% anonymous and untraceable, and will eventually tell us how many people were right to go with their first impressions of the program either for better or worse. It can also indicate what standards people expect from a HYI website before they are prepared to part with their money.

Over a very short period of time OscarBit has managed to reach the #3 position on the MNO Premium List, with many reasons why people love it and keep joining and making investments. With OscarBit you can earn from 5% to 10% (depending on the size of your investment) over a period of 30 calendar days, coming to between 50% and 200% profit by the end of the term. Even today, after just twenty days online absolutely every single member of OscarBit who joined the program on day one has reached the profit zone and is collecting an income now, that unlike many other programs is accrued to your balance every second and can be instantly withdrawn to BitCoin once the required minimum is reached. It’s actually one of the few peculiarities of OscarBit you should be aware of if you haven’t yet read the detailed review on MNO posted here – you may invest via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, Dash, BitcoinCash, Zcash, and now also Ripple, but you will only be paid to BitCoin and your balance will be converted to BTC on making an investment. I guess that might be handy for anyone looking to both get profits and obtain some BitCoins which is now the most popular method of investment in HYIPs. Moreover, now with OscarBit you can earn some extra cash simply by posting your payment proofs on the MNO monitor (subject to manual moderation and approval) and other popular HYIP-related resources. Plus, the recently added Youtube Challenge will help you win some extra cash for posting video reviews and testimonials with ten main prizes up for grabs every two weeks. More on that plus the full rules for the Youtube Challenge contest and how to earn money from posting payment proofs can be read below:
“Dear friends! We have prepared good news for you! First of all I want to note that our project is 20 days old. The first investors of our project who deposited in the first day are already getting a profit. The situation with packages looks like this:
Class 1- 100% of income
Class 2-120% of income, (20% profit)
Class 3-140% of income, (40% profit)
Class 4-160% of income, (60% profit)
Class 5-200% of income, (100% profit)
The second interesting news: we noted the high growth of Ripple and decided to allow our investors to invest their money profitably.
And finally we launch the long-awaited action “YouTube challenge”. It started a real battle of bloggers for the right to get Bitcoin. Details in the “YouTube challenge” section.”
“Youtube Challenge
Dear friends! Pay attention to our YouTube challenge! The purpose of this competition is to tell the world more about our wonderful program and find the most professional and successful authors.
This can be a review of your deposit or withdrawal as well as your description of the work of our company.
Do you make a high-quality reviews on YouTube or just take the first steps? Always wanted to try yourself in the role of the author of the video? Then this is your chance!
To participate in the competition are accepted works published not earlier than October 1. Every two weeks we will sum up and give out valuable prizes to the winners. There will be 10 prize winners every 2 weeks. All rewards will be credited to your account balance in the Bitcoin.
1 place – 0,25 BTC, 2 place – 0,15, BTC 3 place – 0,1 BTC, 4 place – 0,05 BTC, 5 place – 0,05 BTC, 6 – 10 place 0,01 BTC”.
“Money For Posting
It is time to make more profit OscarBit! Each of You makes a Deposit or receives payments with our project. Such investors thousands! Let’s tell the world about Your successes and earnings in OscarBit.
The following is a list of our partner sites on which You can place information about their deposits/payments, and receive our very nice bonus. All You need:
1) Place one or more partner sites information about the Deposit/payment (in comments should be date, amount and transaction number)
2) enter the information below (sites marked En comments paid only in English)
3) Get bonus on the account after checking the posting.
Please note that on all the sites-partners exposed the limits of posts for the day in column “Executed”. Be the first to pick up the bonus. Approval and enrollment is made within 24 hours to Your account. The bonuses you can invest or withdraw at its discretion. Price per 1 review listed below and varies daily.”
Carismo (reviewed here) has also entered the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO lately with its popular investment offer and instant payouts to BitCoin – the only payment processor Carismo accepts for now. When investing with the program you have a great opportunity to be in almost full control of your funds as you may withdraw at any time after a lock-in period of 24 hours and get a full or partial refund instantly for a 5% fee automatically deducted. Since Carismo credits your account every hour with approximately 0.16% (daily it’s about 3.7%) that means that you are in profit in around two days, and can then decide when to leave the program and what income will be enough for you personally. Having been on MNO for 18 days now I’m pleased to see that Carismo, which is running off a totally custom-made script, has been coming along nicely and that many new features are being added regularly. Take the language translations for example. Before yesterday Carismo was available in English, Russian, German, Vietnamese, Spanish, and Chinese languages, and now it’s been also translated into French which you can click on at the top right corner of every page. Here is what the admin of Carismo has to say in the latest update:
“French language has been added!
We have added French translation to our website.
As always, keep in mind that there might be small spelling errors and/or missing translations. If you encounter any problems or have a better (more precise) translation be sure to contact us. More translations are on the way and we will keep you updated when they are completed.”
Not much to report from MedusaCapital, the most recent addition to the MNO Premium List that is about to be reviewed on Wednesday. The program keeps paying instantly on both investment plans – 5% for 30 calendar days and 110% after 10 calendar days. MedusaCapital accepts deposits starting from $10 via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, and Ethereum for three and a half months in total, though having spent the first three months in “sleeper” mode and now getting more exposed with a new design and investment plans just a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, more will be in the review on my blog but for now take a look at the latest update from them when the reviews page was announced:
Dear investors. We developed a reviews page. You can write a review about work with us. Your reviews are very important for us.
Thank you for standing with us, MedusaCapital Team.”
As promised by the admin of Bitcoin5 earlier, starting today weekly reports will be issued regularly that will help members to determine whether it’s still safe into the program that has already successfully completed its first investment cycle. If you read my review posted here, you should know that Bitcoin5 (which currently only accepts BitCoin from its members) is running off quite an original model accruing interest with the daily payments gradually growing from 1% on day one until it reaching 5% on day twenty. After the 20 day term is over your deposit should have earned 54.45% pure profit and it gets returned in a separate payment.
In the latest newsletter from Bitcoin5 the admin shared some information on the latest stats and shared his plans to add a Polish translation (currently the Bitcoin5 website available in English, Russian, and Vietnamese) and the addition of another payment processor – Payeer. Also, there was a short message on updated promo materials in order to advertise the program more efficiently:
Another week has gone by with our project running full-steam, and we’d like to share with you the news of our accomplishments and plans for the near future.
NUMBERS OF THE BITCOIN5: 1954 Users, 65 days, Invested: 18.792288 btc, Paid out: 4.572327 btc
– add the Polish version of the website;
– make available the PAYEER USD option.
As the project grows, we will expand the array of payment systems for our users’ further convenience. Thank you !
Best regards, Bitcoin5 Technical Administrator”.
Our website promo section has been updated
Best regards, Bitcoin5 Technical Administrator”.
After seventeen days on MNO only those who invested in AltradeGlobalCoin‘s hourly 0.35% for 360 plan which starts at $300 have successfully completed the full cycle and are left with 26% net profit. Those with smaller investments in the daily paying 6% to 7% for 22 business days plans are still only approaching the break-even point, however to the admin’s credit all withdrawals to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, and LiteCoin have been processed instantly so far. There were a few more reviews of AltradeGlobalCoin posted over the last week, but I will omit links to them for obvious reasons and because all the necessary information can be found in the MNO review posted here. Let’s hope that AltradeGlobalCoin will last a full investment cycle also on the pay per business day plans and once this happens I will certainly report it on my blog. Here’s the latest newsletter from AltradeGlobalCoin for you to read in the meantime:
Greetings to all our valued investors. We thank you all for believing in ALTRADEGLOBALCOIN LTD (AGCL), you made the right choice and we are assuring you that you will never be disappointed.
We are glad to announce that today, ALTRADEGLOBALCOIN LTD (AGCL) is growing bigger and better every day, we have crossed the 620+ members milestone in just 19 days of our online operation and we work continuously to retain the trust and confidence you have in us; we put in more effort daily to make sure that every investor is satisfied. We work for you while you relax and wait for profits.
Stay with us and we are professionally possible to satisfy you all. We desire to retain the trust, love and confidence you have in us and we will never let you down and we wish you more profits and success with us, even as we walk together in this long journey of stable profits into the future.
Please spread the news about ALTRADEGLOBALCOIN LTD (AGCL).
And also continue to post your proof of payment in various groups, take screenshots and make it real; you can’t tell who will see it and follow your link down here and you will surely receive your referral commission.
Join (AGCL) Facebook Group:-
Like (AGCL) Facebook Page:-
We’re always there for you if you need any help or assistance.
Thank You For Choosing Us.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: Coinreum, ChainGroupService, Earnestic.
From MNO Premium list: LaserOnline, Respectativa, FatFunds, OscarBit, Bitcoin5, Carismo, AltradeGlobalCoin, Biostry, MedusaCapital.
From MNO Standard list: Raizex.
From MNO Basic list: BitcoinInvestClub.
Before wrapping up for today I would like to clarify the current position of LaserOnline on Waiting status on the MNO monitor. The thing is that I have a couple of unresolved issues with the program’s support which I have given them over a week to deal with. I think you’ll agree that’s been more than reasonable on my part. Unfortunately, if they are not going to be resolved by tomorrow I will have no other choice but to move LaserOnline to Problem status on the MNO monitor and have all their advertising banners removed from my site. I have strong reasons to believe that the program is not going to continue for much longer if moved to Problem Status on my monitor, as I believe they are currently experiencing some financial obstacles that they are trying their best to conceal from investors. Therefore, if you’re going to invest there even after the MNO status change for them (if it’s not going back to Paying status by tomorrow) do so at your own risk, as you might still be paid for some time and I might be wrong with my conclusions. However, as an honest monitor my obligation would be to warn my downline about all possible issues if I clearly see them, so I consider my job done and will update you on Wednesday on the final status of LaserOnline on the MNO monitor. On Wednesday I will also be posting a full review of MedusaCapital and the usual updates from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry. Don’t miss anything important by following MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, or subscribe to the MNO daily news from here. If you have any questions for me you can contact me here, via my Telegram @mnoblog, or by writing directly to my email address Talk to you again soon, guys, and remember to stay tuned to MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Oct 9th, 2017. Comment.
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