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02/11/2017. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello all, and welcome again to the MNO blog where only elite investment programs with sizeable advertising budgets are covered. As a result of this policy you will rarely see any deliberate fast scams covered here, and especially true in the current situation when the HYIP industry is clearly in its prime, mainly due to the achievements of such giants as LaserOnline that has put a breath of fresh air into it. And while such big programs keep paying members they bring them profits the HYIP industry keeps expanding and the investors benefit on a wider scale. More funds start circulating in the industry as well thanks to the explosive growth of BitCoin and other altcoins that created a level of enthusiasm we haven’t seen since before the LibertyReserve closure a few years back. And many of us will certainly take a well-deserved advantage of this by making huge profits from the right picks you can find on MNO which has been your best guide to the industry for over ten years now. Trust the best and keep reading MNO and you won’t need to think too hard about what programs to join and what to avoid.


I will start today’s news with the introduction of Bitosy which was added to the MNO Premium List on Tuesday night, after just a few days online, and already became an extremely popular pick among my readers. What’s not to like about Bitosy? They offer the currently very trendy 12% for 12 days with 144% total return (going up to 18% daily if you wish to invest insanely large amounts). All the withdrawals are paid instantly, except for those made to BitCoin which are subject to delays and manual processing within 12 hours. Payza are also fully approved and accepted alongside a more traditional payment methods, like PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin. The minimum to invest starts from just $10, so Bitosy is affordable to literally everyone. The site features an attractive design and is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, so no one will experience any difficulties when investing. The site is well secured with SSL from Comodo, and is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection from CloudFlare, so any possible downtime should be negligible. As far as I can see, the admin is planning to translate Bitosy into Russian and Chinese, which will assist its further growth in international HYIP markets. Of course, as Bitosy has been online and paying for only a week with no one in profit yet, only time will tell just how good the program will perform in future, so the usual level of caution is always advised when dealing with it. So far it’s all been good though and I’m looking forward to a more detailed review of Bitosy on the MNO blog by Monday. Stay tuned for that, guys!


Since we are now into November it’s probably safe to say that by the end of the year we are going to be looking back on the the biggest program of 2017 as a straight choice between Zinc7 and LaserOnline. I mean anything could still happen between now and the new year, but I doubt there’s enough time left for anything that’s around at the moment to catch up with either of those. Anyway, with LaserOnline probably as big as it’s possible for them to get right now December looming ever closer which is as many of you know traditionally a very bad month in the industry it looks as if the administration team there are pulling out all the stops to make one final push. LaserOnline, which pays 12% per day for 12 business days via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, Payza, AdvCash, Ethereum, LiteCoin, Dash, and BitcoinCash, was first reviewed on MNO when the program first started its incredible run back in July here. Since then however they seem to be abandoning more traditional HYIP advertising channels and are pulling more and more stunts and gimmicks. I don’t know you they think this is going to reach in terms of getting genuine investors to continue spending and bringing in more and more new investors to join them, because artificially inflated figures does nothing to improve cash flow. In other words just saying you have half a million members does not actually give you half a million investors. Anyway, the latest promotional move from LaserOnline is a YouTube video, which is linked to in the newsletter below:

Aiming to our next goal – 500,000 Users within 55 days! Half a million online earners globally in less than 2 months…
Can we make it? Share with your friends and we will see


Getting into the holiday “spirit” of all things spooky, the admin of Bitcy announced that for one day only, fittingly for the 24 hours between midnight and midnight for October 31, he would add a 3% bonus to any new deposits made in the program. So were you to invest $100 on the day you would start earning interest on $103. Except of course you wouldn’t invest in dollars at all, that was just an example, in fact Bitcy works exclusively through BitCoin, so you can only use that to invest. The offer has since expired of course, though Bitcy are still very much in business with a huge variety of investment plans. Some are better than others of course, experienced investors will see that straight away, though you can read more in my review of Bitcy first published on MNO here. They include 2.3% for 15 days, 2.6% for 25 days, 0.13% for 1440 hours (principal back), 155% after 15 business days, 550% after 20 business days, 1700% after 40 business days, 1200% after 60 business days, and 7000% after 100 business days. The minimum investment is 0.005 BTC. On a more practical level a program that only works with BitCoin and none of the usual payment handlers has to be sure that its members are comfortable and confident using that currency. To that end the Bitcy has also sent a simple, easy to read step-by-step guide for beginners getting started out in BitCoin. You can read it in the update below:

Gifts for Halloween – +3% bonus for the deposit and holiday banners!
Congratulations from Bitcy Limited with the most mysterious holiday of the year – Halloween. Let the dark forces stand on your side and fulfill your most cherished desires! On this day we have prepared pleasant surprises for you.
Create a deposit on October 31st from 00:00 to 23:59 GMT, and a 3%-bonus will be accrued to your balance. The bonus is immediately available for withdrawal or investment. The bonus will be credited to all deposits created during the mentioned period of time.
In addition, we have prepared thematic banners that will help you attract even more partners in the referral program. Use additional income opportunities and make your dreams come true.
Best regards, Bitcy‘s team.

How to Get Started with Bitcoin
Here are three steps to help you get started using Bitcoin right now:
Step 1: Download a Bitcoin Wallet
A Bitcoin wallet is an app or program that allows you send and receive bitcoin. Wallets also keep track of your bitcoin balance which is held in one or more bitcoin addresses. Generally, wallets also have a feature that keeps a history of your bitcoin transactions.
There are many different wallets across various platforms.
Step 2: Add Bitcoin to Your Wallet
Now that you have a wallet, you probably want to add some bitcoin to your balance. Have your Bitcoin wallet address ready and visit the buy Bitcoin page. Here, you will be able to easily purchase Bitcoin with a credit card. Another option is to choose a Bitcoin Exchange where you can quickly set up an account and buy bitcoins with funds from a bank account or credit card.
Keep your private key(s) private and never share with anyone. It is very important to backup your wallet’s private key and any other credentials for offline storage. Failing to backup could result in the loss of your Bitcoin holdings if you should ever lose the device on which the wallet is installed.
Step 3: Use a Bitcoin Wallet to Send and Receive Bitcoin
Receiving bitcoin is as easy as giving the sender your public address. Sending bitcoin requires a few more steps and since bitcoin transactions are irreversible, it is important to pay attention when sending. Overall, the process for sending bitcoin is actually quite easy:
– Copy the receiver’s public Bitcoin address (or scan QR code)
– Open your wallet and navigate to its “Send” feature, paste the receiver’s address into the appropriate field
– Specify the amount you want to send (for help converting fiat currency into bitcoin visit our Bitcoin Tools page.)
– Confirm that the address and amount are both correct
– Send
Congratulations! You have bought your first bitcoin and know the basics of receiving and sending—you are now a full-fledged Bitcoiner!


Despite the admin’s attempts to bring his program to the next level Biostry remains almost unnoticed among the MNO readers, in huge contract to many other programs offering largely similar investment plans to the two on offer here. One is short term, lasting just 5 business days and paying 2.4% per day, while the other is an open ended perpetual style plan with no expiry date paying 2.8% per business day via PerfectMoney, BitCoin, and AdvCash. In the latest newsletter the admin brags of some achievements by linking to to their payment proof page to display how much money has been paid out to investors during that 48 day run. You can see more information on Biostry in the review first published on MNO here. In the news update below the admin now claims there is a so called “secure fund” to protect investors from losses. That might be good for the newbies but any experienced HYIP player will tell you not to believe a word of that obviously. What might help them a bit more is the referral contest which they started and the 5% deposit bonus available to all new investments, considering it’s going to be taken positively by its investors, rather than a sign of possible cashflow issues they try to hide. You can read more in that in the latest news update from the Biostry admin below and judge for yourself what it might mean:

Over $82,000 Biostry Paid Out In Just Over A Month
Dear Partner/Investor,
I’m really happy while typing this newsletter for you.
Today, Biostry has been Online for 48 Days and have PAID OUT over $82,000 USD to our members.
Check The Payouts –
Several Partners of Biostry are in profit now and they’re really excited to earn this on a daily basis from now onwards.
Remember, we promised to give you guys the best service possible and that’s exactly what we’re doing. Also, paying you in the form of Bitcoins is so beneficial for all of our members because Bitcoin is on the RISE which is fetching a greater amount of profit for the Biostry members, which isn’t actually the case with a lot of other companies.
IMPORTANT – We have started a Biostry Secure Fund, where we’re collecting funds from our different businesses for the security of our respected Partners/Members.
Biostry Bitcoin Secure Fund Address:
We have also started a Referral Contest recently which I think you should grab with both hands, it’s a great opportunity to earn upto $2000 USD by just recruiting some good prospects to the company. Also we’re paying a 5% Deposit Bonus on all Deposits during the Contest Period.
The future of Biostry is really bright as the investments are pouring in and a lot of new memebrs are joining the program on a daily basis. Over 100 people joined Biostry alone on the 31st of October, 2017 which is a good indication that Investors are driving towards Biostry which will allow us to scale better and faster.
Again, thanks for being a part of Biostry. We have just began, we have a long way to go.
Keep Investing, Keep Recruiting, Keep Earning!
Thanks, Alfie Barnett. Director & CEO


Raizex (reviewed here) is about to finish its first 30-day investment cycle tomorrow, as the program is enters its full first month online. As it’s been listed on MNO since day one a great opportunity has presented itself to profit in either 5% for 30 days plan with per-second accruals or the paying once on expiry 110% after 10 days plan and many investors have already seized it and made some good profits with Raizex. With its light-speed payouts to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, and Payza and the investment minimum of only $10 Raizex does deliver on all its promises and investors surely like it and keep supporting the program by re-investing. With a new important development in Raizex which has added a Russian language version of the website lately I believe the site can reach even better heights, especially with even more translations already in the pipeline. Here is what the admin of Raizex said about that in the latest update posted on his website:

The investment platform “Raizex” launches the site in Russian.
In addition to English, our visitors have the opportunity to go to the Russian version of the site. We try to talk with investors in one language, and in the future we will increase the list of available languages. Our specialists have already started translating the site into other languages, and soon each user of “Raizex” will be able to choose a language convenient for him.
Best regards, Raizex LTD


My regular readers might be aware of the fact that I personally do not like any investment bonuses, as in some cases it might indicate financial troubles a program might be in. In some cases though it’s just an extra tool for collecting more cash to pay the existing investors and I believe that in case with TradexTop (reviewed here) we’re dealing exactly with such a scenario. The 7% Halloween bonus was available until the end of yesterday server time, and was applied to each deposit of $100 and more made into one of the available plans in TradexTop, whether they are the ones paying once on expiry – 150% after 15 days, 190% after 20 days, 240% after 25 days, 300% after 30 days – or the daily paying plans with the principal back at the end of the term – 2% for 7 days, 2.5% for 14 days, 3.1% for 21 days, 3.8% for 28 days, 4.6% for 35 days, 5.5% for 42 days. I remind you that the vast majority of withdrawals are processed instantly by TradexTop that has been working with a wide variety of payment options including PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, NixMoney, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, DogeCoin, Zcash, BitcoinCash, and Dash. And after the first twelve days online some of the first TradexTop investors have managed to profit from its shortest term plan and got their principals back as well. I guess many of them will re-invest their profits to support this well-organized program whose site has been recently also translated to Vietnamese which has opened new horizons on the market for it:

Website version in Vietnamese language
Dear Friends, our website now supports Vietnamese. It is now even more convenient to invest and earn with TradexTop for Vietnamese-speaking users.

Halloween bonus 7%
Get a 7% bonus per each deposit from 100 USD
This promotion is valid until November 01, 23:59:59


I must say that I’m very skeptical about the future of FCTAcademy whose admin actually spent tons of money for advertising on MNO but got no return at all, as none of my referrals have actually made a deposit. It looks like it was for the best anyway, as FCTAcademy has suddenly decided that they don’t want to pay twice per month any longer, and changed its payout rules just a couple of days ago to avoid paying to those who made a withdrawal request on the 1st of November. I find such a change extremely suspicious as now we have to wait until the 15th and then up to a week after that to make sure that FCTAcademy actually pays anyone. I would advise you to stay away from the program and will keep it on Waiting status on the MNO monitor until the 15th when I hope (although not much!) the withdrawal button will be enabled again. Only after the outstanding withdrawal request is paid to MNO will FCTAcademy be returned to Paying status on the monitor, if it ever happens of course. Otherwise, I will move them directly to Scam, so not to waste time any longer. I must say that judging by what investors say on forums many are as skeptical as I am regarding the future of FCTAcademy, but I will give them the benefit of the doubt and will take a wait-and-see approach, especially since they have issued a newsletter trying to explain why they disabled payout requests yesterday:

Notification of a change in the company’s marketing strategy
Hello, dear partners! Due to the numerous requests of our active partners, we decided that all deposits at the end of the validity period will be returned to investors with the possibility of prolongation. Thus, we change the status of the company to Bitcoin Bank and marketing as the first banking product. After creating a deposit, you deduce the% from the investment every month on the 15th day of each month. The profit is also accrued every day, with the annual interest on the investment ranging from 80 to 160% and, at the end of the term, you receive 100% of your deposit, which you invested at the beginning of the term. You can print monthly $ 4000 from the main balance and $ 4000 from the partner account! Also, partner bonus statuses were reduced so as not to overload the system. This is good news, we are expanding, opening offices in cities: Almaty, Istanbul, Alanya, Antalya, Kaluga and St. Petersburg. We organize events in different cities. Weekly we teach people how to earn money on a crypto exchange.
Also, from November 31, the offices will be updated and the Ethereum crypto currency will be added. Deposit via eth conversion to Btc, payment to btc.
More details about the updates you will see in the personal cabinets and on the site!
Sincerely, the director of the company Karpov D.V.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky listChainGroupServiceGideConsulting.
From MNO Premium list: LaserOnlineCoinreum, BiostryAlpexTradeTerminalSkyNetBitcy, BlockchainAlliance, Bitosy (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: Raizex, LifeBitTradexTop.
From MNO Basic list: ProfitINeedHouseHash.

That’s all for today, guys. I hope that you enjoy reading MNO and follow my site’s Live updates on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, or are subscribed to the regular news to be delivered to your email address from here. If you ever have any questions please do not hesitate to drop me a couple of lines from here or chat with me directly on Telegram @mnoblog. I will be glad to answer all your questions and concerns about the MNO monitored programs and in return I would ask you to be more active and help MNO to improve by voting in the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack on adding a crypto-currency exchange widget on the website. The final results of the poll will be drawn on Saturday when I also plan to publish the full review of GMTForex plus all the latest updates from the biggest investment programs you can only find in the HYIP industry. Stay tuned and always be up-to-date with MNO – For Money Lovers!

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