Nov 19th, 2017 Archives

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Beware! ACO has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! It’s been quite a hectic week for one reason or another on MNO, as there was plenty to report on throughout the HYIP industry and no shortage of new programs launching on my monitor. So today I want to take a detailed look at ACO which is a new addition to the Premium List, which stands for Automatic Currency Operations. ACO first launched about eleven days ago, which by my calculations means the very first investors should be reporting their profits by tomorrow. Meanwhile while we wait for news about that let’s see if you think there’s any proper money making opportunities in ACO and if you want it as part of your own online portfolios.

Starting with the investment plans, I just want to start by pointing out that ACO doesn’t just work with US Dollars as you see in the majority of online HYIPs. If you prefer and have it in your payment processor account, you can deposit and get paid in Euros or Russian Rubles. BitCoin as well of course, though for the sake of clarity and simplicity I’m going to describe the plans using Dollars. However as the value of the minimum deposits required will vary according to exchange rates I’ll just say that the four investment plans offered by ACO will require at least $100, €100, 100RUB, or 0.02BTC.

The first plan runs for a term of 12 calendar days. For that time your deposit of $100 or more will earn a daily interest rate of 9%. ACO include your principal as part of that, so by the time the plan expires you should have 108% returned in total, or your own money back plus 8% net profit. To put that into simple monetary terms then a $100 investment would get you back $9 per day every day until you have $108 back, your own initial hundred plus an $8 profit. You do not actually reach the break even point and see a net profit until the final day of the term with your last payment.

Also for a $100 minimum the second plan runs for a longer 17 calendar day period. Again ACO offer a daily interest rate, dropping to 7% but because there’s more of them it’s ultimately more profitable for a higher risk. ACO include your principal as part of the payouts, which add up to 119% by the final day. That’s your own money back plus an extra 19% net profit for joining. You break even and see your first profit from day 15.

The third option sees ACO offer daily interest payments of 5% each day for a 28 calendar day term. This eventually adds up to a total repayment of 140%, from which your principal is also counted. So your net profit here is 40% on a minimum investment of $100. You reach the break even point after 20 days, and get your profit for the remaining 8 days of the term.

And lastly the longest term plan offered by ACO runs for 50 calendar days. Just like the others you will again need a $100 minimum to join. If that’s not too much for you and easily affordable then the offer is a daily interest payment of 4%. By the end of the term that comes to 200% in total, double your money back, so with ACO already counting your deposit in there it’s 100% net profit. Break even point is day 25, half way through the term.

Following on from that, if you like ACO enough to commit your money to it and make an investment, the next thing you will need to know about are what your payment options are. For now this is fairly standard for the HYIP industry, but in this case ACO put a very unique and individual twist on things that I think a lot of readers might enjoy. You see, you can use any of PerfectMoney, AdvCash, or Payeer if you prefer the more traditional style payment handlers, or BitCoin for anyone looking to make a direct deposit with a more modern digital e-currency. Nothing unusual about that you might think, however it’s with the payouts that ACO looks so different. Because one of the features of the ACO website is their own unique and custom-made script, this enables members to collect automatic payments. That means, as you can probably guess, you will no longer have to log into your account for your withdrawal requests. That allows you to just sit back, relax, and forget about everything. The ACO script will take care of it all. The only thing you need to do is keep an eye on your chosen payment processor account and make sure that you actually receive the payment on schedule, but you really don’t absolutely need to access your ACO account again after your deposit has been made.

With that in mind I’ll move on to some of the more technical features of the ACO website, such as design and security. No need to repeat myself about the script I guess, it is as I said unique and custom-made especially for the program. There are many reason why this is always welcome, not least because the admin can/might be able to implement other features as the program progresses and can make changes as they are required. It gives a lot of flexibility to ACO and should allow it to grow and improve as the program eventually reaches a wider audience and shows the admin is well prepared. The hosting provider is GeniusSecurity who are new enough name in the HYIP industry but have had a couple of programs already in the last couple of months. They are keeping the ACO website on a dedicated server. For safer browsing and more secure financial transactions the ACO website features an Extended Validation SSL certificate from Comodo for an extra layer of security. Unfortunately a serious design flaw is going to mean many of you may have some problems getting the ACO website to work properly on certain browsers and therefore might not be able to deposit. Should that be the case with yourself I can only say the admin has been made aware of the situation and says he is dealing with it. Your choice if affected by this is to either wait and try again later, or forget about it and look at other programs instead. The choice is yours.

Should you have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues that you need to have dealt with then you have a couple of points of contact open to you. Start with the FAQ page of course, you should be able to find most general questions there. Otherwise just write directly to the admin at the e-mail address listed on the ACO contacts page. There’s an unusual incorporation certificate from the Commonwealth of Dominica is available for public viewing where ACO is registered as a company, which although can look slick and professional is something I think most experienced HYIP players know quite well to ignore by now. These things while being totally genuine are also very easy to arrange online, not very expensive, and just used for registration purposes.

A business plan, just in case anyone is interested, seems to be related to currency exchange. Exact details are a bit sketchy to say the least, and there’s not a great deal to follow it up that anyone can independently research and verify. Not that most regular readers will care all that much, it’s always worth repeating for newbies because even if it was genuine there’s still absolutely nothing to guarantee it necessarily has to be profitable all the time. So if you join ACO then treat them as you would any other online HYIP. That means keeping within sensible limits when deciding how much to spend, that is to say make sure it’s comfortably under a figure you can afford to lose if things go slightly awry with your investment and easily earn back from other offline income sources. That, and remember to try and keep ACO as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.

Just one other quick point I want to make before we leave ACO is to ask readers about their own first impressions of the program. Do you think you can spot a winner here and think it’s worth a couple of bucks, or is this one simply not for you? As usual I think it’s only in the weeks and months to come when we really assess the performance of ACO, good or bad, that the results become more interesting. Remember also that participating in the following opinion poll literally only takes a second (or how ever long it takes you to reach a decision!) and is 100% anonymous and untraceable at all times. So:

Will you make an active deposit in ACO?

View Results

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If you have missed the opportunity to participate in the first webinar in Octoin where you could get all the essential information to help you start investing and earning with the program you have another opportunity now, as a second webinar is scheduled for tomorrow. Besides, Octoin has named the winners of the draw held during the first webinar, who collected up to a $1,000 deposit bonus in their accounts. So for a chance to be one of the lucky winners tomorrow please register and attend the webinar by following the instructions given in the second of two newsletters re-posted below. If you haven’t yet registered an account in Octoin then what are you waiting for, as MNO has over 430 members registered already. The rapid growth experienced by Octoin is definitely helped by an abundance of unique features you can only appreciate if you sign up and check from inside your account. With so many of them including Trading, Mining, P2P Exchange, it’s hard to make sense of everything, but I have tried my best in the detailed review of Octoin where I think I managed to simplify things greatly. There is much more to Octoin than just investing your PerfectMoney, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, Dash, and Zcash funds for variable daily returns within a 30 to 180 calendar day term starting from a $10 minimum. So do yourself a favour and check out the review here to understand everything. And remember that the second webinar happens tomorrow – just check the previous winners and what you can expect from it, and you will see that it’s a very tempting offer not to be missed:

First victories! How it was…
The first webinar took place! Most recently, the first meeting of Octoin top managers and first investors successfully ended.
Visitors to the webinar could personally estimate all the pluses and advantages of our platform. We received a great response from the audience and were very happy about it!
Especially, we want to note the users who participated in the draws of deposits.
You are cool! Congratulations!
1000 USD Trading deposit went to
500 USD Trading deposit went to
300 USD Trading deposit went to
100 USD Trading deposit went to
50 USD Trading deposit went to
Thank you for being with us. We are waiting for you on future webinar on Monday! Has as well as on our resource – Octoin!

Second webinar – new features! November 20, new prizes!
Please register for Octoin Leadership Webinar on Nov 20, 2017 12:00 PM GMT at:
(Select your timezone: at 20:00 – Beijin time; 19:00 – Hanoi time; 19:00 – Jakarta time; 17:30 – Mumbai time; 15:00 – Moscow time; 14:00 – Cape Town time; 13:00 – Berlin time; 12:00 – London time)
Learn about Trading and Mining options. Check marketing plan. Get investors feedback. Know the management. Win one of FREE Trading deposit. We are going to giveaway 10 trading deposits – 50 USD and 5 trading deposits – 100 USD and the main prize – 500 USD deposit*
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
This is a link to register for a webinar –
* trading deposit giveaway will be conducted only among users with investments


If you wish to test your skills as a movie director, share your investment experience with Bitcy with others, and at the same time earn up to a 25% deposit bonus on your investment there, then you should definitely take advantage of the latest offer which was shared on the program’s Facebook page earlier today. Here is how to do it and what you can get for your efforts:

Feel like a director and get up to 25% as a bonus
Film a short and easy-to-understand video on how you create a deposit or withdraw funds and up to 25% of the amount of the filmed transaction will be transferred to your account as a bonus. We are grateful to the partners who help develop our company and tell their friends about the experience of cooperation with Bitcy Limited.
How to get a bonus in 5 steps?
1. Film an interesting video with a step-by-step demonstration of making a deposit
2. Think of a unique video name containing “”
3. Be sure to include your referral link in the video description.
4. Upload the video to one or more popular resources.
5. Fill in the application form on the site with the link to the video:
You are guaranteed to get from 5 to 25% of the deposit or withdrawal amount as a bonus. The minimum withdrawal amount for a video is $10. The number of videos from one user is not limited. All videos filmed after November 15th, 2017 can participate in the competition.
Conditions for accruing bonuses
• A bonus will be accrued within 72 hours after checking the video by administrators
• Funds are transferred to your balance: they can be withdrawn or reinvested
• The decision on the amount is made by the administrators depending on the informative value, usefulness and quality of the video and is not subject to discussion.
Use your imagination and make the most creative video. Remember, it is the attractiveness and usefulness of the content that influences the size of your earnings.
Bitcy Limited discovers talents and provides new opportunities!

If you haven’t read my detailed review of Bitcy yet (posted here) you should know that the program offers a wide array of investment plans with both daily/hourly interest crediting and principal back on expiry – 2.3% for 15 days, 2.6% for 25 days, 0.13% for 1440 hours – and those with once-off on expiry payouts – 155% after 15 business days, 550% after 20 business days, 1700% after 40 business days, 1200% after 60 business days, 7000% after 100 business days. The minimum to invest in Bitcy starts from $20 and to the originally available BitCoin only you may now invest with the so-called fiat currencies PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash.


It appears that CoinPlace is doing well and growing fast if you believe what the admin says in recent updates from the program that joined the Premium List on MNO only six days ago. Since then many investors have chosen to try CoinPlace with a deposit starting only a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Dash, and Ethereum. The investment plans include one paying once on expiry 110% after 15 days plan and two sustainable in the long-term daily paying offers of 6% for 20 days and 5% for 30 days. Withdrawals from CoinPlace are usually processed instantly, so no wonder that many people like this feature and keep reinvesting and actively promoting it among online contacts. Just whether it’s going to be enough to make CoinPlace last longer profits its investors only time will tell, but for now everything is doing great according to the latest newsletter which explains how to start investing (if you haven’t read the MNO review of CoinPlace posted here where everything was also explained):

Hello everyone!
CoinPlace team welcomes you.
First of all, we want to give you a little reminder and some financial statistics. At the moment, the volume of investments in our company has already exceeded 113,000, and the number of investors from all over the world is approaching 2,000! Our team is growing fast, and don’t forget that the source of a high stable profit is just a few steps away from you:
– Register your own account within our platform CoinPlace;
– Deposit funds by choosing a convenient payment system and a suitable investment plan;
– Make profits and enjoy your life!
Do not forget to specify and double-check your e-wallet address in the profile settings, in order to ensure the convenient and timely withdrawal of your earnings.
In case of any questions or difficulties, you can contact our Support team anytime via the contact form on the website, in the Telegram-chat:, or by sending an email to
We wish you a good day and successful investment!


After four weeks online TradexTop (reviewed here) has earned a very good reputation in the HYIP industry by never missing a payment to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, NixMoney, BitCoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, DogeCoin, Zcash, Dash, and BitcoinCash accounts. These are processed instantly in most cases. That certainly gave them good results and if we believe the stats posted in the short news update by TradexTop yesterday then everything is going well. As I myself am always skeptical of such stats though you shouldn’t just base your decisions entirely on them, as they can always be fake. I also made that the topic of the latest TalkBack opinion poll if you keep reading for details:

1,700+ users | 200,000+ USD invested | 55,000+ USD paid
Dear Friends, we have already paid over 55,000 USD, attracted the amount of private investments over 200,000 USD, the number of registered users reached 1,700! We provide stable successful growth! We thank all TradexTop investors for their financial trust!

If you’re impressed by the stats in TradexTop and would like to try it out there are quite a few investment options available starting from a $10 minimum. You can choose from plans that pay daily and allow you to withdraw your principal on expiry – 2% for 7 days, 2.5% for 14 days, 3.1% for 21 days, 3.8% for 28 days, 4.6% for 35 days, 5.5% for 42 days – or go with one of on expiry paying plans – 150% after 15 days, 190% after 20 days, 240% after 25 days, 300% after 30 days.


In the last poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack page this week I asked about your opinion of Payza these days. Namely, whether you still believe accepting Payza still indicated a HYIP is more reliable? The answer to that question was important to know of in the light of the recent string of fast scams where admins had verified and approved Payza accounts to look more reliable. While we all knew that in the past only experienced admins could do this it appears the Payza’s formerly strict rules for accepting HYIP merchants have been abandoned for a quick buck. It was still possible to get a refund this time around, but certainly something is not right in Payza’s approach to HYIP admins which many people saw just like me. Needless to say that none of the currently reviewed programs on MNO work with Payza any longer, as the demand for them has all but evaporated now that so many people suspect their collusion in scams. And 55% of MNO readers seem to be in agreement with this, while a further 39% are in partial agreement but also say other factors need consideration. Only 6% voted that the appearance of Payza was enough for them to jump into the program and make an investment. You can clearly see that the trend is changing and therefore I believe the removal of Payza from the list of the payment processors MNO accepts for advertising is entirely justified.

For a new question I want to ask if anyone believes the HYIP stats that are regularly posted by many admins in order to give an appearance of popularity and encourage other investors, thus enabling a constant cashflow for the program. I know I’m very skeptical about it myself, but I wonder if readers feel the same. The question is:

Do you believe the stats posted by the HYIP administrators?

– Yes, I totally believe them
– No, they are always fake

Remember that it won’t take much time to vote here and it might be interesting to see the results next week and check if other investors are influenced by them.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky listChainGroupService, Octoin.
From MNO Premium list: BitcyTerminalSkyNet, EllirCoinsEnergyCryptoSolution, BitfineCoinPlace, Strike7, ACO.
From MNO Standard list: TradexTopGreenForex.
From MNO Basic list: InfiniteAllianceBitWavesHouseHash.

That’s all for today, guys. I’ll be back tomorrow with a detailed look at Strike7 and any other important information about the biggest online investment opportunities. Remember to always follow MNO not to miss any future HYIP industry giants on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, and subscribe for regular updates directly to your mailbox. I’m always happy to answer all your questions regarding the MNO monitored programs as well, so if you have any then don’t hesitate to contact me here, or write to my email address directly. If you wish to chat with me in real time please contact me on Telegram @mnoblog or post on the MNO ShoutBox. Please keep voting on the MNO TalkBack as well and thanks in advance for your active participation. See you again tomorrow on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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