January 2018 Archives

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Beware! Crypteiro has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I hope the weekend has been going well for all of you. As we are now in the last couple of days of January I guess we can’t really refer to 2018 as the “new year” anymore, so it occurs to me that the recovery of the HYIP industry was a bit slower this time compared to other years, particularly 2017. Don’t get me wrong though, there’s been some good programs already this year for sure, they just haven’t really been coming with the regularity or the sheer numbers that many investors were hoping for. A welcome development that may well shift the balance back in the investors’ favour is a brand new program called Crypteiro. I mean I don’t want to abandon my position of neutrality or anything here, ultimately it’s only the investors that will determine how seriously they want to treat any new program, but with the establishment of Crypteiro the industry may well be turning a corner now, paving the way for better and brighter things to follow. Crypteiro is a lot different from anything else on the market at the moment, indeed there hasn’t been much like it around for a while now so there’s a lot to talk about here. The very first thing experienced investors tend to investigate when looking at new programs is to ask if they can merge profitability with sustainability. In the case of Crypteiro I think yes, and that’s the best possible start for any program. So let’s look at what they’re all about and whether Crypteiro is suitable for your portfolios or not.

The very first thing we need to get clear about Crypteiro is their operating platform. It’s based on Telegram, which as most of you will know by now is a hugely popular chat/instant messaging service and social media platform used worldwide. And in much the same way as you can use your Facebook and Twitter accounts to sign in to certain websites and wi-fi networks, a Telegram account is required to sign in to Crypteiro. If you don’t already have a Telegram account then you won’t be able to continue, simple as that. But if you have any reservations about privacy or security because you’re unfamiliar with the service, don’t worry. I’ve been using it for about two years or so myself now and would rate it very highly. Remember you will be able to keep your account with them and use it for a great deal more than just Crypteiro, the program itself having no more control over the platform than it does over Facebook, etc. If you would like a free Telegram account then you can sign up with them on this page.

Because there’s no username or password in the traditional sense, you now use your Telegram ID for everything. So once you have your Telegram details, click on the button marked “Login with Telegram”. This then gives you three options to proceed. First is to follow a link that allows the Telegram bot to automatically authorise you to return to the main site and continue as usual. The second option is to scan the QR code from your mobile device, resulting in the same authorisation. Or else you can just start a dialogue in your Telegram bot by sending a message. What ever method you prefer yourself, they all have the same result of getting you started in Crypteiro.

Before I deal with the complexities of joining Crypteiro first, then making an active deposit and claiming your interest payments, I think I should explain the investment plans first. After all, if you don’t like the plans then anything else about Crypteiro will hardly interest you that much.

So, there are two main plans for you to choose from in Crypteiro. I suppose what will be seen as the main one is called The Depositary Plan and can be joined starting from a $50 minimum (or 0.005 BTC). The full length of the term is 15 calendar days, though investors can expect to be paid a lot more frequently than from most similar term offers in other programs. In fact what Crypteiro are offering is a 1% interest payment made every three hours throughout the term. But to put it in simpler mathematical terms that would add up to 8% interest every full day, and become a total of 120% back on your investment by the end of the term. Your principal is already included in the earnings and therefore not returned by Crypteiro in a separate payment on expiry.

How then would a typical investment look in monetary terms you might ask? Let’s say you make a deposit of $100 into this plan. Crypteiro pay you back $1 every three hours for the next fifteen calendar days. Over the course of a 24 hour day then that becomes $8, and eventually $120 by the end of the term. With Crypteiro including your principal there, that’s your own initial hundred plus an extra $20 on top as your net profit. The break even point, where you earn back an amount equivalent to your deposit and therefore cannot possibly lose any of your own money comes after 100 payments, or 300 hours, which is 12 ½ days. Everything after that is net profit. The maximum investment limit is capped at $20,000.

This is followed by another interesting investment option called The Savings Account. It’s less profitable than the first plan which is why I doubt it’s going to be as popular, but the trade-off is that Crypteiro give their members a lot more flexibility and control over their investments. It’s an open ended plan, i.e. no expiry date, or a perpetual plan as I would call them. So once you join you will continue to get paid for how ever long Crypteiro manage to stay online, though the advantage here is that you can withdraw your principal and leave the program at any time. So in other words if you’re happy to accept the lower interest rate you can then set your own investment term rather than be tied to the fixed length Depositary Plan. An investment here also starts with a $50 minimum, but basically involves buying Crypteiro‘s own internal currency called the Eiro. This is then invested back into the plan for a variable payment that will be made every single hour. Note that this is even more frequent than the previous plan, though the rates are variable and won’t be anything like as big. In fact over the course of a full month the returns will float between an absolute minimum of 5% in the worst possible case scenario, to a possible maximum of 15% per month were the highest possible rate be credited to you all the time. It’s way too early to say what a typical month might bring in, Crypteiro hasn’t been online anywhere near long enough to figure that one out, but my most optimistic guess would be somewhere in the middle. It’s a bit lower than the main Depositary plan offers, the actual hourly rate itself could be between something like 0.007% to 0.02%, but as an advantage you have more freedom in withdrawing your principal at any time you like, plus you will get your account credited with profits on an hourly basis compared to every three hours in the main plan. The maximum investment for one single deposit here is capped at $20,000.

If you like either of the plans and would like to join Crypteiro, then all the popular payment options are available to you. However just be careful that you remember to add your payment details in the Settings section when registering your account, as otherwise the script doesn’t know where to send your payment and the withdrawals are usually processed instantly. I say usually, which means yes, it usually happens instantly but isn’t explicitly guaranteed by the admin. Under some circumstances they may take as long as 6 hours to be completed, but that’s still pretty damn fast by anyone’s standards. PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash are the options for anyone who prefers the more conventional style third party payment handlers, while cryptocurrency enthusiasts will be able to take the more direct route using BitCoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, and BitcoinCash. But whatever your preference I would say the Crypteiro admin has designed the plans in such a way as to not place an unsustainable financial strain on the program’s cash flow, and instead maintain stable and viable growth over an extended period of time.

So, let’s say you’re happy with all of that, you’ve signed up for Crypteiro, want to make your first deposit, and then comes the time for your very first withdrawal. What do you do? Well, let’s start by saying that you can, but don’t necessarily have to, go through Telegram. But from your Telegram bot you will need to click the button that says “Authorise to Site” in order to manage your transactions directly from the Crypteiro website. The first thing you will see then is how to make a deposit. Well, obviously you need a deposit before you claim any interest on it, so let’s start with that.

Across the top of the page you will see the names of the two plans. Click the one you want to join. Under that you will see the logos of the various payment methods open to you. Again, just click the one you want to use. Then fill in the amount of money you wish to deposit, and click the button marked “Pay Now” to proceed. This is the only way for your first deposit, later deposits can if you wish can be made either like this or directly from your balance. I know I mentioned this already so sorry to repeat myself, but I can’t exaggerate the importance of having all your payment account details entered correctly in advance in your Crypteiro account settings. When ready then to proceed with a withdrawal, click the button marked “Cabinet”. This will display how much you are owed, and to what payment processor. Once you know this information, click the “Withdraw Funds” button, and re-enter the amount and payment method in the new window that opens. Then click on “Create Invoice for Funds Withdrawal”. This, as it suggests, takes you to the next step which is a summary of the transaction details. If everything checks out and you are happy to proceed the just click the “Confirm” button and you’re done. That’s it, the money will be in your payment account within a few seconds.

What next? On the technical side of things such as web design and site security Crypteiro are up to quite a high standard, in fact as I said at the start the whole set up is original and innovative. Like the majority of good online investment projects the script is unique and has been custom made especially for the program. This allows the admin a lot of freedom to make adjustments as the program starts to progress and grow, and as the situation dictates. And for a little extra peace of mind a superior Green Bar Extended Vaildation SSL encryption certificate from Comodo is also in place. The hosting is no less impressive and is on a dedicated server with the protection and tech support of CloudFlare. There are a number of written and video reviews available, if that helps explain the program better.

Any questions for the admin that you don’t find in the FAQ section can be sent in a variety of ways. But being a Telegram based program the most efficient way of communication is always going to be through Telegram Chat. There are different channels there depending on what you need, such as general account assistance or something more technical. Crypteiro are available on some of the most popular social media networks as well, with profiles on VK, Facebook, and Twitter. For Live Chat support you will find a built-in widget on the bottom right side of the page, so if an operator is there you might get your questions answered in real time. Support, as well as the website is multi lingual, with English, Russian, and German supported. I wouldn’t be surprised if more languages are added.

Very slick and well set up, but better than just that. I think it’s also been better planned, better organized, and better executed than the average online HYIP. Of course whether or not the wider investing public take to the program is a whole other matter. Most likely initial growth will be kept under tight control given the way the program is organised, but that’s not all that bad when it comes to programs like Crypteiro. In fact in this case it can be a distinct advantage. Building a reputation (and being prepared to work on it) over the coming weeks will do them the world of good and by starting on it now they should really be in prime position to explode once the name becomes a bit more established. There’s no doubt that the industry is well into the process of recovery (albeit a little slower than we’d hoped) and Crypteiro looks a likely candidate to be one of the leaders. Definitely a potential leader anyway.

One thing that I would still be skeptical about however is their business model. The claim is vague to say the least, saying that Crypteiro are a “technological platform that operates on the basis of neural networks”. Personally I won’t even pretend to know what that means, and there isn’t much on the Crypteiro website to explain in any great detail. And of course ultimately when you join any online investment program you do surrender control of your money so they’re all something of a shot in the dark to a greater or lesser extent. But if you still like the industry and still enjoy participating then Crypteiro has as good a chance as any new program I’ve seen recently to make some real waves in this business.

If you’ve given any serious thought to the matter of investing with Crypteiro then I hope you won’t mind sharing your opinion with your fellow MNO readers by participating in the following poll. Remember that it’s completely anonymous and untraceable, and will only take a second of your time. I think it will be interesting to look back on the results in the coming weeks and see how many people’s first impression, good or bad, about Crypteiro was the right one. So:

Will you make an active deposit in Crypteiro?

View Results

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Let’s start the news section with the latest updates from the above reviewed Crypteiro. As you might know already from the previous post, there was a Russian-language webinar scheduled for Friday night to address some of the questions Russian speaking members might have had. So, now you can actually watch the full 43+ minute webinar on YouTube with the admin sharing a link on the Crypteiro website. After the English and Russian versions of the website now German investors will be able to browse the website in their own language as a German translation has been added today. Also, among the latest features added to Crypteiro (I remind you that the program is running off its own unique script which can be easily modified to meet the program’s needs) is the autorefback for advertisers offering this. You can read more about the webinar and other new features posted below:

Webinar video is available!
Today, the first webinar took place, the entry is available by link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBi6fM9QEr8&t=1s.
Everything went fine, thank you for being with us and we hope that the process of working with the platform has become more understandable and accessible to you. Stay tuned for updates of our news to keep abreast of all new developments!

Crypteiro expands horizons!
Since our platform is popular and has great potential for development, we decided not to dwell on the achieved result and move even further, developing the company’s activities including abroad. Now is the final stage of negotiations on cooperation with German partners, and therefore from today the site is translated and available to investors in German.
Crypteiro – we care about you!

Great news! Autorefback function is connected!
Dear investors, we are happy to inform you that from now on the function “Autorefback” is available in the personal office of the project. You can independently regulate the interest that will be paid to your partners when they open another deposit. Please, pay attention to the fact that at 10%, accrued from the profits autorefback does not apply. Crypteiro – we care about you!


Please note that at the time of writing this article (the information might be outdated when you actually read it) funding accounts in TatWex via Payeer and AdvCash was impossible, as both were disabled by the admin. The reason why this happened was not shared, but I imagine that the original script TatWex runs off needs some tweaking in order to make things right. Please note that you can still fund your TatWex account via PerfectMoney or BitCoin, and withdrawals to all four payment processors continue on time (in most cases, instantly), so there is nothing to worry about. Here’s the short message on that from the TatWex Telegram channel:

Dear investors! Refill of account balance on payment processors ADVCASH and PAYEER is temporarily suspended. At the same time, all requests of payments, as before, processed in fully automatic mode.

If you haven’t read my detailed review of TatWex (posted here), I remind you that the program has five investment plans starting from a $10 minimum. One pays 110% on expiry of a 7 day term, and four others pay daily interest with the principal included – 6% for 28 days, 7% for 21 days, 8% for 17 days, 9% for 14 days. TatWex has been listed on MNO for sixteen days already, so I imagine many investors have managed to reach the profit zone with some even completed one full investment cycle.


If you still believe that the HYIPs have real businesses to back them up and would like to hear directly from the admin of TudorGames Isaac Burton then you should definitely watch the two and a half minute video recently posted on Youtube. The company’s presentation which has been also embedded on the MNOVision page will give you an idea of the field of computer games they’re allegedly operating in as well as give you a brief description of their investment offers. For more detailed information on the TudorGames investment plans and main features it’s always advisable to refer to the MNO review posted here. However, if you don’t have the time I’ll tell you that the program pays 1% for 11 business days with the principal returned on expiry and 4.4% for 35 business days, principal included. The minimum to invest starts from an affordable $10 or $30 (depending on the plan) if you make a deposit via PerfectMoney, Payeer, or AdvCash, or a slightly higher $40 for all investments via BitCoin. For the info on the video presentation please read below:

Let’s get to know each other better! In the new video from our office, the director of the company Isaac Burton will tell what we are doing in detail, where we develop and test the games. You can watch the video on the site or in your social networking accounts. We are waiting for your feedback and comments.


I guess the admin of RenaissanceInvest doesn’t have much to say on the recent developments from the program which has been paying well for almost three months listed on MNO to PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Payeer, AdvCash, OkPay, Dash, Monero, Ripple, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, and LiteCoin accounts. That has been quite a good result so far for RenaissanceInvest as many of the program’s investors are in profit already. And with the lack of genuine updates the admin has just posted a list of investment plans on the website as it stands now, as since publishing my review of the program here some things have changed. Read the description of the current investment offers in RenaissanceInvest below and note that larger investors in the 180-day plan will get paid a higher daily interest rate from now on:

Dear members of the group! We invite you to become our investor! If you have not yet invested in our company, then please pay attention to our investment plans! Have a nice day!
1) Starter Plus: Rate – 1.6%. Minimum principal – 10$. Principal time – 180 days.
2) Regular Plus: Rate – 1.8%. Minimum principal – 100$. Principal time – 180 days.
3) Advanced Plus: Rate – 2%. Minimum principal – 1000$. Principal time – 180 days.
4) Beginner: Rate – 0.8%. Minimum principal – 10$. Principal time – 90 days.
5) Stable: Rate – 1%. Minimum principal – 100$. Principal time – 90 days.
6) Progressive: Rate – 1.2%. Minimum principal – 1,000$. Principal time – 90 days.
7) Exclusive: Rate – 2.15%. Minimum principal – 5,000$. Principal time – 180 days.
8) Exclusive Plus: Rate – 2.30%. Minimum 10,000$. Principal time – 180 days.


The latest news from Octoin is quite two-sided and can be taken either positively, or negatively. On one side, yesterday members were finally able to login to their accounts (after 8 days of waiting) just to see all their balances converted into the internal currency OctoinCoin (OCC) whose wallets are now available for downloading and installing. On the other side, the exchange process of actually converting your OCC into any other currency is literally impossible. And that indicates a possible scam as members OCC balances are worthless without exchange options. I had to move Octoin to Problem status on the MNO monitor last night for that very reason, as even the Live chat failed to respond on how to cash out OCC balances. However, there might be a light at the end of the tunnel for Octoin members yet, as the admin himself promised to give a detailed response on how to exchange OCC balances as soon as he gets a response from his “financial department”. As there are some changes to the plans from Octoin now you may as well read the following updates posted over the last 48 hours below. In my opinion though Octoin will be struggle to recover from the slump with investors patience and good will stretched to the limit, as Octoin forced them to accept new terms without giving any say in the matter. Being left with a bunch of currently worthless OctoinCoins people are frustrated which I can understand, but let’s see if the admin is able to deliver on something that has been so highly anticipated and so long worked on (I will keep you updated on that). At the moment though the whole thing with OctoinCoin implementation seems to many like a failure:

News from the iron shop!
The final launch of the OctoinCoin is getting closer and it can not but rejoice. Our programmers told us about the ongoing work on our cryptocurrency. We took all the information we had and now we give you the main points.
The code of the cold wallet OctoinCoin is laid out on the GitHub – https://github.com/OctoinCoin/octoin. What does this mean? – you ask. This means that, in confirming the seriousness of their intentions and goals, our team put the written code into open access, actually starting beta-testing. On GitHub, a major IT resource, at the moment anyone can find the code of the desktop version of the cold wallet OctoinCoin.
After the end of beta testing, our programmers will analyze the received reports about mistakes and bugs, after which they will improve and fix the code. When this stage is complete we will go directly to the alpha test – the final launch of OctoinCoin.
Octoin – new era of blockchain!

Are you ready to get to the next level together with Octoin?!
Dear Octoin users!
So, the last stage of preparing our cryptocurrency is finished ! We are pleased to finally announce its final launch. We, the team of top managers and leaders of Octoin together with you, meet a new era in the development of the blockchain: today is an absolutely exceptional and historic day for all of us; today we meet a new cryptocurrency, a tool with a powerful growth potential – OctoinCoin (OCC)!
For such a short period of time, just over 5 months, our narrow circle of crypto experts has grown into a huge world community of more than 800,000 users. All of this has been done thanks to you, your trust in the general idea of the Octoin project on delivering accessible crypto technologies to the broad masses.
It would have been much harder to get to high performance without Octoin project programs. Our participants have actually became mega successful traders along with our experts. Also, they became the temporary owners of colossal capacities for mining alternative in cryptocurrencies.
The realities of today in the mining sector of the cryptocurrency, as well as the legal framework of most of the states (whose residents are our users) are forcing us to change the terms of these programs.
Welcome updated Accumulation and earnings programs with OctoinCoin:
During the updates in the personal cabinets there are several changes that have been done:
1. All submitted applications for withdrawal were cancelled;
2. All orders on the p2p exchange were cancelled;
3. All balances are now only in OCC currency in a united OCC wallet
4. New program – OCC accumulation program
5. Mining is reconsidered as Mining in OCC – according to the formula: “Paid mining” + 20% and minus “the received profit on mining”.
Read the detailed Terms of the relevant sections of the site. The main features of both programs are the receiving of profit in the new cryptocurrency of our OctoinCoin community. Our specialists have created updated programs whose terms are not only provide legal purity to the supervisory authorities, but also keep the level of profitability of new programs at the same level. This will allow the entire Octoin community to concentrate on maximizing the popularization and increasing the cost of the OctoinCoin cryptocurrency.
Wise people say: “Life is generous to those who can dream and believe in their strength”. For such people, life sometimes opens a window of unthinkable possibilities. The main thing is that at the right time you hear the voice of your heart and not the chatter of lazy people, skeptics and envious persons.
Today every member of our community is already the owner of OCC tokens, which tomorrow can turn into gold and oil of the new digital economy. You and your Octoin friends can make new Rothschilds and Rockefellers. The premine of OctoinCoin is only 700 000 coins. However, a huge demand and an incredibly small volume of coins can provoke an explosion of value already in the first days of entering the market. To save your gold reserves is a paramount task for us!
And second, we know that the Top Leaders have set themselves an ambitious goal to grow up to 100 million users and this is the next level, the next step that we must do together with you and the updated tools of OctoinCoin.
Go and act! All Octoin Team is with you!

Dear members of the Octoin community!
Now we can officially declare that OctoinCoin (a new generation of cryptocurrency based on the blockchain technology) is available to all users. Please download the wallets. Also, you can have a look at the code and test it on the GitHub (https://github.com/OctoinCoin/octoin).
We urge you to remember that the number of coins at the time of launch is strictly limited and most of them are already located in programs. So there are relatively few of the coins which are traded on the market now. Therefore, we advise you not to sell tokens below the recommended rates (100 USD and more for 1 OCC). On the contrary, think strategically for the long run when you can multiply your savings and expect large growth.
Moreover, we have carried out a global update. We believe that many of you have noticed a lot of changes designed to make your work and use of our platform more convenient and faster. This is done for all of you as well as for employees of our company. We express our gratitude to you for your patience and assure you that we will not stop on the road to success. We hope that you will pass this way with us and share the profits that we will receive from our project. Honesty and openness are our main principles. Therefore, we will continue to share our plans and success with you!
Below we inform you about the main points of our plans:
– First goal is to increase in the number of partners among the exchanges. We continue full-scale work on attracting various trading platforms to work with us. Negotiations are conducted with representatives of the largest exchanges in the market. The wider our currency will be presented in the market the more it will cost. Therefore, we advise you not to sell it ahead of time but to expect future development.
– Second goal is the stability of marketing policy. We will continue to use our principles of promoting and supporting our community. Competitors may not try to look for contradictions and changes as they do not exist. We will continue to work and develop OctoinCoin together with our investors.
– Last important goal is strengthening in the world market. Our team will continue to use and strengthen our main competitive advantage: a community around the world. Traders and businessmen from all parts of the world support us. We appreciate it and continue to develop the company in accordance with their interests.
Thank you for staying with us. Despite all the difficulties only victories are ahead of us! Therefore, let’s get patient, keep on working and become rich.
Octoin is a new era of blockchain!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: CurrencyGlobal, TatWex, JSRentHouse, Crypteiro.
From MNO Standard list: BISTInvestAutomatixTudorGames.
From MNO Basic list: DigitalBit.

That’s all for today, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading and if you wish to stay updated on the latest developments from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry or find new promising programs to add to your investment portfolio please follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter, or subscribe for the daily news and reviews to be sent to your email address from here. I’ll be back with more news and possibly new programs in the next business week, so talk to you all then. Meanwhile, if you have any questions or wish to advertise on MNO please contact me here or chat with me on Telegram @mnoblog. Also, it’s your last chance to vote for your favourite payment processor here, so don’t miss your chance. The final results will be drawn in a few days! Stay tuned and remember that MNO is For Money Lovers!

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