January 2018 Archives

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Hello all, and welcome again to the MNO blog – the only website on the subject of HYIP investments online dealing exclusively with high-budget programs run by experienced admins. The month of January overall proved a moderate success in the HYIP industry that has been slowed down by the unusual drop in value of BitCoin and other major crypto-currencies. If it were not for that unexpected event the growth could have been much stronger. However there was still quite a few high-quality programs launched over the last few weeks and whose admins chose MNO as an advertising platform for the most detailed news coverage and professional reviews for their projects. Among such programs are CurrencyGlobal, Crypteiro, TatWex, and TudorGames which will all feature in today’s news. The main focus of my attention will be an honest assessment of Octoin‘s chances to get back to a normal state anytime soon, and the results of the poll on the main payment processors serving the HYIP industry according to my readers’ preferences, plus a new question to be offered on the MNO TalkBack for you to think about.

As the HYIP industry is slowly getting back to normal I personally have more spare time to dedicate to my ongoing travels along the South-East Asian countries with this week to be spent in the capital of Laos – Vientiane, a French-influenced colonial city with beautiful temples and so many things to explore. I’m not going to forget to update you all on the latest events from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry, but am just pleased that there are less scam reports to talk about now and more stable investment programs paying for long enough to be in profit. I must say I’m considering reviving the series of Top Five Popular Programs on MNO articles, and as the previous one was posted over five months ago it would be useful to see how the leadership charts have changed since then. So hopefully over the weekend I’ll get back to that, plus the latest news which you can always subscribe to receive to your email address from here, or just follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter for all the new monitoring additions and timely status changes you have to know about first.


We will start the today’s news section with the newest and perhaps the most dynamic program from the Premium List Crypteiro. Having been online for about a week Crypteiro is still in its infancy as the first investors in its major plan have yet to break-even. They should start earning their first profits in about ten days from now. Still, the program seems to be getting all the attention from the HYIP investment community and getting praised all over the place for its sophisticated approach towards building a great program on the totally custom-made script based on the Telegram bot system, offering instant payouts to members, as well as having two modestly paying and potentially sustainable in the long-term offers. Both investment plans have been covered in great detail in the review of Crypteiro posted here. In a nutshell though, the first most popular plan offers 1% payouts credited to your account every three hours for the duration of 15 calendar days (8% daily with 120% net return by expiry) and the perpetual non-expiry and hourly variably paying plan (with a monthly return of 5% to 15%) with the possibility to get your principal back at any time with no fees. The minimum to invest starts from $50 in each plan with many payment processors already accepted, including PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, BitcoinCash, Ethereum, and LiteCoin. Having initially launched as a bi-lingual website by the end of its first week online Crypteiro has been translated to quite a few languages with the newest additions including Spanish and Ukrainian that joined the previously available English, Russian, and German versions. They have been announced in the News section of the Crypteiro website now, along with a new feature showing current system status that might potentially be of help investors in case of maintenance work. Read more on all of that in the latest updates reposted below:

Crypteiro platform translated into Spanish!
We are proud to announce that the project is now available to partners in Spanish! Our team is working hard to invest together with “Crypteiro” has become even more convenient and safer. And we believe that cooperation with us will bring you only positive emotions.

Ukrainian language has been added!
We do not stop thinking about you and make the most comfortable conditions for working with the platform. From the moment the site is fully translated and functions also in the Ukrainian language. Crypteiro – we are expanding the horizons and do not intend to dwell on the achieved result! Look for new, interesting news from us.

A new section on the site – “System Status”!
Dear investors! Now you can monitor the operation of our platform in real time. The “System Status” https://crypteiro.com/status section has been added to the site, where the status of our cluster servers and the connected payment systems is displayed. In this way, you will always be aware of all the work being done at Crypteiro.
Stay with us!


From my previous post on TatWex you might remember that over the weekend deposits via Payeer and AdvCash were temporarily suspended due to technical works which have nevertheless not affected instant withdrawals. The payment systems the program works with include PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, or BitCoin. Everything seems to have been fixed already on Monday in that regard and all four payment processors have been connected once again to make investments of $10+ into all plans offered by TatWex (reviewed here) – 6% for 28 days, 7% for 21 days, 8% for 17 days, 9% for 14 days, or 110% after 7 days.

Over the last few days the TatWex website has also experienced a DDoS-attack which was although not even noticed by the majority of investors as it’s been successfully mitigated by its hosting provider DDoSGuard in just a couple of hours. As the program’s been paying to everyone for over three weeks now it was enough time to reach the profit zone and even complete a full investment cycle in each plan. It’s absolutely no wonder then that the Alexa ranking of TatWex keeps climbing higher and higher with the program having been featured in the top 165,000 most visited websites in the world in the monthly Alexa while it’s been reached a well-deserved position among the 400,000 most popular websites on the default three-month Alexa. That has been a matter of pride for the admin for sure and he shares this news with the members of TatWex on its Telegram channel:

Dear Investors!
The marketing of the advertising campaign developed by our specialists has overcome through the critical level of 400K. For you, a team of professionals that step by step expands the horizons of the influence of the TatWex project on the Internet and takes it to the leading positions in the world! Therefore, do not waste time and join us – you are on the right way!


The admin of TudorGames has approached me earlier today with a request of upgrading the program’s listing from Standard to Premium which might indicate a decent cashflow from members and the desire to highlight the program more prominently on various advertising platforms. From my detailed review of TudorGames posted here, you might have already known that the program offers two investment plans – 1% for 11 business days (with the principal return on expiry) and 4.4% for 35 business days (with principal included). As the program officially started back in mid-December 2017 it was possible for early investors to reach the profit zone on either plan and get a decent profit to their PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin accounts. By the way, TudorGames has always went for gradual development so in order to control the cashflow the admin came with the solution to impose a limit of investments from one account which he has been gradually raising on a weekly basis. A couple of days ago it was announced that another raise was allowed to bring the maximum investment from one member in TudorGames to $2,500. Note that the admin does not tolerate the creation of multiple accounts in the program to avoid this obstacle, so make sure you follow the rules imposed by TudorGames as explained in the following newsletter:

Raising the limits up to $2500!
The TG investment project takes a course towards smooth development. Initially, we established strict limits on the maximum amount of the deposit from one account in order to make the system more stable. But in connection with the active demand for investment services, the TG project administration extends the limits! Now the maximum deposit amount for each user is raised up to $2500.
Please follow the project rules and do not try to increase the permissible deposit amount by creating multiple accounts. Such attempts will be stopped, and all additional accounts will be blocked.
Subscribe to the TG Telegram-channel and be the first to find out about all the news and updates of the project!


The current #1 program on MNO CurrencyGlobal (reviewed here) has deserved its high position by stable work and instant payouts to PerfectMoney, YandexMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin accounts for over ten weeks now. Even despite CurrencyGlobal was added to MNO only after one month online during that period was possible to earn over 40% profit on even a small $10+ investment. I believe that CurrencyGlobal is probably the only “perpetual style” investment program in the HYIP industry still growing. CurrencyGlobal offers fixed daily interest payments of 2% which might increase to 3.5% daily on bigger deposits (you can even top-up your existing deposit to get the higher rate!). There is no expiry date with CurrencyGlobal and you will keep earning for as long as the program stays online, which many of my readers have benefited from already and are still getting paid on a daily basis. With the today’s highly anticipated launch of the program’s own regional representatives program there might be just enough stimulus for more intensive promotion and chance to earn extra for the talented marketers that the HYIP industry has in excess. If you’re interested in becoming a CurrencyGlobal representative please refer to the latest update on the required criteria:

Dear investors!
From today you can become an official regional representative of the company.
In order to become a regional representative it is necessary:
– Get VIP status on the platform. (The personal cabinet rating must be at least 2500Pt)
– Fill in the form for obtaining the status of a regional representative
– Wait for the test results. The check takes no more than 48 hours
After receiving the status of REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE, you will be able to:
– Increased referral reward: 15% -6% -4% -2% -2%
– Daily accruals from first level referral deposits: 0.05%
– Place your contacts on the official website in the contacts section
– Unique design of the message in the reviews section with a signature and a referral link.
And much more.
Also, among the regional representatives, various competitions with valuable prizes will be held periodically.
Be the first in your region.
Do not miss your chance!
You can fill in the form in your personal account, in the representative section.


Next I want to take a look at the final results of the opinion poll which was running on the MNO TalkBack page, and which is now closed for voting. I’ll be posting a new question in a moment. But first of all I was asking about payment processors in the last question, specifically which ones are your favourite. When I think back over the last eleven years that MNO has been operating as a monitor, I’m struck on one hand by how little has changed in the HYIP industry, but on the other hand how much has changes. Doesn’t make sense? Let me explain. The basic concept behind online HYIPs is the same today as it’s always been, that much hasn’t changed one iota. The common term we use is to say you are investing, when the reality is all you are doing is gambling. You spend your own money in the hope of gathering a profit which has been basically financed by the money spent by other investors and may not be as lucky as you are. Some will win, others will lose, the gamble is which side will you fall into. What has changed however is how this is facilitated, i.e. how do you move your money from A to B and then claim back your profits. Your options today are barely recognizable from what the choice was ten years ago, but as I said the basic concept behind the thing hasn’t changed, only the service providers have. The other thing no one ever saw all those years ago was the shift away from conventional third party dollar based payment processors to more direct digital cryptocurrencies. BitCoin being the obvious name here but there are several others. They’re probably not as popular at this particular moment due to some well documented problems I don’t need to go into here, but their impact has been undeniably massive.

So the exact question I asked MNO readers was “What is your favourite payment method in the HYIP industry?” I guess the winner was always going to be predictable enough, as was the winning margin. This was PerfectMoney with 50% of the total vote. In second place with 30% was BitCoin, though I can’t help but feel this may have been a much closer race were it not for the spiralling costs and delays that have been blighting them recently. In third place with 15% of the vote was AdvCash, while propping up the list with just 5% comes Payeer, a surprisingly weak showing for them I thought.

All that leads me on to the next opinion poll that will run on the MNO TalkBack page for the next week or so as we stay, loosely anyway, on the subject of payment systems. Although its current status with investors isn’t all that great, you can’t re-write history either and deny that Octoin was an outstanding program for a certain amount of time. At one point probably the best in the industry perhaps. So where did it all go wrong for them? It had been announced some time back that Octoin the HYIP was moving into the production of their own cryptocurrency, called predictably enough OctoinCoin. The background work to this seemed to take an age by itself, with constant postponements and delays. This by itself was just a side story though, it never actually got in the way of Octoin continuing with the interest payments to their members. It all started to go as they say a bit pear shaped once the admin restricted members access to their accounts while some technical work was carried out to accommodate the issue of OctoinCoin. And to his credit he never accepted new deposits while payments were not being made, so it doesn’t look like the intention was a deliberate scam. Problem is that when members finally regained access to their accounts it transpired that that their former cash balance in dollars and bitcoins had just been turned into OctoinCoin. All well and good until you realise there are no exchangers willing to touch it, and all that will happen is your “money” remains a virtual number on your computer and utterly useless for any real purpose. Anyway the history of OctoinCoin isn’t the issue here, it’s already been covered in depth elsewhere on the pages of this blog.

The point I’m working up to is do you think such a transition can ever be successful in the future? Completely recreating and rebranding your business, establishing your name first as an online HYIP and then trying to exit from that line of work to create something entirely new and, for want of a better word, “legit”. Some HYIP admins in the past tried, or at least claimed to have tried to launch their own payment systems or cryptocurrencies. Nothing ever came of them afterwards of course. But this time it was different in the sense that Octoin was attempting the launch of a cryptocurrency and not a dollar based payment processor. They even got as far as including wallets in their investors account areas.

The question I’m asking readers therefore is this:

Do you believe an online HYIP can establish its own cryptocurrency and have success with it?

Possible answers are:
– Yes, it’s only a matter of time before this happens
– Maybe, only if the admin reaches a wider non HYIP audience
– No, anything associated with HYIPs will always be seen as a scam

The poll will stay open as usual for around the next week to ten days, plenty of time for anyone who wants to vote to be able to do so. You can participate yourself at any time by visiting the MNO TalkBack page here. Remember that it only takes a second to vote, and is completely anonymous and untraceable. Thanks in advance to everyone who takes part, and remember there are no right and wrong answers, just equally valid opinions.


Speaking of Octoin, you might remember in the previous post I reported moving the program to Problem status on the MNO monitor and expressed my utmost disappointment at how things turned out for the newly launched OctoinCoin cryptocurrency. Surprisingly for me though the admin responded to my queries quoting the impossibility of exchanging OctoinCoin (OCC) to any other well-established currency, thus making it obsolete to use OCC for trading and exchanging. I have then reconsidered my critical position on Octoin and finally decided to give them the benefit of a doubt by moving the program from the negative Problem to neutral Waiting status while still keeping it in the On Hold category on the MNO monitor. Why did I do so, you may ask? Well, first of all, it appears that the admin might not be wanting to scam everyone deliberately by converting all members’ balances they had in other currencies in Octoin into the OCC currency. He might have genuinely wanted to do the right thing and started a new stage of development for his program and start trading OctoinCoin as a regular crypto-currency. He hasn’t thought out all the consequences of such an action though with almost no members willing to support him in this decision which Octoin has made one-sidedly and without giving members a choice in the matter. At the same time, for a few weeks Octoin has been planning its own crypto-currency – something which the majority might tend to skip based on previously hyped but failed experiences from dozens of other programs, using ICOs as an excuse before scamming in the end. So, many people expect Octoin to follow suit here and scam has happened here with nothing to be done. But what about the OctoinCoin wallet then? Why did the development team who worked on that day and night and refused members access to their Octoin accounts for eight days while not accepting new deposits at all? Doesn’t make sense at all, does it? Well, I believe that the initially good intentions might still be not enough to revive the formerly good name of Octoin and bring the program even close to its past glories. The administration seems to have been forgotten that on releasing any cryptocurrency the main question the investors would ask – how can I exchange it to other more established crypto-currencies or even hard cash based on its liquidity and demand? With OctoinCoin the admin seems to have ignored such reasonable questions and forced a very unpleasant situation for investors when they have no idea what to do with the OCC funds they have unintentionally ended with.

What can be done by Octoin investors at the moment in order to get at least some of their investments back? First off, download the OctoinCoin wallet to your PC using one of the links (depending on your operational system) available on the main page of the website. Then login to your Octoin account and add the generated by your OctoinCoin wallet address to your settings area and request a withdrawal. My own withdrawal has been processed to my new OctoinCoin wallet address in just a few hours and now I have over 15 OCC stored there. What next you might ask? This crypto-currency has not gained any momentum and the value might be very low (at the moment it can only be exchanged on Exrates website for a much lower price than the originally set rate of 1 OCC=100 USD), but the admin insists there will be more exchangers accepting this OCC currency soon and advises to wait and hold on to your OctoinCoins and not haste selling them at any price. Of course, everyone will have to decide what to do with their own OCC, as if you’re not selling it now, it might cost even less in the future and you will lose even more if you wait for too long. On the other hand, if what the admin says is true the newly launched OctoinCoin might gain momentum once some popular demand establishes from the speculative traders and the price of OCC might as well go higher than the originally announced $100 mark. It could be either way, but I would really like to see how that experiment finishes and will try my best to sell at least some of my OCC I have now in my OctoinCoin wallet on the exchange websites within the next few days. Of course, I will keep you updated on the outcome of that and meanwhile will keep Octoin on Waiting status on the MNO monitor. We will see what the future holds for that experimental currency which might become a transitional link between a ponzi-based HYIP and more trading regulated by laws of supply and demand cryptocurrency. All the latest news from Octoin issued over the last three days, starting from the most important announcement on free trading between members having launched earlier today, are posted below for your information:

Bidding on Exrates started!
We are pleased to announce the opening of trading in a full-fledged OctoinCoin cryptocurrency on the Exrates stock exchange. Recently, the purchase and sale of OctoinCoin futures started there, and now each user can already enter OCC to the exchange from their wallets, buy and sell OCC coins in pairs with BTC, ETH, and USD.
Also, very soon the Yobit exchange will complete all the preparatory operations and also officially open the trades, free input and output of OCC. In the future, the list of exchanges that support our cryptocurrency will only grow, and the distribution of OctoinCoin will expand.
Therefore, we urge all users not to rush to sell their savings in OctoinCoin, but wait for the connection to other exchanges and, accordingly, the appreciation of the rate. OctoinCoin is a completely innovative cryptocurrency, which now only exists in a certain circle of people, which makes it more scarce and valuable. In this situation it is foolish to sell it at a low price.
Octoin – a new era of blockchain!

Node/masternode – what’s that pokemon?
We continue to write training articles for you and this time we will review the nodes and master nodes. You will find out what it is and for what purpose it exists.
A decentralized network of blockchain consists of a huge number of nodes, between which information is distributed. Node is a node of such a network.
At the same time, each miner (connected Bitcoin client) and purse, which are an important component of blockchain and responsible for the security of the network are nodes. In order to node communicate with each other and transmit transaction information, the protocol – peer-to-peer, P2P (peer to peer) is used.
Full and lightweight nodes
There is the concept of a full node and lightweight. In order for the node to be complete, it must be fully synchronized with the network and store the full set of files of the block system, and also be configured to receive requests from the rest. The difference between light and complete nodes in their independence.
Lightweight nodes frequently perform the tasks which are set by the miners, so they are easily deceived and they can accept a transaction that is not true, which will cause financial loss. Especially such cases are unpleasant for sites with automatic processing of transactions.
Complete nodes, in turn, are very independent units and are the only way to maximally secure the use of bitcoin. Full nodes store all information about the network, thus ensuring compliance with the rules. For example – control over the fact that bitcoin was spent by the owner and was not spent several times.
Masternodes are somewhat similar to miners, but, in fact, they are special wallets, synchronized with the block. The main thing that is required from such wallets is to be active around the clock and maintain the network.
Masternodes perform the main functions of the network – conducting transactions, as well as additional services, such as the activation of anonymity for these transactions.
The similarity of the masternode with the miner is that by processing the operations that take place, they take a part of the coins from the new blocks, and the total profit is divided among all those involved in the process. Simply put, this technology allows you to receive a commission for the content of such a node.
If we talk about the differences between the node and the masternode, we can characterize them like this: if any computer synchronized with the network performing simple functions can be a node, then the masternode is a kind of organ with a wide functionality and great significance.
The main question, how do you raise masternode and receive passive income?
Of course, the process will not be easy. To become masternode, the user must have a wallet (for example – DASH or OctoinCoin). Which, moreover, has a high entry threshold of 1000 Dash, to have its own IP server (“gateway protocol”). Next, the user must execute a number of commands in the local wallet console to get 15 confirmations and a new status. At the same time, the user should have a fairly powerful equipment. Commission, which a masternode receives is about 7% per year.
The process is quite time consuming, but as an experienced user, by having waited for the right moment, so that the result was justified, you can get the advantage of perspective and draw masternode passive income.
We will continue to write articles for you about the blockchain and crypto-currencies. Recently, we talked about the basics and types of mining (https://octoin.com/news/n172/), and also specifically considered PoS mining (https://octoin.com/news/n178/). Very soon there will be material from which you will learn about the ways of storing cryptocurrency in hot and cold wallets.
Octoin – new era of blockchain!

Octoin Leader gave an interview to Indonesian media Lantai Bursa!
Indonesia’s largest financial media portal Lantai Bursa published a large interview about the project Octoin. The Indonesian leader Octoin Diane spoke about the launch of the new OctoinCoin (OCC), Octoin‘s plans to promote the Indonesian market and prospects for the development of cryptocurrency in this country.
In an interview, Diane said that one of the tasks that the Indonesian Octoin team faces is to release the OctoinCoin cryptocurrency to the largest stock exchanges in Indonesia, in particular, at bitcoin.co.id.
“In addition to launching OCC, we also want to continue to expand our operations, increasing the number of exchanges (transactions),” Diane said. According to her, in particular, negotiations are under way to establish a partner network, so that OCC could be used as a means of payment in shops and shopping centers.
The whole article can be read here http://www.lantaibursa.id
Octoin is an international cryptocommunity dedicated to the development of technologies in the field of blockchain. In January 2018, Octoin launched its own cryptocurrency, which was called OctoinCoin (or OCC).
One of Octoin‘s ambitious goals is the OCC’s release in 2018 to the top-of-the-line crypts that are traded on Indonesian exchanges. This is a modern cryptocurrency, which has the most advanced technical characteristics to date. OCC works on the PoS-algorithm of mining, and also uses SegWit and Lightning Network technologies, which means fast transactions and increased block size. The frequency of block formation per minute allows applying this cryptocurrency as a means for implementing micropayments!
OCC has many advantages, for example, the user can create an unlimited number of addresses in his desktop wallet, and also use the possibility of group hash mining. If you do not have the opportunity to mine yourself, then you can send your coins into a special program and receive a profit from the common mining program.
Indonesia is one of the most important markets for Octoin! There is huge interest of Indonesians in the cryptocurrencies and the success of the Indonesian Octoin Leaders. It shows that Indonesia in the speed of development of the electronic money market will soon have every chance to overtake even such a financial monster as China.

Technology in simple words: Cold and hot wallets.
Once you have collected a sufficient amount of cryptocurrency to start worrying about its safety you need to make a few wallets.
Since there are disadvantages to any system, it is better to be safe and keep your digital money in different places (including investing in innovative cryptocurrencies that show stable growth, such as OctoinCoin).
In order to choose wallets you need to understand the differences among them. So, first of all the storage of cryptocurrency in wallets is divided into cold and hot wallets.
Hot storage is when all online purses that are always connected to the network. The main feature of such wallets is that you can spend your money at any time. Hot wallets could be:
the wallets of trade exchanges (for example, Poloniex and Bittrex) where users buy and sell cryptocurrency;
mobile wallets that have gained popularity due to their convenience (since all operations occur in one click. Besides, the phone is always with you);
software applications (for example, Dash QT). You can use a hot wallet when using our OctoinCoin cryptocurrency.
When you are using hot wallets it is better to connect additional protection. For example, confirming the login by sms to the phone or by a code-question.
But it is better not to store large amounts in this way because like any other source with Internet access, such wallets are vulnerable to attack by hackers, all sorts of viruses and server hacking.
Cold storage mean all sorts of offline-wallets in which you save a private key away from the Internet. In cases of cold storage a private key is used to withdraw funds and a public address is used to receive the funds.
There are several methods of cold storage and we will consider their advantages and disadvantages.
A paper wallet.
In simple words it is a sheet of paper with a written private key. In order to create such a wallet you can use the service to create paper wallets. For example, the service bitaddress.org. You will receive a QR code and wallet number so you can print it. The main thing is to make sure that the information does not remain in the printer or in the cloud. Of course, this seems safe because if you hide such a wallet in a safe or in a book on the shelf, your bitcoins will be safe. Especially, since there is no access to the network. But there are obvious disadvantages of such storage:
Paper can be torn, wet, lost (such cases have happened).
If you make a mistake during the recording or writing the key, you will not be able to see your money ever again.Also, this piece of paper can be photographed or scanned by a QR code.
Finally, such wallet can simply be stolen and all the information is right there.
Hardware storage.
The hardware purse visually resembles a USB flash drive, but it was designed specifically to store cryptocurrency. If you want to conduct a transaction, you need to connect it through the USB port to the computer. Advantages – stores the private key offline and is not vulnerable to viruses. If necessary, allows you to quickly conduct transactions, provides a high level of protection. Disadvantage: again, be careful and do not lose your wallets. Although, in the case of hardware storage, some manufacturers provide recovery..Popular wallets – Ledger, Trezor, KeepKey.
Flash drive.
All you need is a quality USB drive. In order to make such a wallet, you need to download the software wallet and generate it on this medium and write a private key / phrase on it for recovery. For convenience, this information can be saved in a PDF file.
A big advantage of such a wallet is in its compact size. The minus is that it can be damaged, lost or when connected to the network it becomes susceptible to virus attack.
Storing information about the wallet on the computer.
The convenience of this action is that it gives you quick access to your wallet. Disadvantages are the viruses or if the operating system gets damaged then the data can not be restored.
A broken computer is a lost wallet.
Coin Bitcoin.
The method is rather symbolic. There are manufacturers of such coins that introduce a plastic carrier with a written private key inside.
It would seem that here is the alive money, absolutely real Bitcoin.
However, the most questionable is the trust to the manufacturer. What if he copies himself a private key too?
After acquaintance with wallets it is important to learn, that if you trust yourself then the storage on paper and on a hardware wallet will keep your money safe.
When choosing cold and hot storage, you need to weigh the pros and cons and then choose the best option that is right for you. We also remind you that on our platform you can download a wallet for using OctoinCoin. It is an innovative and reliable cryptocurrency that is just beginning to enter the global market.

A big conference in China has begun! Watch online on January 30 from 5 pm (UTC+07)!
We are announcing the launch of the first large-scale conference in China. You can watch it live on the link: https://reflow.huoshan.com
All the details about this event you can read in the news at the link https://octoin.com/news/n160/.
Hurry up: you can not miss this event!
Octoin – new era of blockchain!

Video about conferences in Batam and on Bali ! Watch it!
On January 20 and 21, in the city of Batam and on Bali, Indonesia, a large Octoin conference was held. Professional speakers from our team told future investors about the basics of blockchain and various cryptocurrencies.
There were many visitors at this conference from very different businesses. For example, a trader could meet a businessman or a miner could meet an owner of a start-up there. The cryptocurrencies are interesting now for everyone without any exceptions.
Of course, our project Octoin was also discussed. Our lector, Mr Imran had explained in details about the differences and the advantages of our platform, as well as about the convenient instruments for trading and programmes for mining our cryptocurrency – OctoinCoin.
The team from Indonesia continues to work perfectly and is becoming more professional and experienced. If you did not get to this conference, you can see the video report (https://youtu.be/Skdy6957g0Q). And in the video section on our website (https://octoin.com/video/) you will find many other interesting materials.
We are waiting for all of you next time!
Octoin – your safe partner in the cryptoworld!

Big Conference Octoin in Indonesia! On February 3
Very soon, Octoin will hold another large-scale conference in Indonesia! On February 3, 2018, Big Conference Business Cryptocurrency will be held in the city of Kediri, dedicated to the latest trends in the development of the crypto-currency market and the launch of the new OctoinCoin cryptocurrency.
The event will be held in the fashionable Hotel Grand Surya Kediri (Jl.Dhoho No.95 Kediri,64123) at 13:00 – 16:00 UTC+07. Specially invited speaker is Indonesian Octoin Top Leader Mr. Yayang Agung Sundawa.
Contacts: 082280551119 Akbar Octonizer, 082232278989 Fariz Mandala, 085733460003 Badrus x-team, 085646533331 Bobby x-team, 082141557893 Harry x-team
Octoin is an international IT organization dedicated to the development of technologies in the field of blockchain. The Octoin cryptographic platform caused a real sensation in the Indonesian market becoming the most popular tool in the field of cryptocurrency.
In early February, Octoin will take the next step by launching its own OctoinCoin (OCC) cryptocurrency. This is a modern cryptocurrency that works on the PoS-algorithm of mining, and also uses SegWit and Lightning Network technologies, which means fast transactions and increased block size. The frequency of block formation per minute allows applying this cryptocurrency as a means for implementing micropayments!
Join the Octoin crypto community and create your secure future!

There are 2 conferences coming up in Indonesia on February 1st, 2018! They will take place in Pangkalan and Semarang cities. Come and join us!
We are announcing 2 upcoming conferences in Indonesia. They both will be held on February 1st, 2018.
In Pangkalan, the conference will be conducted at 13:30 – 16:30 UTC + 07 at the Arsela Hotel Pangkalan Bun (Jalan Iskandar 15, Pangkalanbun, Kalimantan Tengah).
Speaker: Mr.Imran
Contact Person: 08219980998 & +62 813-4806-1314
In Semarang, the event will be held at 18:00 – 21:00 UTC + 07, at HOM HOTEL Semarang (Jl. Pandanaran No.119, 50231).
Speaker: Mr.Yogi Boti. Contacts: 082185747478
The theme of the conferences will be various blockchain and digital assets, including cryptocurrencies. Leaders from our Team will talk about how you can make money in this area and also share their thoughts and forecasts for the future.
Everyone will be able to know in detail about the innovative project Octoin and about the features of the work. You will be able to see how on one resource you can simultaneously engage in trading. Speakers will also inform about the mining program of our cryptocurrency OctoinCoin.
We invite everyone who is interested in new technologies, innovations and ways to earn money in this area. Even you have not heard anything about it you can come and ask questions, we will gladly answer them.
We look forward to seeing you!
Octoin is a new era of blockchain!

First event for Leaders in Malaysia! February 1st
We are announcing a large-scale open conference which will be held in Malaysia. Our project was created as a team of traders and miners from various countries and we continue to attract new people to our business.
At this meeting all the Leaders will be able to learn about the opportunities and working conditions with Octoin. You will learn about webinars, competent management and working with the audience. Speaker from our company will talk about the special features of working with the Octoin platform and give important advice to Leaders.
The conference will continue for about 3 hours. There will be organized a buffet with food and drinks for you. All necessary amenities will be provided.
City: Kuala Lumpur, Place: Grand Ballroom, Vivatel Hotel (Jalan Loke Yew, Taman Miharja, 55200), Date: February 1st, 2018 at 14:00 – 17:00 UTC+08, Speakers: Asep Susanto, WA contact: Mr. Nizam +60164854379
We look forward to seeing you!
Octoin is a new era of blockchain!

Etherium Zero is now on our site!
Fork Etherium Zero occurred and our company fully supported it. Within the framework of partnership and cooperation on our resource, the output of Etherium Zero will be available.
According to the conditions of the Etherium Zero fork, ETZ coins were charged as a separate line in the balance of the OCC purse.You can find the balance of your ETZ purse in the panel on the right in the tab with the wallet icon. You will be able to withdraw your funds as soon as the ETZ platform opens this opportunity. To withdraw, you only need to enter the details of your ETZ-wallet in the statistics section.
All questions regarding the fork of the Etherium Zero and the timing of the start of its transactions, you can ask on the official support channel of Etherium Zero in Telegram – https://t.me/etherzero_org
Thank you, and follow the news! Octoin – a new era of blockchain!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: CurrencyGlobal, TatWex, Stradivarius, CrypteiroTudorGames.
From MNO Standard list: BISTInvestAutomatix, RenaissanceInvest.
From MNO Basic list: WorldMiningDigitalBit.

That’s all the news for today, guys. Remember that your questions and suggestions are always welcome on the MNO ShoutBox, or by contacting me personally from here, or chatting on Telegram @mnoblog. I will try to do my best to keep the MNO blog and monitor updated even during my vacation, so make sure you bookmark my site not to miss any important news and reviews of the most successful programs. I will be back in a couple of days on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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