Feb 21st, 2018 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.

Hello everyone, and welcome back to the MNO blog – the only site dealing exclusively with high-budget programs run by experienced admins and aimed at finding the most elite investment opportunities for my readers. As you might have noticed, things in the HYIP industry have been stalling lately when at the same time last year it was booming. I firmly believe though that it’s much better to deal with a handful of decent programs than pay attention to dozens of deliberate fast scams that seem to be flocking to cheaper monitors willing to do anything for a buck. As I said many times already, unlike many others out there for whom online ventures is a main source of income MNO is just my hobby and something I truly enjoy doing in my spare time (I’m still on vacation in Cambodia before finishing in Singapore). I’ve made enough from over eleven years of running this business and that gives me the necessary leverage of accepting only the biggest programs in the HYIP industry and snuff out any chancers by keeping the listing prices high. And if that involves some quiet periods it’s totally OK with me, as we know from the article posted here the HYIP industry often works in “boom and bust” cycles. So if you are disappointed with the limited choice of HYIPs out there just relax and take your time, as brighter days are always on the horizon. Therefore, it’s of utmost importance to follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, or subscribe to the regular news updates here in order not to miss the next giant of the HYIP industry which may well start advertising on MNO, just like many times before. Many such giants of the past did exactly that, like LaserOnline or Zinc7, and my readers were the first to be aware of them and potentially earned much more than others.

Although the current dip in HYIP activities may seem untypical for the time of year, we should really take into account many factors that may contribute to this. It might be cryptocurrency price reductions (or corrections, if you wish) that led to the general slowdown or a combination of other factors I will include in today’s news in the MNO TalkBack poll results, so read on for more information there. One thing I know for sure though,  is that one experienced admin is back with a brand new program on the MNO monitor‘s Standard List. It’s called BitifyLimited and I’ll be starting today’s article with a brief introduction. I’ll have a more detailed review of it later in the week once I can confirm Paying Status and have a bit more time to examine the website more thoroughly.  I’ll continue today’s news with the latest updates from some of the paying programs featured on the MNO monitor like JazzleGames, EnergyCarsRevolution, NobleDDoS, and the recently transformed OctoinCoin only Octoin.


BitifyLimited has been added to MNO’s Standard List before anyone else today, so the program’s admin definitely knows what he’s doing. I know that two of his previous programs brought profits to many MNO readers who played it smart and hopefully BitifyLimited will continue this successful trend. The admin has chosen a path of gradual development for his project – exactly what made the previous two such profitable ventures. Currently only four payment processors are accepted – BitCoin, LiteCoin, DogeCoin, and NixMoney, but there will be more added in the future for sure, so keep an eye on MNO for more information when it happens. Fans of instant withdrawals will be pleased to know that withdrawals are processed instantly, with the exception of a few less popular cryptocurrencies to be added later. So, if you have an account in any of the four mentioned systems you can join one of the BitifyLimited‘s daily paying plans which will also return your principal on expiry – 2.2% for 15 days, 2.6% for 30 days, 3% for 45 days. These plans will, of course, be more popular than the much riskier once on expiry paying plans – 160% after 20 days, 240% after 40 days, 340% after 60 days, 1000% after 100 days, 5000% after 200 days. Although I’m not excluding the chance of some people doing well from the shorter term offers from BitifyLimited, especially considering the minimum to invest is $10 or $100. More on the program’s investment plans will be in the upcoming review of BitifyLimited on the MNO blog in a few days time.

Technically the website is prepared quite well and apart from running off a custom made script (only used before in the two other programs run by the same admin) it’s been SSL-secured by Let’s Encrypt Authority and DDoS protected by DDoSGuard. Live stats are available on the website, a very comprehensive FAQ, and impressive video presentation which my programmer has already embedded on the MNOVision page for your convenience. Overall, BitifyLimited looks a promising program still in its infancy that can certainly reach its full potential once more payment processors and languages are added in the future. I’ll be able to confirm Paying Status for BitifyLimited on my monitor tomorrow which will allow me to start preparing a full review of the program. Meanwhile you can have a look at the website and see if you like it or not. The first welcome newsletter from the admin is re-posted below for your convenience:

BitifyLimited Official Launch
Dear friends,
Today we are proud to present the major financial project BitifyLimited, a modern online platform for attracting private investment with steady and sure profit of up to 5,000% for each investor.
With the rich experience in the blockchain industry, and successful professional investment activities of our team of professionals with over five years of history, we are productively providing and support large-scale analytics of investment prospects for potentially successful startups in the field of introducing implementation into the most important industries that belong to everyday activities, so we can offer private investors truly unique financial conditions of the investment products of the Company.
In addition, we managed to find a completely new approach to solving the main tasks that should be solved by a proper customer service – personal contact, personal attention and prompt response. Besides, it is especially important for us to always be in touch with the investors of the company, so immediately after registration each User of BitifyLimited gets a personal manager for unlimited consultations at any time, day and night.
In conclusion, we wish to point out that investing together with BitifyLimited, you will not only get a strong foundation for your personal financial well-being, but you also help laying the foundation for technological victories of the future generations!


Hardly a day goes by without an update from the admin of JazzleGames. Over the last 72 hours no less than three newsletters were posted on the website which offers investors the following plans – 107% after 7 days, 3.6% for 50 days (principal included), 1.8% for 40 days, 2.2% for 70 days, 2% for 77 days (all the last three paying principal back on expiry as well). These are all discussed in more detail in the review of JazzleGames posted here, and withdrawals are processed instantly as well to members’ PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, Ethereum, YandexMoney, Dash, and Monero accounts. Although the admin specifically mentions Payza in the latest update, it’s still not accepted at the time of writing. There was not really much in terms of changes or developments on the JazzleGames‘ website at all, but rather a reminder of the currency options people can invest with, some general information on building casinos in Russia’s offshore gaming zones that the company makes a priority of developing in the future, and an article in one of the BitCoin related online media the admin was especially proud to link to. All three updates from JazzleGames can be seen below:

You are in the team of the winners! The media writes about us.
Dear investors! Even not a month has passed since the start but Jazzle Finance Limited [GB] has already grown into a project, which is written about by large information resources. A credible bitcoinist.com online portal has published an extensive article on Jazzle Finance Limited [GB], raising the question of whether Jazzle Finance Limited [GB] is the winner in the casino construction industry, using in its business such a tool as digital currencies.
This recognition of our achievements is not accidental. From the first steps, we are actively moving, keeping pace with the times, trying to keep up with the rapid development of the digital age. We can assure you that we do not intend to lose momentum and stop, at what we have achieved. By joining us, you have entered the winning team!

Building a casino is a win-win rate.
An investment in the gambling business is the niche, where the profits are guaranteed almost 100% in the whole world. For example, more than 13 million people are playing in Russia and for 10 years, despite the reform of the gambling industry, the number of players is not decreasing. According to reports for 2017, 70% of the total number of players made bets in gambling establishments, located in free economic trade zones.
Given such a stable popularity of the gambling business, we have made one of the most priority our directions, it is the construction of casinos in offshore zones. Accumulating the funds of our investors, we acquire land in the areas of free economic trade; we develop a turn-key project and ensure the launch of a business.
Making new deposits in our project, you increase your win-win rate on guaranteed income.
Best regards, JazzleGames team

There are various electronic payment systems for your comfort.
Dear investors! We take care that our partners can work together with us as conveniently as possible. To complete financial transactions, we have already connected 10 electronic payment systems. Now you can use the following EPSs: PerfectMoney, Bitcoin, Payeer, AdvCash, Dash, NixMoney, Ethereum, Monero, Payza.
The minimum amount that can be withdrawn from the balance sheet is only 0.1 $, for crypto-currency payment systems it is 0.002 btc in the equivalent.
The deposits are credited instantly, and they can immediately be used to start investment activities. After receipt of funds into your personal account, you can order their withdrawal immediately. The money will be immediately sent to the purse of the EPS you used to make the deposit. We continue to work hard to develop the project, and to create a comfortable working environment for our partners.


EnergyCarsRevolution has recently reported the launch of a second language version of the website – Vietnamese. The choice might not be very obvious at first glance, but then we need to consider the ever growing influence of the Asian markets in the HYIP industry to realize that the admin is doing the right thing. As we might see from the other inactive flag icons in the right top corner of the website and from the admin’s own newsletter posted yesterday, there are a few other languages planned for EnergyCarsRevolution members convenience in the near future. That will certainly make the program more accessible internationally and make it more successful in the long term. As well as other languages, EnergyCarsRevolution is working hard to make the program with offers like 2.1% for 30 days, 2.3% for 60 days, 2.5% for 90 days, 500% after 100 days (all with the principal back on expiry) available for more investors using various currencies. The recently expanded list of payment methods you can join with starting from a $10 minimum now includes PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, Dash, and BitcoinCash. More on EnergyCarsRevolution is in my detailed review posted here and for the latest newsletter from the admin which also includes links to various social networking sites you can share your experience with the program on please check below:

EnergyCarsRevolution – Support of the Vietnamese language!
In connection with entering the Vietnamese market, we took care of the convenience of using our website for representatives of this region officially declare the support of the Vietnamese language.
But this is just the beginning! In the near future, we plan to include Polish, German, Indian, Russian and Chinese, as soon as we plan to enter the markets of these countries where these languages are state or prevailing.
We sincerely thank all investors who have stayed with us from the very beginning, as well as those who have just joined us and believe in overall success. We do our best to simplify the work with the site and make it as comfortable as possible.
Subscribe to EnergyCarsRevolution‘s social media communities on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ecrevolcom-1596459340437230
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ecrevol_com
Telegram: https://t.me/ecrevo_com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU1adpW-uq5kfqh7hBdbrRA
Follow our news, put likes, comment, and take an active part in the common cause!
Sincerely, the administration of the company EnergyCarsRevolution.


From my original review of NobleDDoS posted here you might remember that I mentioned the program was only accepting traditional payment handlers like PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash while digital cryptocurrencies were ignored. I didn’t exclude the possibility of them being added in the future which happened yesterday with Ethereum and LiteCoin surprisingly being the first ones added. Here is what the admin had to say about it on the website:

Added new payment systems!
Dear investors! Now we accept deposits in the Litecoin and Ethereum crypto currency! You can install the Litecoin crypto currency purse at the official website of the crypto currency https://litecoin.org/en/ and Ethereum at https://www.ethereum.org.

NobleDDoS accepts deposits starting from $10 and and has two main investment offers – 4.5%-5% for 30 days and 120%-130% after 15 days. The interest is fixed and will only be determined by the size of your principle (either side of $1,000). Almost all the withdrawals from NobleDDoS are processed instantly (in some rare cases they can be manual but very fast nevertheless). As the program is quite new and monitored on MNO for only a week it’s too early to draw any conclusions about its growth potential, as the first investors are yet to profit. However in my opinion the addition of cryptocurrencies is a step in the right direction and will expand the horizons for NobleDDoS which will hopefully add BitCoin soon as well. I’ll keep you updated on any further developments.


Any Octoin members who managed to figure out how to withdraw their OCC from their accounts using the OctoinCoin wallet while then exchanging it to other currencies via exchangers like Yobit and Exrates should be aware that their wallets have to be updated to a newer version in order to keep enjoying an uninterrupted and trouble free experience. I followed the instructions provided below and managed to go through all the steps without any issues and now have a newer version of OCC wallet installed on my PC. It would be better to see the value of OCC rising on the exchangers, however, I still see it priced at $8 to $10 per coin which is negligible compared to its original price of $100 per coin set before the widely publicized ICO. Maybe that is the main reason why so many monitors changed the status of Octoin to Problem or even Scam, as they couldn’t figure out how to install the wallets or just couldn’t be bothered as their funds were depleted after being converted to OCC without their permission – a currency which lost about 90% of its original value. The tide can turn in their favour though, as OCC is still a new cryptocurrency whose admins do tend not to give up and try their best to improve by releasing new versions and actively promoting the use of OCC in various conferences which are still being held around the world. Although Octoin was first reviewed on MNO here, the program has since changed direction completely, now working exclusively with OctoinCoins – its own cryptocurrency, and you can only join if you have some OCC whose numbers are limited and are supposed to grow in value in the long term, as least that’s what we hope for. The latest news from Octoin including instructions on how to download and install the new version of the OctoinCoin wallet and keep funds intact please read below:

OctoinCoin Softfork!
Today the planned upgrade of the OCC cryptowallets and network will be carried out. Fork will greatly improve stability and correct minor shortcomings and bugs.
In connection with the upgrade of the Octoin coin network, the transaction confirmation time can be increased. We ask you for a while to refrain from committing any movement of coins.
Thank you for your patience and understanding! We will try to complete the update as soon as possible!
Octoin – new era of blockchain!

Important announcement! Softfork of OctoinCoin is over!
Dear users and participants of the project Octoin,
The planned fork happened. The transition to the version of the wallet was made. Bugs were fixed, functioning was improved, network stability and synchronization speed in the data were increased, there were also minor adjustments in the design of desktop user wallets.
To continue using OCC wallets of all OC, all users need:
1. Make a backup of the installed wallet. How to do it, you can find out by the links:
For Windows: https://octoin.com/wallet/backup_wallet.pdf
For Mac: https://youtu.be/JbmoZ4U5XyA
2. Attention! It is necessary to check if the backup copy is preserved. Only then delete the wallet files. Instructions can be found on the following links:
For Windows: http://octoin.com/wallet/02d.pdf
For Mac: https://youtu.be/Qt8gAxL0MR4
3. Download a new version of the wallet from the site and make its installation. Download links:
For Windows: https://octoin.com/wallet/occ_win_1.3.1.zip
For Mac: https://octoin.com/wallet/occ_os_x_1.3.1.dmg
For Linux: https://octoin.com/wallet/occ_linux_1.3.1.zip
4. Start a new wallet and check the balance
For Windows: https://octoin.com/wallet/restore_wallet.pdf
For Mac: https://youtu.be/07TVWkXyX-s
Thank you for your patience and understanding! We will continue to work on improving the OctoinCoin.
Octoin – a new era of blockchain!

The event in Solo – February 19!
We are pleased to announce a major conference in Indonesia. It will be held on February 19 at 13:30 – 16:00 UTC +07 at the Sala View Hotel (Jalan Brigjend Slamet Riyadi No.450, Purwosari, Laweyan, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57142). Speaker: Mr. Asmart (081328392007).
During the event, which will be organized by our representatives from Indonesia, many issues related to the blockage, the crypto-currencies and the prospects for their development will be discussed. Our speakers will talk about our project Octoin, about the program for mining OctoinCoin and a convenient p2p-exchange. Also, snacks and drinks will be provided for all participants.
We invite everyone who is interested in new technologies, innovations, and ways to earn money in this area. Even you have not heard anything about it – come and ask questions: we will gladly answer them! Come by yourself and invite partners!
Octoin – your reliable partner in the cryptoworld!

February 23 – conference in Marabahan!
The marathon of conferences in Indonesia continues – on February 23 an event will take place in Marabahan at 14:30 – 17:30 UTC + 08 at the Prima Hotel Batola (jl.Basuki Rahmad, Marabahan, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia).
Speaker: Panji
The theme of the conference will be various digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, and technology of blockchain. Leaders from our team will talk about how you can make money in this area and also share their thoughts and forecasts for the future.
Everyone will be able to know in detail about the innovative project Octoin and about the features of the its work and development. You can learn about the program for mining Octoin and see how on our platform you can make transactions with other users using the p2p-exchange.
We invite everyone who is interested in new technologies, innovations and ways to earn money in this area. Even you have not heard anything about it you can come and ask questions, we will gladly answer them.
We look forward to seeing you!
Octoin – new era of blockchain!


Just to finish up for today I think it’s probably time we draw the final results of the last MNO TalkBack page opinion poll and replace it with a new question. It was a fairly closely run race this time out, opinions are as always with anything in the HYIP industry divided and there’s no strong runaway leader. The question itself pertained to readers levels of trust and confidence that certain style programs, i.e. short, medium, and long investment terms can be more likely to allow you to profit with the greatest degree of safety. The exact question then asked:
What do you think gives the safest opportunity to profit in the HYIP industry now?

The result fairly hard to analyse to be honest, given the lack of any one clear direction for trends in the industry right now. There was an equal split with 38.5% of readers saying “Shorter term plans, profit in 10 days or less” and another 38.5% saying the safest opportunities around at the moment stem from “Medium term plans, profit in 10 to 30 days”. The remaining 23% of voters, just under a quarter so by no means an insignificant minority, voted for the option “Longer term plans, profit after 30 days” are the most reliable programs right now. I don’t know what or even if this says anything about the state of the HYIP industry at the moment, but from experience these things tend to move in cycles. If I were to post the very same question again in maybe six or twelve months from now I could probably get a radically different set of answers. But it’s just some food for thought, especially for any admins reading this, what people are looking at in the industry at the present moment.

For the next question I want to stay on roughly the same or at least similar topic, which involves readers perceptions of the current state of the HYIP industry. There’s no point in denying the elephant in the room here, everyone still involved with the HYIP industry who was here 12 months ago can see that the difference in activity between then and now is sharp. Sure, no one likes to say these things, but ignoring them doesn’t make it go away. The decline in the HYIP industry during the first (almost) two full months of 2018 compared to 2017 is undeniable. But why is this happening? Why now, when things are usually so buoyant in the industry post New Year and into springtime? I mean I’m in no position to account for every single dollar and cent that passes through the industry, by it’s very nature no one can do that, but it isn’t difficult for any experienced monitor or investor/observer to see that we are talking about more than just ripples in the pond here, there has been a definite shift in the industry since then and now. Conditions are different, that’s always going to be the way here so not exactly news by itself, but what do you attribute the current slump in the HYIP industry to when so many people expressed such high hopes for the year just six short weeks ago.

The question I want to ask readers therefore is this:
What is the main underlying cause of the current HYIP industry slump?

Possible answers include:
– BitCoin’s unpredictability has made it too unstable
– Too many fast scams / good admins not delivering
– People are just not interested since the new year

As usual let me say a big thank you in advance to everyone who participates. You can cast your own vote on the MNO TalkBack page . The poll will stay open for at least another week, maybe ten days, but definitely long enough for everyone who’s interested in voting to have ample time to do so. I would encourage anyone with an interested in the industry to do so, there are no wrong answers after all and everyone’s opinion is equally valid. Voting is completely anonymous and untraceable, and it only takes literally a second to do so. And the more people who make a contribution the better and more accurate picture we get, and that can only help all of us.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: JSRentHouse, EnergyCarsRevolution, JazzleGames, NobleDDoS.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: WorldMining.

And that’s where we leave it for today, guys. Thanks as ever for reading and I hope there was something useful or helpful for you in the information posted. Remember your chances of success are always improved by staying in touch, staying informed, and being part of a wider community. Therefore I suggest you follow MNO on Twitter, Facebook, and Telegram, and subscribe to have regular news updates sent direct to your e-mail address on the same day as publication by filling out the form on this page. You can also communicate with me directly through Telegram @mnoblog, by posting a short message on the MNO ShoutBox, or by going directly through the contact form on this page. I’ll see you all in a couple of days with whatever news is worth hearing about, and of course the promised review of the newest addition to my monitor today, the afore mentioned BitifyLimited. So stay tuned for all this and more on Money-News-Online – for money lovers!

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