Beware! NobleDDoS has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone, and welcome once more to the MNO news blog where I hope I can help finish your weekend with some useful and helpful information that can benefit you financially. Mainly what I want to talk about today however is another of the recent additions to the MNO monitor‘s Premium List, a very shall we say colourfully themed program called NobleDDoS. At first it seems like a name more suited to a hosting provider or online security service. Nothing could be further from the truth though, as NobleDDoS is most definitely a HYIP. In many ways it follows the traditional model of a typical online HYIP in the sense that they offer investment plans, you pay to join the one you like, and keep your fingers crossed all goes well that you see a profit. What differentiates NobleDDoS from the rest of the industry so completely is the background story that they launch DDoS attacks on websites with illegal content in order to blackmail/extort money from their owners in order for these attacks to stop. Just when I thought I heard every conceivable get rich quick scheme in the industry something always comes along to surprise me! Anyway, whatever you think of the claims made by the admins – NobleDDoS are not going to be treated any differently here no matter what is said there – let’s take a look at what they have to offer as an investment program and whether you think they are suitable for your portfolios.
NobleDDoS is basically a medium term investment project. There are four plans in total, with two options paying you just once on expiry and two more making daily interest payments over a slightly longer length term. I usually start with the shorter term options, but as the longer term plans in this instance are likely to prove a lot more popular I think I should start there. The first one then is called The ICMP Flood Plan (tech minded readers will note they all have a sort of DDoS style theme about them) can be joined for a $10 minimum. It runs for a term of 30 calendar days, during which NobleDDoS are offering members a daily interest payment of 4.5%. This over the course of the term adds up to 135% in total. With NobleDDoS including the original principal as part of the payments, that means you get your own money back plus 35% net profit.
So let’s say you make a $100 deposit into this plan, how would that work out in monetary terms? NobleDDoS should start paying you back at a rate of $4.50 per day for the following 30 day period. You should eventually finish up with $135 in total back on your investment, which has already been factored into your payments. So that’s your own money back plus 35% net profit for yourself. The more important statistic as always is the break even point, when you earn back an amount equivalent to your principal and therefore cannot possibly lose money. This happens after 23 payments, everything after that is passive income. The maximum amount you are allowed to spend on this plan is $999 per single deposit.
If you can afford a bigger deposit, $1,000 and upwards to a $100,000 maximum, then NobleDDoS will offer you an improved rate of 5% interest per day. This is called The TCP Flood Plan. The term remains at 30 calendar days, so with your principal included that comes to a total return of 150% back on your investment, of 50% net profit. The break even point comes on day number 20, with everything you earn after that being your net profit.
Next we see NobleDDoS change direction, with lower but faster profits coming at a higher risk. The third option is called The SYN Flood Plan and runs for 15 calendar days. Entry level deposits start from a $10 minimum, and for anything up to a maximum limit of $999 you can claim a payment of 120% back from NobleDDoS on expiry. With your principal included that’s your own money plus 20% net profit, or in monetary terms $120 returned for a $100 spend.
The remaining option, called The TCP Flood Plan, also runs for 15 calendar days. Except this time NobleDDoS ask for at least a $1,000 minimum spend from investors. In return for this, the offer is a single on expiry payment of 130%, principal included. That means you get your own money back in the payment, plus an extra 30% on the value of your principal on top of that. The maximum spending limit here is again capped by NobleDDoS at $100,000.
If you like any of those plans enough to join then the next thing you will need to know is what are your payment options. The NobleDDoS admin seems to prefer to focus on the more traditional style payment handlers, with just PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash making up the list. Curious then that for any online HYIP these days let along one claiming their alleged line of business that digital crypto currencies should be ignored here. To be honest BitCoin in particular have often proved more trouble than they’re worth in recent months, so while the choice might be welcome by some, others probably won’t be too bothered and it’s not as if more options can’t be added later. What I can tell you about NobleDDoS that investors will definitely like is that withdrawals are processed instantly. Just log into your account, submit the payment request, and the money should be with you in under a minute. Just one other important point I’d like to make here, and please pay close attention, you must be sure to add you payment account details under the Settings tab in your NobleDDoS members account area. Otherwise the script won’t know where to send your payment, and that will only cause you delays and headaches.
Moving on to the more technical aspects of the NobleDDoS website now such as design, security, etc. The hosting provider is OVH and they are keeping the program on a dedicated server with their protection and tech support. An extra line in defence can be found in the superior Green Bar Extended Validation SSL encryption certificate by Comodo to allow for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The main thing that most regular investors will probably recognize first however is the script which is under license from GoldCoders. This in turn allows NobleDDoS to be remarkably user friendly and easy to navigate despite the site design looking as if it were done by a professional hacking team (complete with those creepy “Guy Fawkes” style masks made popular by the Anonymous hacking group).
If you have any further questions for the NobleDDoS admin or any account related issues you need to have dealt with then there are a number of channels open to you. I suggest you start with the FAQ page which is always the first thing to look at on any site where you aren’t entirely sure of something. If that doesn’t help then move on to the website’s Live Chat where you will find the built-in widget in the bottom right hand corner of the page. It’s always worth taking a quick look first to see if an operator is online before composing any lengthy messages for the admin. Otherwise you can e-mail the admin directly at the listed address or else fill in your details on the online support form and submit it through the NobleDDoS contacts page. Social media profiles for the site are available too, so you can link up with NobleDDoS using either Facebook or the increasingly popular Telegram. By the way, if it helps things move along for you then the NobleDDoS website is also multi lingual. Depending on which language you are most fluent in, you can navigate in English, Russian, German, or Vietnamese.
Just to finish up with NobleDDoS for today, in case anyone is still interested in such things the background story being put out by the admin is that the program is involved somehow with as I already explained using DDoS attacks to extort money from illegal online websites. Regular HYIP players, i.e. the rest of us, will of course know better, that’s just what a first timer is going to see on the NobleDDoS website on their first visit. Needless to say, there’s nothing you can do to research and verify any of this, and even if it were true there’s still no guarantee that it has to be profitable all the time. Therefore you need to be sensible and treat NobleDDoS as you would any other online HYIP. That means staying well under a spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose, and if joining at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
Just before we move on to the news section I want to finish up with NobleDDoS, at least for today anyway, by asking what readers think of it. You can weigh up the pros and cons of joining, and decide whether it’s a risk you think worth taking. I hope then that you won’t mind answering the following opinion poll question, which is as always 100% anonymous and only takes a second to complete. Thanks to everyone who votes, as it will make interesting reading maybe not today but several weeks from now when we look back on NobleDDoS and see how it has developed by then:

Staying with the above reviewed NobleDDoS, the admin stays true to his claims of launching attacks against fraudulent websites and proudly claims responsibility for attacks on a copycat site impersonating an established e-currency exchanger. Whether NobleDDoS actually initiated the attack on those websites remains questionable, but at least the admin makes an attempt to justify the claims made in the review. Here’s the latest update from NobleDDoS on this:
“Attacked a fraudulent resource
Hello guys and all investors of our project! By the numerous requests of our investors, we recently attacked a fraudulent resource that says that it is engaged in currency exchange, but in fact deceives people! This resource brought a lot of damage to citizens of different countries and spoils the reputation of normal legal exchangers! Here is the domain name of this resource;;;! Also, we attach a screenshot of the legal site!!!”
You might remember that I reviewed JazzleGames a few days ago (click here to read) and over the first five days of monitoring I was pleased with regular instant payouts. The program offers one test plan of 107% after 7 days which is available for investments in the range of $10 to $100 via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, YandexMoney, Ethereum, Dash, or Monero. There are three plans for larger investors that return the principal on expiry – 1.8% for 40 days, 2.2% for 70 days, 2% for 77 days. However if you wish to know which one is the most popular with JazzleGames investors it’s undoubtedly the one paying 3.6% for 50 days for a $20 minimum (principal included).
The last three days saw several updates posted on the JazzleGames website, starting with a translation into the Kazakh language which joins English and Russian. Then a five tier referral system was introduced that should make active promoters of JazzleGames happy. And finally, some latest stats of total deposits and withdrawals were shared, and though they look a bit exaggerated I’ll post them foryour own independent judgment. Below you will fine all the three latest updates in full:
“Now in Kazakh
Our company extends the horizons and does not intend to stop on at reached. We are working hard to maximum comfort for our partners. From now the new Kazakh version of our site is available. Our goal is availability and informativeness for every future and current investors.”
“Rise to the new level
Our investors are the most valuable for us. We perfectly understand the desire of our partners to raise their level, expand their business and increase their incomes. Therefore, having extensive experience and perfectly thought-out marketing system, we have developed a referral program that allows you to realize your aspirations.
We have implemented a 5-tier system to encourage our Representatives. Now the First Level Representative receives 12% of the referral reward from the deposit of the investor he attracts.
Come to a new level and combine pleasant work and even more pleasant income.”
“17 days on the way to success
Dear Investors! We are pleased to note that the development of our project is moving rapidly along the path of success. Already now our indicators demonstrate joining us, you have made the right decision. In just 17 days of work in our project more than half a million dollars have been invested, namely USD 698,083, we attracted 13,852 investors, and paid out USD 132,178. For such a short period of our project we have achieved impressive results. Flexible conditions, comfortable work, career growth opportunity, and increase of earnings every day attract many new users to our project. Your investment and our hard work is a key to mutual success.”
After two weeks of stable payments since it was added to the Premium List on MNO the admin of EnergyCarsRevolution finally has some positive news for anyone preferring so-called “altcoins” which are BitCoin alternatives. Recently not less than four more investment options became available for such people including Ethereum, LiteCoin, Dash, and BitcoinCash. And all that to the addition of the already available big four payment processors in the HYIP industry as PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin. As you might know from the review posted on MNO on EnergyCarsRevolution (click here to read), the program is offering three investment plans paying daily with principal back on expiry (2.1% for 30 days, 2.3% for 60 days, 2.5% for 90 days), while the remaining fourth plan cannot really be recommended due to long waiting time, as it promises a 500% after 100 days on expiry return. The wide choice of payment processors should be welcomed by HYIP investors, so let’s see if it works well for EnergyCarsRevolution in the long run:
“EnergyCarsRevolution – Added new payment systems.
Dear Investor
We notify you about the expansion of opportunities to work with EnergyCarsRevolution Company — several new payment systems are connected for your convenience. You can now deposit and withdraw money using such systems as Ethereum, LiteCoin, BitcoinCash and Dash.
We hope that this innovation will be in demand and useful for each of you. In the near future we plan to add new electronic payment systems.
Sincerely, the administration of the company EnergyCarsRevolution”.
The price of OctoinCoin (the very own crypto-currency used by Octoin now) has dropped below $10 on Exrates now, so personally I feel lucky to have exchanged my own OCC surplus for $12.5 each a week ago. The fact that the price of OCC has finally went to public trading and one can actually get (although less than originally invested) money in exchange for OCC was the decisive factor in moving Octoin (reviewed here) back to Paying Status on the MNO monitor. Besides, the p2p-exchange between members of Octoin has resumed and the administration recently even posted instructions how to do this inside of your Octoin account. Note though that the unsolicited exchange offers between members of Octoin which you might have received are not subject to Octoin‘s regulations and you won’t be protected if you trust some individuals to make personal exchanges using WhatsApp or Telegram for instance. The Octoin administration urges cautioun and use only p2p-exchange and legitimate exchange services, like Yobit or Exrates, if you wish to buy or sell OCC funds. The only thing I really dislike is that while the original price of OCC stood at $100 now it’s around $10, i.e. ten times cheaper. The price hike what the admin was talking about at the beginning of the ICO hasn’t happened yet, but maybe it will happen in the future, judging by so many conferences held in Asia to make people aware of this opportunity to make money through currency speculation. Below are the latest updates from Octoin over the last three days:
“New P2P-exchange – how to buy / sell OctoinCoin?
We have completed the upgrade of our P2P-exchange on the site Octoin, and restored access to it for all members of the community.
To make it easy for our users to continue working on the P2P-exchange, the Octoin team prepared a step-by-step instruction on creating purchase or sale orders:
1. Log in to your Octoin profile
2. Find the “P2P-exchange” tab on the left side of the screen and click on it
3. At the top of the screen you will see the option “Create order”, here you can select the cryptocurrency and its quantity that you want to buy / sell.
4. After you enter the data – you need to click on “Create Order”
5. Your order will be visible in the list below. There you can see orders of other people and make deals with them
6. In order to cancel the order, you need to go to the “My orders” tab and click on “Cancel”
If you created an order by mistake or want to change its parameters (price, quantity), you can cancel the order placed. Go to the “My orders” tab and click “Cancel”.
Also on the right side, next to the “Create order” tab, you can use the course calculator, which will help you calculate the profit from your order.
Below you can see the tabs “Orders” – a general list of all user orders, as well as your personal tabs “My orders” and “My transactions” through which you can control your transactions.
To the right you can see the filters with which you can filter out only the deals that you are interested in. For example, only transactions for the sale of BTC and the purchase of OCC.
Octoin – your reliable partner in the cryptoworld!”
“Urgent news! Beware of scammers!
ATTENTION! On the P2P exchange, we noticed the actions of users offering transactions outside our platform. As a rule, such proposals lead to an unregulated exchange without the deposit of funds of users participating in the exchange. It is not advisable to follow the invitations of such persons and enter into correspondence with them through their WhatsUp, Viber, Telegram.
The Octoin project is not responsible for making transactions outside the P2P exchange. We kindly ask you to refrain from such unsafe transactions. Buy and sell OCC directly on the P2P exchange or stock exchanges
We will continue to closely monitor security on our platform and try not to allow such incidents in the future. Thank you for staying with us!
Octoin – your reliable partner in the cryptoworld!”
“Conference in the capital! Jakarta – on February, 17th!
We are pleased to announce another major conference in Indonesia. It will be held on February 17 at 14:00 – 17:00 UTC + 07 in Jakarta at the Swiss-Belhotel Mangga Besar (Jl. Kartini Raya No. 57, Pasar Baru, Sawah Besar, RT.3 / RW.2, Kartini, RT .3 / RW.2, Kartini, Sawah Besar).
It will be attended not only by leaders from Jakarta, but also from many other cities in Indonesia: Surabaya, Medan, Jogja, Semarang, Makasar Doorprise, Carity. Total number of participants: about 1000 people! Such events are not so often – do not miss your chance to visit it!
During the event, which will be organized by our representatives from Indonesia many issues will be discussed that relate to the blockchain, the crypto-currencies and the prospects for their development. Our speakers will tell about our project Octoin, about the program on mining OctoinCoin and convenient p2p-exchange. Also, for all participants will be provided snacks and drinks.
Separately it is worth mentioning the charitable actions that will take place during the event. Our leaders from different countries put forward this initiative and we fully support it. For us social problems are far from indifferent and we consider it necessary to continue working in this direction. In the future, we plan to pay more attention to charity and hold more such actions.
Promotor: Alung Chen 081212572311, 081212573211, Contact person reservasi: Hendra Saputra (081222770666), Hendra Bizz, Herman Doang (081317127931), Guest Speaker: Diane Jordan
We invite all to participate! Come by yourself and invite partners!
Octoin – your reliable partner in the cryptoworld!”
“February 18 – conferences in Depok and Kapuas! Come!
We are announcing 2 meetings in Indonesia, which will be held on February 18 in the cities of Depok and Kapuas
In Depok, the event will be at 13:00 – 17:00 UTC + 07 at The Margo Hotel (Jalan Margonda Raya 358, Depok, Indonesia 16423). Speaker: Imran & Depok Team (082199809998).
In Kapuas, the conference will be held at 14:30 – 17:30 UTC + 08 at the Permata Hotel (Kuala Kapuas Jl., Cilik Riwut No.101, Selat Tengah, Kec. Selat, Kabupaten Kapuas, Kalimantan Tengah 73516). Speaker: Panji Samudra (081351177107)
The theme of the conferences will be various blockchain and digital assets, including cryptocurrencies. Leaders from our Team will talk about how you can make money in this area and also share their thoughts and forecasts for the future.
Everyone will be able to know in detail about the innovative project Octoin and about the features of the work. You can see how on our resource you can use the P2P-exchange and make transactions with it on the other users. Speakers will not bypass the program for the mining of our OctoinCoin cryptocurrency.
We invite everyone who is interested in new technologies, innovations and ways to earn money in this area. Even you have not heard anything about it you can come and ask questions, we will gladly answer them.
We look forward to seeing you!
Octoin – your reliable partner in the cryptoworld!”
“February 18 – Conference in Jogia!
The marathon of conferences in Indonesia continues – on February 18 there will be an event in the city of Jogia at 13:30 – 16:00 UTC +07 at the Hotel Neo Malioboro (Jalan Pasar Kembang No. 21, Malioboro, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55271).
Speaker: Mr.Rudhianto, Contacts: 085604176607 (mr rudi)
The theme of the conference will be various digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, and technology of blockchain. Leaders from our team will talk about how you can make money in this area and also share their thoughts and forecasts for the future.
Everyone will be able to know in detail about the innovative project Octoin and about the features of the its work and development. You can learn about the program for mining Octoin and see how on our platform you can make transactions with other users using the p2p-exchange.
We invite everyone who is interested in new technologies, innovations and ways to earn money in this area. Even you have not heard anything about it you can come and ask questions, we will gladly answer them.
We look forward to seeing you!
Octoin – new era of blockchain!”
“The conference in Kediri is over!
Our representatives from Indonesia continue to share their successes! Not so long ago (3rd February) a conference was held in the city of Kediri.
At the conference, led by the leader Mr. Yayang Agung Sundawa visitors could learn about the basics of blockchain, about cryptocurrencies and about our resource Octoin. All interested persons received a lot of new information about the sphere of cryptobusiness.
It is also worth mentioning the importance of feedback. Each visitor had the opportunity to ask any question of interest to the speakers from our team, than many used. As in the heart of the blockchain, teamwork and communication with people are more important than ever in our business.We are sure many left that conference with the idea of joining our team and buying a new OctoinCoin (OCC) cryptocurrency.
Our leaders from around the world will continue to work as actively as possible, to develop together with us and our users.
Octoin – new era of blockchain!”
One of the programs that stopped paying recently is BISTInvest whose upcoming scam anyone could see coming. The sudden change of investment plans and another awkward deposit bonus spoke volumes for many experienced people who prefer to stay away at that point. And rightly so! The admin of BISTInvest already had a mind a thought about scamming as the payment stopped shortly after the announcements were made public. Being on MNO for three months overall was not the best result for BISTInvest, but a few people must certainly have been able to profit if they joined the right time. Having been offering nothing special and featuring the uninspiring website run by quite an inexperienced admin the site of BISTInvest generally failed to attract huge attention. It will certainly not stay in our memory for long and cannot be considered as a successful venture. If you’re no aware of that yet – BISTInvest has stopped paying, so stay away from it!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: JSRentHouse, EnergyCarsRevolution, JazzleGames, NobleDDoS.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: –
That’s about it for today everyone. Although the HYIP industry is still a bit sluggish we can still be hopeful of a pending recovery, as per the cycles theory of peaks and troughs seen over the years. You won’t want to miss any new additions on the MNO monitor, so keep checking my site often, follow the live updates on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, and subscribe to the regular updates by mail here. If you wish to contact me you can do so by submitting your details on this contact form or chat with me in real-time on Telegram @mnoblog. Please make sure to vote in the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page if you haven’t done so yet, as the final results will be drawn next week when I’m back with more news from the biggest investment programs. MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Feb 18th, 2018. Comment.
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