Mar 17th, 2018 Archives

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Hello everyone, and Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to everyone Irish or who likes to be Irish for a day! It may as well be one of the highlights of the month so far, because as far as the HYIP industry goes there hasn’t been much else to get excited about. It does occur to me though that when there was a lot of fast scams coming and going so far during this year, at least for the moment we can take some comfort from the fact that there’s at least some degree of stability now in the programs listed on the MNO monitor. It might not be the most ideal or perfect state of things for business but at least it’s a major step in the right direction. It may not exactly be today or tomorrow, but better days are approaching for sure. This isn’t just my own opinion of course, it’s also one expressed so eloquently in a recent article on the MNO blog detailing a discussion with one of the most popular and experienced HYIP admins which you can read here. Stay in touch with MNO however because when the best new opportunities do come along, this is always going to be the best and the first place you are going to here about them.


Getting on with today’s news now, I suppose we should get started with the results of the last MNO opinion poll, given that it’s been running long enough by now for everyone to vote. The last question was partially inspired by the last MNOFridays article linked to above that discussed cycles of high and low periods in the HYIP industry and when we might expect to see the next recovery period. The exact question asked was “When in your opinion will the HYIP industry peak again?”. As it’s been quite a slow start to 2018 a lot of investors were expecting better things from the industry before now, especially considering that 2017 was overall quite a success. It looks as if expectations have been pared down since the unbridled optimism seen just after the new year, with 47% of readers now expecting the next big wave of successful programs to be seen only in the autumn of this year when the industry will peak. 40% of you are still holding out that this spring will see the next HYIP industry peak, though considering we are now at “the ides of March” as they say, that had better start happening soon if it’s to be the case. A summer peak in the industry is expected by the remaining 13% of readers, which was always going to be a minority view considering summers are usually a bit slow in this business anyway. Just for the record by the way, nobody voted for the option that it might be as far off as next winter before the industry reaches its peak again, so even the most pessimistic readers aren’t that worried.

Moving on then to our next question, one of the biggest stories affecting the HYIP industry over the last year was of course the bubble that is BitCoin. Well, not only BitCoin of course but that was the one getting most attention from the mainstream media. We saw its value expand far far beyond what would be considered natural or reasonable parameters for such a thing, people earning and losing (or claiming to!) absolute fortunes practically overnight, and then after peaking at over $20,000 per BitCoin its value plummeting back down to Earth at a rate which would make the Lehmann Brothers heads spin. This all had a massive impact on a lot of people’s finances, though for the sake of this article we’ll just concern ourselves with how it affected the relative underground minority of people who make up the HYIP industry. The main problem here of course is that even with the best efforts and intentions of good professional HYIP admins such as that featured in the MNOFridays article, if the value of the currency is falling faster than the rate they are paying you back, inflation is just absorbing your payments and still leaving you at a loss anyway. For example, if you invest BitCoin in a program that pays you back 110%. The admin pays, that much is fine, but when you go to convert your BTC back into hard cash you discover that your 110% payment now only has the value of 90% of your initial deposit. Since you can’t possibly blame the HYIP admin for this, he has no control over this after all, a lot of people’s reaction was to perhaps step back from playing the HYIP industry completely and do something else with their BitCoin funds, i.e. cut their losses and dump it before it lost even more value. The decline in BitCoin seems to have, temporarily at least at the time of writing anyway, finally bottomed out and looks to be a bit more stable. But where do you think it’s going between now and the end of the year? Has it reached its “natural value” and will now stay around current values? Or perhaps people have learnt nothing and a fresh bout of speculation will cause another bubble? The question for the new MNO TalkBack opinion poll therefore is:

What will be the price of BitCoin by the end of 2018?

Possible answers include:

– It will continue to drop and stay well below $6K
– It will float between the current level of $6K to $12K
– It will recover to previous levels of $12 to $20
– It will reach a new record high of above $20K

I just want to say thanks in advance to everyone who participates. Everyone’s opinion is welcome, and if you have any comments on the poll then I’d love to hear them. You can leave them on the MNO ShoutBox anytime. You can cast your vote on the MNO TalkBack page and the poll will stay open as usual for at least a week, maybe ten days, but long enough so that everyone interested in voting has ample time to do so. Remember that all votes are completely anonymous and untraceable, and literally only take a second of your time to cast. And now let’s move on to the news.


The admin of the current #1 program on MNO NobleDDoS announced the addition of further payment options due to popular demand – Payza. I must say though that although it used to be a popular payment option once I doubt it will add much to the program’s cash reserves now that no one really uses it anymore. Besides, despite the admin’s recent announcement deposits via Payza cannot be done directly via the Payza checkout but are required to be sent to NobleDDoS‘s Payza account manually with manual verification of deposited funds as well. That means that in reality Payza has not really approved the NobleDDoS website which may later have some negative consequences for the program as well as Payza account holders who decide to invest in NobleDDoS using an unauthorized method. Therefore I would not recommend taking this option and strongly believe that the program’s many other payment options are much safer. There are two main investment offers from NobleDDoS – 4.5%-5% for 30 days or 120%-130% after 15 days. The payment options currently include PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, Dash, Monero, and Ripple, with the majority of gateways seeing payouts processed instantly. So while we should clearly praise the efforts of NobleDDoS (reviewed here) that has helped many people to profit on their investments and is now in its fifth week online, the latest decision to add Payza without official approval from that payment system seems reckless and unwise to me that can jeopardize the program’s further development:

Added by Payza
Due to numerous requests from investors from South America, Australia and New Zealand, we have added the Payza payment system for accepting deposits and paying daily income. Every day we try to improve our service.


When I was first reviewing AK47Capital on MNO (click here to read it), I noticed the Ethereum payment option if you wished to invest in the program’s only 4% for 50 business days plan remained inactive. I thought to myself that it should be added pretty soon, and I was right, as Ethereum has now joined the likes of PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, and LiteCoin, as announced in the short update:

AK47Capital News
Good news: we added Ethereum as a deposit method. If you want to invest with another system, contact us and we will consider it. Have a nice day!

AK47Capital is quite a unique program in the sense of you don’t need to create an account and sign in to request payouts. Not at all! Just make a deposit and receive payments to the payment processor you joined with on a regular basis, potentially doubling your investment by the end of the ten week term. And it’s more possible than you might think, as the previous program run by the same admin back in 2017 was extremely successful and allowed many people to more than double their money. Just how close to that superb result AK47Capital will get remains to be seen, but so far it’s been a great performer and I wouldn’t be surprised if it reached the #1 position on the MNO monitor at some point.


BitifyLimited reports the addition of the Vietnamese language today, becoming the fifth version you can switch to after English, Russian, Chinese, and German. That’s all part of the planned strategy for expansion of the website that started more than three weeks ago, but already managed to make waves in the HYIP industry and brought profits to its first investors. While on its official launch BitifyLimited (reviewed here) only worked with BitCoin, LiteCoin, DogeCoin, and NixMoney, later several more payment options were added with the current list including PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, Ethereum, Zcash, Dash, BitcoinGold, and BitcoinCash. Such an extensive list of payment options certainly deserves some praise, as well as the matching set of investment plans in BitifyLimited – some with daily payouts and principal return on expiry (2.2% for 15 days, 2.6% for 30 days, 3% for 45 days) and others with once-off payout on expiry of the term (160% after 20 days, 240% after 40 days, 340% after 60 days, 1000% after 100 days, 5000% after 200 days). Most of the payment processors enjoy instant payouts and BitifyLimited‘s members will surely enjoy that feature. The latest news on the Vietnamese language being added can be found below:

Vietnamese language
We continue introduction of new languages within the framework of active international development and improving the user-friendliness of the platform for investors from various countries of the world.
Now our website is fully available in Vietnamese for our numerous users from China!


After a brief surge in price I reported on MNO last time OctoinCoin (a currency solely owned by Octoin) has lost about a third of its value once again. At the time of writing the price of OCC on major exchangers hovered around $12 to $13 per unit while originally on its launch it was set at $100. That means that many investors of Octoin whose funds were converted to OCC balances without their consent lost about 80% to 90% of their investments overnight. Of course, the picture would not be that grim if they joined Octoin when it first came to MNO, as it was a huge program once with thousands of members just in my own downline. Not anymore though, as despite all types of activities the administration of Octoin is trying to maintain to spread the word on OCC, the price of OCC is far from the original value. And that prevents me from keeping Octoin on Paying status on the MNO monitor. I’ll keep it on Waiting status instead despite of payouts to OCC are still done and investments are still accepted in OCC (you can read the original review of Octoin here). Perhaps, the ongoing promo campaign for OCC which is currently running in several Asian markets can change the situation in the future and members of Octoin will enjoy profits again which so far they can still get at a reduced rate, or alternatively invest in Octoin and wait until the price of OCC gets back to $100 original value (if it ever happens). Below you will find the latest news outlining various activities posted on the Octoin website over the last three days:

Speaker Mr.Imran will conduct a webinar on March 15! We invite everyone!
We are pleased to announce a webinar for everyone who knows Indonesian. It will be held on March 15 at 7 pm (UTC+7 Jakarta Time).
A well-known speaker from our company Mr.Imran will talk about the intricacies of working with the Octoin platform and give important advice to the project participants. We are committed to communication and cooperation with all comers.
If you want to learn something new or ask a question interesting you, we will be glad to welcome you to our webinar. Come and invite partners.
Subscribe to our Facebook page by the link to receive a notification of the start of the broadcast:
Also, the recording will be available later in the video section of the link:
We look forward to seeing you!
Octoin – your reliable partner in the cryptoworld!

Media of Indonesia again writes about OctoinCoin!
Indonesian media continues to pay close attention to the Octoin project which is growing, developing and expanding its geography. Three major Indonesian media published their materials at the same time about the OctoinCoin cryptocurrency which is actively conquering new countries and new users.
Tulungagung Times tells in their article about joining the Team of 188 in the Octoin community. A group of enthusiasts led by Endo Purnomo from the city of Tulungagung is promoting OctoinCoin in this part of Indonesia. “OctoinCoin is a young and promising cryptocurrency. It entered the market only in 2017 and has already taken a stable position in the ranking of the world’s leading cryptocurrencies. We joined the project because we believe that OctoinCoin will become one of the leaders of the Indonesian cryptocurrency market in a short time”, Purnomo said.
The whole article can be read here
OctoinCoin is very popular project in the countries of SouthEast Asia, in particular, in Indonesia, writes Tulungagung Times. Thousands of users are already the holders of this cryptocurrency and their number is constantly growing. OctoinCoin is a promising tool for investing money. It is a stable cryptocurrency which is actively traded on crypto-exchanges.
In particular, you can find up-to-date information about OctoinCoin on the Coinmarketcap platform. This is the leading online platform which contains information about all the major existing cryptocurrencies. Here is one important fact: White Paper of OctoinCoin is available in many languages, including Chinese and Vietnamese.
Another article about Octoin appeared on the website of which is the largest news media in Indonesia. Journalists noted the powerful pace of growing the popularity of OctoinCoin among Indonesians. Since its launch, the experts have been calling this new OctoinCoin cryptocurrency “the digital gold”. These are the prospects of OctoinCoin, the media writes. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Octoin community grows by new members on a daily basis.
The full version of the article you can read here
Media edition also noted great prospects for the OctoinCoin cryptocurrency. The most modern technological filling, a powerful team and serious ambitions to become the main digital currency of the ASEAN countries make OctoinCoin a powerful player in the cryptocurrency market. The coin is actively traded on trading exchanges around the world and in just a couple of months has become a popular tool for investing funds.
The article is available at
The Octoin project continues successful forward going in the stormy sea of the cryptocurrency market. Every day we set and solve new ambitious tasks in order to make the holders of OctoinCoin constantly increasing their financial well-being!

In Malang, the meeting with the future participants of Octoin has ended!
The sphere of crypto-currencies is developing, and we are progressing along with it. Our team from Indonesia provided information about the past conference in Malang. It was there on February 24 that the leaders held an event dedicated to blockchain technology.
The lecturer Mr.Ahmad Rusyda Alfikri spoke about the fundamentals of blockchain, its development, prospects and links with various crypto-currencies. Also visitors could learn in detail about our innovative project Octoin and its advantages: profitable programs on mining of OctoinCoin and opportunities for using the fast p2p-exchange.
It was given time and for live communication. All participants of the conference could ask any question and discuss it with the lecturer. For us it is extremely important – to know what excites platform users, businessmen and traders.
Thanks to everyone who attended this event. We look forward to everyone next time, especially those who could not come!
Octoin – a new era of blockchain!

The next webinar in Indonesian! March 16th!
We are for the sake of announcing a new webinar for everyone who knows Indonesian. It will be held on the 16th of March at 19:00 – 21:30 UTC+07.
Speaker from our company Mrs. Warni Dzakya will talk about the intricacies of working with the Octoin platform and give important advice to participants. We are committed to communication and cooperation with all comers.
If you want to learn something new or ask a question interesting you, we will be glad to welcome you to our webinar. Come and invite partners.
Subscribe to our Facebook page by the link to receive a notification of the start of the broadcast:
We look forward to seeing you!
Octoin – your reliable partner in the cryptoworld!

Support users of OCC Indonesia in integration with (INDODAX)!
Leaders of Octoin Indonesia launched a mega project to release OctoinCoin on the most popular Indonesian exchange (INDODAX). Right now, the release of OctoinCoin on INDODAX depends on you!
We constantly receive a lot of requests from users who want to trade OCC at (INDODAX), the largest crypto trading platform in Southeast Asia. Our users want to directly exchange the OCC cryptocurrency to Indonesian rupees. To OctoinCoin team quickly connected to the exchange. A special opinion poll was launched. Simply say: “Yes, please add an OCC coin to (INDODAX)” if you would like to trade Octoin Coin cryptocurrency at this exchange.
We remind you that the voting will be over in a few days! Support the project with your participation! Just five minutes of your time and very soon you will be able to directly buy / sell OCC to IDR. To do this, all you need to do is put a like, write a comment, make a repost of the news on your personal page and vote on the link Thus, we will be able to attract a lot of attention to OctoinCoin!
Octoin is your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency! Join the Octoin community, grow and develop with us!

A new day – a new webinar! March 17 – in Indonesian!
Especially for those who do not have the opportunity to come to a meeting with our speakers, we continue to make online webinars. This time it will be held by the speaker Mr. Panji Samudro. The webinar will be held on the 17th of March at 19:30 – 20:30 UTC + 07.
Mr. Panji will talk about the blockchain, crypto-currencies and our project Octoin. You will learn how you can become successful and earn in this new, promising field. Also, the speaker will tell you about the advantages and features of the Octoin project, which will allow you to embark on the path to prosperity and wealth! Everyone will be able to see how our platform works, how to mine OctoinCoin and how deals are made on the p2p exchange.
Subscribe to our Facebook page by the link to receive a notification of the start of the broadcast:
Even if the speaker misses something – you can always ask him any question in the chat. Communication and feedback are integral parts of our cryptocommunity! We are looking forward to you and your partners!
Octoin – a new era of blockchain!

March 18 – conference in Boyolali!
The marathon of conferences in Indonesia continues – on March 18 there will be an event in Boyolali at 15:00 – 18:00 UTC + 07 at Hotel Pondok Indah (Jl.Merapi No. 27.Pulisen, Kec.Boyolali kota.57311). Speaker: Imran. Wa contact: 082199809998
The theme of the conference will be various digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, and technology of blockchain. Leaders from our team will talk about how you can make money in this area and also share their thoughts and forecasts for the future.
Everyone will be able to know in detail about the innovative project Octoin and about the features of the its work and development. You can learn about the program for mining Octoin and see how on our platform you can make transactions with other users using the p2p-exchange.
We invite everyone who is interested in new technologies, innovations and ways to earn money in this area. Even you have not heard anything about it you can come and ask questions, we will gladly answer them.
We look forward to seeing you!
Octoin – new era of blockchain!

OctoinCoin appeared on a major information resource in China! They know about us in the Middle Kingdom!
Our team reports on the addition of OctoinCoin to the list of supported cryptocurrency on the large-scale Chinese site Feixiaohao. Following the link, you will be able to find out a lot of detailed information about the current status of our cryptocurrency There you can see information about the capitalization, the current rate of the currency, the fluctuations of the exchange rate for different time intervals, and so on.
Octoin is an international platform of profitable tools in the market of blockchain. The leaders of this project successfully implemented the basic principles that combine the professional influence of global capital with the market of cryptocurrencies. Moreover, this unification allows to receive the big profit, introducing innovative ideas in the companies which are progressive and trustworthy. As a result of this process, you can realize the basic idea of Octoin – to invest in ICO with the largest capital, which is based on the experience and knowledge of professionals in the cryptosphere.
We will continue to work on the promotion of our project. Follow the news and stay with us!
Octoin – a new era of blockchain!

Training conference on trading! 18th of March!
We invite everyone to a new event from the speaker Mr. Purnomo. Already on the 18th of March at 14:00 – 16:00 UTC + 07 in the Tulungagung Istana Hotel (Jalan KH Agus Salim No 73-75, Kenayan, Kec. Tulungagung, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66212)
he will hold an event, which will tell you how to start trading with Octoin.
This meeting will be interesting both for beginners and experienced traders. Especially for beginners Mr. Purnomo will tell you how to register on our website and start to mine OctoinCoin. Next, you will learn how to work with the exchange: how to list your OCC there, how to trade your tokens and earn on the course jumps. Also, the speaker will tell a little about the basics of marketing work with Octoin, both offline and online.
If you have any questions about the event, you can clarify them on this phone: 082223269691. And during the conference you can ask any question you are interested in chat.
We are looking forward to you and your partners!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: NobleDDoS, ETHMineBitReliabilityAK47Capital.
From MNO Standard list: BitifyLimited.
From MNO Basic list: WorldMining, ForeverMoney, TransportAlliance (the first instant payments received).

That’s about it for today. Thanks a lot for reading it and enjoy the rest of your weekend, guys! I’ll be back sometime next week with new big programs’ additions to my monitor, as some experienced admins are already preparing their programs and are getting ready to present them to my readers as soon as we speak. Please remember to keep voting on the MNO TalkBack and predict your price of BitCoin by the end of 2018. If you wish to contact me with any questions do not hesitate to chat with me on Telegram @mnoblog, or write to me a couple of lines from this Contact page or directly at I’m always pleased to hear from you and get some useful feedback I can use to make MNO a better place for everyone. And to stay updated on the newest additions to my monitor as well as all the latest developments from the biggest investment programs please follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, and subscribe to the regular updates to be delivered to your email address from here. Talk to you again soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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