Aug 23rd, 2018 Archives

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Hello everyone, and welcome again to the MNO blog where only the biggest programs in from the HYIP industry are included and where the prevention policy against deliberate fast scams protects you with high listing prices. Actually, there’s only a week to go now until MNO raises the advertising prices once again to align them back with the same levels they were at last spring when the apparent seasonal decline in the HYIP world became obvious to everyone. With this summer season which highlighted some serious issues within the industry and marked the lowest activity among investors as well as the highest number of low-grade programs inevitably coming to an end, hopes are once more flying high. Many of us would like to believe that the worst is behind us and that by September we will undoubtedly see some new leaders emerging to compete for investors’ money by setting a positive trend for others to follow. And that is destined to happen for sure, the question is whether it’s going to be true during the first days of September or the more experienced admins ambitious enough to create something truly great will still under the radar until later in the autumn. I’m sure that everyone will have their own opinion on the subject and that is why I am going to ask my readers about that in the new question for the MNO TalkBack poll to be discussed a bit later in the article after the results of the previous poll are tallied and analysed properly.

On a more personal note I’m really enjoying this summer as there isn’t much work for me to do on MNO due to the currently listed programs all running steadily as a rule with next to no news to report from them. I’m not complaining either as it helps me concentrate my efforts on what is really important – enjoying the surprisingly hot summer and travelling across some of the more unknown paths of the Czech Republic and Poland I’m not familiar with. After spending some quality time in Brno when I started my journey I went on to visit the very beautiful and ancient capital of Moravia in Olomouc which was a rewarding experience in many ways. I’m writing today from the train to Katowice where I’m going to spend a few days before moving to the last point of my journey in Krakow. It’s amazing that I missed so many interesting things when I was way too busy with my blog over the last few summers and the unexpected relaxation in the sunshine came to me as blessing in disguise. It won’t last for too much longer for sure which is why I have made preparations for the upcoming autumn season. This, by my modest expectations, could possibly be one of the hottest one in the HYIP industry, as peaks inevitably follow the troughs as most experienced players are well aware.

Over the last couple of weeks I was often asked by several regular readers both on the MNO ShoutBox and by email when the next big giant of the HYIP industry will arrive. I mean every calendar year in the HYIP industry can always be remembered by at least one particular program (in some lucky years it could be even two or three of them) has makes everyone talking and usually brings enormous profits to the ones who spot them first. And the MNO blog and monitor has traditionally been known for bringing such programs to my readers’ attention before anyone else does. That was the magic of MNO probably originating at the time when GoldNuggetInvest exclusively listed on my site has become the biggest single program in the HYIP industry followed the likes of Carbon7, LaserOnline, and many others. The reason for this is simple – many people follow MNO closely and whether they see the new leader they will spread the word about it for free where ever they can. Clever admins highlighting their programs on my site first will definitely benefit not just from direct signups, but also from devoted promoters doing everything in their power to get in on the act in order to help themselves at all costs. Listing on MNO, if you wish to call it that, has always been a quality sign for programs. Unfortunately, such attention will definitely attract some copycats that might play on people’s desires to see the next big thing where it doesn’t, so cheap scams did abuse investors trust quite often in the past. That was the main reason I wanted to take a further step and play on their greed to raise the listing prices sky high to prevent them from getting an easy cheap scam from my readers. And it did work wonders for MNO. Since becoming the most expensive monitor in the HYIP industry the quality of the listed programs has greatly increased while the number of deliberate cheap scams was minimised. That allowed me more free time in my always busy schedule while my readers were also satisfied at being able to find the highest budget programs on my monitor and weed out the cheap ones. That continued well until approximately this May when the industry took an unusually rapid nosedive, leaving MNO with almost no programs on the highest Premium List. Even now there are only three programs featured there – InstantBitex (reviewed here), InstantMiningLimited (reviewed here), and LuxEarn (reviewed here) – with all of them offering long-term plans and performing extremely well so far. As the situation is inevitably going to change within the next few weeks, then starting from September 1st MNO will be putting the listing prices back to their pre summer levels – $2,000 for Premium, $1,400 for Standard, and $800 for Basic listing. The smarter HYIP admins have only one week left before the prices go up, so they will know what they need to do to grab themselves a bargain for the next HYIP season.

And if you, just like myself, think that the HYIP industry is going to get much better come September then you should definitely follow MNO in order not to miss anything of importance and capitalize on the next biggest giants of the industry that are already in the making and just waiting for the right hour to launch. Do yourself a favour and follow MNO for all the real-time updates on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, or subscribe here and confirm your email address to get all the blog articles sent to your mailbox regularly. As at the moment there is no news from any of the Premium listed programs (the only ones along with Standard listed to be covered on my blog) I will just go on straight to the results of the poll and will ask you a new question to vote on the MNO TalkBack page.


It seems to me then as if the main talking point in the HYIP industry at the moment is less to do with actual news stories, of which there are none (!) but more to do with how investors feel things are going in general right now. I mean I can only repeat this so often without sounding like a broken record, but it’s been a tumultuous year for everyone involved with the industry, make no mistake. Basically things started badly enough as was expected anyway coming off the back of the annual Christmas and Near Year holiday shutdown. Fair enough, we all saw that coming, it happens every other year like clockwork anyway, but something else happened this time to hinder recovery. That event was of course the almost apocalyptic collapse in BitCoin prices, sort of like a modern day digital version of the 1929 stock market crash you still see depicted in so many depression era documentaries and fictional works.

OK, maybe I’m being a tad dramatic with the comparisons there, but the figures are definitely on a par with those events. Falling from a high of $20,000 before eventually stabilizing at around the $6,000 where it sits today, any potential profits that might have been made from HYIPs in other years were essentially wiped out along with any funds people were holding there. This hit both HYIP admins and HYIP investors in equal measure, thus making any enterprise involving HYIPs a predictably loss making affair for all concerned. This happened as I said when the industry was already at a low point so we can take some consolation from the fact that rather than people getting scammed there simply wasn’t anything for them to join.

Then of course no sooner had the situation with BitCoin settled down and prices returned to more realistic levels than the FBI came knocking on the door of some of the shadiest people to ever run an online business, the owners of the Payza payment processor. With one of the partners in hiding and his brother about to start a 25 year prison term in a federal penitentiary in the US, things didn’t get much better for the by now long suffering HYIP investors. Not that I feel a great deal of sympathy towards the Payza owners mind, now that I’m a bit more aware of their prior history and the litany of truly deplorable charges pending against them. But again just like the events in Bitcoin, rather fortuitously this all went down at a time when the HYIP industry was already at a low so the potentially devastating impact this may have inflicted had it happened say a year or two ago was largely dampened. In fact at the time a lot of people said they couldn’t care less about Payza for all it mattered to them personally at that point, but it still put the brakes on any real chance of an imminent industry revival.

Anyway, that’s a fairly accurate if somewhat abridged version of where we find ourselves in the HYIP industry today. The question I had for MNO readers in the last MNO TalkBack opinion poll was how do readers feel about the situation at the moment. We can all agree it was a less than stellar year so far, but for better or worse as we now enter the final week of August and the so-called “dog days” of summer dragging on with so much of the world baking under a heatwave, isn’t this more or less the position you would have expected to be in around now all the time?
The exact question put to readers therefore was: How do you think the HYIP industry is performing at the moment?

Unsurprisingly this was a fairly lop-sided vote, with a 62.5% majority of readers in agreement with the statement “Poor, I’ve been waiting for a new leader for some time”. What did surprise me however was that a sizeable 25% minority of you took the shall we say sunnier disposition of voting “Fine, there are plenty of decent programs and lots of choice”. It was just the remaining 12.5% of you who agreed that things could always be better but acknowledge other factors at play by voting “Not as good as it should be, but it’s just a seasonal factor.”

So, time now for a new question. Although it certainly doesn’t feel like it, indeed the mercury is hitting 33 centigrade outside my train window as I cross from the Czech Republic into Poland (thank goodness for air conditioning!), but summer is definitely coming to an end. With September and the autumn coming we usually see an improvement in fortunes, most years anyway, and with the worst possible events now behind us with minimal impact, could we yet see a major turnaround in the industry for 2018? After all, the conditions which led us to where we are now have largely passed, therefore there shouldn’t be anything in the way of a “typical autumn” season for the HYIP industry. Are you feeling optimistic? Or have recent experiences this year knocked that out of you? The exact question I’m asking readers then is as follows:

How do you anticipate the situation changing in the HYIP industry in September?

Possible answers will include:
1) There will be a new leader and better choice of quality programs
2) The situation will improve slightly but remain far from ideal
3) Everything will stay the same – stagnating with no leaders
4) I expect things to become even worse than this summer

I think that covers just about every eventuality from the best possible case scenario to the worst, though I know which one we’re all hoping for! But which ever way you really feel about it, please take a moment to vote. It literally only takes a second and is completely anonymous and untraceable. Thanks in advance to everyone who takes the time and trouble to participate, voting will remain open for at least another week so there’s ample opportunity to allow everyone who wants to take part to do so.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 216 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: InstantBitexInstantMiningLimited, LuxEarn.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: AmericanBarrelArbingSportBet, InvestmentSlots, BitXLtd (the first instant payments received).

That is all for today, guys. No news is good news during this slow summer in the HYIP industry, so I’ll leave you get back to your usual activities and won’t take up any more of your time. Thanks a lot for reading and following MNO – it’s greatly appreciated. I’m sure that my loyal readers will be greatly rewarded for that when the time comes. And when that exact moment arrives you can form your own opinion and submit it on the MNO TalkBack page here. Remember that I’m always pleased to hear from you and will try to answer any questions and advertising requests as soon as humanly possible. There are three main ways to contact me – via this Contact page, directly at, or chat with me on Telegram @mnoblog. Next time I might only be posting in a week from now and possibly even the first day of September, unless something interesting pops up worth reporting. So thanks for your attention and keep reading MNO – For Money Lovers!

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