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07/12/2019. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello all, and welcome to the weekend issue of the latest news from the HYIP industry on the MNO blog – your trusted source of information on the best online investment opportunities since 2007. You might have noticed already that the autumn was disappointing to say the least with very few good programs emerging on the MNO monitor, or any other monitor for that matter. Sadly, at the same time you will encounter lots of projects hastily thrown together with just one aim in mind – to collect as much as possible for the admin and leave investors at a loss. Unlike other websites MNO has so far managed to avoid being seen as a safe harbour for fast scammers as thanks to my strict advertising policies there are no such low-life admins coming to MNO. As a result you won’t see countless rotten apples listed on my website and will avoid joining the deliberate money traps and save your capital for only the best opportunities that will be launched in the HYIP industry sooner or later. Make sure though that in order for this to happen you have to be patient and not to jump on board every single program you might find. Remember that victory comes to those who wait and many of the most experienced and long-time readers here will have learnt this important lesson already. Others will too sooner or later but the learning process might cost them a fortune in the meantime. So be smart and check the MNO website often for the most exciting HYIPs to come our way.

The best way to stay ahead of the crowd and spot the next gem is to follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter. It’s there where you can find all the latest announcements and new program additions. If you like to read the blog articles though then you simply must subscribe to the MNO newsfeed using this form and entering the email address where you would like to receive all the regular news from the most exciting programs in the HYIP industry. And of course I’m always pleased to stay in touch with my readers by email, via this contact form where you’re welcome to submit any queries and by chatting with me on Telegram @mnoblog if you need a speedier reply. And of course remember that you can always use the MNO ShoutBox to submit any questions or comments regarding the monitored programs or the state of the HYIP industry in general. This way you may not only get a direct response from me, but share information with other investors. You may also vote in the current poll on the MNO TalkBack page by answering a questionon the same subject – participation in discussions and the exchange of ideas and opinions on the ShoutBox.

While MNO might restart the StartUp page for the so-called “sleepers” soon at the moment the main monitor only features two programs which have both been quite impressive putting many investors into decent profits during their multi-week run. They are Hodium and Bitzee which both are featured in the Premium List on MNO and whose reviews can be found here and here respectively if you wish to find out more details and see if they are suitable for your well-diversified portfolios. Both Hodium and Bitzee have issued recent updates so they’re going to be the main focus of today’s news on MNO. Without further delay let’s see what they’ve been getting up to over the last few days.


I guess there are very few investors in the HYIP industry who haven’t heard of Hodium yet. The program is a rare highlight in this otherwise forgettable season with many investors pretty happy with the returns earned over the three months Hodium has been running so far. Regular MNO readers might remember that originally the program started out with a totally different investment plan with much lower returns that varied from 0.1% to 1.5% daily with principal back anytime without any fees. Although this investment plan is not on offer anymore, those who originally joined the old plan are encouraged to release their principal and rejoin Hodium‘s new investment plan which offers more competitive rates now. Judge for yourself – the new plan introduced last week pays a fixed 0.15% hourly return (3.6% daily) for an unlimited term (that’s at least double what the old investment plan offered even on its best days). Hodium now allows you to withdraw your initial deposit anytime for a 4% fee applied to every deposit release which can be done anytime after an initial 24 hour lock-in period ends. At the time of writing Hodium accepts investments via eight different payment methods, including PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, Dash and DogeCoin (withdrawals are instant to almost all of these but may take up to 24 hours for manual processing otherwise). However, the admin is open to suggestions as to what other payment methods can be offered to online investors looking to spend any other cryptocurrency. With that in mind there’s a Telegram-based poll currently running on the website and every interested person can vote for their preferred payment option they would like added to Hodium in the future. The link to to the poll is in the second newsletter if you’d like to give it some thought and participate.

In the first newsletter though the admin of Hodium puts special emphasis on the new representative program which is open for new entrants looking to take advantage of the higher referral commissions available to them for spreading the word about the benefits of investing in Hodium and thus attracting new funds into the program – the fuel required if you wish any successful program to stay operation for a long time. I must say that Hodium has already outperformed several higher profile programs which have all collapsed now and I believe with the new investment plan in place (read more on that in the revised review posted here) many new investors will help it to get into 2020 unscathed and still thriving. Anyway, time will tell what will happen next, but for now the new representative program should help Hodium to last and you’re all encouraged to participate if you wish to earn some extra funds, as explained below:

Introducing Hodium’s NEW Representatives Program!
We hope this newsletter finds you well. As the year-end approaches, the Hodium team looks forward to making new advances in cryptoasset investment in 2020. And those advances start now with our new Hodium Representatives Program: 10-4-2%
* Submit a form using this link!
What’s a Hodium Representative? 
We reward you for sharing our platform with fantastic commission tiers. Already a Hodium Representative? Then you know just how profitable this is. All you do is publish your unique referral link and enjoy commission rolling in as members of your network join our happy ranks of investors.
– How does it work?
When you become a Hodium Representative, you enjoy a simple three-tier commission approach. When someone follows your referral link and makes a deposit, you enjoy 10% commission on their deposit. If they deposit 100 BTC, you enjoy 10 BTC commission. But the rewards don’t stop there!
When someone makes a deposit using your referral’s unique link, you enjoy 4% commission as a second level referral. And when someone deposits using their unique link, you enjoy 2% commission as a third level referral!
Our previous Representatives Program used a 7%/3%/1% commission scale. Our new program keeps the same concept then supercharges the profitability with 10%/4%/2% commission tiers.
– Already a Hodium Representative?
You will need to reapply to become part of our new program. Just fill out the simple form that you can find here.
Become a Hodium Representative! 
We reserve this special tier for those who promote our app and bring us new users. If you have lots to offer as a Hodium Representative, apply here.
Thank you for your ongoing support – Hodium wouldn’t be where we are without you.
Until next time, happy investing!

Question of the day!
Please leave a vote, your opinion matters!
Question of the day: What cryptocurrency would you like us to add as additional payment method?
– Ripple (XRP), – Tether (USDT), – Monero (XMR), – EOS, – Cardano (ADA), – Stellar (XLM), – IOTA, – NEO, – Binance Coin (BNB), – No need for new payment method
Vote here! 
* Hodium is a leading cryptoasset investment firm focused on professional trading, investing and portfolio management. Loyal to our investment beliefs and principles, our core value proposition is to offer people a tailored service that requires minimum time and effort


Unlike the previous program, Bitzee has a less impressive term behind them as it’s a newer program only into its seventh successful week yet, but during that time there was no changes to their investment plans at all, so I guess the admin is pretty happy with the current offer on the table. If you haven’t read the full review of Bitzee posted here, I’ll remind you that with Bitzee you may make 0.15% hourly for an indefinite term (which makes you 3.6% on a daily basis). There are no restrictions whatsoever on withdrawing your original investment which you can do anytime after an initial lock-in period of 24 hours expires and your investment becomes available for release for a 5% withdrawal fee. I guess the investment model has become such a success that it recently inspired the admin of Hodium to almost replicate the Bitzee investment plan and ditch his own in favour of a more competitive offer.

Staying with Bitzee though you might find it helpful to know that the program allows instant withdrawals to most of the popular payment processors if they don’t exceed a specific threshold, otherwise they’ll be be paid by the admin manually within 24 hours. I should give the Bitzee admin huge credit for running his program without any complications with any small issues arising from time to time being solved in a timely and professional manner. Even despite some occasional hiccups which tend to happen to all instant payment programs many investors have been pretty happy with their returns paid to their PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, DogeCoin, Dash and BitcoinCash wallets so far. Surely such a long and successful run for Bitzee wouldn’t be possible without the members’ active involvement in online promotion that open new horizons by constantly bringing in new investors with fresh funds. And one such method to encourage this and help Bitzee thrive in the longer term is the regularly issued encouragements for investors to take part in the Regional Representative program and earn a couple of extra bucks for spreading the word on the main benefits of joining Bitzee among their friends and online acquaintances. That’s how you can take advantage of the representative program as explained by the admin himself below:

Become our Representative and maximize your earnings!
You can now become our Regional Representative for free, which means you are not obligated to have an active deposit with us. You will earn 10% from your direct referral investments, 4% from second level referrals and 2% – from third. More about our partnership program you can read here:
All you have to do is send your application explaining how do you plan to promote Bitzee. Reach us using our contact form at our website or simply by replying to this email, we will check your application within 24 hours and get back to you ASAP.
You just have to provide your referral link to others for joining, which is:
Happy promotion and earnings!
Best Regards, The Bitzee Team


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 120 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Hodium, Bitzee.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s all the news I have for you this Saturday as I fly high above the Bay of Biscay back to London after my travels around Portugal. I hope you’re all having a relaxing (if you rest) or productive (if you work) weekend and I’ll talk to you again on MNO next week. Thanks for reading and checking what the HYIP industry brings you on the most trusted online resource in MNO – For Money Lovers!

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