December 2019 Archives

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Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you’ve all been good this year and Santa Claus is coming to visit you soon! And just in case I don’t get to post again between now and the first day of January the Happy New Year to you all too! In many ways it’s been a year to remember and forget in equal measure in the HYIP industry, being the poorest in terms of earnings for many long term investors for as far back as a lot of folks can remember. Without being too negative about things though – after all, it is “the season to be jolly” – 2019 certainly had some commendable highlights as outlined in the traditional MNO end of year readers poll which I’ll be getting to later in this update.

In terms of actual news stories from the industry there isn’t that much going on right now, positive developments in Hodium but unfortunately things have come to a conclusion in Bitzee where the admin informed me personally that he’s no longer able to continue and simply doesn’t have the cash flow needed to get over the line into January when he might have been able to continue. All of that will be explained in detail below, but then remember that despite any current disappointment one might feel about Bitzee it was still one of only a very tiny handful of options that could realistically deliver good results this month. Sure, there might be other HYIPs advertising around on forums and monitors, just don’t get confused between “investments” and “donations” because with 99% of them all you are doing is financing the admin’s holiday parties. And you won’t even be invited!

Best to just be patient and ride out the storm, no need to be in a rush, just enjoy your own holidays and watch MNO to see some good new programs when they get started in January. And what better way for that than to stay connected with MNO through all the main social media channels? You can be the first to be informed of any new news stories by using several methods, for example follow me on Telegram, Twitter, or Facebook, subscribe to have any blog updates sent directly to your email address by filling out the form here (you’ll need to click the confirmation link sent to you by Google FeedBurner which manages the service, but don’t worry it’s actually easier to unsubscribe later if you change your mind). And for communication you can chat with me personally via Telegram @mnoblog, with me and your fellow readers if you have anything you would like to share publicly on the MNO ShoutBox, or just mail me directly at or submit your query via this contact form.

So let’s see what’s in the news on this last weekend before Christmas.


About a week ago Hodium announced the launch of a promotional campaign rewarding the more active members who contributed by writing and submitting a company review for the internationally popular TrustPilot website. As of now the campaign which became a part of an ongoing Bounty program seems to have ended for now, with all the participants who fulfilled all the required terms having been rewarded by a $1 cash prize per qualified review on December 20. To find out more details about the possibly last promotional event of the year with rewards offered to all the interested members of Hodium please have a look below:

Bag your Bounty for leaving Hodium a TrustPilot review!
We just can’t stop giving you rewards – there’s no better way to show our gratitude for helping Hodium thrive! That’s why we’re writing today, to let you know we’ve just added a new tier to our acclaimed Hodium Bounty Program. Yes, you can now leave us a TrustPilot review and gain a sweet Hodium Bounty for that alone!
– Why TrustPilot?
TrustPilot is a great output to share your positive thoughts about Hodium. Its massive userbase and global visibility make it a popular source of new traffic for our platform. And anyone who contributes to our presence there deserves a Bounty! Head right here to check the guidelines involved and then it’s up to you.
– Keep on Hunting
Don’t be shy, let the world know everything great about your Hodium experience. Then take a step back, gaze up the Hodium Bounty Ladder, and see just how high you can climb as a Hodium Bounty Hunter! Join the Bounty now!
Wishing every Hodium user around the world a very merry festive season!
Best, The Hodium Team

Hodium, with a revised review posted a few weeks ago (click HERE to read it) has totally changed from its original investment plan and now offers a fixed 0.15% hourly return on investments starting from $10 via PerfectMoney and Payeer or similar value minimums using cryptocurrencies such as BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, Dash or DogeCoin. The investment term is open ended so you earn for as long as you wish to stay a member of Hodium. After a 24-hour lock-in period anyone can release their original investment for a 4% fee and thus see a profit just a few days later. It’s really up to each individual investor and to apply what ever strategy appeals most to you in order to maximize the potential profits from the program. Nearly 100 days online now Hodium has clearly set the bar high for all those following to be listed on MNO in the upcoming weeks once the new year kicks in. Well done, admin!


Unfortunately Bitzee stopped paying yesterday after an incredible 9 week long run. The program has since been moved to Problem and eventually Scam status on the MNO monitor. Although most of the payments stopped being sent to members’ accounts in the morning, the panic didn’t start until later in the afternoon when the Bitzee official Telegram channel disappeared thus creating all kinds unrest among investors. A couple of hours later an official update regarding the issue made investors cautiously optimistic and hopeful about a recovery and the restoration of payments:

Bitzee Official Telegram Hacked – Must Read! is no longer our official Telegram group as it has been hacked. Someone has taken the control over the group. Do not join, write there and never send funds to anyone outside the website platform. Don’t be fooled!
All deposits and withdrawals are made only via the website of Bitzee.
New telegram group will appear on our website soon. That will be the only official, real one.
Best Regards, The Bitzee Team”.

After that though no payments were made forcing many to quickly realize the above-mentioned Telegram incident was the least important issue Bitzee was facing. Still, paying 0.15% hourly for two months in a row in the current stagnant climate is something the admin should be praised for, as well as the fact that it was possible to make quite a fortune if you joined Bitzee at the right time. The maximum possible profits would be over 200% net, however as investors had total flexibility in their strategies the results could vary greatly. Bitzee managed to offer an incredible level of flexibility allowing you to withdraw your principal either in full or in part at any time after the lock-in period of only 24 hours expired for only a 5% withdrawal fee. I’m sure many of the investors who left Bitzee early might have regretted the decision of not staying until the end, but those who stayed loyal were greatly rewarded for their support and trust. Hopefully the admin willreturn with a new exciting project next year and me and many other investors will surely greet him with open arms and wallets! Meanwhile the final chapter in Bitzee has come to an end, so don’t invest there anymore, guys!


Barring any completely unforeseen events of huge importance to the HYIP industry or any brand new listings on the MNO monitor, this will most likely be the final blog post of 2019. The usual communication channels stay open of course, Telegram chat, the MNO ShoutBox, and so on, but I digress. As it’s the holiday season and the end of another year in the HYIP world I guess it’s only natural that people begin to reflect on what’s just passed and look forward in anticipation of what the next new year might bring us. I’ll have a new question for you in just a few moments, but first I want to ask readers about their overall experience in the HYIP industry this year compared to last. I’m the first person to admit here that 2019 was far from a vintage year for most longer term players using online HYIPs to supplement their incomes, things have definitely taken a dip make no mistake. Then again it also has to be said that good solid money making opportunities were always out there, they just got a bit more difficult to find, but were there nonetheless. With that in mind then I was pleasantly surprised to see the results were a bit more positive than I was originally expecting. They could have been better, OK, but given that it was such a gloomy year in the industry it just goes to prove that it you’re armed with the right information (throw a little good luck in to the mix then too!) overall it was a worthwhile pursuit for a lot of readers.

The exact question I asked was this: How was 2019 for you in the HYIP industry compared to 2018?

It seems a lot of you did quite well in relative terms, with the biggest minority of 30% saying that 2019 “was more profitable”. Not great but then add to that another 20% of voters who voted “It was about the same” and that’s 50% of you right there who were able to make something happen with the online HYIP industry. Unfortunately 30% of you also voted “I earned less money”. This doesn’t necessarily mean they actually lost any money either, only that earnings were down on the previous year. Although I’m sure there’s a mix in there of some people who may have lost something too. Finally it seems the remaining 20% of you preferred to take a back seat in the last twelve months, perhaps thinking it was wiser to err on the side of caution when general industry activity was low and voted “I wasn’t active enough to say”.

Perhaps not the resounding success we saw in some other years this decade but still, proof enough that even in the lean times you can still do OK with knowledge and experience and open communication as your tools, like MNO. On a similar theme then I also want to look back on 2019 for the next opinion poll, but this time in more of a sort of “micro” way. In other words rather than the much broader question posted last time on your overall general experience with the HYIP industry, this time I would like to know exactly what individual program you thought was the best.

I’ve tried to narrow it down to a choice of the best five, though if I’m honest it didn’t require that much of an effort. I think I should just give you a little background information on the reasons why I picked the programs I did however, lest there be any implication of bias on my part towards one admin or the other. So first of all the main criteria for getting on the list has nothing to do with the duration the program stayed online. After all, you can be in one program for just a single day and walk away with a profit, you can be in others for a month and lose everything. So first and foremost, I picked five programs where as a minimum requirement investors had a fair and equal opportunity to double their money. That’s your investment back, plus a clear net profit of at least 100% as a minimum cut-off point. Obviously I’m not saying that everyone did make 100% profit from any of these, I’m only saying the chance was there for the taking if you know how to play it right. For the best program of 2019 then your choice is from the following, which by the way are only listed in alphabetical order:

Bitzee – At a time when the industry didn’t have a whole lot else going on for invetors to take advantage of during the last couple of months this fantastic HYIP shone brightly and delivered big returns. You could have picked up 3.6% profit per day (0.15% hourly) with your principal returned anytime on request over a period of two months. That could have allowed you more than double your money money back (or even triple were you lucky enough to withdraw your deposit before the closure date). Superb achievement if you ask me and a strong contender in the poll!

GovBid – Bit of controversial inclusion I know, as the program was deliberately kept under the radar over the first few weeks. However that does nothing to alter the fact that it paid, and if you spotted the program on MNO where it was listed exclusively on day one you could easily more than double your money by purchasing and selling various term contracts over the program’s 50+ days lifetime. It boasted a very innovative approach alright, however some members found it overly complicated and skipped it despite my best efforts to explain it properly in the review. But out of a 54 day run you had a great chance to make a profit on every single one of the 53 preceding days, a solid result that can’t be argued with were you sharp enough to see it.

Hodium – The only currently active program that I decided to include in the poll. The admin originally started from a less profitable variable up to 1.5% daily plan with principal back on demand anytime, but about a month ago changed this to a more competitive 0.15% hourly option. At the same time investors retain the right to withdraw their principals after a 24 hour lock-in for a 4% fee. After over three months online the program is still going strong and the most loyal members could easily have doubled their money there by now. Hopefully it will continue well into the new year as well, fingers crossed!

Hooplex – Most likely this one goes down as perhaps the best longer-term program of the year. When many investors get impatient and prefer faster returns those who selected this higher quality HYIP managed to profit from a wide range of investment plans paying from 0.7% to 1.1% for terms ranging from 30 to 180 business days with your principal returned on expiry. Over a very impressive 8+ month run and being featured on MNO since day one those who bet on this program certainly won big profits and have no regrets.

Timeless5 – A surprise summer hit with a 5% daily “forever” plan and automatically paid profits to BTC wallets managed to last for over 40 days. This comfortably doubled the investments made by those members either shrewd enough or lucky enough to join when it was first listed on MNO. I believe though that the admin’s real aim was to run a twin program called Eternity5 later in September which was shall we say successful and ran less than two weeks, however unjustified expectations of investors feeling it might achieve the fame and success of its predecessor which rarely happens in the industry made him the main beneficiary of that one. Still a brilliant result for the original summer program for sure!

So then dear readers we come to the golden question, the one that rolls around at this time every year:

What was the best program of 2019?

Answers in alphabetical order can be selected from the following list which I’ve already outlined above in order to jog your memory:

– Bitzee
– GovBid
– Hodium
– Hooplex
– Timeless5

Thanks as always in advance to everyone who votes in the TalkBack poll, your opinion is valued and appreciated, as well as being very interesting to your fellow MNO readers. Remember that all votes remain 100% confidential and untraceable at all times, though you are free if you wish to share your thoughts on the MNO ShoutBox. There’s no wrong answers here, so you may as well go ahead and give it a shot!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 216 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Hodium.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s about all the news I have for you on this final pre-Christmas post on the MNO blog. Thanks a lot for your continuous support of my work throughout the year and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ahead. Hopefully you will take a moment to pick of your favourite program of 2019 in the final TalkBack poll as the results will be drawn in the first post of 2020 which will hopefully be a profitable one for the HYIP investors everywhere around the world. Stay tuned for more updates from MNO – For Money Lovers!

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