Beware! Titan7 has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi everybody, and welcome to the first brand new HYIP review of 2020 on MNO! There’s going to be some competition for this one however, I’m glad to say I’ll be introducing another brand new program in the second part of today’s blog post in the news section. You may remember I mentioned it already as the admin, who has some experience and a decent track record in the industry, paid for the listing in advance some time back while still in the early planning stages. But I don’t want to get too far off the main point here, first things first and all.
One of the more talked about programs in recent times has definitely been Titan7 which launched just last week under some controversy around the admin’s chosen business model. All free publicity of course, and as they say, there’s no such thing as bad press. It’s got a very straightforward mix of short to mid term plans that while not exactly pioneering have proven popular with a lot of investors when offered by similar programs. Some of these were hits, some were misses, all were hotly debated, so hence the controversy. Speculation isn’t something I’d care to waste too much of my time on in this case, people will think and believe what they want to anyway, I don’t want to deny the “elephant in the room” as they say since it’s out there already, I just don’t think it serves much purpose. Let’s just stick with the facts.
Needless to say a really big hit would be something most welcome to start the year off in style after so many false dawns in the past, this year more than any other actually after an elongated slump. So before we get to the days news stories I’d like to take a closer look at Titan7 first, and see what you think about it and if this particular model still has some good potential left in it.
There’s a pretty simple choice to make when it comes to the investment plans, however they’re not really as well described on the Titan7 website as they could be. I’ll try and explain them for you as best I can here so at least MNO readers will have a fair idea of what they’re getting into, though I’m sure a lot of you will already be familiar with them through memory as Titan7 is by no means the first HYI program to use them. So anyway, there’s only two plans for you to look at, one of which is short term and paying on expiry, and the other which is more medium term and makes daily payments.
And that’s the one I’ll start with as it’s the one that will probably be more popular. It can be joined for a minimum deposit of $25. The plan runs for 30 calendar days, but make sure you understand before joining that despite the description Titan7 will only pay you on business days. As the name implies the interest rate is 7% per day – paid from Monday through Friday – and will apply to all deposits regardless of how much you’ve deposited. During the 30 calendar day term you should encounter 22 payment days, and that means by the time of expiry your total payments should have accumulated to 154%. That will mean your net profit is 54% as Titan7 include your principal. Maximum spend is $250,000 by the way.
If we take a simple example of $100 invested in this plan then, Titan7 will pay you $7 per day from Monday to Friday until such a time as you have earned $154 in total.
This example I’ve given you above is just one possible outcome. In fact the exact number of payment days then can vary depending on what day of the week you join, but a typical example would be 22 business days (i.e. payment days) within the 30 calendar day term. You would really need to sit down at a calendar and count out the exact number of business days coming in the next 30 calendar day period to get a more accurate forecast, but 22 would be optimal.
The second plan is less profitable but does have the advantage of paying you the profit it does offer a whole lot faster. It’s a one-time payment on expiry plan runs for a term of 7 calendar days. The minimum cost of joining is still $25 and the return being offered by Titan7 is 110% on expiry. This payment will also include your principal, leaving you with a clear 10% net profit. That’s quite alright for a week if it works out OK, in the right circumstances sustainable for a good number of cycles, I just wonder how many people favour on-expiry plans over daily payment options anymore. But if we look at the same $100 sample investment made to this plan it’s really very simple – invest today and Titan7 pay you back $110 a week later, or your own money plus 10% clear profit. Maximum spend is again $250,000.
A couple of other things you should know about the plans before joining include the following. As with the previous programs which Titan7 follows the same business model, investors can have multiple investments running in the same account simultaneously. Slots as they are called, one single investment has as I said be be in the range of $25 up to $250,000, but you may have up to seven such slots on the go at any one time. Payment requests are dealt with automatically by the Titan7 script but aren’t instant. Instead on submitting a withdrawal a countdown timer will be activated. Typically this will be 24 hours which, on reaching zero, releases your payment. Just keep in mind that as Titan7 won’t be making any payments on weekends the timer might be as long as 72 hours if you’re too late to make the final collection for Friday night. Other than that your payment options include PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, Ethereum or Ripple. Smaller investors please note that minimum withdrawal requests are set to a much higher that average $10, so keep this in mind as well. As an added security feature in order to make a withdrawal request you will need to enter the 4-digit PIN you’re required to pick on signing up, so make sure you store it properly.
Moving on now to some of the more technical aspects of the Titan7 website such as design and security, the program is running off its own script. I can’t say it’s entirely unique however as I’ve seen something similar used in the past. Not the usual generic industry model which I’m sure a lot of you will appreciate, and it’s pretty easy to navigate too. For an extra layer of protection the website has a superior Extended Validation SSL certificate from GeoTrust for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The design of Titan7, in terms of the actual visual aspect of the website looks really good, however again with such similar layouts having been used so many times before I can’t say there’s anything especially original in there either. That’s all passable though, but it’s with the hosting that things get a little confusing. You see the official line taken on the Titan7 website is that the program is hosted on a CloudFlare server with DDoS protection provided by BlockDos. Fair enough, but knowing as I do to never take anything at face value in this industry I went to verify this information for myself. When I was unable to do so I contacted the admin to clarify this he replied that in actual fact he prefers not to reveal the true information due to safety concerns. The Titan7 domain name on the other hand has been registered for ten years in advance and a certificate of incorporation as a business entity in The Marshall Islands is offered for your inspection.
If there’s anything still unclear to you about Titan7 or anything you think I might have missed in this review then you can contact the admin with your questions or account related issues by filling out the ticketing form on the support page. It is stated that active members receive priority over just general interest enquiries from a curious member of the public if things are busy. Naturally it’s suggested that you pay close attention to the website’s FAQ page first as that explains most things and may help you to avoid having to compose any lengthy emails asking questions that are already answered.
Just in case anyone is interested in such things the texts describe Titan7 as a “an innovative and practical digital funds online platform” with an emphasis on the sale of titanium. You’ll have to investigate that part of the program for yourself I’m afraid as there’s nothing in the way of solid evidence to convince me it’s genuine, no more than the fact that even if it was true it do anything to ensure the safety of your money. But if you have a good feeling about it then still, try as always to stay well inside a sensible spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose, easily recoup from other income sources if things don’t go your way, and try to keep your deposit there as a smaller part of a wider portfolio.
If you’ve taken the time to think about Titan7, either made a firm decision one way or another or are still sitting on the fence about it, I hope you’ll find a moment to vote in the following poll. I’m interested in hearing how MNO readers perceive the program and how you rate your chances of seeing a profit from it. As usual the results will really be of most interest only in the coming weeks and months as we see the fate of Titan7 (good or bad) and how investors managed to judge it from the start. What’s your gut instinct about it, and are you generally a good judge of these things? Remember that voting takes literally just a second, and all votes are 100% anonymous and untraceable. So, please answer the following:

CoinWallet just launched earlier today and is from an experienced admin whose programs have had quite some success in the past and who already prepaid for Premium Listing and a prominent banner spot on the MNO blog before Christmas. I sincerely hope CoinWallet will become yet another success, but that’s certainly up to the support and trust investors show towards the program in the long-term. By the way, you don’t need to wait for weeks and months in order to see a profit from CoinWallet as the admin only asks you to commit your money for a 24-hour term. This is the lock-in period after your deposit is made when you can’t withdraw your principal. After this it can be freely released for a 5% fee. As CoinWallet promises to credit your account with 0.15% hourly interest you will earn 3.6% on a daily basis, meaning after only a couple of days you may request your deposit back and still be in profit. Of course, if you’re confident enough you might stay with CoinWallet for a much longer period of time and reap the rewards, it’s totally up to you to decide what’s best for your finances. CoinWallet accepts eight popular payment methods including PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Dash, Ethereum, DogeCoin and BitcoinCash. There is a very affordable minimum to invest which starts from $10 for investments made via PerfectMoney or Payeer or 0.001 BTC (please refer to the website to see minimums for other cryptocurrencies). In order to withdraw you should have accumulated at least $1 on your available account balance (or 0.0005 BTC). The good thing is that all withdrawals (except for Ethereum, Dash and BitcoinCash which are made manually within 24 hours) are processed instantly, so you don’t even have to wait before you see the money in your wallet. I can already confirm that it was true in my case, as I was paid instantly which allowed me to move CoinWallet to Paying status on the MNO monitor and schedule posting a more detailed review for next week.
If everything is clear about the only investment plan it’s important to say that although CoinWallet seems to be running off a familiar GoldCoders script, it was heavily modified to allow some security improvements, like for instance switching between various dashboards depending on the payment processor used to fund your account or the feature allowing you to enable 2FA to increase the protection level especially necessary when it comes to programs working with instant withdrawals. The website itself looks pretty safe anyway, with SSL-encryption by Sectigo and the hosting on a dedicated and protected server by DDoSGuard which should ensure smooth sailing most of the time. There is a Payment Proof page to demonstrate the latest stats, a Live Chat support widget, Telegram channel and a UK certificate of incorporation – all the finishing touches including a seamless design that might make CoinWallet another long-lasting success. Of course, in any case you should only invest what you can afford to lose, as nothing is ever guaranteed in the HYIP industry. I will leave you to check out the program for yourselves and meanwhile read the announcement on the official launch of CoinWallet from just a few hours ago:
“Announcing the Launch of CoinWallet!
Introducing CoinWallet, an interest based digital investment platform bringing investors, industry leaders, innovators and professionals together in to overcome the problems of crypto investment. One thing aimed at interest yield was the awareness of providing users with revenue without risk in a time-consuming manner. Unlike many platforms, CoinWallet believes that the basis of asset management is mathematics and a strong network. CoinWallet is the platform where we can share these values transparently with users, meet people with the same consciousness and carry the crypto investment culture further.
Based in United Kingdom, CoinWallet is a firm dedicated to the blockchain and digital asset class in the European Union. The platform has brought together a team of knowledgeable, skilled and networked investors to analyze blockchain innovations and assess their potential for positive impact to achieve the highest return of value while the team intensely worked on the investment strategies over the years. With the delicate examination of industry concerns, CoinWallet platform provides high standard tools and privileges for those who believe in crypto, just like we do.”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: CoinWallet (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Standard list: Titan7.
From MNO Basic list: –
That’s about all for today, guys. Thanks for reading and for considering the programs listed on MNO for your investment portfolios. I know sometimes the right decision is hard to make, but as the saying goes – the only losers are those who don’t try. I rely on your wisdom and investment experience which you’ve hopefully obtained by reading MNO over the last twelve years online. I will in turn try my best to provide you with a small but excellent pool of the HYIPs everyone will be talking about. As the new season in the industry is slowly starting to get into gear after the festive season it’s important to follow closely what’s going on and keep yourself in the loop. The best way to do so is to start following MNO on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter where all the latest announcements on recent additions to the MNO monitor as well as program status changes are posted first. Otherwise, click here to subscribe to get regular updates from my blog forwarded directly to your confirmed email address with an easy one-click unsubscription option always available and powered by Feedburner from Google. I’m always pleased to hear any feedback or questions from you which you can easily submit using this contact form, email me directly at or chat with me online on Telegram @mnoblog. And of course, don’t forget to vote in the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page which is about the above reviewed Titan7 and your predictions on its lifetime, as the full results will be drawn in the next blog article sometime next week. Of course, I will have a more detailed look at the newest addition CoinWallet and will share all the latest news from the HYIP industry and the biggest investment programs to be found there. After all, MNO is for elite programs only – hence the listing prices to reflect the privilege of being listed here and to prevent fast scams from appearing on my monitor. Nothing can be compared with MNO in this instance and the most experienced investors have already learned how to take advantage of such a strict but rather straightforward approach. I’ll be back with more information and the full review of CoinWallet in just a few days time. Thanks for following MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Jan 10th, 2020. Comment.
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