March 2020 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello all, and welcome to the MNO blog – one of the oldest websites in the HYIP industry established in 2007 and – I dare say – one of the most respected. The secret of success of MNO has been always following my gut and telling readers a sometimes inconvenient truth about the rules and patterns that essentially form and govern the HYIP industry. For that alone my site has been both loved and hated in equal measure (depending on what side of the table visitors are sitting) but as controversial as MNO was at the time it actually brought me more devoted readers and even admirers. Even those who dislike MNO can’t stop returning in order to see the hottest programs in the industry run by the most experienced admins. If you’re new here you must know that my site is a very different thing compared to average monitors. I do not condone or tolerate nonsense, especially when it comes from a HYIP admin with no ambition or desire to work hard enough to make his program a success. It might not happen for every program out there but if an admin is not ready to put his heart and soul into his venture it’s simply doomed to fail. That is why MNO is strictly against accepting any amateurs who might flock to less selective websites in big numbers simply in order to rob investors and run away before anyone sees a profit. Unlike other websites MNO works for investors and not against them by maintaining the advertising and listing prices at sky-high levels which is literally the best way of keeping the worst admins away. Money speaks volumes and I firmly believe that those admins not ready to invest into their own work are not worthy of being included in my readers portfolios. That’s already happened with many projects listed here since the start of the year and one of these – Titan7 – is an already well-established leader of the market. Hopefully, the newly added to the MNO monitor AlysDax will also follow in its footsteps and eventually become one of the movers and shakers – the type that truly matters and that my website wholeheartedly promotes and endorses. More on AlysDax will follow in the introduction below alongside with the latest news from Titan7, but for now you might be interested to find out that along with the Premium Listing the admin opted to get a Sticky option which will allow AlysDax to stay on top of every other monitored program for two months while two other banner spots on both the MNO blog and monitoring pages have been purchased for two months as well and will be placed as soon as the program’s designer sends them to me.

Before getting to today’s news I would like to remind you that it’s very important for me to get feedback from my readers which you can submit by entering your details via this contact form, writing directly to my email address or simply chatting with me online on Telegram @mnoblog. You may also ask any questions regarding the programs monitored on MNO or submit your advertising requests (note though that my monitor is the most expensive in the industry so get straight to the point and don’t bother me with time wasting). As there is a high possibility of more high-quality programs being added to the MNO monitor soon I would strongly advise smart investors to follow me on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter and subscribe for the blog articles to be delivered straight to your email address you can enter and confirm on this page and join over 3,000 subscribers already benefiting from this feature. Every MNO reader is also welcome to join the conversation on the ShoutBox and vote in the currently running poll on the TalkBack page to allow more interactivity which can also be achieved by voting for your favourite program on the MNO monitor.

So let’s get straight to the news from the HYIP industry and its current and future leaders as it happened over the last few days.


Just about a week ago AlysDax officially launched and the program has already attracted a lot of interest from investors speculating on what programs the admin and team might have ran in the past. Well, whatever they did I must say it’s been quite a success because otherwise they wouldn’t be so confident in spending thousands on advertising on MNO alone with the admin having secured some top banner spots and Sticky Listing for two months in advance already. Although having been online for quite a few days already AlysDax hasn’t come up with any promotional material yet but I expect that to be fixed pretty soon as I’m prepared to display the program’s banners as soon as they are forwarded to me.

At first glance AlysDax may look a bit overcomplicated as there is a lot of information, especially considering the website is available in 14 (!) different languages, easily switchable on top of the page with English being the default version. AlysDax accept investments starting from a $25 minimum and you may make a deposit after replenishing your account in the program via PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Eos or Tether. The program will then credit your account with about 0.78% for 30 days, 0.98% for 60 days, 1.13% for 90 days, 1.18% for 120 days, 1.23% for 150 days, 1.27% for 180 days and then return your principal on expiry of the term counted in calendar days (there is also an option to request the principal back before expiry for a certain fee). However please note that the daily interest is not fixed and will instead be fluctuating depending on the current daily rate as posted on the AlysDax website based of market performances. The system is quite complicated I simply don’t have the space today to discuss it in detail, but make sure to tune in to MNO again in a few days when I’ll have a more detailed look and will explain all the investment plans in depth with examples for simpler understanding. For now I will just add that the minimum to invest in each plan is $25 or the equivalent in cryptocurrency while the minimum withdrawal is $1. All the withdrawal requests are handled manually and it may take up to 72 hours to be processed, as you may invest via one currency and receive payments to a different one as the unique script utilized by AlysDax allows such an option. I can however confirm that in practical terms the payments are a whole lot faster than that, in fact my own first payment was handled very quickly this evening which allowed me to move Alysdax to Paying Status on the MNO monitor. Note though that depending on which currency you prefer to withdraw to there will be a fixed 1% to 1.5% fee of which I will explain more in the upcoming review as well.

As you can clearly see from the short description of the investment offers they are quite conservative and AlysDax depends for the moment on word of mouth and the increasing popularity among the investment community over the next few months, which I’m pretty sure with the proper level of commitment will be easily achievable. Thus the lucrative multi-level referral program to reward active promoters whose income will grow exponentially along with growing downlines. There are a few accounts on social networks promoting AlysDax among potential investors with some of them more active than others and a UK certificate on incorporation is also on public display. The security of the site is taken seriously with the admin opting for a dedicated server with DDoS protection handled by CloudFlare which also provides an SSL-certificate for the domain which has been registered for five years in advance. There is plenty to like about AlysDax‘s script which is multi-layered and takes quite some time to be tested and explored, something I’m going to do within the next few days before posting the program’s review on the blog on Friday.

Meanwhile as of now you can sign up and check out the demo account on the AlysDax website to get a better idea of how things work even without making an investment. And if you have any questions you can always consult with the friendly and knowledgeable Live Chat support representative using the widget available on the bottom right corner of the screen. By the way, I’m quite sure that AlysDax is only barely starting at the moment and we shall see more gradual development for months to come. MNO will of course be covering all the subjects related to the program in the future, and for all the latest news updates that have been posted on the website since AlysDax‘s official launch please take a look below:

Crypto era is coming!
Over a third of the US companies surveyed accept cryptocurrencies. Crypto assets are becoming an important part of the economy.
36% of US small and medium-sized businesses in the United States accept cryptocurrencies as payment, and 59% of them previously acquired such assets for their own use. This is evidenced by a survey conducted by order of the insurance company Hartford Steam Boiler (HSB).
Cryptocurrency payments are more readily used by young companies that exist for five years or less – 47%. Of the enterprises existing for more than two decades, only 21% are ready to accept crypto assets.
“Among the main advantages of using cryptocurrencies, companies distinguish fast payments and low commissions. At the same time, the risk of cyber fraud and computer attacks does not allow this payment method to spread more widely” – the researchers concluded.

Margin trading with AlysDax – investment opportunities in hot trends!
Margin trading brings huge revenue and it’s now becoming the main topic of discussion on cryptocurrency exchanges. Read about how to make money on it! Margin trading is the main trend of 2019-2020 in the sphere of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
One after another, cryptocurrency exchanges Binance, Bitmax, Poloniex, Kraken, Huobi Pro enable the margin trading function, which allows their users to trade assets without owning them, while temporarily “borrowing” the volume necessary for trading on the exchange.
As a rule, to ensure demand for margin trading, exchanges and OTC market participants have to constantly increase their own capital or use the funds of external financial pools, which combine free crypto funds of private investors and crypto communities, paying their owners stable commissions. Such a mechanism is implemented in the financial pool of the AlysDax service.
AlysDax investment consumers are traders, venture capital companies, OTC markets, hedge funds, banking and financial sector companies using the financial pool to earn income and return funds with a percentage that goes to pay dividends to AlysDax investors.
AlysDax is a large financial center where global reserves of free crypto assets already bring its partners high financial results.
Secure your future now: by investing in AlysDax you earn on the cryptocurrency exchange trading with minimal risks, in a passive mode!

It’s time to return to the crypto!
– In South Korea, the creation of a financial regulator for crypto assets is being completed
– The crypto-leasing business of Chinese investor Bitfinex and Binance brought $ 2.3 million profit.
– In 2019, 245 transactions were concluded in the Chinese blockchain sector, and the total investment amounted to about $ 3.5 billion.
– Australia’s financial regulator approves the launch of a fund for retail bitcoin investors.
– YouTube has stopped blocking cryptocurrency content. The main video platform of the world recognized the blockchain!
– Sweden’s oldest exchange BTCX intends to conduct an initial public offering (IPO) at the end of summer
– Australian Securities Commission approves cryptocurrency retail investment fund launch
And this is news only for the last few days! It becomes obvious that the blockchain is not losing popularity despite any market fluctuations.
Large investors already occupy the best places in this theater and get huge money. Cryptocurrencies prove their reliability and usefulness, and banks are increasingly afraid for their future. Do not yawn – become a partner and start your business now: with AlysDax!

Full functionality in Demo mode – test 24/7!
AlysDax is a unique platform created for communication between institutional investors, financial institutions and AlysDax partner traders. We provide financial pools for the most reliable cryptocurrency market players who have established themselves as professionals in the field of margin trading.
AlysDax has introduced a working demo account, which is available to all users. It presents tools for calculating the profitability of various portfolios which make it possible to try different currencies for virtual investments.
You have 6 major currencies to choose from (USD, BTC, ETH, EOS, USDT, XRP), as well as various tariff plans for a period of 30 to 180 days. You can make any calculations that will help you later in opening a real account.
Also, using the demo account, you can imagine yourself as a leader and evaluate the possibilities of the project’s affiliate program. To achieve maximum results, you need to invite users to your line daily. Using the inherent algorithm, you will receive an additional profit increasing exponentially.
After getting to know the AlysDax demo account, you can easily save your calculations and create a real portfolio.


Other than the new program introduction which I’ve just covered above, the only real news story that matters in the HYIP industry over the last few days comes from the only other program worth talking about – Titan7. Fingers crossed AlysDax might actually give them a bit of competition for a change, it’s better for both programs and investors that nobody ever gets things entirely their own way in this industry anyway, I think they’ll be good for each other but that’s another storey entirely. Let’s just focus on what for now is still the main contender for the best program of the year so far.

Things have been pretty hectic with Titan7 these last few days, that’s for sure. They are certainly putting the hours in when it comes to maintaining their position as the best choice out there for online HYIP investors right now and also keeping things interesting for existing members. Well, it’s not exactly what you might call a crowded field at the moment, but at the same time the Titan7 admin is doing what’s necessary to run an interesting and innovative program that delivers results and keeps investors coming back for more in ever increasing numbers. Pretty much a sound strategy for any business I would think, HYIP or otherwise.

Just to recap on some of the basics first I suppose before we cover exactly what’s changing in Titan7, the program offers two classic style investment plans, tried and tested in the HYIP industry that have long proved popular with investors and able to return a decent level of profit when managed professionally by the right admin. These include 7% for 30 calendar days (with accruals paid on business days only), plus 110% paid on expiry after 7 days. The key here of course is, as I said, having a skilled and experienced admin at the helm. A lot of people choose to, or allowed themselves to, be misled in the early days of Titan7 by competitors or those with a vested interest in seeing the program fail and missed the opportunity of being one of the first investors (i.e. one of the ones who makes maximum profit). Not to worry if you missed the boat on that occasion though, one of the good things about Titan7 in this case is that the admin has aimed for a strategy of slower more manageable growth anyway, so it’s still very much like the program is still in its early stages.

You can read the original detailed review of Titan7 as it was when it first started operating on the MNO blog here, though a lot of things have changed for the better since then. Of course the core principles of Titan7 remain unchanged, by which I mean the investment plans which I’ve already just mentioned briefly, plus the affordable minimum cost of joining being $25 via PerfectMoney, Payeer, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. What changes is that Titan7 becomes more and more accessible to a growing and often at times I suppose more demanding audience. For example, one improvement in this regard as explained in the newsletter I’m including below is the latest promotional video. You can view this on the Titan7 homepage, YouTube, or if you prefer I’ve also embedded it into the MNO monitor. More language versions of the Titan7 website are in constant development, and while this will no doubt expand as we go you can currently view it in English (by default) plus Spanish, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, and Russian. That’s a wide spread of potential investors by itself already, but we are assured even more translations are coming. All this will help make Titan7 more of a let’s say mainstream investment choice with online players, but at the end of the day what does any online HYIP amount to without its members? Not much to be honest, and so here too the admin has taken the smart strategical move to make the grass roots promotion of Titan7 on a sort of peer-to-peer basis more rewarding for investors. That, plus of course the longer term advertising and cooperation agreement with MNO which has seen the admin block book banners across the MNO portal for months in advance suggests he has both the budget and the determination to make Titan7 the most successful program of 2020 despite still being only March. Early days yet I know, but so far I’ve seen nothing to make me doubt this will be the case. So let’s catch up with everything that’s been going on with Titan7 in the latest newsletter which I’m including in full below for your attention:

Dear investors and partners!
We are glad to present you MASSIVE updates of our platform!The update pack consists of:
1) A new promo video about the Titan7 platform is added.
2) Updates of the platform’s main website, now on the main page you can see the block with video presentations and reviews of partners.
3) Platform statistics block is updated.
4) A block of reviews in your personal account and on the main page of the site is added. Now you can get cash rewards for your story about the Titan7 platform!
5) One of the most important updates – Starter bonus! Develop the platform, or invest money and get cash bonuses on your deposit!
6) New language localizations of the platform are added.
Within the next week we will add a list of updates of the Titan7 platform and significantly expand the list of features! Stay with us!
Best regards,Titan7 team.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 168 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: AlysDax (the first payment received).
From MNO Premium list:
From MNO Standard list: Titan7.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s just about all I have to report for today, guys. I’ll be back on Friday when I’ll have the final results of the MNO TalkBack poll (please click here to vote if you haven’t done so yet) plus a more in depth look at the the most talked about newcomer AlysDax. Other programs might also come to be listed on the MNO monitor, so keep an eye out for that too! Thanks a lot for reading and remember to stay with MNO – For Money Lovers!

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