Mar 23rd, 2020 Archives

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Hello all, and welcome back to the world of online investments and the latest news from the biggest and most talked about programs in the HYIP industry brought to you by MNO – the leading blog and monitor only for elite programs since 2007. If you wish to stay informed about the best investment opportunities make sure you follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter and subscribe for articles regularly delivered to your email address which you can submit here. And don’t forget that you’re welcome to send your feedback or any questions you might have via email at, by submitting your query via this contact form or by chatting with me on Telegram @mnoblog. Make sure you won’t miss anything important and stay with MNO!

Over the last few weeks the world seems to have been consumed by the Corona Virus pandemic that since being first detected in China has become a totally global issue and one unlikely to be resolved soon. It would be stupid to deny that the Covid19 pandemic won’t affect every single person’s life regardless of whether you catch it or not as we can all plainly see happen in more and more countries around the world. And unfortunately, after a short period of recovery the HYIP industry has been hit by another slowdown once again, this time caused by the pandemic. There is no crystal ball to tell when the situation might improve, however we can analyse your predictions on how it will hit the HYIP industry which have been submitted over the last week in the MNO TalkBack poll. The final results of the poll will be discussed later in today’s post along with a new question that will stay open for the next week. Keep reading for more about that right after the update on the most active investment program in the industry at the moment – AlysDax.


Despite that the world now seems to be totally in the grip of the corona virus pandemic AlysDax nevertheless keeps a normal work schedule with steady payments resulting in growing trust among current and potential investors. AlysDax has been on MNO for three weeks only and that means that the first investors should report the end of their first investment cycle sometime next week. As the program offers variable daily returns for 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 calendar days you may choose whatever plan suits you as you will be handed your principal back on expiry (you may also request it before that for a fee). Your daily interest will depend on the trading results shown by AlysDax along with some other factors, but on average you might expect to be paid about 0.78% for 30 days, 0.98% for 60 days, 1.13% for 90 days, 1.18% for 120 days, 1.23% for 150 days, or 1.27% for 180 days. Of course, these figures will change from day to day, so keep this in mind as these are only average numbers based on AlysDax‘s current performance stats. The good thing is the minimum required to invest in each investment plan is a very reasonable $25 and you may actually invest via one currency and paid via another. Each interest withdrawal is subject to a fee of usually around 1% but this does vary depending on what payment method you are using. AlysDax currently works with six currencies and you may invest via USD in PerfectMoney or via most of the usual popular HYIP cryptocurrencies – BitCoin, Ripple, Ethereum, Eos or Tether. Withdrawals are subject to manual approvals and are processed within three days in theory although in practice they are much faster. As the AlysDax‘s website layout might be overwhelming for a lot of investors I would highly advise you to read my detailed review of the program posted here or consult their friendly live chat support if you have any immediate questions.

Unlike many other programs of such class AlysDax relies not only on some aggressive advertising campaigns online (only on MNO the admin purchased a Sticky option and two banner spots for two months in advance), but is also actively promoted by professional leadership teams across such a vast and diverse country as Indonesia where a series of seminars and conferences have been held already in many places while more events are scheduled for the near future as well. Interestingly, the administration recently announced they are on the lookout of so-called “national leaders” – meaning top spot promoters from every country AlysDax is heavily present in – who will get even more perks to go with the title itself. I’m pretty sure we will hear about the best AlysDax promoters very soon, so watch this space for any further announcements. All the latest newsletters from AlysDax posted over the last seven days can be found below for your convenience, with today’s announcement also mentioning a lot of Chinese based media that the program used to promote the themselves in that country and make it appealing to a potential 1.5 billion audience. I hope that this will work for the benefit of AlysDax‘s investors and will make it last longer to bring profits to most of its investors. Below is all the latest news you need to know from AlysDax:

Crisis is the best time to make money. AlysDax partners continue to conduct online and offline events for those who are not ready to waste time in vain and are actively developing in the field of investment.
The next meeting will be held tomorrow at the Santika Hotel in Bogor. We note right away that top leaders hold events only in the best hotels in the region, where preventive measures are regularly taken, which guarantees safety to conference participants.
The event will begin at 16:00 and will last until all questions of the participants are answered. The speaker of the conference will be Mr. Julianto. He and his colleagues will discuss with guests such issues as:
– Business in times of crisis: how to insure risks, not panic and earn when the market falls?
– Investor Portrait in 2020: learn about partnership with innovative projects, financial pools and blockchain platforms.
– Blockchain, as a new economic formation: see the modernization of economic development processes. Lecture from the AlysDax experts will be presented.
– How to become a AlysDax leader: a mentoring master class, partner status, preferences for the most successful community members.
Subscribe to AlysDax on Facebook:

AlysDax Jacarta is the main event in the Capital of Indonesia for future investors, leaders and traders. The program of the meeting includes theory and practice, discussions and insides of the blockchain industry. The main opportunity there is “an exclusive proposal for creation of a team of investors”.
Portrait of an investor in 2020: creation of partnership with innovative projects, financial pools and blockchain platforms
Blockchain as a new economic system: the modernization of the processes of economic development, cryptocurrencies and the effective use of their free volumes.
How to become a AlysDax leader: a mentoring master class, status of the partner, preferences for the most successful community members.
The conference will be held in one of the best hotels in Jacarta: Aston Kartika Grogol Hotel.
Conference Speaker: Mr. Sammy, Date: Saturday, March 21, 2020, Time: 14.00 – End, Place: Jacarta Aston Kartika Grogol Hotel
Online registration is open! or by phone: Mr. Sammy (081230082432)
Subscribe to AlysDax on Facebook:
Have a nice day and see you at AlysDax in Jacarta!

The AlysDax Yogyakarta 2020 conference is organized for practical seminars, interactive discussions on the blockchain topic and training lectures for beginner investors.
Modern investments: margin trading as an engine of high-yield projects and increased financial support based on the AlysDax platform.
Digital economics: the impact of cryptotechnologies on the global financial system and monetary policy of the state.
AlysDax Mentors Bonus System: community promotion, affiliate program benefits and investment project development features.
The conference will be held in one of the best hotels of Yogyakarta Crystal Lotus Hotel.
Conference Speakers Mr. Prabu & Mr. Hanung.
Date: Sunday, March 22, March 2020, Time: 16.00 – End, Place: Crystal Lotus Hotel
Subscribe to AlysDax on Facebook:
Have a nice day and see you at AlysDax Yogyakarta 2020!

AlysDax leaders are the most important people in the community of our project. They help beginners who are just entering the project to get comfortable and work together to develop our system.
Today we want to announce that we are ready to expand the number of world leaders of AlysDax and invite everyone to take part in the race for TOP places by the standards of individual countries.
This means that in each country of all the teams that have announced themselves, we will choose the most successful one who will take the place of the “National Leader”.
The partners who took the No.1 places in their countries will receive even more bonuses and preferences from the project administration, new opportunities will also be opened before them that will make their work with AlysDax even more effective and profitable!
Every day we receive and analyze hundreds of applications from existing network partners who want to take the place of a “National Leader”!
Everyone has a chance so act now! Fill out an application
GET A TEAM MANAGER in your personal account. This is your first step towards being not just a leader, but becoming No.1 in your country.

The Chinese media pay great attention to our project, it is telling in detail about AlysDax and the mechanisms that our platform uses. Information about the AlysDax project has appeared in such publications as:,,,,,,,,, etc.
We are grateful to the journalists of the listed media for the high appreciation of our project and the opportunity to tell more people about how you can develop and achieve new financial results using the most modern technologies and the recommendations of professional traders and consultants.
The special attention by information resources is another proof for us that the team has chosen the right vector for the development of Prodname. This project should continue to work to make financial well-being accessible to the maximum number of users.
Thank you for helping us share information about AlysDax!
If you want to become part of the unique AlysDax project just get a professional Leader in mentors and learn how to make money on margin trading. Join us! Also, if you are a born Leader and you are ready to lead people behind you, then help them to fulfill themselves and achieve their goals. We will be happy to tell you about all the advantages that they have prepared for people like you!


Well, unless you’ve been under a rock for the last few weeks you’ll know there’s only one news story dominating the print, online, and broadcast media for weeks now. And it’s not a good story either, nor is it one that’s going away anytime soon. The Coronavirus, or Covid-19 to be more exact if affecting everyone’s lives in some shape or form. There isn’t much I can add to the story that’s not already documented except to say that I wish all my readers and their families stay safe and take heed of medical advice and guidelines as instructed by qualified experts in this area.

All I know is that whenever the recovery comes, the world is going to be a very different place than it was before it all began. A lot of people have already lost their jobs for what we all hope is just a temporary basis, but the longer the crisis continues the less likely smaller businesses and employers have of recovering. Sure, some entrepreneurs will always be prepared to start all over again from scratch but that’s not going to be anywhere near soaking up the legions of unemployed left behind when their companies are simply no longer able to hold out. And that of course is probably no more than a minor worry for anyone who looses family members and loved ones to the virus.

If there is ever to be a good thing to come from all of this after the dust settles it will surely be that governments and health authorities are going to be a lot more alert and prepared in the future, though hopefully also have a better strategy for prevention rather than cures. It’s a real life global pandemic now, and not some television event from far away places that never affect most of us. It’s a lot more scary when it’s on your own doorstep, and might give people a taste of what life is like in some of those “far away places” all the time.

It might be a bit trivial then, some might even say cold, to bring the HYIP industry into it. Like it or not though, it’s a central part to the incomes of a lot of people who read this blog and while I always tell people not to be too reliant on money made in HYIPs there’s not much I can do about your personal circumstances. So, the question I originally asked was: How will the Covid19 crisis affect the HYIP industry?

I guess for the most part people will be basing their opinions on how things are going for them at the moment. Most of you are fearful of the situation, and understandably so. Unless you’ve got a fairly solid job in a governmental/civil service or other public authority role (fire stations tend not to go out of business for instance) then you have every right to be concerned right now. 52% of you voted “Negative – people have no surplus income to play with”. Another 33% of readers are somewhat less worried, observing that HYIPs are something most people will only play from home and requiring no personal contact with potential Covid-19 carriers, or anyone else for that matter. They voted “Neutral – it’s an online business so not affected much”. The remaining 15% of you seem to take the old glass half full philosophy and adhere to the every cloud having a silver lining attitude. You voted “Positive – people need to earn now more than ever before”. I can’t possibly bring myself to view something like Covid-19 as a money making opportunity, that’s just way too insensitive, but facts are facts and don’t go away just because you don’t like them. Reason I say this is because I read with some interest recently that as the share prices of companies traded on the London Stock Exchange were plummeting in response to the Covid-19 crisis, one company was soaring. Their main line of business? Funerals. I must say I for one am not entirely comfortable with some yuppie in an office a thousand kilometres away seeing this as a chance to make a quick buck from the despair of others, but it is what it is and it’s been that way pretty much since the invention of money. Likewise it seems the big UK supermarket chains have collected between them something like an extra $1.2 billion dollars than the same period last year. Draw your own conclusions, I just think some people will be less worried than others.

Let’s move on now to another subject for the next MNO TalkBack opinion poll, although in some respects something that may also take a hit due to Covid-19 and in particular the closure of public meeting places and curtailment of public gatherings by the authorities in many countries. I’m talking here about perhaps the only serious program in the HYIP industry at the moment which is of course AlysDax. One of the main tactics of this program, and something used to exceptional effect by some of its predecessors in the HYIP industry, is public access meetings and conferences. Basically they hire out venues in regions where the HYIP industry tends to be strongest, and invite interested parties be they existing or just potential investors to come along and see what they’re all about and ask any questions. In the past this has mostly been focused around oriental countries, South East Asia, with some events spreading as far afield as South America. Like I said, where the HYIP industry is the strongest at this point in time. Even in Mainland China where these things would obviously be more difficult and not always possible for representatives to meet you in a public setting there was a couple of Live Cam events held online in Mandarin.

What I’m asking MNO readers this week is how highly do you rate the importance or value of these events? Given the dispersion of the Earth’s population, the percentage or real people out there interested in such things, and the difficulty in actually getting to provincial cities you’ve never heard of half way across the world, how helpful do you find the entire concept? On the other hand, AlysDax seem to know the best places to hold these events and target investors they know will be interested. I mean I doubt very much they are expecting people from let’s say Norway to go to Indonesia just for some HYIP meeting, but they know they’ll get a better response from local communities so that’s what they will target. Perhaps open forum meetings are a bit less of an advisable idea this time around given recent events, I don’t know, it’s the question I want to ask you guys. So, it will be phrased as follows:

Will the international AlysDax conferences help them grow further?

You can take possible answers from the following choices, just pick the one which comes closest to your own personal view:

– Yes, they’re hugely helpful in finding new members
– Partially, some people will always want to join in
– No, it’s just a marketing gimmick, they don’t even occur

As always that’s in advance to everyone who takes part. There are no exact right or wrong answers here, please just vote for the option that comes closest to what you think yourself. The voting buttons can be found on the MNO TalkBack page here, and will stay open for at least another week in order to give everyone who wants to vote ample opportunity to do so.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 168 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: AlysDax.
From MNO Premium list:
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: Zuhoxe.

Thanks a lot for staying with MNO even in these challenging times, guys! I am pretty sure that the crisis won’t last forever. I’ll talk to you again in a few days, in the meantime stay safe and take care of yourself and your loved ones. MNO – For Money Lovers!

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