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09/11/2020. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello all! What a turbulent and politically charged week that just passed, not just for the US but the whole world as well! Of course I’m talking about the presidential elections and its endless vote counting process that eventually resulted on Saturday of the Biden/Harris team being named winners and the subsequent departure of Trump in early 2021. Perhaps the only time in his life he’s been on the receiving end of an eviction notice. That important event will certainly bring some big changes in the (hopefully!) post-Covid year of 2021 which might also coincide with a widely anticipated surge in HYIP-related activities fuelled by the already sudden explosive growth in BitCoin which reached the $15K mark last week. You might remember exactly the same situation back in 2017, noteworthy for the rapid growth of the HYIP industry accompanied by a BTC rally which ended abruptly in December when briefly hitting the $20K ceiling from which it has never recovered. Well, in just a few weeks time it will be clear whether the upcoming year can set a new record in both the BTC-related field and the HYIP industry now hugely dependent on positive trends in the crypto markets.

At the time of writing though the HYIP market has been stalling and you can clearly see that not only MNO but many other similar websites experience a lack of interesting new projects which would have otherwise been released and presented had it been a regular HYIP season without Covid. The postponement of many admins in launching big-budget projects in such a climate is quite understandable, considering the effortless money-making process by simply watching BTC and other cryptocurrencies’ USD value growing by the week. However, it doesn’t affect lots of regular fast scams and low-budget programs that seem to keep popping up in huge quantities but which are not the usual clientele of MNO. So it’s just a wise move now to stay patient and wait for the right project to come our way, of course that is if you’re not thinking of joining one of the currently paying projects listed on the MNO monitor at the moment.

And if you’re here for the first time let me remind you that MNO is the oldest blog and monitor on the HYIP market running for its 14th year now and I’m happy to confirm I’m going to keep doing it for a long time to come. MNO aims to provide an advertising platform for only the highest budget programs capable of attracting the attention of high stakes investors and therefore secure a smooth transition from promising newcomer to well-established leader of the HYIP industry over a lifetime long enough for the majority of investors to profit. Only such quality projects run by the utmost professionals in their business are welcome on the MNO blog and monitor and if you consider yourself such an admin you can always contact me here, directly via email at or just chat with me on Telegram @mnoblog to discuss long-term cooperation. And if you’re a smart investor looking for the perfect money-making opportunities to diversify a well balanced portfolio then please follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter, and click here to subscribe to the regular news updates sent to your email address. Once the new HYIP season starts you will be grateful to have followed MNO and be the first to know about all the major industry players.

In today’s update I have the results of the weekly TalkBack poll and will ask readers opinions on a possible new cryptocurrency section that might open on the blog soon. However, we will start with the latest news from the biggest program in the HYIP industry now – QubitTech.


QubitTech remains one of the most exciting and rapidly developing programs in this otherwise extremely slow HYIP season. After five months online every early investor of QubitTech has managed to achieve the break-even point and started earning up to 2% variable daily profits on their $100+ BTC or ETH investment. If you haven’t read the full review of QubitTech posted here I remind you that by paying for one of the so-called Digital Licenses available in your account you may earn about 25% profit monthly until you reach the full 250% ROI on which your deposit expires. Of course, it might take a few months before you get to see that profit but the first few months have proven QubitTech is here to stay with us for a long time, perhaps enough even to run a full cycle. So keeping fingers crossed remember that your BTC or ETH funds are converted into the external USDT currency and then back with a 2.5% fee applied on every withdrawal request which starts with $10 minimum and might require up to a 24 hour waiting time to be processed to your BTC or ETH wallet.

I believe the chances of QubitTech expanding its operations further are getting even more favorable now with the obvious upward trend in crypto markets which should add quite a few weeks and possibly months to its expected lifecycle. Apart from that it’s all about the tireless promotional activities of its best affiliate commission hunters as they are getting rewarded by perhaps one of the most lucrative referral programs that ever existed. Besides, they have the privilege of becoming members of a close-knit inner circle and participate in various online webinars where they can share and exchange their promotional techniques which lead them and QubitTech as a whole on the path to success. Moreover, quite recently the program welcomed their best promoters and team leaders to their first BaseCamp which was held in Turkey and is now preparing its first Spanish-language webinar scheduled to happen in Mexico soon to which the registrations still remain open for a limited time. You may actually watch the video reports from the first Turkish BaseCamp in one of the latest newsletters from QubitTech uploaded on the website earlier today and reposted by MNO below. Among other news from the last six days I can mention the translation of the QubitTech website into the Polish language (14 language versions are available now in the drop-down menu for your convenience), recordings of the latest webinars dedicated to Ultra Promotion are available on YouTube (both English and Russian versions available to view), and the new and much extended FAQ section is now available on the site as well. So, if you have any questions or wanted to see and appreciate for yourself the uniqueness of QubitTech and its investment offer please refer to the renewed FAQ section or watch the new presentation video uploaded on the MNO monitor for QubitTech. Here are all the latest updates from undoubtedly the best program in the HYIP industry at the moment:

QubitTech website is now available in Polish
Dear QubitTech platform users.
QubitTech is happy to announce that the website is now available in Polish.
We hope that this will improve the user experience of both our Polish investors and partners.
We also hope that we have made it easier for you to become familiar with our investment product and technology.
We will update our polish news section to provide you with updates on the latest changes and our plans for the future.
Join our community!

Results of the important webinar by Greg Limon
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
A key online webinar was held yesterday, at which our CEO Greg Limon spoke.
The main topic of the event is marketing budgets and how they work.
If you missed the webinar or would like to go through its details again, you can:
1) Watch the webinar recording again:
in English –
in Russian –
2) Download the presentation: – Presentation in English – Presentation in Russian – Presentation in Spanish
Always in touch, QubitTech Team

Online meeting in ZOOM: Second QubitTech BaseCamp in Mexico
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We are pleased to announce that Andreas Tissen (Education advisor of QubitTech Academy) and top affiliate network leaders will conduct an Open Online Meeting in ZOOM for all Hispanic QubitTech users on November 4 about the Second QubitTech BaseCamp in Mexico.
Webinar language: Russian, English and Spanish – 15:00 (UTC),
Follow our news!

Second BaseCamp in Mexico: Last places left
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We remind you that the new BaseCamp in Mexico for Hispanic Leaders kicks off on November 16, 2020.
BaseCamp is a new training format from QubitTech. You will improve your sales skills, increase your personal growth and get rid of your fears in 10 days.
The interest in the event from our leaders from Latin America is very high.
There are very few places left for the event.
Don’t wait – register now!

Webinar results about BaseCamp in Mexico
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We have successfully conducted the online zoom meeting with the Education advisor of QubitTech Academy, Andreas Tissen.
He explained participants important details about the Second QubitTech BaseCamp in Mexico.
Stay tuned. More webinars are coming.

New F.A.Q. is already available on website
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We are glad to present you a new FAQ section, which contains more than 40 questions with answers.
FAQ link –
For convenience, questions are divided into groups:
– Account Access
– Digital Licenses
– Corporate Licenses
– Trading Robots
– Affiliate Program
– Financial Transactions
– Other
Over time, new questions with answers will be added to the modern FAQ section.
We are confident that the new FAQ section will allow platform users to get answers to questions faster.
Always in touch, QubitTech team

Closed Leadership Meetings
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We are pleased to announce that the next QubitTech Leadership Meeting will take place this Friday (November 6).
Leaders from rank 3 can attend closed leadership meetings in English and Russian. In leadership meetings in Spanish and Thai languages – leaders from rank 2.
You will receive links to leadership meetings as before to your email, as well as in the form of notification in your QubitTech personal account.
Leadership meeting in Thai language – 13:00 UTC / 20:00 (BKK)
Leadership meeting in English language – 14:00 (UTC)
Leadership meeting in Spanish language – 15:00 (UTC)
Leadership meeting in Russian language – 19:00 (MSK)
Always with you, QubitTech Team

Results of the first BaseCamp
Dear users of the QubitTech platform.
We are pleased to announce the brilliant results of the first BaseCamp by QubitTech, which took place in Turkey (Antalya).
As you already know, about 70 top leaders of QubitTech (divided into 6 teams) took part in the first BaseCamp.
There was a tense struggle at BaseCamp until the last days, in which the “Bears” team won.
The second and third places were taken by “Whales” and “Lions”.
The BaseCamp program included a multi-level training system, presentations by renowned experts in the field of marketing and sales. Besides, BaseCamp members put their fears aside by walking on coals and glass, as well as rafting down a mountain river.
They were assisted in all of this by Andreas Thyssen, Education Advisor of QubitTech Academy.
The total volume of all teams for the past BaseCamp was more than 1 million USDT on the first-line within the affiliate networks.
Was attracted over 3000 new users.
At the same time, the results of many BaseCamp participants soared several times!
So, despite the completion of BaseCamp in Turkey, the history of BaseCamp is just beginning.
The second BaseCamp in Mexico for Spanish-speaking leaders awaits us soon. And right after it, at the end of November, the third BaseCamp starts – already for English-speaking leaders.
We also bring to your attention video reports from the first Basecamp:
Don’t miss out on future BaseCamps.
And follow our news.

Payment for Mexican BaseCamp: Available now
Dear users of the QubitTech platform.
We are pleased to announce that payment for the second BaseCamp has become available for QubitTech Spanish-speaking users who have already reserved their place at the event.
A special button has appeared at the top of the user account, with which you can pay for participation.
Full participation cost is 990 USDT (accommodation included in the cost):
– can be paid from the wallet balance (you can top up the balance by BTC or ETH);
– can be paid from the marketing budget.
We also draw your attention to your last chance to reserve your ticket to BaseCamp Mexico.
There are a few last places left.
Follow our news and announcements!


Wrapping things up for today’s first post of the new business week – and who knows, the way things are going maybe even the only post – I want to finish with the results of the most recent MNO TalkBack opinion poll. As usual I’ll be replacing it with another question, more on that in a moment. First of all though I have to say I was really surprised at the results of the last poll. Not so much at the actual vote itself, but rather at how it was split. Over the last couple of years I’ve really lost count of exactly how many polls that were run, we’d be into three figures easily by now at least, but honestly I can’t remember the results ever being an exact dead heat between so many different options.

So anyway, without going over old news again and again and again, I’ll just summarize by saying briefly what you already know – Covid19 is affecting everyone to some degree. I sincerely hope the health of my readers and their loved ones hasn’t been directly impacted, but the fact of the matter is that even without catching the virus it still has a massive adverse affect on all of our lives. Curfews, travel restrictions, businesses and public buildings forced to close their doors, cancellation of sporting and artistic events/performances, cutbacks to income, warnings against being in the same room as vulnerable older family members, etc, etc. None of it has been good but we hope it’s ultimately worth the sacrifice if it saves your life.

In the meantime however, how do people who aren’t actually sick cope financially? A lot of people continue to work as normal if their jobs are deemed important enough, others who work in office settings can do so from home. Many people are lucky enough to live in certain countries where their governments can afford to bail them out, giving them grants and subsidies until such a time as it’s safe for them to return to a normal work environment, with some being more generous than others. Not ideal but I guess everyone has to make a sacrifice and as long as there’s food on the table you have nothing to complain about under the circumstances.

Unfortunately not everyone is quite so lucky, which is why I wanted to ask readers the following TalkBack question: Now on its second wave in most countries how is Covid19 affecting your finances?

I really didn’t know what to expect from the results, all I know is I wasn’t expecting this! An even three-way split, with all answers receiving an exact third of the vote each. 33.3% voted “No bad effect on me I’m still getting a similar income as before”, 33.3% of you said “I’m more worried for the economy in general than my own money”, while regrettably the other 33.3% of you have stated that “I can barely make ends meet as it has been devastating for me”. It’s you guys that obviously I feel the most sympathy for, all I can say is that I hope things turn around for you as soon as possible and this whole nightmare becomes just an unpleasant memory with no long term consequences to you or your families.

For the next question I want to change direction completely, and cover something that has never really been discussed in any great length on the MNO blog before. I guess it’s fair to say that 99% of the content on my blog has been directly related to online HYIPs, either reviews of new programs, occasional interviews with their admins, or the posting of news with my own comment and analysis. There was a few notable exceptions such as interviews with the managers of payment processors, hosting providers, script designers, etc, but mostly it’s always just been HYIPs.

So does anyone think it’s time for a change of direction? No, not a complete change, just a slight and for now temporary one. The thing is, I’ve been contacted by many readers going back for quite some time raising the point that the name “money” news online shouldn’t be sticking to such a narrow criteria. There is after all a world of potential subjects that could easily come under that umbrella. The one subject that comes up repeatedly is that of cryptocurrencies. Now personally I must admit to not exactly being an expert in the field. I mean sure, I’m a regular user of cryptocurrencies, I use a variety of them all the time in the course of running my business, but on the technical and trading side of things I remain very much an amateur. As with good wine, I’m an enthusiast but not a connoisseur!

A suggestion that’s been floated to me by readers then is to cover more news stories related to how one might make money online by working with cryptocurrencies. Obviously BitCoin is the big one here, certainly it has no close rival as far as the HYIP industry is concerned, but there are countless others that all have their uses and benefits. So I wanted to know how readers would react to third party “guest articles” on the MNO blog, not written by me personally, covering this topic. A few people have offered to do this in the past, some in exchange for payment, others just happy to have their own ref links included, but I’ve always refused. Reason being because I’ve always felt a blog should represent some kind of personal statement that its owner needs to be prepared to stand by, to explain and justify his opinions if called on.

With that in mind I am prepared to listen to suggestions from people with more expertise in the area of cryptocurrencies than I have, and am prepared to discuss mutually beneficial arrangements with anyone who wishes to contact me. Just to make it clear, I myself will not be vouching for or claiming ownership of any third party articles, it’s entirely up to the author to explain his own work and what ever you can earn from it is entirely yours and yours alone. The benefit of course is that, assuming you don’t already have your own blog, is that you can reach an existing audience without having to start from scratch. The only requirements are that you be a strong English speaker, be willing to respond to readers questions should they have any, and have experience in the field of making money from cryptocurrencies. If you are interested feel free to contact me and we can discuss it further.

First let’s test the waters so to speak and see what the other readers think. My question for you then is as follows:

Do you want occasional articles on MNO on how to profit from cryptocurrencies?

Answers are pretty simple, yes, no, or you may have a passing interest, so please select from whichever of the following options comes closest to matching your own thoughts on the matter:

– Definitely, this is a subject of great interest to me
– Maybe, it’s something I’d like to learn more about
– No, I prefer HYIPs and don’t really care about this

Thanks as ever to all the MNO readers who take the time and effort to cast a vote. Everyone’s opinion is most welcome and ultimately it all contributes towards MNO delivering the service that readers want. Voting takes literally just a second and remains 100% anonymous and untraceable at all times. On the other hand if you prefer then you are always free to discuss your answer with your fellow readers on the MNO ShoutBox which you can see on all the main pages of the site. The voting buttons for the poll can be found on the MNO TalkBack page here. Thanks again to everyone who takes part.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 144 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: –
From MNO Standard list: QubitTech, GlobalCryptox.
From MNO Basic list: –

As you see from today’s news not much is happening in the HYIP world at the moment. It’s important to remember though that whenever things in the HYIP industry are going to get back to normal you should really ask yourself what your current priorities are. And I’m pretty sure that during the Covid19 pandemic and until a tried and tested vaccine is fully available to everyone across the world the health and safety of yourself and and your families must come first. Please stay safe and be patient in search of the best programs which seem to be rarer than ever to find at the moment. See you all soon and thanks for staying with MNO – For Money Lovers!

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