Aug 11th, 2024 Archives

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Welcome back to the MNO blog, your one-stop shop for all things crypto and your crypto guru since 2007, guiding you through the wild world of crypto for over 17 years. My mission? To give you the info you need to make boss moves in the market.

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Ready to level up your crypto game? Partnering with MNO gives you a serious edge. Share the knowledge and the support to help you make smart choices and crush the competition. So, chill out, recharge, and let’s dive into the biggest crypto happenings from August 5th to August 11th in the Weekly CryptoNews Digest!


Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of former U.S. President Donald Trump, has made waves in the cryptocurrency world with his announcement of an upcoming DeFi platform. The news came as a surprise to many, given the Trump family’s previous stance on technology and finance.

Trump Jr. has positioned the platform as a tool to address banking inequality. He claims the platform will provide financial services to those who have been traditionally underserved by traditional banking institutions. This is a significant departure from the Trump family’s usual political rhetoric, which often focuses on deregulation and limited government intervention.

While the announcement has generated significant buzz, specific details about the platform are still limited. There’s no concrete information about the platform’s functionalities, tokenomics, or launch date. The lack of transparency has led to skepticism among some in the crypto community.

The Trump name undoubtedly carries weight, and the platform could attract significant attention and investment. However, the project also faces challenges. The DeFi space is highly competitive, and gaining traction will require a strong value proposition and a solid development team. Additionally, the Trump family’s political baggage could deter some potential users and partners.

Ultimately, the success of Trump Jr.’s DeFi platform will depend on its ability to deliver on its promises and build trust with the crypto community.


Solana, a high-performance blockchain platform, has quietly addressed a potential security vulnerability that could have had severe repercussions for its network. The decision to patch the issue discreetly is a strategic move designed to minimize the risk of exploitation.

This incident underscores the critical role of security in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Solana’s swift response demonstrates a commitment to protecting its users and maintaining the integrity of its platform. In an industry prone to hacks and exploits, such proactive measures are essential for building trust and confidence.

While specific details about the vulnerability remain undisclosed, it’s reasonable to assume that it could have compromised the security of user funds, network stability, or the overall integrity of the Solana blockchain. By addressing the issue promptly, Solana has likely prevented a potential disaster.

This incident also highlights the challenges faced by blockchain developers in maintaining security while simultaneously striving for scalability and decentralization. Solana’s approach of prioritizing security without disrupting the network is a delicate balancing act that other platforms may seek to emulate.


A Hong Kong lawmaker‘s recent call to ease banking restrictions for cryptocurrency firms is a significant development in the region’s efforts to position itself as a global crypto hub. By creating a more conducive environment for crypto businesses, Hong Kong aims to attract talent, investment, and innovation to its financial sector.

Cryptocurrency companies have long grappled with challenges in accessing traditional banking services. Many banks are hesitant to do business with crypto firms due to concerns about regulatory compliance, reputational risk, and the volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market. This has forced crypto businesses to operate in a restricted financial ecosystem, hindering their growth and development.

Relaxing banking restrictions for crypto firms could bring several benefits to Hong Kong. It would likely stimulate innovation and job creation in the crypto sector, boosting the local economy. Additionally, it could attract foreign investment and talent to the region, enhancing Hong Kong’s status as a global financial center.

While easing banking restrictions is crucial for fostering crypto growth, it’s essential to strike a balance between promoting innovation and safeguarding financial stability. Hong Kong will need to implement robust regulatory frameworks to protect consumers and prevent illicit activities while creating a welcoming environment for crypto businesses.


The 2024 presidential campaign of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, the Democratic nominees for President and Vice President, respectively, has come under scrutiny regarding their stance on cryptocurrency policy. As the election season heats up, voters and investors are increasingly seeking clarity on how the candidates plan to address digital assets if elected. The lack of clear guidance on this issue has led to concerns among those invested in the cryptocurrency market, who are eager to understand the potential implications of a Harris-Walz administration on their investments.

One of the main concerns is the potential for stricter regulations on the cryptocurrency market. Some critics argue that the lack of clear guidance from the campaign on this issue suggests that a Harris-Walz administration may be more likely to impose stricter regulations on the industry. This could potentially stifle innovation and growth in the sector, which has been a major driver of economic activity in recent years. On the other hand, some argue that stricter regulations could help to increase confidence in the market and prevent fraudulent activities.

The campaign has faced pressure to clarify its stance on crypto policy, with some critics accusing them of being unclear or evasive on the issue. In response, the campaign has released a statement outlining its general approach to cryptocurrency regulation. According to the statement, the Harris-Walz administration would prioritize consumer protection and prevent the use of cryptocurrencies for illegal activities. However, the statement did not provide specific details on how the administration would achieve these goals or what kind of regulations it would impose on the industry.

Despite the campaign’s efforts to clarify its stance, many remain skeptical about the potential implications of a Harris-Walz administration on the cryptocurrency market. Some argue that the lack of clear guidance on this issue is a major concern, as it could lead to uncertainty and instability in the market. Others argue that the campaign’s general approach to regulation is too vague and does not provide sufficient detail on how it would address the specific challenges facing the industry.

Ultimately, the outcome of the election will have significant implications for the cryptocurrency market. If the Harris-Walz campaign is able to clarify its stance on crypto policy and provide more detail on its approach to regulation, it could help to increase confidence in the market and provide a more stable environment for investors. On the other hand, if the campaign remains unclear or evasive on the issue, it could lead to uncertainty and instability in the market, which could have negative consequences for investors and the broader economy.


The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has made a significant update to its tax reporting form for cryptocurrencies, addressing a major concern for the crypto community. The updated form, which is used to report capital gains and losses from cryptocurrency transactions, no longer requires taxpayers to disclose their wallet addresses. This change is seen as a major victory for privacy advocates, who had been critical of the previous requirement, arguing that it could compromise the anonymity of cryptocurrency users.

The previous form, known as Form 1040, Schedule D, had required taxpayers to provide their wallet addresses, which could potentially be used to track their transactions and identify their cryptocurrency holdings. This raised concerns about privacy and security, as it could make it easier for hackers or government agencies to access sensitive information. The updated form, on the other hand, only requires taxpayers to report the type of cryptocurrency they sold, the date of the sale, and the amount of money they received.

The IRS’s decision to exclude wallet addresses from the tax form is seen as a significant step towards addressing the privacy concerns of the crypto community. Many cryptocurrency users value their anonymity and are concerned about the potential for government agencies or hackers to access their personal information. By excluding wallet addresses from the tax form, the IRS is acknowledging the importance of privacy in the cryptocurrency space and is taking steps to protect the anonymity of taxpayers.

The updated tax form is expected to make it easier for taxpayers to report their cryptocurrency transactions, while also addressing the privacy concerns of the crypto community. The IRS has been working to improve its guidance on cryptocurrency taxation, and this update is seen as a major step in the right direction. As the use of cryptocurrencies continues to grow, it is likely that the IRS will continue to update its guidance and forms to ensure that taxpayers are able to report their transactions accurately and securely.


The prediction markets on Polymarket, a decentralized platform for betting on future events, have seen a surge in interest in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. According to the current odds, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are tied, with both candidates having a 25% chance of winning the election. This has sparked significant interest among crypto enthusiasts, who are closely monitoring the bets and analyzing the data to make informed decisions.

Polymarket’s prediction markets allow users to bet on the outcome of future events using a decentralized and transparent platform. The platform uses a combination of blockchain technology and smart contracts to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the bets. The odds are determined by the collective wisdom of the users, who place bets on the outcome of the event. In the case of the presidential election, the odds are constantly updating based on the number of bets placed and the amount of cryptocurrency wagered.

The tie between Harris and Trump is a significant development, as it suggests that the market is uncertain about the outcome of the election. This uncertainty is likely driven by a combination of factors, including the ongoing pandemic, economic uncertainty, and the complex political landscape. The tie also highlights the importance of prediction markets in providing valuable insights into the collective sentiment of the market.

For crypto enthusiasts, the prediction markets on Polymarket offer a unique opportunity to engage with the political process and make informed decisions about their investments. By analyzing the odds and trends on the platform, users can gain valuable insights into the market’s sentiment and make more informed decisions about their investments. The tie between Harris and Trump is a significant development that is likely to continue to attract attention and interest in the coming months.


Ripple, the company behind the XRP cryptocurrency, has announced the initiation of beta testing for its new stablecoin, RLUSD. The RLUSD stablecoin is designed to provide a reliable and transparent option for users on both the XRP Ledger and Ethereum networks. The beta testing phase marks an important milestone for the project, as it allows Ripple to test the stability and functionality of the stablecoin before its wider release.

The RLUSD stablecoin is pegged to the US dollar, which means that its value is designed to remain stable and fixed at $1.00. This makes it an attractive option for users who want to avoid the volatility associated with other cryptocurrencies. The stablecoin is also designed to be highly transparent, with all transactions and balances publicly visible on the blockchain. This transparency is intended to provide an added layer of security and trust for users.

The beta testing phase will allow Ripple to test the RLUSD stablecoin on both the XRP Ledger and Ethereum networks. The XRP Ledger is a fast and scalable blockchain platform that is designed for high-volume transactions, while Ethereum is a more established platform with a large developer community. By testing the stablecoin on both platforms, Ripple can ensure that it is compatible with a wide range of use cases and applications.

The launch of RLUSD is an important development for Ripple, as it marks the company’s entry into the stablecoin market. Stablecoins have gained popularity in recent years, as they offer a more stable and reliable alternative to other cryptocurrencies. With RLUSD, Ripple is positioning itself as a major player in the stablecoin market, and the beta testing phase is an important step towards achieving this goal.

Alright, that’s a wrap for this week’s CryptoNews Digest! Another crazy week in crypto, eh? We couldn’t do this without you awesome folks. Your love for crypto keeps everything going!

Don’t forget to drop your two cents in our MNO TalkBack poll. Your vote matters! I’ll spill the beans on the results in a few weeks.

Take a breather and recharge this weekend. August’s turning out to be a rollercoaster, but we know you can handle it.

See you all next Sunday with more crypto goodness. Until then, keep it real and keep those coins rolling in! MNO – For Money Lovers!

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