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17/02/2014. Most Popular Programs on MNO and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello everyone! Although it’s Monday I know it’s not really the start of the business week just yet for US and Canadian readers, celebrating various holidays in their respective countries which I hope you’re all enjoying. For the rest of us it’s business as usual and as you can see, for the last week or so the HYIP industry has become much livelier than recently. I can clearly see a marked increase in activity from investors looking to get on board with some worthwhile programs, some of whom are probably only now coming out of their winter hibernation as the industry hots up. New promising programs are appearing and I’m pleased that in most of the cases on MNO I’m seeing experienced admins who are returning to the industry to list their programs first or even exclusively here. Names like PornRotor and GoldenOakFund you will already have seen on my monitor, and today’s new listing, a program called BTCArbs, is so far exclusively monitored by MNO. I’ll have more on BTCArbs in my introduction coming up at the end of today’s post, but I can tell you now it’s best to be in this one from the beginning to maximize your profits.

First off however I’d like to address an interesting question asked by one of my readers on the MNO ShoutBox today – namely, what are the best and most popular HYIPs listed on my monitor at the moment. While it’s really hard to recommend what other people should do with their own money (something I prefer not to get mixed up with in the first place) I can certainly advise you what the most popular programs online are at the moment. This is taken from my ranking based exclusively on the percentage returns (my own profits plus ref commissions) uniquely calculated in the script created by my extremely talented programmer Andrew.


Another sign of an upturn in the HYIP industry is the growing demand for Sticky Listing on MNO. The type of listing was created to provide a service for HYIP admins who want their programs to be “stuck” at the top of my monitoring page for a fixed renewable price of $500/week or $1,500/month. In other words it’s an advertising tool for admins to get more exposure by being the first name people see when they arrive on the MNO monitor. The same thing can be seen on almost every other internet forum (not just the HYIP ones) with certain programs paying to stay on top. So you also find Sticky threads on the MNO Forum which display the programs that paid for Sticky status on MNO. The only difference for Sticky Listing on my monitor is that it’s extremely expensive, meaning only the most professional programs that can afford it will be featured there. At the moment you can see two programs listed there – Financ (reviewed here) and GoldenOakFund (reviewed here).

The admin of Financ recently purchased Sticky listing for his program for one week, but I wouldn’t say his program is just a casual customer. Quite the contrary – Financ has been working its way up my ranking consistently, upgrading and purchasing more banner spots to reach the very top eventually. The biggest thing Financ is generally praised for by investors is their impeccable payments record, processed instantly to PerfectMoney and EgoPay. Financ has been paying for over four months now on the following plans all returning the initial investment on expiry – 1.4% for 30 business days, 1.6% for 45 business days, 1.8% for 90 business days. Of course, no one knows for how much longer Financ will last, but this is already an outstanding achievement and their survival over the cold winter months alone deserves some applause.

At almost the opposite end of the spectrum then the second program from the Sticky listing on MNO – GoldenOakFund – is a brand-new entry that only officially launched a few days ago. It offers 1.2% for 200 days while accepting payments via PerfectMoney and BitCoin. For some reason EgoPay deposits are not working at the moment and the script is showing an error if you try to fill in the wallet in the program. I notified the admin about it, but so far nothing has changed which effectively means only two payment processors are being accepted at the moment. While GoldenOakFund is not without such visible drawbacks, I can see the admin is experienced as she planned the program months in advance and even pre-paid for Sticky listing back in November 2013. So we know that GoldenOakFund has been in the planning stages for some time but can only guess why it took the admin so long to bring the program online. We can’t predict the program’s lifecycle either, but I hope GoldenOakFund will become a popular name over time.


Let’s turn to the Premium List now and see the Top Five programs there. Just a couple of weeks ago I wrote another article on the most popular programs on my Premium List, but since then there’s been some significant changes. Time to do an updated version then!

So the Premium List is topped by the almost seven month long running FinMutual (reviewed here). The program started back in July 2013 and by today managed to position itself as one of the biggest online opportunities with hundreds of investors already having profited from FinMutual‘s only 1.8%-2.6% for 160 business days investment plan. The program is also one of the best for choice of payment processors in the industry with PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, BitCoin, and PexPay all there for a $25 minimum. The admin has become very active lately and keeps members updated on an almost daily basis. Today saw another short newsletter issued by FinMutual updating us on the short downtime experienced earlier and of which the investors had been notified in advance:

Unscheduled Network Maintenance
We apologize for the downtime for the past few hours. There was an unscheduled network maintenance at the datacenter. The site is back online now.

The second spot on my Premium listing belongs to DublinCryptoriumLimited (reviewed here), though it has been trading places with FinMutual on and off for some time now. Despite its relatively low returns the website is probably the best I’ve seen for a long time. There is literally everything described there you can think of and even a demo account you can try before signing up properly. DublinCryptoriumLimited is also perhaps most user friendly program for an international audience with an excellent translation into several languages plus phone support available around the globe. If you’re interested in DublinCryptoriumLimited you can start with a $50 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, BitCoin or bank wire. You’ll be able to see your account growing in real time and it’s possible to withdraw any part of your investment at any time you like and get paid daily to the same payment processor you invested from. With DublinCryptoriumLimited you’re the one in control of your finances as long as you remember to maintain a $50 minimum in your account there.

Atlant (reviewed here) is surprisingly at #3 on the MNO Premium List. Not that they don’t deserve it, it’s just surprising at how fast they’ve risen. It’s incredibly popular among my readers after less than two weeks, which I think has much to do with the total flexibility of your investment which you can withdraw (partially or in full) at any time you like. And it’s possible to earn from 7% to 8.5% per day with rates growing in line with the size of your deposit. This can start from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer. I need also to mention the impeccable and very fast payouts Atlant has become famous for thus far and the biggest promotion in the HYIP industry currently done mostly by the word of mouth. Everyone seems to like Atlant and enjoys participating, so Let’s see for how long it can run.

Leancy (reviewed here) takes the #4 spot on my Premium List after more than three weeks on MNO. This is yet another site where you can see your account growing in real time all due to the custom made script and an eye catching interface the admin is making constant improvements on. With Leancy you can get up to 5% daily interest which can be increased significantly by their unique system of coefficients which your investment can increase depending on the size of your deposit. You keep earning with Leancy until you reach 150%. At this point your investment expires and you’re left with 50% pure profit. Withdrawals are processed instantly which is another big drawing point for investors. PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, and OkPay are all in use, while deposits start from a very affordable $10 minimum. What more can I say? The admin has been working really hard to establish Leancy as one of the leaders of the current HYIP market by constantly improving the website, such as the various different language versions of the website, for instance. The following announcement was made only yesterday:

4 new site languages
As you may have noticed there was two new website translation in the last two weeks — French and Portuguese. Today we are proud to present simplified and traditional Chinese versions of our site.

Finally, InvGlobal (reviewed here) takes the fifth position on MNO Premium listing. The program has been flying under the radar for quite a long time while paying impeccably and instantly to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and OkPay accounts for over five months now. InvGlobal offers only one investment plan with different variations and the initial investment returned on expiry – 1.2%-2.5% for 120 business days. The minimum deposit is $10 which is affordable to most investors, the majority of whom will have already profited greatly from this wonderful program. As with every other HYIP no one can tell you for sure how much longer InvGlobal will keep paying, but I believe after the first principals on expiry are due to be paid next week we’ll have a better understanding.


BluOro (reviewed here) might soon be a contender for the Top Five programs on my Premium List if the admin keeps developing his program and paying out fast like he is now. Perhaps BluOro will get more attention when their first investment cycle finishes and the first investors have their principals back from the 1.5% for 15 business days plan. This is due within the next couple of days, so BluOro will prove if it’s worth your while or not then. There are of course two other investment plans in BluOro you can try which also return the initial principal on expiry – 2% for 30 business days or 2.5% for 60 business days. However they both require higher minimums while the shortest plan can be joined for only $10. PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, or OkPay are all in use, but realizing the full potential of BitCoin in online investments the admin Roger is also trying to make this option more accessible. For that reason today he improved the BitCoin deposits page and explains exactly how much to send via BitCoin by applying some simple calculations. This new feature is the main subject for the latest newsletter from Roger today which interest any BitCoin users looking to join BluOro:

BitCoin deposit page improved!
Hello, after plenty off support tickets about our BitCoin deposit page, we decided to upgrade it. Now we provide real time BitCoin calculator, so you will now exactly how much BTC you should send to us, make sure you check it out at BluOro. That’s it for today, thanks for your time.
Best Regards, Roger Walker,
BluOro Support department


Finally, it’s time now to take a closer look at a promising new program launched today and listed on the Premium section of MNO. I’m talking about BTCArbs, of course. So what’s so special about it? First and foremost, you can withdraw any part of your principal and/or profits at any time you like, so you’re not tied to any investment term like in the majority of HYIPs. You are in full control of your finances and can even make adjustments to your strategy along the way. This is the best advantage for investors of BTCArbs, alright, but what about the admin himself? Isn’t he risking more than the investor in this case? Well, I don’t think so. You see, the daily interest in BTCArbs is variable and you can possibly earn as much as 10% on your deposit, but this can also be as low as 0.1% per calendar day. That effectively means that the admin is flexible on how to pay you as well, and he can adjust his own promotional strategy depending on what he wants to achieve by the variable daily rates. Of course the rates are not just pulled out of the sky, and BTCArbs have a report behind all their returns. Allegedly the admin speculates on BitCoin exchange rates which can be different on many different sources thus making money for investors and himself. So this is BitCoin arbitrage and gives the program its name. At the end of every calendar day you can see the trading results on the specially allocated page of the website with each rate accompanied by a comment from the admin. Take the latest report for yesterday, for example:

Sunday 16th February 2014 – 1.90%
More than a week now and MTGox still isn’t processing withdrawals. We’re not quite sure if this is the reason for the continuing low Bitcoin prices ($615 USD on Bitstamp at the time of writing this update). Nevertheless, uncertainty creates opportunity, which is what we’re all about. Today’s result from Arbitrage was 1.9%.

Now we know about how the interest is calculated in BTCArbs let’s see more on the investment rules. The minimum to invest starts from a hefty $50 which will be taken via PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, or EgoPay. Note that you can also invest via direct Bank wires or BitCoin itself, although BitCoin investments require a much higher minimum of 0.25 BTC which is now about $150. BitCoin deposits are also made without conversion while deposits via SolidTrustPay are manual and are credited within 24 hours. Although it’s not specified in the FAQ I believe that the withdrawals in BTCArbs are processed by the admin manually within 24 hours. Anyway, I will be able to confirm that after my first profit is paid to my EgoPay account.

On the technical side of things BTCArbs is running off a very interesting script which I have seen before though in one hugely successful program that might be somehow connected with BTCArbs through ownership. The site is hosted on a dedicated server by Piradius and the admin also claims BTCArbs is DDoS protected by CloudFlare. I can also see that the site is properly SSL-secured by Comodo and displays rates for BitCoin exchanges from the major websites like MtGox, BitStamp and BTC-E. More details on BTCArbs please read the upcoming review on MNO tomorrow.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: Financ, GoldenOakFund.
From MNO Premium list: FinMutual, DublinCryptoriumLimited, Atlant, Leancy, InvGlobal, BettCoin, 3pamm, ApexBinary, DailySharePro, BarclaysRoyalClub, ComoCredit, InflexShares, BluOro.
From MNO Standard list: FX9, PornRotor.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, WelorTrade, MichaelKazakov.

That’s about it for tonight, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading and if so, please share the link to the MNO blog and monitor with your friends and relatives. I’m sure people will appreciate it if you send them to the biggest blog on the most popular online investment programs. Please note that it pays to watch the MNO monitor closely every day before you invest as it might save you some money with me being the first to warn about programs if I see problems there. By the way, do not forget to check out my blog tomorrow for a more detailed look at the highly promising brand new Premium program BTCArbs plus the regular news from industry. So stay tuned and always be on the money with Money-News-Online!

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