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21/07/2014. LaxoTrade Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! LaxoTrade has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend. There’s a couple of news stories to catch up on since the last post, but for the first item in today’s update I want to talk in a bit more detail about one of the latest programs to join the MNO Premium List, LaxoTrade. Not exactly a brand new name in the HYIP industry by any means, LaxoTrade have been online for the last three months now so I imagine many of the regular players reading this will have heard the name before now. I’m almost even tempted to describe what’s on offer in LaxoTrade as one from the nostalgia file, as their plans (or style of plans) are a lot less widespread in the HYIP industry today as in previous years. Some of you may even see a certain novelty in it all at this stage, I really don’t know. But the first investors who joined the program will have broken even by now and seeing their first profits, so there’s definitely a solid enough base to start with and that might be something to attract new members in bigger numbers. So let’s see what LaxoTrade are all about and whether or not you think they might be a suitable addition to your portfolios.

We’ll start things off therefore with the one single thing you’re probably most interested in – the investment plans. LaxoTrade have two of them, and one of the best things about the program is the minimum price of joining is the most affordable amount possible of just $1 for both, keeping it open to as wide a range of investor as possible. Your first option is a plan that makes daily payments, on business days only, Monday to Friday, for a term running for 365 calendar days, or one full year. Then, when the term expires, LaxoTrade offer to return your principal, adding it to whatever you have already earned in the previous 12 months (assuming they’ve survived that long of course). The interest rate which is payable to all deposits regardless of how big or how small, is 2% per business day. This would bring in an income of 10% profit per week, totaling at 520% by the end of the term and considered net profit once LaxoTrade return your principal.

In practical terms then let’s see how that might look monetary terms. We’ll say you invest $100 in this plan. That should see you getting back $2 per business day for the next 12 months. The most important statistic to pay attention to here is that you can break even, as in earn back an amount equal to your own deposit and therefore make it impossible for you to lose money no matter what happens after that, in ten weeks. The first LaxoTrade members will have done this already. The remainder of the term sees you collecting pure passive profit. Payments should add up to $520 by the end of the term, at which point LaxoTrade should add your initial hundred.

The second plan is a little more profitable. On the face of it it may appear a bit more of a risk given that it only makes weekly payments as opposed to daily ones, but when we’re talking about such lengthy investment terms as those imposed by LaxoTrade it really shouldn’t be a major concern for you. The minimum cost of joining remains just $1 and there is no upper limit. The investment term runs for 55 weeks, during which you will be offered a weekly interest payment of 11%. That’s marginally more profitable than the previous plan (on a weekly basis anyway) but over the course of the term eventually adds up to 605% in total. That then becomes your net profit once LaxoTrade return your principal as promised.

If you like any of those plans then and think they might be worth a shot, then the next thing you’ll need to hear about is what are the payment options. Most, but not all, of the popular choices are there with LaxoTrade using PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and PexPay. I tend to doubt that list will change, but I suppose it’s as good as anything you might expect from any of the newer longer term HYIPs seen recently. Payouts to members are handled manually by the LaxoTrade admin and so will need to be requested from inside your private members account area. Once done you are required to allow a maximum time frame of 24 hours for all transactions to be processed fully. Also whilst still on the subject, just keep in mind that while there is nothing to stop you making a withdrawal request over the weekend, LaxoTrade don’t actually credit any new interest to your account until Monday to Friday.

After looking at the more technical side of things in LaxoTrade, such as script, hosting, and so on, I can tell you that the website is powered off a script under license from GoldCoders. For an extra layer of security the LaxoTrade website is properly SSL encrypted in both public and private areas by Rapid SSL for safer browsing and more secure transactions. For hosting the admin has opted for DDoSGuard, who are keeping LaxoTrade on a dedicated server with their support and protection. They seem to have gotten this far without any major issues that I was aware of, so I hope we have no reason to think that’s not the way things are going to continue. If you have any further need to contact the admin with any questions or account related issues you need dealt with then you can get in touch by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page on the LaxoTrade website.

For the record the alleged business interests supporting the whole thing are, we are told, ForEx trading and other “activity” on the stock market. LaxoTrade describes itself as a “private investment program” and does very little else to enlighten us on that, however given that most of the website texts are not original and have been used by older programs no longer active, I think experienced industry players will know everything they need to – treat LaxoTrade as you would any other online HYIP. That means don’t look for guarantees, keep your expectations realistic, stay well within a sensible spending range that you can afford not just to spend but to lose, and if you do decide to join LaxoTrade then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Unfortunately I have to start today’s news section with the latest updates on Cryptory and WazaTrade. It doesn’t make for pleasant reading I’m afraid, as both programs have been moved to Problem status on the MNO monitor today and I’ll try my best to explain why below.

Starting with WazaTrade, the move was perfectly expected already two days ago when the admin halted payouts and explained in a mass email sent to members asking for some patience due to e-currency account funding delays. This was promised to be resolved by Monday, but as is so often the case we see the true value of a HYIP admin’s promise, and as of today payments are still not done and I do not believe that they will resume anytime soon. In fact many monitors have moved WazaTrade to Problem status already and the damage has been done by now. Unfortunately, WazaTrade appeared to be incapable of sustaining the return of the first principals to their clients on expiry of the 60-day investment term and although the very first investors were paid promptly (including me), many other have been left waiting as of the moment and the hope of getting paid for them is getting slimmer as time passes. So don’t hold your breath as WazaTrade is most likely a scam already and the Problem status was assigned to the program on my monitor as of today. Stop all the investments there immediately.

Now let’s talk about Cryptory. The decision to move the program to Problem status today wasn’t an easy one and was not most certainly taken lightly. As the first big monitoring site doing this and one of the biggest referrers there I fully acknowledge the level of responsibility I bear for keeping the program alive and paying to everyone. However I cannot pretend that nothing bad is going on there or simply close my eyes to the arising issues with Cryptory either. I never do this to my readers and am always the first to bring any type of news (either bad or good) to your attention, unlike other monitoring “services” which sometimes leave a program on Paying status for weeks as long as it pays them while rejecting the complaints of regular investors. The first warning sign from Cryptory came about two weeks ago when the payments to BitCoin halted for some unexplained reason which the administration promised to fix. That was reported on my blog, but I honestly believed that Cryptory to be capable of resolving this, especially seeing that the withdrawals to other payment processors were being processed instantly as usual. I mean what would be the point of paying to other payment processors (including easily withdrawable PerfectMoney) while only BitCoin withdrawals seemed to be affected if the intention was to scam. I should also say that I was personally given a promise that the BitCoin issue was being worked on, so I had little doubt it would fixed. Sadly enough the situation hasn’t really improved, it’s only gotten worse in fact, and now big withdrawals to other payment processors have started to fall into Pending status. Then, for the first time today, and being the first business day of the new week, Live support was nowhere to be seen on the Cryptory website while regular support tickets submitted earlier remain unanswered for days. All this leads me to believe Cryptory is currently working in automated or semi-automated mode with payouts only made for small amounts and the administration probably stalling in order to obtain more deposits from unsuspecting new members. As an honest monitor and being aware of what’s going on, I simply cannot and will not allow this to happen, so I have moved Cryptory to Problem status on the MNO monitor despite the smaller payouts still being paid. The strong warning signs are already there though and I would recommend you withdraw any remaining funds from your accounts in Cryptory. Please note that judging by other people’s experience (namely, a few of my referrals who submitted complaints over the last weekend) larger withdrawals are not recommended as they will most probably go to Pending status in which they will remain for good with no chance of completion, provided the site has been abandoned already. It’s much better to split your withdrawals into smaller amounts and try to withdraw like that – in this case you stand a better chance to be paid instantly, but do not delay your withdrawals either as otherwise you won’t get any other chance now that the panic will definitely start. Just ask for smaller quantities made more frequently to improve your chances of getting ultimately a bigger portion of your money back out. I remind you that Cryptory allows you to withdraw any part of your principal and profit at any time you like, but under the current circumstances it’s better be safe than sorry and follow my advice to leave the program while smaller withdrawals are still getting processed. Cryptory was surely one of the biggest programs of the year, and everyone will surely miss it. Unfortunately, there has to be someone who will break the news first, unpleasant as it may be, so sorry it has to be MNO. Cryptory has been moved to Problem status on my monitor so do not invest there any longer!


As often happens in the HYIP industry, when one program goes others replace them. And so, SafeProfitsLtd is the newest program to join the MNO Premium Listing last night and will be reviewed in more detail tomorrow. By way of introduction for now I’ll just have a quick look at the main features and investment plans. SafeProfitsLtd started about two months ago, but the admin only brought his project to MNO now, obviously preferring gradual exposure, but eventually turning his attention to the industry leader anyway. SafeProfitsLtd offers investors a choice of four investment plans all of which are accepted via such payment processors as PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, PexPay, and even SolidTrustPay. The minimum to invest is $10 in any of their plans – 11.2% for 10 business days, 4% for 35 business days, 3% for 75 business days, 1.4% per business day forever. Note that the only condition for the non-expiry plan with the principal back is a lock-in period of three days. Only after that may you withdraw your principal. Also note that apart from the non-expiry plan, other investment plans will not return your principal on expiry, but rather include it in the daily payouts. The withdrawals are usually processed instantly, while in some cases they will be put on pending status and processed by the admin manually within the next few hours (especially that concerns withdrawals to PexPay and Payeer). Regarding SolidTrustPay, the admin told me that the deposits via that payment processor are accepted manually (as the payment button is not approved) while the withdrawals are processed instantly, and I can confirm this already as I have been paid by both PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay instantly as promised. The instructions on how to deposit via SolidTrustPay are posted in the latest news update posted about two weeks ago:

If you interested in this payment processor we can accept deposits through this processor manually.
Simply send the funds to our account (safe2013) and contact us with the plan you wish to invest in and the deposit will be active in your account during 24 hours, All the withdrawals to STP accounts will be instant.
Our account is Business bank verified.

I must say admit I recently softened my position on SolidTrustPay being accepted manually by some programs, simply because it’s getting impossible for the admins to get their payment button with STP verified (necessary for enabling automated deposits from investors) no matter how hard they try or how long they wait. For some reason the SolidTrustPay administration is stalling and seems not to be interested in accepting any HYIPs at all now. In some cases accepting deposits manually seems to be the only available solution for those who want to use STP (read the article on the advantages SolidTrustPay in HYIPs here).

Anyway, getting back to SafeProfitsLtd itself, I can tell you the website is built to a decent enough standard running off a licensed script by GoldCoders, hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection by DDoSGuard, and with the SSL-certificate in place issued by Comodo. There is also extensive support options available and the admin himself has already registered an account on the MNO ShoutBox where you can ask him any questions you like, before the full review of SafeProfitsLtd is published on MNO tomorrow, when hopefully all your questions you will be answered. Stay tuned for that, guys!


Following the issues many HYIP admins are facing now with the approval of payment buttons with SolidTrustPay, there was some exciting news from Payza – a long-forgotten payment processor that was once the main rival of STP when it comes to servicing the needs to HYIP admins and HYIP investors around the world. The main advantages of Payza (formerly known as AlertPay) was also the reversible payments (in some cases they did refund HYIP investors after a scam was reported to them), direct deposit and withdrawal options (bank wires, bank transfers, checks, debit and credit cards, etc.) Then shortly after being re-named Payza after merging with another company the payment processor announced that they would not be serving the HYIP industry anymore but launched a spin-off payment processor EgoPay that concentrated on HYIPs in an attempt to rival PerfectMoney. However since both PerfectMoney and EgoPay don’t accept American clients anymore due to legal concerns (remember what happened LibertyReserve last year). Thus, there was a gap in the HYIP market as US clients could only be serviced by SolidTrustPay (still favored by the HYIP investors, but recently definitely losing its appeal to HYIP admins due to the almost complete impossibility of verifying accounts for automated deposits) and PexPay (now almost inactive due to bad marketing decisions chosen by its administrators and even fewer programs/exchangers accepting it). That left only BitCoin which was nowhere near enough for sure for those trying to invest legally and be able to fund and withdraw from their e-currency accounts by bypassing any third-party exchange services. So when two weeks ago Payza suddenly announced that it resumed services for American clients in a market it struggled to get sanctioned in by strict regulatory authorities I was kind of skeptical. But I did suspect something more interesting for the HYIP industry would follow after the following message appeared on the official Payza official blog:

Payza Services Available in U.S.
Payza is pleased to announce that online payment processing and ewallet services are now available in the U.S. Current members are able to use their current accounts to send and receive money online, add and withdraw funds, and take advantage of all of Payza’s features. For U.S. residents without an account,Sign Up is now available for Personal and Business accounts.
In the U.S., Payza is now the platform of choice of a federally chartered financial institution. This means that from now on, any funds deposited by U.S. members into their Payza accounts will be held in a pooled account at a federally chartered and federally regulated financial institution.
Come See What’s New
There have been lots of changes at Payza since we were required to suspend services in the U.S., we’ve been hard at work implementing a new account design and adding features to the Payza online payment platform. Here’s a look at what’s new:
When you log in to your account, the first thing you’ll notice is a new account layout that puts a greater focus on your Activity Feed. The new design also includes enhanced security features such aspersonalized avatars, which can be set up to give your account a bit of extra protection.
With new features such as Send Funds by Bank Transfer and Balance Top Up, you’ll find that sending money around the world with Payza is now even easier. We’ve streamlined the send funds process to make it faster and simpler for you to send money or complete a payment.
Payza also recently powered up your withdrawal options as well, adding Credit Card Withdrawals to your withdrawal choices. Use Credit Card Withdrawal whenever you want to instantly withdraw funds from your Payza account straight to your credit card. (Note: Credit Card Withdrawals expected to be available by the end of July, 2014)
Payza – Your Money’s Gateway to the World
Whether you want to send money online almost anywhere in the world, accept payments on your website or give your freelancing clients an easy way to send your payment instantly, Payza is there for you. Set up your free Payza account today to take advantage of all the great features Payza has to offer!

A cautious guess is that this might be something good for the HYIP industry, especially for those don’t mind to having an account verified in exchange for more features, but feel the choice of programs accepted by STP is too limited. So, I’m happy to report that in the latest post published on Payza‘s official blog confirms that the payment processor is back to the HYIP industry and will be accepting “income earning opportunities”, i.e. HYIPs which nevertheless first should be approved by the administration. I can’t imagine the verification process for admins looking to use Payza could possibly be more complicated or difficult than it is for STP users, so if you’re interested please read the excerpts from the latest update clearly marking Payza‘s return to the HYIP industry:

Payza Expanding to Support Greater Range of Industries
It’s been a busy year for Payza, and we’re not ready to slow down just yet. With eWallet services resuming in the U.S. And new partnerships with companies such as Ziroca, Payza is now able to expand our services and offer support for merchants around the world in a wider range of industries.
Some industries now being supported, like e-cigarette and e-liquid sales, are completely new to Payza, while others, like various income earning opportunity programs, were previously supported by Payza and are now coming back.
Here’s a look at some of the ecommerce industries that can now sign up for Payza Business accounts and accept eWallet payments:
Income Earning Programs: Payza members love using their accounts to earn some extra money, so we’ve expanded the types of programs that can use Payza for collecting fees and making payouts. If you manage an earning program contact Payza’s helpful Sales Team see if your company qualifies for a Payza Business account.
These are just a few of the new industries now able to accept eWallet payments from Payza members, our updated User Agreement has these and other industries added to our list of regulated industries, meaning they can now set up and use a Payza Business account and Payza Payment Buttons.
If you’re ready to start accepting Payza payments, this post about becoming an approved Payza merchant can help you get set up. You can also contact our Sales Team by emailing for more information.

Welcome as this might be, no one can deny that for the last couple of years Payza was absent from the HYIP industry and many things have changed. They’ve clearly lost all their former influence and almost universal acceptance by HYIP admins, so to reclaim their former position will take a lot of effort. However it’s easily possible for Payza to create a huge stir in the market if they are ready to work hard, and the current gap in the HYIP market will clearly welcome them. So, I for one welcome Payza back and for those who don’t have a free account there can do so here. MNO monitoring is also now accepting Payza as an official payment processor for advertising and the payment account (the same as for EgoPay) will be included tonight in all the available spaces on my Advertising page. Let’s see how Payza can carve out a niche for themselves in the HYIP industry over the coming weeks and months in the industry, but judging by their previous performance I have some high hopes for them.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: OneAdClickGenialStockExchange, SolidSharePro, AssuredAssets, UnoBancAuGoldPartnersGepardAlliance, LaxoTrade (the first payments received), SafeProfitsLtd (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: CashNonStop.
From MNO Basic list: ZeusInvestOgdenOrganization.

That’s all I have for today, guys. Join me tomorrow for a more detailed look at SafeProfitsLtd and the latest news from the HYIP industry. Make sure you bookmark MNO blog as more superbly good programs will be added to my elite monitoring service over the next few weeks, and you can be the first to know about them. Also, note that checking the MNO monitor on a regular basis can really save you some money as the first warnings are also posted on my monitor, so avoid the programs that are not listed on MNO, as their admins are clearly afraid of my uncompromising attitude towards selective payouts. And please remember to follow MNO blog on Facebook and Twitter and subscribe to get the latest daily news from the industry straight to your email address. So long and see you tomorrow!

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