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17/02/2016. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello, guys, and welcome again to the MNO blog dealing exclusively with high-budget unique programs from admins who are the utmost professionals in their field capable for making money not only for themselves, but for their members too. One should admit that Capital7 is still grabbing all the main headlines in the HYIP industry and was greeted with huge enthusiasm by the very first investors. It’s already overshadowed so many lesser quality programs with the worst of them collapsing one after failing to compete. Many monitors have added Capital7 totally free of charge and even joined with their own money after seeing it here on MNO first, as the admin made it clear to me he would only hire MNO as its official paid monitor, at the least in the first stages of Capital7‘s development. Whether it’s a wise move or not only my readers can judge, but looking at the preliminary results of the poll currently running on the MNO TalkBack page (click here to vote) the vast majority believe that it was the right decision as it will save the admin on advertising costs as MNO is already the most popular HYIP monitor with thousands of followers read daily not only by investors, but by other monitors too. And the fact that they’re queuing up to add Capital7 for free suggests this is definitely so.

So far I believe the trick worked quite well because over the last couple of days since my review of Capital7 was published (click here to read it if you haven’t done so) I noticed that there were a few scams on other monitors, and I feel truly sorry for their followers that they lost money in them. Well, this is always a learning curve I admit, but with MNO it’s not happening as I avoid listing the cheap programs with low budgets (while others seem to be jumping from joy at the slightest opportunity to make a few bucks from them) and prefer to concentrate on promoting truly the biggest programs whose admins are ambitions enough to realize the potential to become something truly big and meaningful for their investors, instead of being branded as fast scams. Of course, I’m not only talking about Capital7 where everyone seems to be joining and investing huge money like in the good old times, but also more established programs like the outstanding long-runner PokerAutomatics the latest updates from which will be discussed later in today’s news section, and about the newcomers to my monitor CopperTradePro that joined the Standard List late on Monday night which may yet prove to be just as successful offering long-term investment plans with sustainable returns via all the main payment processors. So that’s how I want to start today’s news update with the introduction of the newest program on my listing.


In my opinion, CopperTradePro is one of the very few investment programs launched in recent weeks to get investors talking and grabbed everyone’s attention from day one. Now on its second week in business CopperTradePro has taken the Standard Listing on MNO on the same day their Payza account was approved and ready to accept deposits. The admin probably knows that I’m a huge fan of Payza myself and was waiting for this to happen before bringing his program to the attention of my readers. Although even before that CopperTradePro launched with a very respectable list of payment methods which included SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash. Apparently, offering a wide range of investment options was one of the main priorities for the admin of CopperTradePro who updated investors about that since day one in the news section of the website:

Dear Clients! We have completed CTP system tests and are ready to provide the services to online community. Please, note that you can now use the following payment processors: Perfect Money, Payeer, Bitcoin, AdvCash & SolidTrustPay. We will notify our clients about Payza at a later time. It’s Time to Expect More!

We’ve completed the verification process & CopperTradePro is now officially accepting Payza. Our clients can make use of all 6 payment processors to enjoy the benefits of passive income from Commodities Market. It’s Time to Expect More!

Let’s take a brief look at the investment plans offered by CopperTradePro. They are quite simple to follow and promise to pay a fixed interest for a 100 business day period. Depending on the invested amount (from $20 to $10,000) you will get from 2.4% to 3.2% over the term. On expiry your principal will not be returned, as it’s already included in daily payouts. The possibility to make 140% to 220% pure profit though seems quite achievable, despite (and because of) the longer than usual term of almost five months until expiry. Many investors are already in CopperTradePro which is rumored to be run by an experienced administrator capable of making profits for his investors. Of course, it’s already been clear since it chose to add as many payment options as possible to accommodate the widest range of investors from different countries.

Smaller investors in CopperTradePro should be aware of the fact that the minimum to withdraw is set at $1 (or $2 with STP and Payza), so please take that into consideration if unable to make daily withdrawals from your account. There is no compounding option for investors of CopperTradePro and you have to wait for up to 36 hours to be paid to your e-currency account after requesting a withdrawal. CopperTradePro usually doesn’t pay on weekends, so if you request a withdrawal on Friday you might be waiting until the following Monday to be paid. The program is running off a familiar licensed GoldCoders script, so you shouldn’t have any difficulties when browsing your account. The website is SSL-secured and protected by Koddos on a dedicated server. Unlike many other similar websites, CopperTradePro opted for incorporation in the Seychelles. The certificate can be seen on the website and is far more expensive than obtaining one from the UK (read MNO investigation on this here). Everything else is explained very well and in much detail on the website, but if you are still struggling about how to invest in CopperTradePro then read the tomorrow’s review on my blog to find out more on its investment plans and important features.


If you’ve been looking for an established leader of the HYIP industry with a long history of success and stable payouts for over a year and a half then PokerAutomatics ticks all the boxes. The program has been undoubtedly the best choice for investors preferring moderate returns on their investments if ready to commit their deposits for a period of 30 to 180 calendar days, principal back on expiry. For those of you still not familiar with PokerAutomatics and haven’t read my detailed review posted here, I’ll remind that the minimum to invest is $30 which can be deposited via SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and several other lesser known payment processors. Then on every calendar day during your investment term you should expect your account to be credited with variable daily returns. Such returns are calculated automatically by the script and represent a 40% to 80% share of the reported daily earnings. As they are usually floating around the 1% mark, you should then expect something around 0.4% to 0.8% credited to your account daily depending on the size of your principal and chosen investment term. Just to give you an example of the latest profit reports posted on the website (allegedly made by an extensive pokerbot network), I’ll re-post the latest ones for the previous five days:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
12.02.2016 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.94%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
13.02.2016 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.09%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
14.02.2016 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.89%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
15.02.2016 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.97%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
16.02.2016 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.11%

An essential ingredient of PokerAutomatics‘ constant growth and superb performance which allowed thousands of investors to profit with them is the ability to expand its influence to other markets not affiliated with the HYIP industry. The appeal for the international investment market is predominantly coming from the administrator’s attention to such important details as providing investors with a convenient interface for opening an account, deposit and withdrawal processes, etc. in their own native languages. Initially starting with a few multilingual versions PokerAutomatics has now seven versions written by professional interpreters which helps many unfamiliar with the process to feel just a bit more comfortable. Now PokerAutomatics can be switched to (by clicking on the appropriate flag in the top right corner of the screen) English, Russian, German, Spanish, Indonesian, Chinese, and, most recently, Polish. The official announcement addressed specially at Polish community now able to browse the website in their native tongue was released last weekend and reads as follows:

PokerAutomatics News!
A special update for our customers from Poland.
New professional translated polish version of PokerAutomatics website.

Of course, we cannot understate the vital role played by hundreds of regional representatives promoting PokerAutomatics in their local areas for extra referral commissions. They are the very blood stream for improving circulation in veins and arteries of the complicated mechanism which PokerAutomatics is constantly pumping in fresh deposits and making sure existing members are getting paid at all times. Over the last six days there were several other representatives added to the program which you can read about below:

We have a new Representative
Klaudio Dautaj – Germany
You may contact him by email
580+ Representatives!

We have a new Representative
WuFuyi – China
You may contact him by email
590+ Representatives!

We have a new Representative
Tino Spannknebel – Germany
You may contact him by email and skype
590+ Representatives!

We have a new Representative
Sergei – Russia
You may contact him by email and skype
600+ Representatives!

We have a new Representative
Fabian Widmer – Switzerland
You may contact him by email
620+ Representatives!

We have a new Representative
Johann Forcher – Austria
You may contact him by email and phone
630+ Representatives!

Being such a widely recognized name with thousands of followers across the world it’s no wonder that PokerAutomatics has quite a few of promotional videos and testimonials available for viewing both on the specially dedicated YouTube channel and also on the MNO Vision page here where you can also find a few other useful clips. Two more videos have been added lately. They are both short enough and both share success stories of two people from the US and the UK who made quite decent money from PokerAutomatics over the last few months. Interested in watching them? Then check out the links below:

PokerAutomatics Video Testimonial and Review from Kennedy (USA)

PokerAutomatics Payments (15-02-2016 Video) – Trevor Miller

Especially PokerAutomatics acknowledges the importance of the Russian speaking market for its further development and the admin seems to be proud that his program has become one of the most discussed investment projects on the most popular Russian forum MMGP. Here’s the link to the discussion thread where the program has over twenty-three thousand posts:

PokerAutomatics – 23,000+ Payment Posts on MMGP!

And finally, as with any complicated mechanism with literally thousands of investors sometimes errors occur which the admin has to fix as fast as he can. For instance, below you will find the latest report on fixing an issue for some investors who reported smaller than usual accruals yesterday. Apparently, the problem was found, identified, and fixed pretty quickly as usually happens with PokerAutomatics. If you were somehow affected by this please read the following:

We have some technical error in accruals (about 6 hours).
Already fixed.
Tomorrow we’ll add your profit for 2 days for these 6 hours.

All in all, PokerAutomatics shows a great example of how the leader of the HYIP industry can be run and how wide its audience can become with the right ideas and a clear vision to follow.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PokerAutomaticsArdexFunds.
From MNO Standard list: Capital7, CopperTradePro (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: GloboxTradeForexKingTokyoInvestmentCompany.

That’s all for today, guys. Thanks a lot for reading and voting in the MNO TalkBack opinion poll. I hope to see you all tomorrow for a detailed look at the brand-new addition to the MNO Standard List CopperTradePro introduced above. I’ll also have the usual news roundup from the most elite investment programs in the HYIP industry everyone’s talking about. Follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter not to miss any important info and subscribe to my daily news by entering your email address and confirming it in the form you can find in the top-right corner of my blog. Good luck with your investments and see you all tomorrow, guys!

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