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17/11/09. OneInv Review and Other News



Hi everybody! You know at the moment there seems to be more short term investment HYIPs around than there are investors to join them. I mean surely you must have noticed this yourself by now. The thing is that I don’t think this abundance of HYIPs has meant that there are any fewer high quality ones around, but it certainly is becoming a lot harder to find them. The good ones are there of course, they always have been, but it’s a time consuming process to cut through all the rubbish programs around at the moment and find the ones that stand out from the crowd.

Well, fingers crossed I hope I have one such program for you today. It’s called OneInv and I would have a certain amount of confidence that it can run for at least a couple of cycles. I’m well aware of course that a lot of this comes down to the admin, his intentions, and his abilities. But nobody can predict that, or at least not at this early stage. But the OneInv program and website itself is as it stands does look a bit more promising than some of its competitors. Let’s take a closer look and see if you agree.

There are actually a number of interesting aspects to this one that would at least look like the admin is taking the project pretty seriously. The plans however, where we will start, are really nothing out of the ordinary. I don’t mean that in a bad way, I’m just saying that they are fairly standard issue for the more short term programs. Some pay more and some pay less. You’ll find OneInv somewhere in the middle. Not the riskiest HYIP around by any means but a high risk nonetheless.

The first thing I want to say about the plans is that they all have two things in common. They all pay only on expiry and they are all open to pretty much any amount of money you want to spend. The minimum amount you can spend is the same for all the plans as is the maximum. That’s anything from just $1 to $80,000. Your principal is already included in your payout.

The first of four plans runs for just three days. Call it a test plan if you want, though that’s not what I’d say myself. The rate of interest will be 104% which when you consider it’s only for 3 days makes it a pretty serious option all by itself. For example were you to put $100 in to this one you’d get back a single payment of $104 three days later. Ok, so a $4 profit might not sound like a whole lot by itself, but hey, nobody’s gonna give it to you for free!

The second option will last for a term of 5 days and offers a more generous 110% reward as an incentive. Only very slightly more of a risk but the reward increases more substantially. The same $100 investment made here will get you a single payment of $110 on expiry which isn’t bad for 5 days at all it must be said.

The third plan offers a return of 124%. Not bad either but at this stage the higher return comes at a cost of a higher risk. 10 days is the length of term this time but keeping in mind that OneInv is still such a new program that isn’t such a big deal at this point. Invest $100 here and receive a one time payment of $124 on expiry.

The fourth and final investment plan from OneInv carries both the highest reward and therefore the highest risk. The return is a very tempting 150%, but you will have to risk your principal for 15 days in order to earn it. That will mean a $100 investment getting you a return of $150 on expiry. It’s entirely your own decision but the way things work in this business is that the ones most likely to get the maximum reward are the ones who act earliest. I’d only remind you not to get too greedy.

The other points I want to make about the plans are the payment options. Considering we’re talking about an online HYIP here the list of accepted payment processors is quite good. LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay are all taken. What’s even better however is that payouts are instant if you join via LR, PM, or SP. Unfortunately SolidTrustPay doesn’t accommodate instant payouts at the moment but if you still prefer them as an option to join (and I know a lot of you do) then payouts are still pretty quick. 24 hours according to the admin.

Another thing I like about the plans is that they are all affordable to everybody. A single dollar is all it costs to join any of them so OneInv are keeping them all open to as wide a variety of investor as possible. Your payment will be relative to the risk you are willing to take rather than the amount of cash you can afford to spend, and I must say that’s something we should see more of in this industry. In my own humble opinion that’s what it’s all about anyway so it won’t do the program any harm to do that. Otherwise the plans themselves are all quite sustainable. When I say that by the way I mean sustainable in the world of short term online HYIPs, not the Bank of America or the IMF!

Moving on to security, the first thing that really caught my eye about OneInv was the script. I didn’t think I’d seen it before though I definitely liked it. The admin, who tells me he’s a computer programmer by profession, explained to me that it’s a modified version of the OroScript that he customized himself. He has for instance enhanced the security of the script and was also responsible for adding the instant payments feature himself. So at least you know you are dealing with somebody who is in someway professional here and is pretty competent in what they are doing.

OneInv is hosted on a dedicated server with protection from DDoS attacks provided by BlackLotus. That’s a name we don’t see as often as we used to but most people will agree that they are consistent and it should be safe enough.

Questions, if you have any, can be put to the admin through the online e-mail support ticket form. There is also a Live Chat feature if you prefer. It’s not a 24 hour service though, but you can leave a message.

The admin has mercifully spared us the task of having to read any of the usual drivel about ForEx and stock market trading. So for that he gets a bonus point! It’s presented to you as a game and you are advised to take it as such. If you’re still reading this review I guess you must have some level of interest in OneInv, or maybe just short term HYIPs in general. If that is the case then this one is probably as good as any of the new programs we have seen recently. Maybe a little better actually. As I said already they’re not around forever and the risk is always there, but be smart and don’t get greedy and there is no reason why you can’t make an easy few bucks for yourself out of this one. The ones who join early are the ones with the best chance.

Other news for today.

I think we’ll start today’s news section with an important update from GoldNuggetInvest (reviewed here). As you know recently GoldNuggetInvest were in the process of ceasing all dealings with Yesilada bank in northern Cyprus which handling their bank wire transactions. All members with deposits in GNI made via bank wire were advised to request the profits to any of the other payment processors. Today there was another stroke as it seems that German legal authorities froze the assets belonging to Yesilada bank and it was allegedly reported by AK Bank, their correspondence bank in Germany. So the question arises: how (if at all) GoldNuggetInvest will be affected by this action and if they have any significant amounts of money left in Yesilada bank which apparently will be the subject of an investigation now. So the members of GoldNuggetInvest were rightly concerned on hearing that news and asked for an update from administration of GNI. The first was Todd, who commented on this event by issuing the following statement:
C’mon Team….Let’s not be so dramatic here….
Let’s set the record straight…Yesilada Bank’s deposits are currently being held up; additionally, we have some clients whose funds were being transferred to and from Yesilada Bank. Their funds are also being held up.
We have heard some different things and rumors as well, but we are NOT speculating. Of interest to us is WHY they are being held up and who is responsible for this. We know it is NOT GNI.
We have the right people looking into the matter and will follow the advice of counsel to secure whatever assets are in question.
Is this “Very Bad News?” It’s not “very Good News!” How could it be. Over-reacting, however, is far worse.
People, the principals of this company aren’t amateurs. They know what’s involved running a project of this magnitude. All of our clients are “professional” investors. Any and every organization has peeks and valleys. Business operations, however, must continue. Our traders continue to trade, we continue to pay like clockwork.
Please, act like the responsible professionals we expect of you as you expect of us.
We’ve had a couple couple good weeks trading, focus on this angle….Let’s have a good week.

Next to comment on the situation was the admin of GoldNuggetInvest Robert Spearman (interviewed here). He gave a more detailed statement and told us not only about the issues with Yesilada bank but also touched on the topic of their licensing issues with the Belizean authorities and even (for the first time ever) gave his opinion about the TalkGold forum that seems to have been playing some dirty tricks against GNI due to their refusal to advertise there (I can hardly bring myself to even call it a forum myself). However, after reading the whole update I believe that GoldNuggetInvest will be able to overcome all the issues and challenges they are currently facing and came out on top as they did so many times in the past. I have huge faith in the GNI team and I’m sure many investors will support me on this. Anyway, please read the following update from Robert carefully posted on the official GoldNuggetInvest forum a few hours ago:
Sorry guys for not being here earlier – but as Todd said, I’ve got a lot on my plate, but I am in constant contact with him every day and what Todd addressed about this issue is the official position of GNI.
What is GNI doing?
In principle we act as an agent for our members to place surebets.
Isn’t that gambling?
No it isn’t, since arbitrage wagering is NOT gambling! It’s about mathematics, but most bureaucrats wouldn’t understand that, even if we would explain the basics of arbitrage wagering to them… – that’s why they are bureaucrats and not business owners.
But GNI is providing financial services now, since the new script is offering currency exchanges?
Another myth stirred up by some ignoramuses, who failed to think and/or forget to think before speaking out! GNI is not exchanging currencies! All we do is to allow our members to choose freely where they like to withdraw the proceeds of the surebets we are placing on behalf of them too. – Why are we offering this service? Because our members requested us to offer this service, to give them the freedom of choice, since it is their money and they should have the right to choose where to withdraw it too.
Are we doing something regarding the warning of the Belize authorities?
Yes we do. What we do is depending on the advise of our counsel already involved. It might be to obtain the Belize financial license (despite the fact that we shouldn’t need it), it might be that our counsel in Belize will clarify things with the authorities there to get the warning removed – and another option is to change our jurisdiction to a more friendly one. There are plenty of options and as in the past, we always try to stay a step ahead.
What else?
Somebody mentioned TG. Who the is TG??? I personally feel embarrassed, if I hear about this HYIP graveyard. In my opinion their admin is one of the biggest scammers of the entire HYIP industry, since he is profiting knowingly from scams since years. How can anybody take such hypocrisy serious? That is my personal opinion, but since he is one of the greatest defenders of the 1. Amendment (obviously), I should have the same right of free speech in our very own forum
Last thing:
The US$ is of concern! But helping us great times at the moment… I need to explain: There is a huge amount of funds blocked with Yesilada, due to their blocked correspondence bank account with the AK Bank. We cannot access this funds, we cannot use this funds to trade – but we are paying interest to our members who transferred their funds to Yesilada Bank, since the moment they have been credited to our account.
As you might know, most of the bookmakers we are working with are based in the UK or in Europe. Means that we have to place your surebets either in GBP or in EUR. Due to the devaluation of the US$ we are able to produce enough profit to pay all our members, despite the fact that we can’t use the funds blocked with Yesilada to trade!
GNI is and was a kind of cooperative society and I personally like the idea of cooperative societies. One for all – all for one! We will however consider to change our account currency to EUR, GBP or whatever, if the majority of our members wish us to do so. Please allow us to get the Yesilada situation sorted out first and then we will come back to this issue and start a poll to see what the majority of you like us to do.
That’s it for today folks! Thanks for reading, thanks for being with us and a special THANK YOU for your ongoing support! As I said before you, our members, are GNI – I am just managing this project for you as best as I can and with the help of Todd, Lim, Rumiko, Debbie and the people unknown to most of you, like Jurgen, Arthur and the other guys trading on your behalf and last but not least your great forum administrator Ingenue! A big thank you from Jurgen and me to our TEAM as well!

As for my own opinion? If they’ve done nothing wrong then they’ve nothing to worry about. Simple as that. They have successfully mitigated bigger crises than this in the past and I suspect this one will be no different. A minor glitch, but business as usual as far as I’m concerned.

I received one very interesting update from the admin of XagaEnterprise Kevin (interviewed here) which was supposed to be an attempt to prove to potential investors that it’s really possible to earn some money with Casino comps. There was three videos posted on the YouTube video site and offered to all doubtful people to persuade them deposit in XagaEnterprise without fear of being scammed. While I admit that the attempt itself to explain how everything works from Kevin was kind of a good idea it didn’t really convince me that it’s a sure-fire way of making enough money to provide you an income of 1.2% every business day forever or 8%-10% weekly returns for an indefinite period. And here is why I was not satisfied. In these videos we first of all see somebody exchanging vouchers for a T-shirt which is fine. But how is that supposed to prove that there is any money in it? Will this T-Shirt be sold afterwards to somebody to make some additional income? The thing is that if you ask yourself a simple question: if getting a free T-shirt will make you richer what would you answer? Of course, I can’t deny that the whole process was shown to us but still I would like to see more evidence to that from Kevin. I hope to re-review XagaEnterprise soon (if I have some time) and then I think it would be nice to interview Kevin for the second time as well because for the first time not so much info has been revealed to the investors about the nature of business they are involved in For those wanting to see these videos please refer to the latest newsletter from Kevin below to find the links to YouTube video files:
What I promised you in the past, now is executed. I have 3 video clips for you.
First of all, please understand that it’s not easy to shoot at Casinos. Honestly, I didn’t want to shoot but I have to bring XagaEnterprise to the next level. I risked myself because any such kind of electronic devices (recording tools) are prohibited at Casinos. Not to mention the surveillance or “eyes on the sky” and guards. I did this for you.
Video 1:
As you can see, this was taken at Caesars Palace Atlantic City. I was wandering here and there because I was waiting for the old couple to leave the kiosk/comps machine. I was a little tensed because that was inside the Casino and there where surveillance cameras everywhere. But I managed to do it. Lucky me.
Video 2:
I went out from Ballys to Boardwalk. It was a nice weather. Then I went to The Piers. Went to Total Rewards Shop. I Bought T-shirt with my comps to show you how exactly Comps work. I didn’t pay anything. Just gave my card and signed. That’s it. I was scared because I was dealing with human. Casino officer. When she made a call, I thought she was reporting me. But gladly she didn’t. Lucky me again.
Video 3:
This was taken at Claridge. My favorite place. Full of nice music. I took this scene with my cellphone.
About video 3, I will shoot my act from close just for you in the future. I will make special black t-shirt with a little hole on the pocket and place my cellphone inside it and record my acts. This is the biggest challenge for me. Any kind of electronic devices are prohibited. If the Casino catch me, I will be dead for sure. It’s a high risk to do this but I have to do this. I also will buy a new cellphone with high megapixel because my current cellphone is only 2 MegaPixel and as you can see in video 3, the picture is bad. I will prepare everything for this. I will do this for proving to you what XagaEnterprise Team does everyday. You will see me, Kevin, perform.
That’s it for today. Enjoy the videos and feel free to comment. Thank you.
Regards, Kevin. XagaEnterprise Admin

The admin of OneInv program that was just reviewed on my blog above posted some news from his program recently. It seems everything is doing alright and the growth of the program is stable (especially after purchasing Sticky topics on MMG and DTM forums) that will ensure the stable instant payouts for the long time. By the way, OneInv is the first program in my memory that offers instant StrictPay payouts. So those who want to try this out are welcome to sign-up. Here is the first newsletter I have received from OneInv program today:
Dear members, We have great news for today!
First I want you to tell that we bought sticky on MMG and DTM, and also some banners on top monitors, and our deposits are increasing at a very good rate! This can’t be without your help. I want you to remind you that we give 3% for referral commission, so refer all your friends and tell them about this excellent new project.
On the other hand I also remind you that withdrawals from SP, LR and PM are instant, if any error occurs, please go to “Withdraw money” and click on the delete icon, and request it again and it should be processed. STP withdrawals can take upto 24 hours (usually much faster) this is only because they don’t have an API to do it, they have masspay but you have to do it manually, I already asked about this issue to their support department, and I’ll tell you the answer soon.
So stay tuned for the next newsletter!

Those who were concerned about the pending withdrawals from RosalinFinance for over 24 hours and even posted on my ShoutBox about that should be aware that all the pendings should have been processed by now. So make sure about what you’re doing before posting any negative things on forums because if you deal with such obvious games like RosalinFinance (reviewed here) you should be aware that negative votes can shorten the program’s lifecycle and you will be left with nothing. So be careful about that and first ask the admin about your pending and be sure about it before you start to panic on forums. Only in case you’re not replied to within a reasonable period of time should you start to worry and make your concerns public. By the way, I have received a reply from the admin of RosalinFinance and he told me that the questions for my interview would be answered by tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to publish that on my blog by then. And here is the short update from RosalinFinance that was sent straight after the pending payments were cleared:
Hello RosalinFinance Members, All requested withdrawals has been processed. Best Regards.

I would also like to apologize for the sometimes late reply to your emails. Guys, please be aware that it’s not an easy task to run a website like MNO alone and keep up with all the daily news, requests and queries. Please note that I’m doing my best to answer your emails within 72 hours. You have probably noticed that I haven’t sent any newsletters for the last two weeks and again it was connected with too many things on my daily schedule and because of that I simply don’t always have enough free time to write the newsletters to you, guys. Please be assured that I will try to do my best to send it to you as soon as I can. And with another free gift of course!

To the admins of the programs willing to advertise on my blog I would suggest to double-check the email before sending any money. Please note that I have only this account: as my name is Paul Abramson. And not So no other accounts registered on Gmail should be treated seriously. Please don’t send any money to this scammer and ask me about it afterwards! I know some programs that were already scammed by that guy and sent him hundreds (if not thousands of dollars). So I put another warning on my blog (though I already did it a few times before) but still there are some people who doesn’t listen. Remember that it’s your money that you spend on advertising so treat it wisely and don’t get scammed!

Let’s get back to the programs updates now. As you know there was some downtime in GeniusFunds that lasted for a few hours on Monday night. So due to that many investors were concerned and questioned on public forums about the security of the GeniusFunds website. I guess that made the administration release an official statement and update the investors about the reasons behind it. Here is the latest from GeniusFunds:
On Monday, November 16, during a routine server maintenance procedure, our IT staff had encountered difficulties that were resolved later that day. As a consequence, investors had a difficulties connecting to our web site and accessing their accounts. The problem had since been resolved and similar difficulties will not be encountered in the future. Those responsible for the situation were reprimanded.
I want to apologize on behalf of GeniusFunds for the situation. If you have any questions about our services and products, don’t hesitate to contact me at any time.

I remind you that GeniusFunds is a program that has been online for over a year and was already reviewed on MNO blog twice. For those unfamiliar with it I remind that GeniusFunds accepts all the major payment processors: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, AlertPay, StrictPay along with Bank Wires (starting from $500 amounts) that can be made either directly from your bank account or via SwapGold services (with no fees). The dividends for the shares purchased by you in GeniusFunds will be paid either on a daily (1.0%-1.9% on every business day depending on the amount deposited) or a weekly (6%-9% every week on Mondays depending on the amount deposited) basis. Remember that you have an option to sell your shares invested in a daily EMGF plan after 150 business days and after 180 business days you can sell your shares invested in a weekly WBMF plan. There is also a HYDA investment plan available for GeniusFunds investors and you can read more about that and GeniusFunds as a whole in my detailed review of the program published here.

You might remember a program called LogicProfit that was reviewed on my blog over three weeks ago (read the review here)? Well, it seems that they are still doing quite well and paying investors 120% after 8 days, 150% after 15 days and 200% after 25 days directly to the accounts you made a deposit from (LogicProfit accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, EcuMoney and StrictPay payment processors). The biggest advantage to LogicProfit over their competitors is hosting on a most reliable hosting provider BlockDos and direct payouts to the e-currency you made your deposit with. But another feature was added today: it’s Comodo seal confirming the program’s address in the UK and the registration number that confirms that LogicProfit Limited is an officially registered company in the UK starting from 14/11/2009. Well, I don’t know if it will give LogicProfit any more credibility but surely it’s a welcome addition indicating the program’s intention to properly legalize its business activities.

The admin of GloTrade that was introduced on my blog last night and will be reviewed pretty soon (I have received my first payment from them already) started publishing their trading results on the official blog of the program that was just opened yesterday. Here is the brief update from them:
We begin this first newsletter with a quick hello to all of you. We hope that your week started well.
This mail is a brief announcement that we have updated our blog with our current trading performance results.
Do remember to visit our blog ( for regular updates about our website.
Please note that this blog will be functional even under circumstances when the main website faces any downtime.

I think it will beneficial for the readers of MNO if I could republish the trading results from the administration of GloTrade (pays you 2% for 20 trading days and 2.5% for 40 trading days with principal returned back on expiry) so you could verify their performance stats. So here is the first update:
We will be updating our trading performance and outcome periodically for our members in the blog. We had planned to post 2 trading performance updates each week but since this is the first day, we have placed the update of our trading results today.
We had a roaring market that brought in a high yield so we believe it is a good omen for all of us.
To avoid taking any high risks on day 1, we maintained a very strict stop loss but as the market played on one way, it ended up giving us only profits.
We made 3 day trades based on Future contracts.
1. Sell trade – DJIA Futures Contract sold at 10301 and bought for 10238 gaining a profit of 63 points.
2. Buy trade – DJIA Futures Contract bought at 10202 and sold for 10424.5 bringing in a profit of 222.5 points.
3. Buy trade – FTSE UK Index bought at 5277 and sold at 5385 for a profit of 108 points.
All trades are closed as we did not leave any overnight open positions. So, the overall trading gave us profit. So its a good start on behalf of GloTrade.
We made a good margin in profits of 3.46%. We will update this blog on a daily basis with all updates.
Keep tuning in to this blog for more news.

The admin of RigidPay (that was also officially presented on my blog last night and will be reviewed by tomorrow) announced the introduction of a $50 bonus for all investors who make a deposit of $500 or more to any of the investment plans available: 114% after 4 days, 131% after 8 days and 170% after 16 days. It seems this kind of bonus is extremely popular among the admins of short-term programs as it’s not the first or even the second program to offer it. By the way, I have asked the admin one question about SolidTrustPay as it’s present on the banners he purchased on my blog but in reality only AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay are accepted on the RigidPay website. So Woody (that’s his name) was kind enough to explain that SolidTrustPay was really planned to be accepted by RigidPay but due to some verification delays it’s not clear now if it will be added or not. I think still the choice of payment processors is still quite good and the additional bonus will definitely be a good start for the larger HYIP players. Here is the update from the admin:
Did you know you just found the best way to increase your property online? Yeah, that is RigidPay. RigidPay is open from this day (16.Nov.2009) onwards, we all welcome no matter opening accounts, investing or enquiry. To us, more communication means more understanding, and more understanding means more trust. We like to to introduce to you the promotional campaign: From now on, we give a reward of $50 for who have made $500 or more into RigidPay, that is a great news, isn’t it? you can get this bonus only one time, that means you can’t get this reward twice or more, and this promotional campaign maybe will finished anytime, so please don’t lost this amazing opportunity, create your account and make deposit right now!
If you have any questions of RigidPay, please feel free to contact our customer service department.
Best Regards, Woody. RigidPay.

Capitalex (reviewed here) is increasing the referral commission offered to the promoters of the program to 8%. Will it help them to stay afloat any longer? Possibly yes. But who knows? Here is the most recent update:
We increased our referral program commission rate from 5% to 8%. From today you will receive 8% commission from your referrals deposit.
Good Day. Capitalex

CSMFinance program (reviewed here) reported about a very successful deals their company made and good profits which were substantiated with some trading charts which you can see in the link listed in the following update from CSMFinance:
One of the most successful trades in CSM history has been completed today! Total gain from this trade exceeds $300,000! Click here to view NLST chart and CSMFinance brokerage account statement!

And finally here is the list of the programs that paid me today: GoldNuggetInvest, OneInv, OctProfit, ArbsFund, RigidPay, PanaMoney, FXFManagement, FinanceNova, OneDailyPro, Verifield, NanoMoneyCorp, RefMotor, JuicyInvest, GeniusFunds, Capitalex, CSMFinance, EuropeInc, AtlantisMutual, IncoForex, LogicProfit, MoneyCare, RosalinFinance, BlackDiamondPortfolio, TheKapital, MandarinInvest, SavInvest, AimTrust, KobelCapital, 4CountriesCapital, MoneyPlus, GlobalFund, XagaEnterpriseCorpoNano, TradeZoom, PTVPartner and GloTrade (the first payment received). Don’t forget to check out my blog tomorrow for the review of RigidPay and also for my first post which will be an interview with the admin of 4CountriesCapital. And of course all the latest news from the Industry! Stay tuned and always be on the money with Money-News-Online!

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