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09/01/2010. GoldenFleeceFund Review and Other News



Hi everybody! Hope you’re all having a good weekend so far. And keeping yourselves warm! I really had no idea it could get so cold in the UK. Nothing like what I’m used to myself of course. The reaction to snow here is most amusing. When I was a child temperatures had to hit minus fifty before the schools were allowed to close. Minus five here and the whole country seems to be in free fall! (“T-Shirt weather” as one hardy Scotsman described it on the BBC’S Saturday morning football program this morning, so at least there’s one other man out there who won’t panic!) Appropriate then that tonight I want to take a look at a program that makes me feel warm all over just by thinking of the name – GoldenFleeceFund.

GoldenFleeceFund isn’t really a new program, in fact they’ve been running for what is now well into their third month so I’m sure more than a few of you might know them already. However that doesn’t have to be a huge issue with HYIPs like this – mid to long term programs with a low rate of interest. But not something to ignore either. However in the time since GoldenFleeceFund was launched there have been a number of improvements made. Improvements that in my own opinion should have been in place since the beginning, but better late than never and at least it shows the admin is proactive.

The investment plans as they now stand include a recently added Test Plan. You can join this for a minimum of $10 with no maximum (unusual for a test plan) and earn 1.1% interest per day for 30 calendar days. Payments are made on business days only by the way so that will be Monday through Friday only folks with your principal returned on expiry. The fact that there is no maximum may encourage you to treat this like a proper investment plan all by itself. At 1.1% per day it’s certainly profitable enough. Not as profitable as the other plans but it runs for a much shorter term and is still quite attractive with a potential profit of 22%.

If you prefer to go for the bigger prize however, the main plan offers some much higher rates. There are four variations within it and it works as follows. The plan will run for 90 calendar days. During that time GoldenFleeceFund will make interest payments only on business days, Monday to Friday. The interest will be based on how much you deposit with as usual the bigger payments being used to tempt the bigger investors. At the end of the 90 days your principal will then be returned.

So how much will you earn? Deposits from a minimum of $10 to a maximum of $2500 fall under the title Level One investments and will earn 2.5% interest per business day. At five days per week that should see you break even after 40 payment days and be in profit after that.

$2501 to $3500 will earn a little extra. They are called Level Two deposits and will earn 3% interest per business day.

Deposits from between $3501 to $5000 are called L3-VIP deposits and are promised 3.5% interest per business day.

And finally, L4-VIP deposits are everything bigger than that. $5001 and upwards if you are really that brave gets 4% interest per business day.

You may be wondering about the VIP tag on the last two options there. Apparently you may be eligible for a number of extras if you can afford to join. The main one being a $150 withdrawable bonus paid to your account. See the GoldenFleeceFund website for further information on that.

The payment options are another side of GoldenFleeceFund that have improved since the beginning. Initially they only two e-currencies, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. That has now been expanded to include AlertPay and StrictPay so I suppose a lot of you will find that a lot more convenient. Payments are not instant but typically you can expect them to be processed within 24 hours.

The security is another aspect of the site to get revamped for the new year. They have just recently changed server and are now on a more secure one. Though they are still on a dedicated server and the hosting provider is still BlackLotus. The script is licensed from GoldCoders and the design is quite a nice one by LeadCaptureMaster. SSL encryption is not available.

You can contact the admin through the online support ticket submission form or if he happens to be online through the Live Chat feature.

The purported line of business for GoldenFleeceFunds is precious metals trading. Along with ForEx trading that’s one of the regular staple claims of online HYIP admins. Make of it what you will, but I certainly can’t prove it. If it’s important to you then feel free to contact them for some solid proof. In the meantime just take it as a regular HYIP. The plans are pretty ambitious and on a week to week comparison are paying out more than a lot of the popular “no expiry” style programs at the moment. How long all that can be sustained for remains to be seen. Yes it’s true that they’ve kept it up so far and two and a half months into the project a lot of members will already find themselves in profit by way of their daily payments. And GoldenFleeceFund should be commended for that. However no principals have been repaid just yet. The first of these will be due in another two weeks or so, so the next month will tell a lot about this program and how sustainable it really is.


It seems that the above reviewed GoldenFleeceFund is getting more serious by the day as now they are going to start offering VIP clients support. To apply for this status you should have a deposit in this program for the amount of over $3,500. Of course you will get some VIP treatment for that including some cash bonus and phone support. So you should really check this out if you’re interested. In addition to that, the admin of GoldenFleeceFund stated that the most recent upgrade of their server was part of their ongoing development of the site and ask the members who might have missing deposits not credited during the website transition to contact him with the account details. Here is the recent newsletter from GoldenFleeceFund which I received today:
Hello, This is Felix Zeller, CEO and Manager of GoldenFleeceFund. This week has been our busiest week on record. Our staff has been non-stop working bringing our VIP concierge online as well as handling the change to our new secured server to handle growth and new features planned. I will go more into detail during this email.
If you made a deposit during the DNS propagation of GoldenFleeceFund to the new server and your deposit did not post to your account, please use the Contact Us page and include your username, email address for account as well as payment information (amount, batch, reference number). Our accounting department has posted most of these deposits.
During the course of this week we have been putting together our VIP concierge team (3 member team) for our depositors of at least $3501. If you make a new deposit of at least $3501 you will be inducted into VIP account status and have access to our VIP concierge. Currently in the past few days we have added a total of 14 into VIP status. Some of you should be receiving your welcome email from VIP concierge in the next day or so. Below is a short outline of VIP account status perks and offers:
$150 Cash Bonus that can be withdrawn immediately
Private telephone number for VIP concierge
Private email address for VIP concierge
Customized present on your birthday
Our move to the new secured server will help us introduce more new services as well as host some of our planned VIP account services. Do not hesitate to contact our team for any reason regarding investment, investor support, questions and concerns.
Our VIP account services and server move were not the only things on our teams table this week. We are still working on our investor relations office team as well as our account management phone service. We will have a financial update sometime in the next week pertaining to contracts that have been in the works during this week.
Sincerely, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager

As far as I can see all the investors have been paid from SazaInvestments already this week (at least I heard no complaints about non-payments). It seems that the program is still a pretty good choice to invest and all the members are happy in it.

Some other programs updated their members that the cashouts had been processed. For instance one of the longest running short-term programs RosalinFinance (reviewed here) that is paying on a variety of plans starting from 103% after 1 day to 460% after 49 days. It really amazes me how such program like RosalinFinance can run for over two months already. They probably have a real good management structure of the funds though I still doubt very much there is much in the way of real investment involved. Just treat RosalinFinance as a game but a really successful one. Here is the latest update from the admin (interviewed here):
“Hello, We wanna inform you that all withdrawals has been sent.
Thank you for doing business with us.
Best Regards. RosalinFinance”.

The admin of ArbisPro (reviewed here) also informed the members of his program that all the payouts had been processed except for those who submitted the wrong payment processor ID in their profiles. So if that’s what happened to you then please check it out and change your payment processor account in your members area in ArbisPro:
All cash-out request has been fulfilled. Some guys added wrong id on your withdrawal request. Please contact us with the correct payment details for your account if you are affected.
Have a lovely weekend ahead.
Andrea Beck. ArbisPro Chief Admin

Two programs have successfully installed SSL-certificates today and it means significantly improved safety and security of their members’ accounts. The first program to let us know about was XagaEnterprise (reviewed here). It’s not really a new program but you must remember that recently their .net domain was suspended and they had to move their website to a .com extension. On the old site XagaEnterprise had a good SSL-protection installed so it didn’t take them too long to do the same with this site. Here is the email from the program support staff Diana about this change:
“SSL has been installed. If you use http, it will be directed to https. So now you can use both http and https. Thank you and have a nice weekend.
Regards, Diana. Support
I remind you that XagaEnterprise is a long-term HYIP allegedly making money in casino comps and its admin Kevin already answered some questions for MNO blog in the interview which you can find here. I will be sending him more questions for a second interview tomorrow. XagaEnterprise accepts three payment processors and has the following investment plans: 1.2% daily forever, 8%-10% weekly forever, 0.5% for 30 business days and 0.7% for 90 business days with the principal returned back on expiry.

Another program the admin of which probably listened to my advice I gave to him in my review of his program (read it here) and installed the SSL-certificate today is IdealInv. The program that is paying for three investment plans on expiry (120% after 5 days, 150% after 10 days, 195% after 15 days) is currently heavily advertised on MMG forum by purchasing a sticky topic and I think it’s a good sign that it will last for a while. I’m upgrading the IdealInv program to my Premium listing today and am planning to send the admin some questions for an interview which hopefully will be published on MNO soon. Here is the most recent update from IdealInv program:
Greetings, I’m pleased to announce that starting from today our site have SSL enabled. So don’t forget to use this link to keep your information more secure! IdealInv”.

And here is the latest, even more exciting update from IdealInv – they are starting to accept AlertPay on their site as well and you can make your deposit to IdealInv even by Credit card through AP interface:
We are glad to announce that AlertPay is added. You can make Credit Card payments trough AP interface. IdealInv Team”.
So now IdealInv accepts all five major payment processors.

Another good short- to medium-term program which is doing absolutely great is InvestJoy (reviewed here). By offering two investment plans (5% for 30 days and 150% after 15 days) and accepting all the major payment processors InvestJoy managed to attract over 500 members already. And you should consider that the program is only on its 6th day online. I guess a nice layout and great communication from the admin’s part also made a contribution to this success. But the admin of InvestJoy Werner doesn’t stop there as last night the Live Support feature was introduced in addition to the chat box similar to MNO blog that is also still available to the members’ needs. Here is the last night’s update from InvestJoy:
Hello members, The weekend is coming. This will be your first weekend as InvestJoy member. Take the opportunity to have fun and relax without worrying about your investment. InvestJoy is growing and consolidating as a secure program, your funds are safe with us.
To better serve the growing number of investors we installed a Live Chat system. Starting from now you can take your questions and solve problems related to your account much faster. I will be live to support you daily. In the site and you will find the link of Live Support.
Once again thanks for the support of all members, especially those who have invited relatives, friends and fellows to participate in InvestJoy, promoting us. This program is becoming the best of 2010 because of you. There are already over 450 registered members. I count on you to increase this number during the weekend. Joy and money for everyone!
Werner Grube. InvestJoy

Today though the good work by InvestJoy was kinda disrupted by more malicious attacks from our good friend I think this monitor should have been nominated for the worst one of 2009 if E-Commerce Journal had such a category, lol. The admin of this monitor is really tireless in his one man crusade to bring some good programs down and has now turned his sights on InvestJoy by simply putting them to Not Paying status on his crappy monitor due to the payout to him that was not processed on time because of some mistake. Well, the mistake is well fixed by now but this admin didn’t even think about putting the site back to Paying status or apologizing. Although the real reason for his grudge against InvestJoy program was not that error at all but rather the fact that InvestJoy is promoted by MNO and mostly because of the admin Werner said that he liked my review of his program. You might be aware of my real dislike for the admin of monitoring which I consider to be the most misleading one online and to what you can only take the most recent examples:
– the downgrading of XagaEnterprise in his listing due to the fact that it was reviewed on MNO again (it was confirmed to me by its admin),
– the rejection of HugMoney due to some “stringent criteria”(which has been already praised as one of the best short-term program and has – been successfully running for over a month),
– the dropping of Eternidex from his listing for no particular reason except that his grudge for MNO (confirmed to me by the admin of Eternidex),
– rejecting and not monitoring of IdealInv simply because it’s monitored by MNO.
I could go on and on about his borderline manic behavior but to complete the picture I will only name the recent attacks on GoldNuggetInvest because of his jealousy of me and the rejection of his monitoring “service” by Robert and at the same time listing of XrateInvest as Paying for a full week after it scammed. It was removed only after pressure from his own readers. That and being made to look a complete fool by MNO. Well, I honestly believe that the admin of is going nowhere with his latest fit of anger and jealousy but I would like to tell him that the advertisers will very soon realize his malicious nature and will stop going to him because it’s totally unacceptable to list a paying program as Not Paying, leaving a Not paying program as Paying for weeks and dropping the programs simply because he doesn’t like where else they are advertised. If you’re a real professional you should leave your personal problems at home and only assess the programs based on their merits and flaws like MNO is trying to do. When your judgment gets clouded by personal issues then you are in the wrong line of work. Anyway, as one admin has told me today there are tons of monitors but only one MNO that gives honest reviews and if he is forced to make choice between me and he would surely stay with MNO.

Well, I guess enough said about sleazy monitors. Such behavior should be considered as mental illness and be treated in a hospital rather than analyzed here. Or maybe some anger management classes. The admin of InvestJoy program has explained the reason for this much better in his latest newsletter to the members and I hope everybody realizes that just because one particular monitor put the program to Not Paying status due to some personal reasons it shouldn’t be a main concern to the investors. Especially we should consider that the payouts in InvestJoy are still on time and I didn’t see one single complaint to the program from a real investor. Just Krusty the Klown and his monitoring site. Remember that the $10 bonus promotion from InvestJoy will finish tomorrow and if you want to get this bonus and are ready to invest $100 you’re welcome to do so. Here is the latest news from InvestJoy program:
Hello members, I hope you are enjoying your Saturday, everything is doing very good althrough the fact of have changed status of InvestJoy to “Not Paying”. I like to do unique things and now I’m doing something unique again, I’m contacting my members to say a monitor considers my program as Not Paying.
Take it as fun, few days ago I was surprised no speculation or problem had happened, now things seem to be back to normal. Do you think I’m worried or sad cause of this issue? I’m very happy. In this right moment InvestJoy is entering in the business for real. Now I can say people are paying attention to my program. Let’s go with the headlines.
1) Issue
On January 8 admin requested a withdrawal using PerfectMoney, I’m processing too many withdrawals per day, it’s normal that some mistakes happen. To my bad luck I marked his withdrawal as Paid but forgot process payment. Now see how malicious I (Werner Grube) am. I pay members but I don’t pay a $7.5 withdrawal from Does it look like a behavior of a Not paying Hyip? I was also accused to be a using a manipulated monitoring seal when I copied the code from their website.
I solved situation processing the missed withdrawal, contacted them to solve the problem but until now the administrator did not change our status. I visited website to find out the reason for this.
Apparently the administrator of have a problem with Paul from Money-news-online, I dont know but that’s what looks like. disregarded me because I rated Paul’s review as unbiased. This is my sole opinion, what is the problem? I really think Paul published a realistic review. I’m sorry if there are people in this market who envy the success of other sites, I believe the reputation of was acquired from hard work, the same for Money-news-online. Today these two sites have very good reputation and a good number of visitors, success can only be achieved with work.
You members can check InvestJoy status in many other investment monitors, here’s a short list: Hyipranks, Hyipscope, Hyipbanker,
Refback80, GoldPoll, Hyips-Analysis.
2) Weekly Specials

Many members already earned $10 in this promotion. Invest $100 and earn $10 bonus. This promotion ends tomorrow. Make a deposit now and guarantee your bonus. Don’t forget to request your email through
3) Live Support
Yesterday we installed Live Support system in the site. This is a powerful tool for fast communication. I’m online to assist you. Contact me.
Thank you all for the support, we have more than 500 registered members, promote us and let’s reach 600 till Monday. Tomorrow we are going to have another great promotion for you. Stay tuned!
Werner Grube. InvestJoy

Unfortunately I have to move ArbsFund to Paying selectively status on my monitoring page. I had to do it due to too many complaints from my readers over the last two days for the missing deposits and withdrawals, but mostly due to the total lack of responsiveness from ArbsFund‘s support despite numerous e-mails to them. I remind you that I already moved the program once to Problem status on MNO but the issues had been resolved shortly afterwards. I hope this will be the case here as well and so I will be patiently waiting for a reply from the admin of ArbsFund. At this point though I strongly discourage you from investing any money in ArbsFund until the situation is cleared up.

The administrator of InstantMoneyBets Michael (interviewed here) wanted to thank the members for all their support they showed to his program for about two months online. So to send his regards to the members they started another contest of which you can read in the most recent newsletter from InstantMoneyBets published below. In addition, the admin told about some issues with missing deposits that hopefully would be fixed soon and about the possible removal of the test plan. For more info about the plans InstantMoneyBets is offering to its investors please refer to my detailed review of the program published here. And this is the newsletter:
First of all we want to Thank over 946 Members for their Trust.
We are online now over 54 Days and YES we have PAID over 35.000$$$$
New Contest:
So we will start a new Contest for our members.
Every Member, which Deposit from now 80$ or more, have the Chance to Win 250$.
We will give out 4 Winners (4×250$) and this Contest will end with the 1.000 Member.
Script Problems and Design:
Now the Bad News, in the last days we have had some trouble with our Script, so if you have Deposit but the Amount wasn’t credit to your Account, please contact us so we will credit it asap.
In the next 7 Days we will renew our script and also add at the same time a new Design.
Investment Plans:
We are still thinking about to delete the Test Plan, because you have tested us enough or not?
That’s all for today. Michael and Staff

Due to some security issues with withdrawal requests it was decided by the admin of Flanita (reviewed here) to make all the withdrawals manually and remove the instant payout option to LibertyReserve from now on. The investors shouldn’t be too worried though as they still promise to fulfill all the payout requests within 12 hours. Flanita also mentioned about the possible inclusion of StrictPay and AlertPay to the list of the payment processors accepted already which now includes only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The only way the processors will be added if there is a demand for that. So if you’re interested to invest in the investment plan currently offered by Flanita (1.5%-2.7% for 100 business days) you should ask the admin about that. Here is the latest news from Flanita:
Hacker attacks on API interface of LibertyReserve.
Due to frequent hacker attacks on API interface of LibertyReserve the company’s management decided to make all payments manually, now every payment will be personally reviewed and sent to your LR account by one of our operators, this decision was taken primarily to protect the safety of your money, we always think about you and your investments.
All withdrawals are paid directly to your e-currency account within 12 hours after withdrawal request has been submitted through your account.
Flanita notifies you by email when your withdrawal request is processed.
If anyone of you wants to make a deposit using StrictPay or AlertPay, please contact us and we will try to add both payment systems to our program.
Thank you for cooperation with us!
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any help.
Bernard Omson, Flanita Investments support manager

The admin of Vegamex (reviewed here) warned everybody that there could be possible downtime over the next two days due to some works on their server. Here is the recent short news from Vegamex:
Dear Member, Our hosting provider try to update the server. So there is a small downtime (Sunday or Monday) to complete the update. Also we install DDOS protection.
Best regards, Bart McDade. Vegamex Group LTD

Perhaps this is not the latest news from Verifield (reviewed here) but strangely I only noticed it today. Verifield reported some good profits due to their recent successful play on stock markets. Probably it will help the program pay profits to the investors on all the plans offered: 103% in 3 days, 108.4% in 7 days, 139% in 30 days and 196%-208% in 60 days. Here is the latest news which I found on Verifield website (the program currently occupies a very high #8 position on my monitoring page):
New Year gains with trading Cisco.
Christmas time and January is famous for predicted increase in stock prices and a positive trend related to this holiday period. Verifield decided to go “safe” while keeping the stocks over these days. On December 31st, Verifield bought Cisco Systems, Inc. (CSCO) at the price $23.95 just before the closing bell. This Monday, 04.01.2010 sold the shares later in the morning at $24.70 per share. Total interest gained of 3% is an absolutely positive trading operation for such a reliable and low volatility equity as CSCO.

RichAliens (reviewed here) in its new incarnation of 4% for 30 days program are apparently feeling great as the payouts are flowing for the 6th day in a row already. I truly hope that the admin of RichAliens Robert has some good intentions for the second round choosing a more sustainable model for his program and promising to try to issue refunds to those investors that were not in profit from the first round of the program. Here is the update from Robert (for more information and feedback on RichAliens you can also check out the MMG thread specified there):
Hello earthling, We come in contact to let you know that today the return of the RichAliens has now been 5 days and the growth is very stable and very good. Although not much activity going on at the forums, the growth is good because RichAliens is not really a new website anyway so people know about it already.
This contact’s purpose is not only to let you know about this status update but also to ask everyone to come and participate in our discussions. Please click this link and register in this forum so we can interact and more know about ourselves.
The aliens await you there. See you. The RichAliens

I have joined one small and not very fancy but still pretty profitable program today called GouldsInvest. Despite being a program offering a short-term plan of 20% for 6 days it has managed to survive the dangerous Christmas period and is still paying to its investors just after 25 days online. GouldsInvest is based on a basic Neversay script where you can deposit in $1 increments. The minimum to deposit is $5 and three payment processors are accepted: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay. I have checked the forums about that program and couldn’t find any bad feedback: all the payouts were processed fast even during the holiday period. GouldsInvest is hosted on a DDoS-protected Staminus server by NVHserver hosting. Overall the program looks pretty average to me but we can’t deny some good potential that is still there if the admin continues the good job with the fast daily payouts. I’m going to review GouldsInvest on my blog after receiving the first payout of course.

And here is the list of the programs that you can find on my monitoring page that paid me today:
FxStar, GeniusFunds, XagaEnterprise, RosalinFinance, GoldenFleeceFund, WestFinance, PanaMoney, NanoMoneyCorp, ArbisPro, IdealInv, Caziroca, AtlantisMutual, MandarinInvest, FinanceNova, Verifield, InvestJoy, Investorum, OneDailyPro, WeeklyDividend, BetAndTrading, HugMoney, RefMotor, IncoForex, CSMFinance, AtoxFinance, AsiaInv, TheKapital, ArbsFund, GlobalFund, TradeZoom and InstantMoneyBets.

Thanks a lot for your attention and enjoy the rest of your weekend. MNO will be back tomorrow with more news from the Industry and yet another review! Stay tuned for that, guys!

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