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29/01/2010. ParamountProfits Review and Other News



Hi everybody! I hope you enjoyed the interview published earlier and found it in some way useful. Well, as promised I have all the day’s main news stories for you now which we’ll get to in just a minute but I also have a review of another brand new investment program. And in keeping with the theme of this mornings interview, it’s another long term low rate of interest program. It’s the impressively titled ParamountProfits and they have been taking deposits for only the last four days so if you like it then now might not be a bad time to join.

ParamountProfits has two separate plans for you to choose from but there are a number of variations within. It might have been a bit misleading of me to describe them as a long term program. In actual fact there is no expiry date and the length of the investment term is up to you to decide. Both plans run for how ever long you want them to run, as you will be paid up until the day you decide to leave. ParamountProfits is by no means the first online HYIP to come up with the idea of running perpetual plans with no fixed expiry date, but they do seem to have a very unique angle on the whole concept. For example, they pay you on a daily basis and not on a weekly one as is more often the case. Also the lock-in period for your deposit is only a week, whereas with others it might be as long as a couple of months. So from the very start the admin is bringing something new to the program and not just offering the very same thing you can already get from so many others.

So anyway, of the two programs you can join one of them pays a variable rate of interest which is paid every day. The second plan offers a fixed rate of interest, also paid by the day, with the rate determined by the size of your deposit.

Let’s start with the variable one. It’s called The Paramount Variable Plan and you can join it for a minimum deposit of just $1. With a maximum of $500,000 you can go ahead and join with pretty much any amount you like. All deposits will be treated equally in terms of the interest earned and bigger deposits are not going to get a bigger interest payment than the smaller ones. Payments by the way will only be made on business days, so that’s Monday to Friday only with no activity at the weekends.

If you like surprises then maybe this is the plan for you because the daily payments are subject to a simply mind boggling level of fluctuations. ParamountProfits will pay you anything from a minimum of 0.5% interest per day up to a maximum of 8% (which is what some programs pay in a week!) If we were to look at a simple example of a deposit of $100 then that could earn you anything from $0.50 to $8 per day so there really is very little point in trying to calculate any potential earnings from this. Though the very same method doesn’t seem to have done PanaMoney any harm, they don’t have such a big variation. Anyway, the best thing to do is just sit back and enjoy the suspense as everyday will bring something different. I can tell you that so far payments have been on the lower side, i.e 3 of the 4 payments made so far have been below 35% of the possible maximum. But that’s OK by me because personally I think 8% is unrealistically high to expect anyway. And I also think that by varying the payments the admin can keep the program running longer by paying less on the days when business has been a bit slow.

The second option open to you is called The Paramount Fixed Plan. At first glance this one looks a bit more like a traditional online HYIP plan but the big difference is that just like the previous plan the expiry date is decided by you, just as long as it’s not before 7 days after the day you join. And you can still join for the same bargain basement price of just $1. I mean at these prices why wouldn’t you want to join? For a dollar what’s the worst thing that can happen?

The interest payments work like this: First of all payments are again only made on business days. For deposits between $1 and $250 ParamountProfits will pay you 2% interest per day. Deposits from $251 to $500 will earn 2.1% interest per day. $501 to $1000 will earn you 2.3% return daily. $1,001 to $5,000 will get you 2.4% every business day and finally for the high rollers who want to spend more than 5 grand then deposits of $5,001 up to a $50,000 maximum are offered 2.5% per day.

So which plan to go for? Well it’s totally a matter of personal choice and of which one you think will meet your own needs best. Already we can see that on some days the variable plan will pay you more than the fixed one, and some days it will pay you less. Of course it’s far too early in the programs lifespan to start talking about general trends, so if you’re just playing for fun and the chance of a little easy money then maybe the Variable Plan is for you. On the other hand if you have a particular target in mind then consider the Fixed Plan. A third option by the way is to split your deposit between the two. It might be a bit more interesting and ParamountProfits have no rule that says you can’t.

Other information you need to be aware of relating to the plans includes of course the list of payment processors. It’s pretty good I have to say with LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay all accepted. Payments as I already mentioned are only made between Monday and Friday and will need to be requested. The admin asks you to allow anything up to 72 hours for it to be processed and (of note to smaller investors) the minimum amount you can withdraw is $1. One other point is that because of how the script works you will first be required to deposit into your account. From there you will then have to redirect your funds into the plan of your choice.

Moving on to the security and design of ParamountProfits, it’s not that bad at all. Pretty good in fact. The first thing I noticed was the script which originates from a programmer of some international repute who works under the name Gotenks. I must say I’m a huge fan and the scripts he has made for other programs have always been a joy to work with from the investors perspective. Mind you, they’ve been mostly autosurfs, but that’s not really important. What is important is that they are highly secure and come with many unique built in features. For instance this time as well as the cool design there is a professional translation of the site into no less than six(!) languages already installed. That and a selection of charts and graphs detailing all the statistics relating to the program contribute to the site. The hosting provider is BlackLotus who have ParamountProfit on a dedicated server protected from DDoS attacks.

The admin has been active on the MMG forum for quite some time now, though I’m not convinced that that’s entirely a good thing. He can be contacted via the online support ticket submission form on the programs contact page if you have any questions. He claims to be involved in the ForEx trading market though as per usual when it comes to online HYIPs there is no evidence offered and no way to trace either the admin or your money in the event of the program closing. The home page claims “our targets are realistic” but in all honesty I am unaware of any legal activity other than gambling that will offer such high returns so quickly. And gambling offers no guarantees.

Nevertheless if you approach ParamountProfits purely as an online game then there is a lot to like about it. And for just one single dollar it is possible to participate and enjoy the fun. Sure, you can spend thousands of dollars if you want to as long as you are prepared to swallow the possible consequences just as easily as the possible rewards, but you don’t have to start throwing ridiculous amounts of money around to participate and to profit. Remember you can leave anytime you want, but I think ParamoutProfits is going to be a big success soon and a popular pick among investors. After all, it’s well affordable to just about everyone.


Just a few hours after the interview with the admin of FxStar was published (read it here) and it seems that already there is more news to report on them. So much so that I may have to consider doing a revised review. A new and more attractive plan has been added to FxStar which will pay you 3% for 100 days with the payouts being credited to your account on business days only. Please note that for this plan (unlike others including 1% for 30 days and 1.3-2.3% for 100 days) the newest plan called “Perfect” already factors the principal into the daily profits so you will not be receiving it back. In the new plan you will be in profit in 34 business days already (or just 5 weeks) and the minimum amount you can invest in this plan is only $10. Here is the news regarding this from the FxStar administration:
Dear partners! Today we want to tell you unprecedented news. Now you can invest your money in a new investment plan “Perfect” and receive 3% every working day during the 100 calendar days without repayment of the principal amount of the deposit.
The website of FxStar itself continues to be improved and today some detailed trading reports have been added. On this page you will be able to see the profits allegedly earned by FxStar on every trading day and the monthly total profits. Of course it’s not quite detailed stats but I’m sure they will provide you with more elaborate statistics of their trading once you ask them about that. Here is the news:
Dear partners! Today we add a new feature on our site – detailed trading reports. Now you can monitor our activities on the Forex market. Our project is making confident steps on the way to the first place on the investment market.

Next is the regular weekly update from SazaInvestments (reviewed here) which let us know that all the payouts had been processed again and that the withdrawal button would be enabled again next Friday. Really, SazaInvestments is one of very few programs that make any surprises as the 8%-10% weekly Friday payments are processed like clockwork every single week. Nine months online and still counting – this is a very good achievement for a program like SazaInvestments offering perpetual plans with no expiry. The latest short news update from SazaInvestments is below:
All payments has been done again. Next payday will be next Friday. Thank you all for your trust in us. Regards, SazaInvestments Team”.

GeniusFunds (reviewed here) and now ranked #1 on MNO was offline for several hours today. But the site is working well once again and the payouts are being processed as usual. It happened a few times in the past and every time when the website is down I receive many emails with one single question: is GeniusFunds gone? Well, it’s simply a ridiculous question considering that GeniusFunds has the best hosting provider and a wonderful website with many layers of protection. Does it occur to anybody that when such sites like GeniusFunds are about to close they start delaying payouts but at the same time continue accepting new deposits? Does it make sense to make your site disappear immediately when you could run it for weeks paying selectively? Of course, it’s not going to happen and as far as I know all the payouts in GeniusFunds are processed on a daily basis and quite fast at the moment. However the level of panic I have seen from some members over the slightest of problems cannot be considered reasonable. I understand that many of you have thousands of dollars in GeniusFunds and rely on it as a second income but next time when the site is offline please stop panicking and think rationally if it’s going to scam or it’s just a technical issue. Believe me it helps!

One steadily growing short-term program now is NowInv who are offering three investment plans with the payouts processed on expiry: 110% after 5 days, 130% after 10 days and 160% after 15 days. You might remember that the review of NowInv was published on MNO just recently (read it here) and that I evaluated the program’s potential to grow as very positive. The admin is doing a great job in my opinion and NowInv is growing gradually but not too fast either. My current analysis of the stats told me that in maintainig the current growth level NowInv could last for at least a couple of weeks more. The admin of NowInv is also a professional and knows how to market his program quite well. I don’t believe that he’s a newcomer in this Industry but perhaps it’s more an advantage to the program. The latest newsletter features some current stats, contains a reminder aboutof the bonus week when you get paid a 10% bonus on every investment over $500 and offers you the MMG thread where you can discuss NowInv and ask questions to the admin of the program. I’m planning to do an interview with the admin soon so stay tuned for that. Below is the latest newsletter from NowInv:
It’s NowInv Staff here with the third newsletter.
This time we would like to tell you about our achievement so far and our future vision.
NowInv serves it’s members already for 10 days. This is nothing big to be proud of, but the thing is that during this time many competitors already closed the shop.
We have almost 500 members registered in the system and the biggest percentage are active members – at least with one deposit.
Total deposit amount has recently increased and the total figure currently is almost at $45,000. Your funds are completely safe because the overall growth is steady and funds are managed in the best way.
As you might have noticed, NowInv is monitored by the industry’s famous blog Money-News-Online. So Paul, the owner of MNO, published the Review about the program. We find it extremely useful for everyone because it covers main information and explains how the program works.
You can read it here.
An Interview is also planned to be published in the future so stay tuned for that. We will inform you when it’s available for the audience. Thank you, Paul, for the article and we’re looking forward for a further cooperation!
Our current Deposit Bonus campaign is still active. We would like to remind you that if you deposit $500 and more, you will be paid a bonus of 10%. This bonus must be requested by sending e-mail to and you will be paid in your e-currency account within 24 hours. Hurry up, this is a limited time offer and will end at January 31!
Please join our discussion threads where NowInv is being discussed at. We would appreciate if you could leave a positive feedback once you’ve received a payment from us. This way we show the world that NowInv is a proven and paying program.
Our primary forum is MoneyMakerGroup, so here’s the link.
Today is a Friday and this means that another weekend is ahead so spent your time with your friends and relative ones! Meanwhile let the NowInv Team manage and grow your funds.
Thank you for your trust and cooperation!
Sincerely, NowInv Staff

It seems that CedexInvest has stopped paying after a very successful five months online. I received several complaints to my mailbox about the non-payments for more than 24 hours (usually CedexInvest paid quite fast). I checked my account and I was not paid either. So thanks to those guys that let me know about their issues CedexInvest is now on Problem status on my monitoring page. I will update you on MNO if I have more info about them but at this moment things are not looking too bright and the future of the program in doubt now.

I can’t believe people are still trusting such scams like ArbsFund and what they keep sending to their once loyal customers. I repeat to you again that ArbsFund is a nasty scam that keeps telling you almost daily you will be paid just to lure in more new members into their scam. Please do not support these scammers and stop investing in them for God’s sake. Here are the latest lies that ArbsFund sent to everybody just today:
Dear ArbsFund stakeholders, Our program is still up and running and we are doing our best to rectify all issues.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks, ArbsFund Management Team

Some ludicrous updates were received from GasAndOilInvestment admin (interviewed here) today. I don’t want to say anything bad about that program itself as the payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are still being processed instantly and seemingly the program is doing fine. However, what the admin reported in his updates simply insults the intelligence of every person with any remaining trace of common sense. I can tell you straight away that all the stats on the GasAndOilInvestment site are totally fake. Look at them! They feature the largest investor depositing over $80,000 and the total amount of investments at over $500,000 just after a few days online. I can tell you with 100% certainty that the Top 10 investors in that program are totally fake and are only used to lure in more new customers with huge amounts. Please be aware of that and only invest in GasAndOilInvestment what you can afford to lose. More about the program can be read in my detailed review published here. Published below is the recent update from GasAndOilInvestment which should be treated like it is, a work of fiction:
Dear members!
We must say, that we are the Top program in the world now!
We are online already 15 days, and there are 2162 accounts and 1106 are active. I think that`s great!
Some facts about our stats:
Started: Jan 14, 2010 Running days 15 Total accounts 2162 Active accounts 1106 VIP accounts 207 Total deposited $ 533,009.91 Today deposited $ 113,389.57 Total withdraw $ 170,106.62 Last deposit $ 5097 (ledibizz) Last withdraw $ 25.49 (bibliya) Visitors online 202 Members online 31 Newest Member payfree07 Last update: Jan 29, 2010
Stats Our Investors:
Proof Our Payments:
Our Big Investors:
Our Last Investors:
Have a nice day and thank you!
Best regards, GAOI team

The admin of Warisona (reviewed here) probably drew some conclusions from my review of his program last night where I complained that there was no proof of his trading activities posted on his website. So there are now some PDF files available in your Warisona account (under the Company documents tab). There you will find some trading results. Unfortunately I’m not a specialist in those and so cannot read or understand them properly but I think they will be of interest of somebody who knows something about real trading. The stats are only available to members so you’re going to have to sign up if you want to see them.:
We decided to publish Our trades accounts history (Forex, Gold & Silver & Oil, Stocks).
Our dear investors can see our statement on January 2010 . The history is only a part of our business activity!
You can see the statement history on your member area and company documents page.
Sincerely yours, Warisona Offshore Financial Services

It was giveaway time for some programs today so let’s start with WeeklyDividend (reviewed here) that awarded two members with weekly deposit bonuses that can be added in both daily (1.1%-1.5% daily forever) or weekly (9%-11% weekly forever) plans of their choice. Watch out for more contests and prizes from the admin (interviewed here) which I’m sure will follow soon:
Let me first start by apologizing for our downtime this morning. Also let me extend a debt of gratitude to our host Black Lotus who had the site running again very quickly.
Today is Friday and that is the day where we pick the winners of the signature contest!
The winners for this week are Crazy1 and Sarikor!!
Help me in congratulating them.
If these two members would please send a support ticket letting me know if they would like their upgrade in the daily or the weekly plan and I will add it.
We will continue the contest for next week also so keep those links in your signature and make sure to make one post in one of the forums so that I can see your signature.
Thank you, Ed and the WeeklyDividend team.

InstantMoneyBets (reviewed here) is getting even more extreme by rewarding the members who made their highest, smallest and craziest deposit into one of the investment plans offered by the program: 1.2% for 6 days, 1.9% for 42 days, 2.23% for 120 days or 18.2% weekly for 202 days. How can it be? Read the most recent newsletter from InstantMoneyBets below:
Sorry for the late message.
Our Contest is over and we have 3 Winners. Congratulation to the winners and their refers.
Highest Deposit:
Made by an member from the USA with 7.800$
Smallest Deposit:
Made by a few members with 10$ but we will give out 3 Prices
Craziest Deposit:
Made by an member from Switzerland 4446.22$ put this numbers in your mobile phone and you will get the name IMB.
Is this a crazy deposit?
All Prices will be credit to your Account within the next hour.
And don’t forget, InstantMoneyBets have now over 1357 Members with an Payout of over 67.500$ within 74 Days online.
I think it is the right time to join InstantMoneyBets now.
All the best, Michael and Staff

The results of some contests run by the admin of GoldenFleeceFund (reviewed here) will be drawn in the next few days so keep an eye on MNO to find out about the winners:
Hello, This is Felix Zeller with GoldenFleeceFund. Both the Deposit Bonus and our Post Payment Contest are coming to an end shortly. Our 12% deposit bonus ends January 31st. If you want to earn more for your investment now would be the time. All deposits of at least $200 qualify for a 12% deposit bonus.
Also our Post Payment contest ends tomorrow (Saturday Midnight EST). Post an image from your e-currency account of a payment sent by us to you in one of the forums below that supports us. 10 will be chosen for a $25 prize. One will also receive a grand cash prize. Take the opportunity now to post a payment received from us to you.
The more forums you post in the more chances you have to win. Each post counts as one entry.
Sincerely, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager

The most eagerly anticipated update came today though for the members of GoldNuggetInvest. As you are probably aware the program is currently On Hold status on MNO and it’s not recommended to join at the moment. However everything can change quickly in February when the first payouts on the new plans offering 16%-20% monthly for 14 months should be processed to the members. Hopefully it will be the dawning of a new era for GNI and the admin of the program Robert elaborated on the most common questions about the new plans, deposits and withdrawals (with practical examples) so it could be easier for investors (especially with large amounts) to understand how the new GNI will work in the near future. There was also some news on the charitable initiative, StrictPay issues (I have already published news on that on my blog a few days ago so I will not republish it) and the upcoming addition of the new payment processor GlobalDigitalPay (read my review of it here). The newsletter is quite lengthy and I will not make any comments on that as you can ask all your questions that might rise on GNI private forum which now has a specific thread “Questions for Robert” where Robert is now quite a frequent guest delivering you fast answers. So here is the latest newsletter from GoldNuggetInvest received today:
“Issues to be addressed:
1. (new) Conversion of funds from the monthly to the Premium Plan
2. Sequence and Order of Payments to be Made Feb. 01, 2010
3. Charitable Giving – Holidays, 2009
4. Issues with StrictPay.
5. Adding of new payment processor: GlobalDigitalPay
Greetings Once Again Loyal Friends & Associates of GNI:
In our ongoing effort to keep all of you informed we give to you our fourth Newsletter of the Calendar year 2010. What an exciting, certainly eventful, year it is appearing to be….
1. Converting Members Deposits from the Monthly to the Premium Plan(s)
As all of you should know, I have spent a great deal of time over the last couple weeks in the forum, reading emails and as much as possible, responding to the questions and issues that many of you have. These questions range from the mundane to the unattainable, along with everything else thrown in the mix. The issue which stands out amongst all the rest is member’s desires to monetize their current (and new) holdings into the premium plan which will allow them to earn the higher interest rate characteristic of the better plan.
Therefore, those customers whose aggregate total exceeds $21,000, whether it is the result of one deposit or a successive series of deposits comprised of new money, interest payments or previously rec’d referral commission, will begin receiving the higher rate on ALL deposits made after the script recognizes the deposit. The script will recognize a deposit for consideration into the higher plan following a payment of interest. While this may appear complicated, it’s not.
I will give a couple of examples:
Example A – Customer Lam
Customer Lam has four active deposits; three in the monthly plan (a deposit for $5000, one for $10,000 and one for $15,000) and one in the premium plan ($21,000). In Feb, Lam receives 16% on his three deposits which did not, individually, exceed $21,000, but will (the higher 20% interest) on his single deposit for $21,000.
As a result of our recent decision, beginning in March, Lam will receive, because his deposits, collectively exceeded 21k, the higher rate of interest on all his deposits and on any subsequent deposits including interest payments until his 14 months has expired on his 21K deposit which would bring his cumulative total back under 21k, reducing his remaining deposits to the lower 16% for the remainder of his active deposits, unless he added to his account bringing it back up over the $21,000 mark.
Example B – Hausfrau
Hausfrau isn’t as financially savvy as Lam but has nevertheless, three deposits and wants to make a new one. Her current deposits are each $5000 with interest being awarded on Feb. 17th, 18th and 19th – collectively totaling $15,000; she has not added her new deposit (after having found lots of nickels, dimes and quarters in the laundry) of another $5000 because she’s blond and forgot to do this (she was working on her taxes she forgot to do over the last 3 years, instead). In February, Hausfrau will earn 16% on each of her three $5000 deposits; ($800 on the 16th, again on the 17th and finally $800 on the 18th – 30 days after the recorded date of the deposit).
GNI Hausfrau now has $17,400 in her GNI account (3x $5000 principal + 3x $800 interest). All of these funds continue to earn at the 16% rate. GNI Hausfrau looses her blond hair and remembers to deposit her nickels and dimes with her favorite PP, $5000 with SP who successfully adds this to her GNI account. Hausfrau would begin earning 20% on this deposit. She would not earn 20% on her other deposits because the script, as previously stated will not recognize a deposit for consideration into the higher plan until AFTER the next interest is paid.
GNI Hausfrau’s three $5000 deposits would begin to start earning the higher rate of interest as soon as the interest is awarded on the 15th, 16th and 17th.
All subsequent deposits would earn at the higher rate (20%) as well, until the deposits began to expire (following the 14th month / cycle). Once the aggregate total amount of deposits fell below $21,000, she would then earn the lower rate of returns.
NOTE: the resemblance of these examples to any known GNI staff person is purely coincidental.
We are currently implementing this new feature and as from mid next week new deposits (incl. reinvestments of interest) will automatically added to the 20% plan, if the total deposits equals or exceeds $21K
2. Schedule for Payment Requests and Payments for February, 2010
While it had originally been our intention to pay members on a first-come, first-serve basis; this is seemingly unfair to many members while lending itself to the very real possibility of a server overload / crash and less than desirable ramifications including the inability to get anyone paid; a distraction we neither want or need.
Therefore, we have decided to modify the original plan and in its place provide the means and method to select the particular GNI payee based on a random selection of GNI account IDs.
We will be using a random number generator to select the payment date of your interest payment.
A random number generator is a computational algorithm tasked with generating a group or sequence of characters lacking any discernable pattern.
In other words, you will be paid at some point between the 8th and 28th of February. When you make your withdraw request has NO impact nor will it influence in any way when you will actually receive your funds.
The procedure to withdraw your funds is no different than it was prior to the reorganization, therefore no explanation is warranted in this Newsletter.
3. Final Totals for the Charitable Recipients – 2009
$43,158.48 with 387 donations
(some additional due diligence is being conducted prior to the release of funds)
A couple comments are appropriate as some of our client base truly stepped up in support of the effort these charities and their participants give trying to help those persons who are least able to help themselves, orphaned and / or sick children.
a. GNI has roughly 11,000 funded accounts.
b. A total of 971 separate donations were made.
c. Assuming no member made more than one donation (which is patently erroneous, every member that I am aware of made multiple donations to both charities), roughly 8.8% (call it 9%) of our customer base contributed to the survival of children in parts of the world that are subjected to conditions we couldn’t even pretend to fathom.
To those 9% who sought to help the helpless by donating we embrace you and your efforts; are proud to help you achieve some of your monetary goals you have set for yourselves prior to joining GNI.
To the 91% of the GNI membership who chose NOT to participate, we are confident you have found a charitable organization better suited to your tastes and interests. We, likewise, are proud to help you achieve your monetary goals you have established before coming to our project.
Consistent with our reorganization plan which, out of necessity demands the program is restored to its previous financial strength, a decision encumbered on monetary health of the program, fairness to the customer base, the intent of the donors and the needs of the charities was reached to ascertain the most practical way to distribute the funds to these fine causes.
Uganda4Life will be receiving 4 payments of equal amounts spread over four months beginning the first week of February and concluding the first week of May, 2010; predicated by the total amount reflected above.
These payments will be made to the account of their choice as determined by the appropriate person with authority to make this decision. All transfer information will be made available to those individuals who have a vested interest in either the payment process or that charity in particular.
4. Issues Currently Affecting StrictPay
The following update has been provided by StrictPay to and for its clients [edited, already reported on MNO]
There have been many questions being asked on behalf of StrictPay.
5. GlobalDigitalPay
Given the persistent and on-going challenges that seem to be an on-going battle and on request of many members, we have decided to introduce a new PP called GlobalDigitalPay. They are similar to LR in price and fees (reasonable) but have chosen to respect common laws and decency.
We encourage you to check them out and consider using this in your future on-line business transactions: GlobalDigitalPay.
The GlobalDigitalPay payment interface will be implement during the course of next week.
Any feedback would be appreciated!
With best regards,
Robert and your GNI Team

I have been paid today by the following programs:
GeniusFunds, ParamountProfits, Investorum, RosalinFinance, BarterCrown, MoneyPlus, XagaEnterprise, KobelCapital, IwFunds, HugMoney, NowInv, RefMotor, FxStar, OneDailyPro, NanoMoneyCorp, GoldenFleeceFund, GoldenInvestment, Infinitum, GasAndOilInvestment, Verifield, SportBetInv, LucreMaker, TheKapital, SazaInvestments, Warisona, Caziroca, WaterInvestment, InstantMoneyBets, WeeklyDividend, PanaMoney, EzProfit, IncoForex, GlobalFund, StanbicArbitrage, AtoxFinance, AsiaInv, InvestmentForge, FinanceNova, MandarinInvest, SantiVentures, BetAndTrading and FundUpgrader (the first payment received).

FundUpgrader is the first autosurf I joined in a long time. It looks quite good and offers one single daily plan which will pay you 9% for 15 days (135% total) on your investment for surfing 15 sites daily for 15 seconds each. The good thing about FundUpgrader is the thing that you can request your payouts on a daily basis and there are no limits at all. There are four payment processors currently being accepted in FundUpgrader: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and AlertPay. It’s quite a good choice and you can upgrade your account with as little as $5. FundUpgrader is using Neversay autosurf script, is hosted on a dedicated server by HushHosting and is online for three days. Remember that it only takes you 11 days to break even in FundUpgrader and considering the fast payouts and the active admin on forums we might just see this one become the first popular autosurf in 2010. We’ll wait and see anyway! I plan to publish the review of FundUpgrader on my blog tomorrow so stay tuned for that!

Don’t forget to vote for MNO on the E-Commerce Journal website’s poll as only a couple of days remain till the winner of The Best E-Commerce Blog of 2009 will be announced. MNO is currently leading with 79% of the total votes and I hope to win this prestigious award with your support. See you later, folks!

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