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15/02/2010. CelexProfit Review and Other News


Hi everyone! I hope this Monday morning sees you all keeping well and looking forward to the week ahead. I have another busy one in front of me which is in no way a bad thing these days so let me get straight to the point and say that the first of many new programs I’m going to be looking at this week is called CelexProfit. A bit different from the last review to say the least, this one is more of a mid to long term low rate of interest project, though the plans are all quite straight forward and easy to understand.

The plans on offer from longer term HYIPs can often be so expensive to join they just look ridiculous. Most of the plans available from CelexProfit however aren’t too extreme. They’re not cheap, that’s for sure, but they are competitively priced. Let’s take a closer look.

There are four plans in total to choose from, the first of which runs for a term of 30 days. It’s called Standard Plan and the minimum investment required to join is just $10 and the maximum is $10,000 so this one is inclusive of just about all online HYIP players. What CelexProfit offers you in return is a daily rate of interest of 1%. At the end of the term your principal gets handed back so that will see you with a total profit of 30%. Or to put it another way if you invest $100 you should expect $130 by the time the plan expires. And while financially that’s nothing you can’t get a lot faster from a good short term HYIP, what they may have going for them here is stability and a slower turnover of members (i.e a slower flow of cash).

If you’d like something a bit more profitable and are prepared to pay for it then CelexProfit‘s next plan is called The Silver Plan and is open to deposits of between $100 and $10,000. The term runs for 90 days and during this time you are offered a daily interest rate of 1.5%. On expiry that will amount to 135% profit in total as your principal is then returned. Any deposits over $500 in this plan are not recommended however as they are rendered completely pointless by the following one. Sorry, but I have to say that in my opinion this reflects some rather poor planning.

For more ambitious returns you can take a look at The Platinum Plan. The length of the investment term is still 90 days but the amount you will have to pay goes up. The minimum investment required to join is $500 and the maximum is $10,000. Your principal will earn 2% interest here per day so you can see if you did join CelexProfit with $500 it would be pointless putting it in the previous plan that runs for the very same term but pays you less. But staying on the subject of the Platinum Plan, you should expect 180% profit on top of your original principal which is returned on expiry.

And finally for the serious gamblers CelexProfit offers The VIP Plan. This will cost you a cool $1000 to join and will run for 150 days. During that period you are offered 2.5% interest per day. Assuming the program survives that long that should bring a return of 375% on top of your original principal. Personally I’m not sure there’s a lot of players out there who want to risk so much for so long but then I guess that’s really up to you. It certainly doesn’t make any of the other plans any more or any less sustainable. Maximum spend stays at $10,000.

The admin has opened accounts with all the popular payment processors in advance and that’s always a sign of a good HYIP professional. CelexProfit is accepting AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay. Not much you can add to that really to improve it, is there? Yes there is! Instant payouts. Payouts to LR and PM are instant so there is that advantage to them. Other processors do not currently facilitate this option with CelexProfit so you are requested to allow them up to 48 hours in order to get it processed. Though it’s probably fair to expect them a bit faster at this early stage.

The security of the website is also above average. A dedicated Staminus server is supplied and supported by DdoSWiz who also protect them from unwanted DDoS attacks. The script is licensed from GoldCoders. But better again is CelexProfit being one of the growing number of online HYIPs to see the wisdom in implementing SSL encryption to protect their members accounts. The sooner this is considered basic standard procedure and a minimum demand of every online investor the better, so kudos to the admin for adding that.

The layout of the site is quite ok in my opinion and it’s easy to find your way around. All user friendly and well explained. But if you don’t agree and have a few questions of your own about any of that then you can address them to the admin through either the online support ticket submission form or, when the admin is available, through Live Chat (not available 24 hours).

The business plan behind CelexProfit is a bit vague but as the texts are not original anyway it can be dismissed out of hand. Not that it’s all that clear what it was supposed to be in the first place. But as online HYIPs go they are reasonable. There are some aspects where CelexProfit excels. The choice of payment processors for example, though that is far from unique to this program. Their security is better than average as well. Where CelexProfit falls down a bit however, and more often than not this is the first area that investors look into, is the plans. They’re pretty average at best and nothing that by themselves will have investors getting too excited. But if the other features encourage you to join then just remember to keep it sensible and don’t gamble with money that you might be in need of for more important things soon. Keep that in mind and enjoy the experience.

That’s about all for this part of the day but I’m not quite finished with you yet! Don’t forget that I’ll be back again tonight with a full round up of all the important news updates from all the programs on my monitoring page as well as a more detailed review of one of the most recent additions there. Check back later to read all of that.


Let’s start today’s news with something good from Aballong. You might remember my review of the program published last week (read it here) when I got quite excited about the bright perspectives of that program offering weekly variable payouts depending on their sport betting results and (the most important thing) live stats of their betting activities what I couldn’t see in any other program I monitored before. To make Aballong even more attractive to prospective investors the admin Alrea decided to offer daily withdrawals instead of the weekly ones so from now on you can withdraw your profits and be paid on a daily basis. I think it’s quite a significant improvement which will help Aballong to grow even faster. By the way, GlobalDigitalPay just became the fifth payment processor which you can use to invest along with bank wires for verified members. The second important addition is a betting game in which you can participate in until the end of February and could actually receive some nice bonuses on your investment if you get the result of a sporting event right. All the details and news are specified in the latest newsletter from Aballong:
Aballong is now online for 2 weeks, during this time we learned a little more about this internet investment world and how we can deal with your investments. We also got many messages and requests. Some of this request we followed, and we like to share today with you.
As you might know my name is Alrea and I handle the Support and Communication requests within Aballong. My husband Martin is handling the bets.
As you might have seen, we update our bets regularly within the member area, but also for non Members within the News section, so you all can follow what we actually did with your money. Now many people ask me to make Aballong more attractive by offering a daily plan, since we bet almost daily this would not be a big issue.
Martin and I talked with each other, and we agreed that we allow daily withdrawals from now on. This not changes the plan, when we have bets you will earn, and when we not betting, there are no earnings. But we bet almost daily or at least 5-6 days a week.
Withdrawing is now possible daily, and Martin, and I will pay you on a daily request, every 24 hours. So it will not be instantly, but you will get paid within 24 hours after your request.
Since we are in the betting business, we want to offer you a game, the game is simple, whenever you invest you will earn money.
There is nothing changed, but if you send us a ticket and tell us who win in the bet of the day, and if you are correct we will credit you just invested money with additional 10% winners fee.
To play this game fill this form:
The game is an additional service and not required when you make an investment, but if your bet is correct you have by filling out this form 10% more invested. In an example if you invest $ 100, and you bet on today’s winner Tenerife (they might also draw or lose), and your bet was wrong, you still have $100 invested with us, but if your bet is correct we upgrade your investment to $100, what is an nice increase, and you earn daily from this invested amount – 10% more than you actually invested.
This game is now daily, and you can find the bet of the day always on the Ticket link so you do not need to search an email or find this information on a website, the Games are updated there daily, the winners, will receive a ticket back and the investment amount upgraded.
The game ends on the 1st March of 2010.
A other request from one of our Members was that we accept GlobalDigitalPay or GDP, we addressed this concern, and you can now invest with GDP.
This was all for today, we will now focus on our work, by placing our arbitrage bets.

I got a reply from the admin of BostonVenturesBillionairesClub (reviewed here) answering my interview questions MNO. The interview is going to be published on Wednesday and I’m glad that the admin answered all my questions about his program. I remind you that BostonVenturesBillionairesClub pays you 1.34%-1.83% daily for 180 calendar days with the principal returned back on expiry. In the latest newsletter the admin Todd told about the advertising strategy the program will have for the next thirty days paying increased ref commissions of 10% to everybody willing to promote their program. Here is the latest news:
Hello Dear Members, We hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the Chinese New years and Valentines Day’s.
A few decisions were made about how we will effectively promote our membership base. I hope to hear some feed back from your selfs in the form of support tickets.
What we have decided is to have a referral drive for the next 30 days, giving 10% ref com per deposit.
Considering the amount of money involved in advertising, per say having stickies in one forum for example will cost any where around $1500 to $2000 per month. Most programs are having them in 5 or six forums.
This is a great benefit to the program owners, but what we have decided is instead of this lets give this advertising budget to the members. They are the life line of our advertising. If you are happy you will tell 10 people.
These people if they do join will do the same. It might be old school but nevertheless the money stays with us in the family.
This will last for 30 days and if it does prove effective then we might just leave it in place.
We can justify giving our members the perks as it will not cost the program any adverse effects, the profits which will go to us, the program owners will be what gets skimmed. We do not mind this as any business that is starting has to go through a teething phase.
All hyip monitors and people who regularly post on the forums, if you can, please be kind enough to spread this on all active forums your in.
Thanking you and Best wishes. Todd S. Admin

Please don’t forget that PTVPartner (reviewed here) has another meeting just at the moment of publishing this so I hope you will attend if you can and listen to what Garrett is going to tell you. Yesterday’s newsletter was filled with some useful support question information, featured blog article of the day and the usual joke of the day and gave members the full meeting schedule for the week. PTVPartner is paying you on four investment plans: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, 190% after 40 days. It is currently considered by many to be the hottest medium-term program online and is ranked #5 on MNO monitoring page. Here is the latest newsletter from Garrett, the admin of PTVPartner (interviewed here):
Monday the 15nd at 4pm GMT (10am CST)
Wednesday the 17th at midnight GMT (6pm CST)
Friday the 19th at 3am GMT (Thursday the 25th 9pm CST)
Blog Articles of the Day:
Today we will post this one as it’s another that many Americans ought to know.
The Ratification of the 16th Amendment and the assault on Freedom.
Posted on February 13, 2010 by ptvpartner
I don’t want to worry you, but historically this is a bad week for freedom.
Among the worst events, 97 years ago this week a progressive income tax was made possible in the United States. Prior to this time the Federal Government paid all of its bills (including the salaries of congressmen, presidents, federal judges, et al) from the levies and duties it collected. There was no tax on individual citizens.
For more than 150 years the country was spared a progressive income tax because (a) the Constitution specifically forbade one and (b) the courts upheld the Constitutional prohibition.
But neither was able to deter the domestic advocates of this plank right out of the Communist Manifesto forever, unfortunately, and on Feb. 3, 1913, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified. A federal income tax and the authority to enforce it—the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)—soon followed.
Today, almost a century later, the average American toils for nearly five months to earn the money to pay the federal behemoth. It’s still not enough to balance the books, however, as the national debt is growing by $1.4 trillion a year.
by Chip Wood, Personal Liberty Support
Credit Amnesty needed to Aid Recovery: by Roger Fredinburg
This article is an interesting perspective on aiding the ordinary citizen. See if you agree with the perspective. How do you feel about the idea of bailing out the citizens instead of bailing out the “Big Boys”? I think I know but you can post your comments on the blog or in our forum.
Support Question of the Day:
What happens when I join PTVPartner?
You join and complete stage 1 which includes setting password and security code. You should do this on the classic site. Stage 2 is where you specify answers to security questions. You may also need to reenter your payment processor details.
Joke of the Day:
Only in Texas my friends…Only in Texas …..Too bad…
A lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by a sheriff’s deputy. He thinks that he is smarter than the deputy because he is a lawyer from New York and is certain that he has a better education then any cop from Houston , TX .He decides to prove this to himself and have some fun at the Texas deputy’s expense.
The deputy says, “License and registration, please.”
“What for?” says the lawyer.
The deputy says, “You didn’t come to a complete stop at the stop sign.” Then the lawyer says, “I slowed down, and no one was coming.” “You still didn’t come to a complete stop,” says the deputy. “License and registration, please.”
The lawyer says, “What’s the difference?”
“The difference is you have to come to complete stop, that’s the law. License and registration, please!” the Deputy repeats.
Lawyer says, “If you can show me the legal difference between slow down and stop, I’ll give you my license and registration; and you give me the ticket. If not, you let me go and don’t give me the ticket.”
“That sounds fair. Please exit your vehicle, sir,” the deputy says.
At this point, the deputy takes out his nightstick and starts smacking the the lawyer’s car and says,
“Do you want me to stop, or just slow down?”
God Bless Texas
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

One of the popular payment processors SolidTrustPay made it easier for clients to fund their STP account by introducing more funding options for the residents of some countries. The funding fees will be also reduced until March so please make sure you take full advantage of the new lower rates. Please read the latest news about that below taken from the official STP blog:
ANNOUNCING New Deposit Options
We are pleased to announce upcoming NEW deposit options AND a reduced fee structure for some deposits.
The following options are scheduled to be available by February 17, 2010
European Direct Debit – the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, France, Great Britain, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy & Spain
Cheque/Money Order deposits – available in 48 countries!
UKash, Wallie & PaySafe Cash Cards
The following options are scheduled to be available by March 1, 2010
Real Time INSTANT Bank Transfers – the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Singapore & China
Western Union – online and store location transfers
Fees will be REDUCED for the following deposit types as of March 1, 2010:
Bank Wire Deposits – down to $15 (presently $20)
STPay VISA Debit Card Deposits – down to 2.75% (presently 3.5%)
Regular Credit/Debit Card Deposits – down to 6% (presently 6.9%)
Look for our new Deposit Options in your account very soon!

A new program has been added to my monitoring page today. It’s called XciteInvest which just started yesterday. It offers two simple plans paying you 5% for 30 days with daily payouts and 160% after 16 days with payouts on expiry. You can deposit in every plan starting with $10. This is the price of one unit (since the program is using NeverSay script) and you can purchase multiple units up to 1,000 units in each of the plans. XciteInvest accepts four payment processors: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrystPay and StrictPay. XciteInvest is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with Koddos protection so it’s kinda reliable up to typical industry standards. The program just recently started and I think it might become quite popular in the near future. I’m going to review it once I receive the first payout (I invested in the Daily paying plan as it’s less risky). Stay tuned for a full review!

That’s it for now but don’t go away too far as I’ll be back tonight to review EuroNanoInvest and a comprehensive news round-up for the day. See you soon!

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