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31/03/2010. EForexInvestment Review and Other News



Hi everybody! I don’t know about the rest of you but between the collapse of some long standing established HYIPs and the closure of some really promising new ones I for one will be glad tomorrow when this month is finally over. Hopefully it will be a better month than this one for the industry as a whole. Anyway, before today’s news updates I want to take a closer look at one of the newest additions to my monitoring page. It’s a long term HYIP with a good range of payment processors called EForexInvestment and it launched just a couple of days ago.

EForexInvestment has a decent selection of plans to choose from with options that will pay you by the day, by the week, or if you’re feeling particularly brave by the month. I have to say at this point that there are some glaring discrepancies between how these plans are explained on the public area of the EForexInvestment website and how they actually appear in the private members area. It’s quite sloppy, not to mention a bit lazy, very unprofessional looking, and really not all that difficult a problem to fix. So if there is some confusion here then I apologize, but what I am going to describe below is the plans as they appear to existing members.

The first of these plans runs for 160 business days (32 weeks) and is open to deposits from a minimum of $10 up to a maximum of $10,000. What you are offered is various rates of interest of between 1.6% and 1.8% paid per day, Monday to Friday only. You are required to invest in blocks of $10, eg $10, $20, $30, and so on. Deposits from $10 to $250 pay the lower rate of 1.6% per business day while bigger deposits up to the maximum $10,000 will earn the higher rate of 1.8% per day. That would give you something between 8 and 9% every week with the potential to earn as much as 288% in total. Your principal is then returned.

If you prefer a weekly plan and are prepared to take an increased risk for an increased payment then EForexInvestment have something for you too. Investments in their weekly plan start from a minimum of $25 and go to a maximum of $25,000. Like the previous plan you are again required to by individual units, except this time they are priced at $25 each. This means you can only join with $25, $50, $75, etc. The plan runs for 12 weeks and in return for joining you are offered an interest rate of from 10% to 12% per week. Deposits from $25 to $250 receive the lower 10% rate while bigger investments receive the full 12%. The most you could potentially earn from this one is 144% which although being less than the daily plan it still takes a lot less time to earn it. So the risk might be a bit less than it first appears.

And for those who really like to push their luck EForexInvestment have a monthly payment plan. At $2000 for a minimum investment it ain’t cheap and the interest rate isn’t all that much better than the previous two plans so it’s hard to picture this one having a lot of fans. But that’s up to you to decide. The plan runs for 4 months and will take deposits of between $2000 and $50,000. The ROI is a fixed rate this time and is 48% per month. That would add up to a total of 292% in total by the time it expires. Your principal is returned but oddly enough not at the end of the plan. EForexInvestment promise to return it after 90 days.

A couple of other important things you’ll need to know about before (if) joining include the choice of payment processors. As I said at the beginning the choice is pretty good with AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay all being accepted. Unfortunately the admin has decided to pass his own expenses on to the members by implementing a 1% withdrawal fee so what you think you’re going to receive and what you actually receive will not be the same. The minimum withdrawal is $2 so keep that in mind also if you are a relatively small HYIP player. You are asked to allow the admin anything from one to three days to process your payment, keeping in mind that this is only done from Monday to Friday.

Another feature from EForexInvestment is the rollover. 25% of your profits would automatically be transferred into a “rollover balance” and the money held there can (only) be used to purchase new shares. It’s unclear whether this practice is optional or compulsory.

The EForexInvestment website is hosted on a dedicated Piradius server protected and supported by HushHosting, who always seem to be quite popular among their clients. The script is customized but not quite unique. I have seen it used once before, only just recently in fact. No need to mention where as it doesn’t really prove any kind of connection between one program and another. In some respects it works a bit like Neversay insofar as you are required to buy shares valued at a certain price each when investing, ie in this case you can only invest in blocks of $10, $25, and $2,000. SSL encryption is not currently being used despite the fact that the admin claims that it is. That’s a bit surprising as the EForexInvestment website tries to convince us that security is of paramount importance to them. But then I noticed that the texts concerning that were stolen so evidently it may not be all that big of a deal after all.

There are a variety of ways in which to contact the EForexInvestment admin. As usual there is the online e-mail support ticketing system, as well as a telephone number and (occasionally when they are logged in) a Live Chat messaging system. Also installed is a Google auto-translator. These things are not always that reliable, in fact as a native Russian speaker I can tell you that sometimes the “translations” are downright comical, but if English isn’t your first language then it’s enough to give you the basic idea.

As you may have guessed from the name EForexInvestment is claiming to be involved in the ForEx trade (that magical activity where no one loses any money, ever!) as well as in the trading of stocks and bonds. As the texts on the website are not original however I would disregard that, as well as any claims that your principal is guaranteed. We both know that it is not. So as per usual treat this one like a regular online HYIP and accept the risk that goes with it when getting involved.


Apparently PTVPartner (reviewed here) is still having issues with their script which resulted in duplicate earnings and referral commissions posted and to a total elimination of the referral program and the prohibition of reinvesting from your account balances. The problem has persisted for a few days and the site was up and down due to these errors and the attempts to fix them. The measures that have been taken to clean up the mess also include banning the members from editing their e-currency accounts so they will only be able to do it by submitting a support ticket to the administration. I’m afraid these script errors and issues can negatively affect the cashflow of the PTVPartner program within the next couple of weeks as I saw many programs before that collapsed due to similar problems. So if you consider to invest in PTVPartner at the moment I would advise to wait for a week or so and give them a proper chance to get everything fixed. The withdrawal requests are also taking longer than usual now and I had all my pendings cancelled tonight due to script miscalculations. Honestly I don’t see why the latest newsletter from Garrett (interviewed here) holds the members responsible for withdrawing extra money – the error is on PTVPartner‘s side so it should be rectified as soon as possible and while it’s possible. I think it’s unacceptable to blame members who try to withdraw from their account balances due to the script issues. And one more point: with the recent hacking incidents in so many other programs and daily closures, the investors’ mood is focused mostly on withdrawing funds and not re-depositing them back into any older programs so this factor can also play a crucial negative role in the future of PTVPartner. Let’s just hope that Garrett which I truly consider as one of the best and most talented HYIP admins will be able to rectify all the issues and turn PTVPartner back into the vibrant and growing program that we all know it can be. Please also note that this is just my honest opinion of the current situation and I really hope things might not be so bad as they seem to me. Here is the latest newsletter containing all the important updates:
Recently a conflict developed in our auto-reinvest feature that created a number of duplicate returns and referral commissions. Most of this has already been corrected. However, several members elected to take advantage of the situation and withdraw the excess amount that was incorrectly posted to their accounts. While we understand human nature, we are unwilling to allow those members to continue as a part of this community. Any member, who has blatantly attempted to withdraw the excess funds, will find their account suspended, investments canceled and balances tallied. Those members, who have attempted to take advantage of the situation, that are in profit will no longer be welcome here. Those members, that have attempted to take advantage, that are not in profit, will have their principle returned to their originating account.
While we understand the error was not created by the members we also realize that we need to be able to rely on each other as a community. Without the mutual benefit of reliance and trust we feel the continued association with those that have attempted to take advantage is to our disadvantage as a group.
We have disabled the auto-reinvest feature until we can completely solve the error. All returns will post to your withdraw account. If you elect to reinvest, you will need to do so manually.
Affiliate Program
We have been conducting a new poll regarding the affiliate program.
The questions posed were to determine our continuation with paying referral commissions.
Based on the results of the poll, the amount of spam being sent by members, the overall dissatisfaction due to the abuse of the program and the reputation we are receiving because of that abuse, we are removing the referral or affiliate program.
The fees generated will now be directed to the Reserve Pool and used to pay the moderators.
The Reserve Pool will be used to provide the Guarantee as well as, by popular vote, participate in or take advantage of future endeavors.
Ecurrency Account # Updates
We have eliminated the ability for members to edit, change or update their ecurrency account numbers.
In order to provide additional security and assist members who have been subjected to personal infiltrations, this step is necessary.
From this point forward, in order to add, edit, or update and ecurrency account number, you must submit a support ticket.
In addition, accounts must be validated. Withdraw requests to accounts that have not been validated, either by deposit or via email verification, will not be allowed.
Don’t worry, 90% of all accounts are already currently validated.
Bank Wire Option
Due to the increased workload on the IT staff, Bank Wire may not be available until next week.
We are also working on a way for members who have deposited via ecurrency to be able to withdraw via Bank Wire.
Today the site has still been having some work done on it. Please be patient with us and the site will become stable shortly. We are working on it. Please check in at the chatroom to find out any changes or updates.
Blog Articles of the Day:
World Economy, What are the Affects of it?
We all know that the economies are affected jointly. The things that affect it are many and varied. What’s happening in the word today? What will the effects of the various levels of production and consumption do to our world globally? Read this article and give some thought to the effects of our way of life, what we do, and how we affect those around us as a community world-wide.
The Government’s Big Secret
Some know. Some don’t. Which one are you? What’s the problem?
Are you asleep at the wheel?
We all know spending is out of control. We know there is something going on. There’s no secret to that. So then. what’s the big secret? I guess you’ll have to read to find out.
Good-Bye: Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It
There once was a day and age when truth was the way it was. We liked it, hated it, disagreed with it, provoked someone till we made sure we got it. It was the “Prize”. No matter what you thought about the truth it was respected above all else. We demanded truth from our families, our friends, our co-workers and not least our government. Like many other things that change we gradually allowed truth to take a further and further backseat. What became revered was what we were spoon fed. Not unlike an ostrich, we decided we could stick our head in the sand, or nod it up and down like a monkey without knowing anything more then what we were told. Our lives became more and more hectic and it was easier to “let someone else do it”. Having done that we took it even a step further and started convincing ourselves that if the “tv said it” it was the “truth”. After that it went even a step further. We didn’t want the truth. If we heard the truth we didn’t know it and then it turned into disliking the truth because it was hard. At times, “Truth is an unwelcome entity. It is disturbing. It is off limits. Those who speak it run the risk of being branded “anti-American,” “anti-semite” or “conspiracy theorist.” So, we believe what is fed to us now. It is the New Truth.
Think about it. Read the article on the blog and you might be surprised that you may agree with it.
Joke of the Day:
Taxi Driver
A passenger in a taxi tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him something.
The driver screamed, lost control of the cab, nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb and stopped just inches from a large plate glass window.
For a few moments, everything was silent in the cab and then the driver said, “Please don’t ever do that again. You scared the living daylights out of me!”
The passenger, who was also frightened, apologized and said he didn’t realize that a tap on the shoulder could frighten him so much.
The driver replied, “I’m sorry. It’s really not your fault at all. Today is my first day driving a cab. For the last 25 years, I’ve been driving a hearse.”
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

You might have noticed that it was impossible to make deposits in Cashift yesterday. Today though the admin reported that the issue had been solved with the active help of their hosting provider. So now you can invest automatically into both of the plans (10% for 12 days with daily payouts and 135% after 12 days with payouts on expiry) without any issues. Here is the recent update from the admin of Cashift (reviewed here):
In the past 15 hours the deposit page was not fully working because of technical problems with our server. Only Alertpay and LibertyReserve deposits were working properly. So we put in place a manual deposit page for PerfectMoney and Strictpay. But this time, it was fixed already by our host , KODDOS. After hours of diagnosing the cause of this problem, they finally fixed it. Thanks KODDOS.
Now you can make your deposit normally. LibertyReserve deposit problem was fixed too. LibertyReserve deposits are back to normal and automatically added to your account too.
I am now processing the withdrawals.
Much Regards, Owen Dawson

StereaFunds (reviewed here) upgraded their servers last night and it made the site fully functional again. The site was affected by the recent database issues but it seems to be back to normal now. The admin was very helpful and solved all the issues quite fast and with professionalism. Well, that’s all I would ask from any HYIP admin, guys. Here is the most recent update from the program:
The server has been fully upgraded yesterday and made even more secure than before. All 4 accounts with active deposits affected by the recent roll back has been fully restored.
Please let us know if you have additional questions. Our support team is here 24/7 and will answer your questions within 24 hours or much quicker most of the time.
Warmly, Admin of StereaFunds

It looks I was right about FinanceNova and its imminent collapse. The recent plan offering 150% after 7 days was the first red flag for me but what I saw today was a sure sign of an approaching scam. One of my readers complained to me that he received an email from FinanceNova suggesting him to verify his account by sending the following email:
Hello, We require you to verify your FinanceNova account before any more withdrawals is processed.
Please reply to this email scan of 2 government issued ID documents with picture (passport, national ID, drivers license…) AND 1 utility bill for address verification.
Best regards, FinanceNova support
Needless to say that it’s very dangerous to send this information to total strangers, especially ones that never verify their identity with you before taking your money. And a HYIP admin would not risk his reputation by sending such an e-mail unless he’s going to scam soon. Based on the fact that the admin of FinanceNova hasn’t replied to my request demanding an explanation and the fact that the payouts haven’t been processed since yesterday I decided to move FinanceNova to Waiting status on my monitoring page. Please do not invest there anymore!

There is another program that I was about to put to Waiting status tonight but changed my mind because I received a reply from the admin regarding the update of their script. I was not able to log into my account in AvaInvestment tonight and was quite concerned about their status. I asked the admin about their script issues again and asked how long it will take to get full access to the account. So I will report on my blog tomorrow if the issue with AvaInvestment is solved.

By the way, I received an email again today from the hacker that boasted of hacking the accounts of some popular programs causing them to collapse prematurely. He stated that he found a bug in GoldCoders script which allowed him to mess with the databases and threatened to continue his activities for HYIPs with less security and protection. It seems we should brace ourselves for more premature closures due to script and database issues in the near future. Maybe it’s just a joker but maybe it’s true. I don’t know about hacking as I’m just a regular blogger but judging by so many programs that have collapsed recently it makes me think about possible security holes which were exploited.

The admin of RedOrchidInvest (interviewed here) explained the failure of delivery of the messages to some members of the program by the high security level set on their computers. In order to get emails and updates from RedOrchidInvest (reviewed here) you should take the advice offered by Nathan, the admin of the program in his latest email:
Dear members, some of you complaint, that you didn’t get any confirmation emails deposit, withdrawal, end of plan, news. This maybe due to, that your security in your PC against spam emails is set to high. Please add RedOrchidInvest in your whitelist in your email settings, or you can use an alternate email address like yahoo or gmail. Email addresses which are a problem, are comcast, rediffmail, freenet, web, and aol. Nathan”.

SolidTrustPay payment processor recently activated another service which will enable you to receive extra fast withdrawals to your STP Debit cards for some surcharge. This means I guess that if you refuse to pay a little extra then your Debit card withdrawals will be processed later than they used to. Otherwise this service would have no sense as the withdrawals to Debit cards were quite fast anyway. So if you are a member of SolidTrustPay you might be interested in hearing the recent developments for withdrawing to your Debit cards with them. Here is the latest update:
SolidTrustPay is pleased to announce Enhanced Debit Card Withdrawal Options for members!
A new PRIORITY option is now available. Debit Card Members are able to receive loads the day of request (if requested before 5:00pm EST). Your load will be done for you as fast as possible during the business day. If requested after hours, it will be done before noon the next business day. Example: a load request done at 10:00pm EST, will be done the next morning.
There is only a 2% surcharge for PRIORITY load requests (plus the usual $5 flat fee).
Look for the SolidTrustPay PRIORITY Debit Card option in the Withdraw Money area.
BONUS – TrustCard holders will get their PRIORITY request WITHOUT the 2% fee as part of our Enhanced TrustCard Benefits Program.

I received the first newsletter from the recently launched and reviewed EForexInvetsment program. In this update the admin sent out the usual greetings to the new members, reminded about the lucrative referral program and asked to call the phone number listed on their website if you have any questions and would like to talk to somebody in person. Here is the first newsletter from EForexInvestment:
Greetings to all members of EForexInvestment. We would like to extend you a warm welcome.
This is Day #2 and EForexInvestment is growing nicely and steadily. A few of our members have already been paid.
Would YOU like to earn too ?
Here’s the deal: All you need to do to earn in any of our plans is to INVEST. If it makes you more comfortable, by all means please invest the minimum amount. If you
are in a hurry to profit and see your money really grow, then try investing a little more then the minimum.
Here at EForexInvestment, no trading experience is required to earn.
We do all the work for you. Our daily plans pay daily from Monday to Friday; weekly plans are paid weekly to your accounts.
A second way to earn is to refer new affiliates.
Every time a new member registers using your referral link, you will earn 6% on your first level and 4% on your second level of all their deposits. That’s a total of 10% in referral commissions.
AND, referral commissions can be cashed out anytime!
Our support department is here to assist you. You may email us whenever you wish via Support on the website, or you may phone us using the posted phone number during our business hours: 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
Please be adviced that due to very high call volumes your wait time could be greater then 10 minutes. It is always faster to submit a support ticket.
Have a good week, and once again, welcome!
Vian. Your EForexInvestment Team

One of the quiet but stable performers which definitely deserves some accolades for its gradual development and fast and mostly instant payouts is IncoForex (reviewed here). Since my interview with the admin of the program was published back in September 2009 we rarely hear any news from them. But as you know sometimes the less news from a program the more stable it can be considered. So by paying variable returns with up to 3% daily for 180 trading days and offering some unique features on their website IncoForex seems to have not stopped there, despite the seemingly flawless website and its appearance. According to the latest news posted on the IncoForex website more features will be coming soon and that includes new languages added and new deposit and withdrawal options. Of course Money-News-Online will not be able to avoid mentioning these updates when they happen and I promise that you will hear about them first on MNO. Here is the latest newsletter from IncoForex announcing about these new features:
A lot of new features will be added soon!
Dear members, visitors and investors!
We found some rest now and decided to address you all and to thank you for the incredible response! Everything is going perfectly well, the trades, as you see them – are having a constant grow of numbers and this increases our trading exposure, meaning that we are able to go on other markets where we couldn’t go because we didn’t have enough funds and positive trading history. We expect to register more successful trades very soon and we thank you again for your trust in our company!
The Easter holiday is coming! And you all know that this holiday means resurrection and the beginning of something new! Well, the new thing that we will implement is going to be our irreproachable attitude towards our customers! We hope to take all your financial expectations to another level and to maintain your trust and happiness in the services that we are offering. Let your hopes stick with our concepts, we will never let you down!
We’ll add a lot of new features soon like new languages and some new deposit and withdrawal options!

Another program that has been added to my monitoring today is FinitInvest. It’s a program offering three investment plans: 1.1% for 15 days (minimum deposit is $6), 1.5% for 30 days (minimum deposit is $12) and 1.8% for 120 days (minimum deposit is $50). Please note that the payouts get credited to your account on every calendar day and your principal gets returned to you on expiry. The choice of payment processors is quite wide as they accept LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and SolidTrustPay. FinitInvest is based on a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server by Koddos with SSL-encryption enabled. The program has just started and I will be bringing you a more detailed review of the program once the first payment is processed.

Here is the list of the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours:
XZFinance, ArbsTeam, SureBetInv, Cashift, RedOrchidInvest, Eternidex, Forex4Expert, Verifield, InvestAward, EuroNanoInvest, PanaMoney, EForexInvestment, StereaFunds, GarantMoney, SotInvest, AimTrust, AtlantisMutual, AtoxFinance, OneDailyPro, ScootFx, PrimaryPool, IncoForex, CottonFunds, IntermedInvestments, GoldenInvestment, YesInvestment, EzProfit, MoneyPlus, ExceptionalFunds, Plents and MyGrandFunds (the first payment received).

That’s all for today! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s interview with the admin of SureBetInv and another review and all the news from the HYIP Industry. Good-luck and hope to see you all on my blog tomorrow!

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