10/09/2010. MNOFridays (fourth issue) and Daily News from the Industry
Hi everyone! And welcome to the fourth issue of MNOFridays. Named after a popular international food chain (all rights reserved, lol) and where I try to share some personal thoughts and encourage discussion on some things in the HYIP industry which might not be so obvious to newbies. Sometimes it’s even possible for me to fight some misconceptions that are usually spread by some “experts” and pending scammers. I guess I really succeeded in this because since the first issue the MNOFridays became extremely popular among my readers most of whom told me that the articles were revelations to them and opened their eyes on some hidden aspects of HYIP industry – things which are carefully kept secret by many dishonest people.
So I guess you should know by now that all HYIPs without exception are ponzi based games. That means that you should play them smart in order to receive profits in the long-term. So what does it require to keep your money in HYIPs, not lose it and make some profits overall in the long run? First of all, of course the main thing is a diversification of your investments among several good HYIPs. Imagine that you have money in 1 or 2 different programs (which may well be run by the same person) and tomorrow he decides to close up shop resulting in you losing your money. I mean the whole amount you’re playing with. That’s not good and will deprive you from the chance to recover your losses in any other HYIPs that you might have profited from had you you diversified your portfolio.
I think that fact doesn’t require any further explanation as keeping less money in more programs offers a certain level of protection of losses in any single one of them. But then another question arises – should you invest in low-ROI long-term or high-ROI short-term programs. I think that question never really helped many people sleep better at night if you’re serious enough about making money in HYIPs. You hear on an almost daily basis that one or another program has collapsed, and most of the time they are short-term. But is it possible to make money on short-term programs as well as on longer-term ones? I think in some cases shorter-term programs are better than longer-term ones but are only intended for high risk gamers who are prepared to accept occasional losses with the same attitude that they accept their occasional winnings.
Let’s analyze the differences between short-term and long-term programs and see which of them can generally give you a better chance to profit. Take two programs: one of them (call it program X) offers you 25% for 6 days and runs for two weeks. Another (we’ll call program Y) offers 3% weekly and runs for 30 weeks (approximately 7 months).
So which program gave you a better chance to be in profit in the shortest possible time? Of course, it would be the short-term program where you could (possibly) double your investment (or better if you invest your money wisely and withdraw in time) being a simple game with no claims of outside income.
On the other hand, the admin of the long-term program Y which we took as an example for ran his program honestly for over 6 months until something bad happened one day (his computer broke down, his program was hacked, his wife left him, he got hit by a car, etc. I’ve heard them all.) and the payments stopped. Before that the program paid like clockwork which attracted many investors that were encouraged by inspiring feedback from existing members just to lose their money afterwards. Simple calculations will show us that program Y only paid a 90% maximum to investors that joined even on the first day. So the only people who benefitted from the program Y were referral sharks that promoted the program in order to get generous ref commissions.
Now all the investors of program Y suddenly realized that they were scammed and all the positive votes on forums were nothing more that paid-to-post monitors or simple cheerleaders. Well, not only that. They were blinded by piggybacking charts and reviews, photos of growing tomatoes, videos of gold-mining businesses and certificates of incorporation from all four corners of the globe proudly displayed on their About Us page. The most dangerous thing about such low-ROI programs is that they gradually build a reputation about their programs by posting interviews, introducing some new plans and changing their hosting providers to build up some good publicity around them. They mislead investors gradually by building confidence who not only redeposit their own money but also spread the news and helping to attract new members simply because you saw the admin in action with your own eyes (posted on YouTube or somewhere).
Actually, every single thing about long-term programs like our theoretical program Y is dedicated to one single goal – to make the program grow. Without growth there is no ponzi and everybody should be perfectly aware of that. I don’t say that I’m against the growth and ponzies as a whole, that’s how me and many many others make money from. Although I’m totally against the misleading of investors by feeding them rubbish about the legal status of some programs, or their incorporation certificates, or their far fetched stories about their exploits in all sorts of activities. This is total nonsense which should not be taken seriously if you are smart. Remember that everybody has a hidden agenda in this industry and you should always treat any given program with a high degree of skepticism at all times. Those who believed in GeniusFunds for example as a legal venture and sold their houses and cars in order to put everything into it were most definitely the biggest losers. Those who stayed calm, didn’t get greedy, and behaved in a rational – and skeptical – manner were the ones in the most profit. Remember to treat every single program as a game with chances of both winning and losing. That way you will never be conned by some shady individuals preaching about the legality of their HYIP business. There are NO such programs in the HYIP industry and I’m telling you this based on my many years personal experience. Either learn to live with it or leave this industry for good if it bothers you. Better try to invest your money in the stock markets or trust it to a managerial company that will take the risks for you. The risk will be minimal and definitely many times lower than in any HYIPs.
It doesn’t mean that you can’t win in short-term or in long-term programs. You can win in both with proper diversification and management of your HYIP portfolio. Of course, you will not be able to win all the time and most probably will be losing more often than winning in the first stages. But gradually you will become wiser and smarter which will help you develop a so-called “sixth” sense – intuition – that will help you to succeed in the business. Without it any analysis or even extensive research is useless and many times the programs’ admins proved me wrong by running a very average program from which I never expected too much for a long time or scamming in less than one full cycle online having perfect website, security and huge advertising budgets.
Remember that many teachers will try to preach you their concepts of succeeding in HYIPs based it on some secret formulas (you can even buy overpriced online books about riding a ponzi, lol). You should remember that there is no single theory that will help you make profits in HYIPs. Of course, there are some ways that could work at some point. The industry is after all constantly evolving and changing so it’s essential to change your personal strategy very frequently and according to the current conditions.
The major point is that your success is in your own hands and I know people who profited from most short-term programs and many people who profited from long-term programs. The thing that unites them is that they had a very cold and calculated approach to HYIPs and never had any special affection for any particular one that could affect their decision or make them take a wrong turn. Only with these attitudes that can be gradually developed with your personal experiences can you succeed in this industry.
One more important thing! As shown in the above mentioned example with X and Y programs, sometimes a program that runs for two weeks is much better and profitable that those running for several months. So do not get caught out on the longevity of the program and stable payouts as past experience is no guarantee that this will continue forever. It’s better to develop that “sixth sense” that will come with experience and where you will see the same patterns that might indicate that this or that program is more worthy of your attention than another one. I hope MNO will help you with that as I post my reviews and never make public predictions about the programs which might be wrong. I can only tell you what I feel about the program and share the facts I actually have on that program. The rest is up to you, guys. Please make your own analysis and be always err on the side of caution!
I hope that the fourth issue of MNOFridays was useful for you and if you have any ideas for the next one please do not hesitate to submit your ideas on the shoutbox or on my forum in the thread dedicated to MNOFridays here. All your comments and suggestions are appreciated as usual. Let’s make the industry safer for smarter investors. Until our next meeting next Friday!
Ok, first of all, I would like to give my thanks to those who took the time to vote in my two polls this week, the results of which will be drawn by Sunday or Monday (depending on when I’m going to post next).
Starting with the MNO Reader Profiles where we are asking your favorite sports the leader of the poll is Football (I mean the proper European version) with 16 votes and followed by the American version with 9 votes. I’m pretty satisfied by these results so far as I’m fan myself and always try to get to a game or two when I don’t have too much work on. Please be more active on that poll and maybe the options that are not so popular by now still have a chance to gain votes by the end of the week. The less popular options were: hockey and motor sports (6 votes each), basketball and tennis (scored 4 votes each), baseball (2 votes) and golf (1 vote). Please continue to vote on the poll from the series of MNO Reader Profiles that is located in the end of the left sidebar of MNO.
Another more important poll connected with the industry role of AlertPay. Or more specifically the recent controversies surrounding them. The poll posed the reasonable question if using AlertPay as payment processor is an advantage or a threat (especially for short-term programs that could be crucial for their survival in the long run). So I decided to ask my readers what they think about the issue which should definitely be discussed in depth later on. Opinion appears to be divided and is very mixed. So far the following option is taking the lead with 20 votes: “It’s a threat because AlertPay can block the program’s account at anytime and affect its performance and longevity.” The second popular option is the opposite answer that scored 13 votes so far: “It’s an advantage. Accepting them instills confidence and more members will consider the choice to be a sign of professionalism and make deposits.” I’m aware that the subject of the poll is pretty controversial but still I believe that in search of truth we will become wiser anyway. So please submit your vote if you haven’t done so yet. You’ll find it situated in the end of my right sidebar just under the Shoutbox. Welcome to the world where your opinion matters!
Let’s get to the news of the MNO monitored programs. Unfortunately, I have to move CashMiner to Problem status on MNO as my support ticket wasn’t answered for 48 hours already and my payout was not processed to PerfectMoney and simply disappeared. I don’t know if it was a matter of communication or something else as I received a complaint from one MNO reader asking for my help because his withdrawal to LibertyReserve was also unpaid for some reason and he was never replied to by their support either. I don’t want to draw any hasty conclusions regarding CashMiner yet as the website could be well on autopilot but under these circumstances I simply cannot keep the program on Paying status anymore. So I have made up my mind to move CashMiner to Problem status until the payouts are paid and the support answers and process mine and other’s pending requests. Any further investments in CashMiner are not recommended at this moment until I hear from the admin after which I immediately report about here.
The admin of FiboTradePro upgraded their listing on MNO to Standard which means that the review of that program will be published tomorrow. The program is listed on MNO for over two months already and actually reminded me of Forexica to a huge extent. Why you might ask? Well, the answer is simple – just like Forexica, FiboTradePro also first started with short term plans offering 103% after 1 day, 107% after 2 days, 112% after 3 days, 127% after 6 days, 143% after 10 days, 310% after 30 days. As it appears these plans were just promotional and after a few weeks of successful payments on short-term plans FiboTradePro suddenly changed course and turned into a low-ROI type of program offering much more sustainable plans – 1.5%-2% for 100 calendar days with the principal already included in the daily profits. Your profit is fixed and depending on the amount invested which you can do via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney or StrictPay starting from a $10 minimum. FiboTradePro has six(!) registered domain names with different extensions which all redirects to one site which is possibly done for better protection. They are hosted with XLHost company who I’m unfamiliar but has SSL-protection. I guess the 60+ days online and stable payments are in their favor as it’s pretty hard to make it and pay to everybody in short-term plans and successfully transform afterwards to a long-term program which less risk and more time of the possible life-cycle. The positive example of Forexica that has been monitored on MNO for nearly five months and which also underwent this successful transformation some time ago makes me think that FiboTradePro still has plenty of room for growth. Considering that the industry is starting a gradual rise I predict more interest among investors in stable low-ROI programs pretty soon. I will try to analyze the program more thoroughly in tomorrow’s review.
The admin of MajesticMoney (reviewed here) asked me to remind MNO readers today that if you have any questions about them the support is always available on TG and DTM forums where you can submit your votes for the program and find the necessary support. The interview with Darren, the admin of MajesticMoney will be published on MNO soon as he promised to send me his answers very shortly. Anyway, so far MajesticMoney was good enough for me due to instant payments to both PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve and a very good level of communication from the admin who always tells even if a referral of mine has any issue in his account. I appreciate this co-operation and hope that MajesticMoney will run for a long time. I myself received my fourth instant withdrawal today and am going to get the fifth and last one tomorrow which will put me in profit from the 23% for 5 days plan. The other plans available on MajesticMoney are: 23%-27% for 5 days (interest depends on your amount deposited) and 130%-150% after 7 days (one single payment on expiry of your deposit). The minimum to invest in both plans is $10 which makes MajesticMoney an affordable program for everybody. I guess we will soon find out more about the program from Darren himself in the upcoming interview, so stay tuned for that.
One of the most talked about low-ROI programs now is definitely OilStructure. The program earneded a very good reputation by stable and fast daily payouts and constant improvement of their website which is now offering multilingual phone and email support on many different languages including English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese, Filipino, Thai, Indonesian and the most recently added support in Italian. The update regarding this was published on the website of OilStructure today and we must acknowledge that the website really became global and accessible to investors from many corners of the world speaking different languages. The payment structure in the program is really different from others as well because your investment with it will be divided in stages and you will be paid from 2% to 2.4% (gradually increasing) on every calendar day. If you’re not satisfied with the program’s services you can always request your principal back. The amount returned will be based on how long you were a member. After 300 calendar days you’re allowed to withdraw your principal from OilStructure without any fees or if you prefer just stay in the program and keep receiving 2.4% interest per day. It’s your choice. More about OilStructure can be read in my detailed review of the program published here.
The administration of FairHyip (currently On Hold status on MNO) made some notes and explanations on the rules of receiving your money back via different e-currencies which you would otherwise have lost due to the blockage of the program’s account by the Russian payment system WebMoney. The admin also promised again to resume payouts next week and of which MNO readers will be informed in due due course. Here is the latest newsletter from FairHyip:
“Good time of day, dear customers and partners!
In addition to the previous message, devoted to cancellation of company’s work with WebMoney, due to the many questions, we would like to clarify the following:
If you have an active deposit (or cash on the balance of the account) in WebMoney and do not wish to ask for withdrawal, you can apply for conversion into company’s Support Department at support@fairmanagement.org (for all investment portfolios) as follows:
1. Your WMID and the amount of the loan (loans, if there are several).
2. Payment system, in which you wish to convert money (except VISA or bank transfer)
3. Investment portfolio
4. Your login
1. 421238053489, 500 USD, 300 USD
2. LibertyReserve
3. FAIRhyip
4. Test
All applications for conversion are met in the period of September, 13-15.
Wishing best regards, Fair Management Corporation team”.
I have been paid today by the following programs:
MajesticMoney, YamaFinance, PawnShopFund, Vodapex, FundsOMatic, GlobalTradeManagers, 144CashAds, UniteTrade, OptimumPride, OilStructure, FutureTrails, MutualTreaty, SignalTraders, ReProFinance, CherryShares, FiboTradePro, VividTrade, EzProfit, YesInvestment, Flamanta, WorldPrivateFunds, GroupUniversal, RedOrchidInvest and Forexica.
I wish you a very pleasant weekend and hope to see you on MNO tomorrow when I’m going to be posting from the ancient and lovely old Belgian city of Liege on the Meuse river. Wish me a pleasant journey!
Filed under Daily News, MNOFridays by on Sep 10th, 2010.