23/01/2011. Daily News from the Industry
Hi, guys! I hope you’re all having a good lazy Sunday like me! Just a news update for you tonight but it’s a bit more than we usually see on Sundays. I also have another interview to be published but that will be on Monday morning, so stay tuned for that.
Let’s start with the announcement about the new MNO chat conference that will be held tomorrow, at 21:00 GMT time. There will be two sessions with some nice prizes awarded by the admin of DollarCommerce Christopher at the end of the second session. So, be attentive and watch for his answers closely as it might be your only way of winning some cash.
To tell you the truth, guys, DollarCommerce is doing absolutely fantastic. While so many short-term programs collapsed already DollarCommerce is still standing and paying some very attractive returns of 106% after 3 days, 115% after 5 days, and 140% after 10 days. For over forty days already Christopher proved that it’s possible to run a successful short-term program for over 4 cycles of the longest paying one. So you shouldn’t really miss this unique opportunity to ask him some questions tomorrow on my chat. And I guess even if you’re not only an active investor but also an admin of some program you can really learn much from this guy who is an utmost professional in my opinion. DollarCommerce already reached #4 on MNO ranking where it jumped straight after the admin upgraded his program to Premium listing lately and I think there’s a very good chance that it will appear in my top 3 programs pretty soon along with already established leaders like GainBucks (reviewed here) and AllianceAdvantage (reviewed here).
In today’s newsletter the admin of DollarCommerce made some effort to apply to a wider audience by making his program more transparent. A payment proof page is now available on DollarCommerce‘s website with some sensitive information blurred for more security so you won’t have to be worried about some envious eyes looking at your profits in the program. Moreover there is a testimonials page where satisfied members can share their experience with everybody and let others know what a great program it is. Plus there’s the welcome addition of a Shoutbox which will also allow members to be more interactive with their admin and with each other. What else to say? I for one am pretty impressed with the program’s new features and invite you to the MNO Chat room tomorrow for the scheduled live interview with the admin of DollarCommerce Christopher (More on DollarCommerce can be found in my detailed review published here). The latest newsletter from the admin is available to read below:
“Hello DollarCommerce community, this time I have some interesting news for you.
1. DollarCommerce is the real deal!
From now you can check our payment screenshot proofs and testimonials from other investors. We have developed an special page at DollarCommerce where you can really make sure that DollarCommerce is genuine. A new payment screenshots will be uploaded on daily basis. You can also use our ShoutBox to communicate with other DC members. Share your payment proofs and ask questions, if you have any!
Here’s the link: http://www.dollarcommerce.net/?a=cust&page=proof
2. Join the live interview session at MNO Chat!
When: Monday, January 24, 21:00 GMT
Where: http://money-news-online.com/chat/
You have the opportunity to come and ask questions directly to DollarCommerce administrator (Christopher Baker, yes, it’s me!). Everyone can join and the entrance is absolutely free. There will be actually two sessions: first one when you (members) asks the questions. And another one when me (admin) will send you cash prizes for answering the questions about DollarCommerce. So prepare your drinks and snacks, it’s gonna be a fun night, lol!
Here’s some useful information. To sign in to the chat by the way you have two options:
A. First of all you can register your own username and password which you will need to set yourself. You will also need to enter a valid e-mail address. You won’t actually receive any confirmation to that address, but you will need it in the event of you forgetting your password.
B. The other option is to sign in as a guest. If doing this then simply fill in the username you want, leave the password box blank, and click on the box that says Guest. That should get you in as a non registered member but you can still contribute.
To make sure about the GMT time, click here: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/
Thank you for attention and reading this newsletter. Enjoy your Sunday and the new week ahead!
Cheers, Christopher Baker”.
Just a couple of days ago you might have seen the review of another established short-term program ExtraIncome which has been online for nearly seven weeks (even longer than DollarCommerce!), however paying even higher rates of interest on your investment – 120% after 5 days, 145% after 10 days, and 170% after 15 days. I would say that the secret of ExtraIncome‘s success is wise planning in advertising and coming slowly from less visited to more visited sources for a gradual surge in members. Today I received answers for the interview with the admin of ExtraIncome Phil and I’m looking forward to publishing it tomorrow as the program looks very good and a promising addition to the MNO list for me. So stay tuned for more information about ExtraIncome which can be also read in my detailed review of the program here. And this is the latest newsletter:
“Dear Members,
As some of you had already noticed, ExtraIncome was added to the Premium Listing of the Money-News-Online.com monitor, a few days back. To make things even better, I have sweet news for you. Paul, the pillar behind the MNO blog, has spent his precious time, to make a detailed review of our program, and was published today in his blog. Those who are interested in reading the review of ExtraIncome may do so, by following this link: http://money-news-online.com/blog/2011/01/22/21012010-extraincome-review-and-daily-news-from-the-industry/ . We assure you that it won’t be a waste of your time; it will be worth reading it, as this review will give you a more detailed and in depth view of ExtraIncome.
Just for the note for those who are still unaware of the plans we are offering, we offer 120% after 5 days, 145% after 10 days, and 170% after 15 days. Further details can be found out on our website, or you can find it even quicker, by reading the review.
I hope you enjoy reading the interview. Stay tuned for the publication of the interview session I will be having with Paul, which will also be published in his blog, quite soon.
I wish everyone a very successful and prosperous 2011, especially with ExtraIncome.
Best Regards, Phil Whitaker. ExtraIncome”.
Regarding the upcoming MNO chat session with the admin of AllianceAdvantage Jeff, I haven’t received any confirmation on the timing just yet, but I guess we will be able to arrange something in the mid-week period. Today the admin issued a newsletter where he mentioned that all the payouts had been processed, but that the re-design of the AllianceAdvantage site would be delayed due to serious family issues with the main designer which postponed things slightly. Anyway, I hope the new design will be ready soon and we will all enjoy the new look of AllianceAdvantage which recently achieved the #2 rank on MNO monitoring. Considering that Jeff hoped to achieve the #1 spot on MNO by the end of June, at this particular moment it looks more than achievable even at an earlier point. I remind you that AllianceAdvantage launched two months ago and offers three investment plans with daily payouts and principal returned on expiry: 1.7% for 50 days, 2.2%-2.4% for 60 days, and 2.5% for 90 days. Investments can start with as little as $10 and can be made via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay processors. More on the plans and other features can be read in my detailed review of AllianceAdvantage posted here. And this is the latest newsletter from Jeff issued today:
“Hello. Liberty Reserve seems to be down for a little while and I did not know anything beforehand, so any withdrawal requests that come in the meantime will be processed as soon as I see that they are up and running. I had all withdrawal requests paid up until Liberty Reserve went down, so it should not be too bad.
This is what is displaying on their website:
System is offline for maintenance.
Liberty Reserve service is undergoing scheduled maintenance.
Please try to visit again in a couple of hours.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
In an earlier newsletter, I had told everyone in a newsletter that we were working on a redesign for the website and I just wanted to let everyone know that it is still in the works but that it will be a little bit longer. Recently, our designer Doris had lost her husband to cancer and has taken a temporary leave which is totally understandable. I told her to take all the time she needs and then when she is ready, we will get the design finished. The new design will be a good-looking, crisp and professional design and I’m sure you all will like it. When we are getting ready to load the new graphics, I will let you all know in the newsletter that the new website is about to be unveiled.
As soon as I see that liberty reserve is up and running, I will get them done ASAP. Today will be the last day of the referral contest, so watch for the announcement of the winners in the newsletter in a few days! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Best Regards, Jeff. AllianceAdvantage”.
That is really true what Jeff said in the newsletter about the scheduled downtime of LibertyReserve which many of you were able to see today for a few hours when the payment processor’s website was totally inaccessible and no operations couldn be carried out. The official update regarding that was posted on LibertyReserve’s official blog in advance:
“LR maintenance
Scheduled Maintenance – 23 January, 8:00 GMT
Liberty Reserve will be unavailable on:
23 January, between 8:00 and 11:00(GMT)
This upgrade will give you a faster, more productive system.
Thank you for choosing Liberty Reserve.”
Actually, the LR website was back online on time allowing HYIP admins to process their pending payouts straight afterwards. However, if you login to your LR account now you may see the following message which is displayed before granting you access to your account:
“Please fill in the following fields to access your Liberty Reserve account.
Currently you may skip this step of Login process but starting from 02/01/2011 you will be obliged to fill in this information in order to access your account.
Fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.
Please make sure that your name is spelled correctly as it will be used for verification purposes in case you lose or forget your account login information. Please note that you will not have option to edit your First Name and Last Name in your Liberty Reserve account.”
So LibertyReserve is asking members to confirm some details that can be used later for verification purposes. But more than that – you’re also asked to submit some “Miscellaneous Statistical Information” which include the main purpose of using your account and your occupation. I’m not sure if it’s connected with the further tightening of security against hackers or a gradual shifting of LibertyReserve towards being a more legal payment processor and not just a safe haven for scams and money laundering. One way or the other we will probably see some changes in LibertyReserve in February and I would not advise you to keep huge amounts there by that time because I received complaints about freezing accounts today with the following reason provided:
“Your Liberty Reserve account is frozen due to provided information. Please contact support with this message ID: COM006 for more information and/or explanations.”
I don’t know why this happened straight after LR came back online but my guess is it might be connected with the upcoming changes which will definitely affect all HYIPs and their administrators as well because LibertyReserve is the most widely used payment processor in the industry. I don’t think there will be any inevitable consequences for the HYIP industry though because there are some good alternative payment processors available which are just anticipating the rules changing in LR which will allow them to become the leaders instead. I’m talking of course about PerfectMoney and to a lesser extent GlobalDigitalPay. Anyway, I will keep you updated on my blog regarding all the changes that will possibly hit LR users soon.
One of the programs that was affected by today’s LibertyReserve downtime is KlickWallet (reviewed here). The admin of the program Andrew was pretty fast and informed the members of his program about the possible payout delays to LibertyReserve that might happen due to this:
“I would like to inform you that LibertyReserve website is currently offline for maintenance so at the moment I simply cant process LibertyReserve pending payments. As soon as their site will be back online all pending LibertyReserve payments will be processed asap. Sorry for this issue, but I have nothing to do with this.
Best regards, Andrew Bridge
KlickWallet Admin”.
By the time of writing all the pending payouts to LR from KlickWallet had been paid as they were processed immediately after LibertyReserve was back online. I would just like to add to that insignificant news that I have already received the interview answers from Andrew and that it’s scheduled to be published on MNO on Tuesday. KlickWallet has been online for 17 days offering variable returns paid on expiry and depending on the amount you originally invested. The plans are 107%-115% after 5 days, 127%-140% after 10 days, and 170%-200% after 20 days. Accepted payment processors are LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay with a $10 minimum to invest. Please tune it to my blog on Tuesday for more info on KlickWallet in the interview with Andrew after the first payments from the 20-day plan will have been processed.
The admin of GoldenShoesVentures Grace is still very active (as you may remember from my chat with her, the transcript of which can be read on the MNO forum here) and is seriously considering a complete overhaul of the design of her website to make it more attractive and easier-to-navigate. She is currently having her programmer work on it and possibly it could be completed by the end of next week. Today GoldenShoesVentures was also caught up in the LR downtime but Grace was on top of things as usual and managed to inform all her members in a very professional manner. Here are the two newsletters I received from GoldenShoesVentures today.
The first one:
“Hello everyone,
Liberty Reserve is currently down for maintainance and payments via LR will be sent when they are back online.
Thanks for your understanding.”
And the second one:
“Just to inform that all pending payments for Liberty Reserve has been processed. You may or may not have received a payment notification email from us when you were paid, this is because of a slight server error that usually happens when we try to process a rather large amount of payments at once. If you check your LR you will see your payment anyway.
I usually process about 50 at 1 time but because of the downtime, we had well over 300 pending so I had to try to do it in just 3 clicks.
Have a great day, Grace”.
I remind you that GoldenShoesVentures has a long history of running the website paying for one single plan – 10% daily for 15 calendar days – and accepting LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and more recently AlertPay payment options. The full and comprehensive review of the program is available for reading here.
It looks like Stanbec originated from some really shrewd scammers, or at least they thought this of themselves. They probably thought that many members will read their recent interview on MNO and join their program despite stopping the payouts by that time already. The probably thought that the monitoring sites will keep them on Paying status despite of those payout delays. And they probably thought that they are dealing with complete idiots and that such members would buy their lame excuses and put more money into this already dead site. It didn’t happen though! Well, these guys from Stanbec are mistaken and stupid excuses will not help them squeeze any more money from the members. Stanbec proved to be an awful scam that lasted for 15 days only. This is really bad news for everybody but please note that I have moved them to Not Paying status on MNO, largely because of their attitude towards others. Of course, the main reason to move Stanbec to Scam status on MNO would be the absence of payouts for the last couple of days. Beware as Stanbec is still online and will gladly accept your deposits and will not pay you in return. Just for your amusement I’m republishing this latest update:
“Greetings from Stanbec Inc
Stanbec Inc has been undergoing a system cleansing and monitoring process which took us as team over 48 hours, this is for the safety and longevity of your investment and our project, during the cause of scanning all withdrawal request was removed please we are appealing to everyone who has made withdrawal to kindly request, we would process all withdrawals from this very moment.
We really have no much information except for the scanning update, Stanbec remains a top choice for investors and we hope to satisfy all members.
Best Regards, Marc.”
Another huge failure among short-term programs which proudly presented itself on its banners as the next big thing in the industry was AmilloTrade which I warned about on my blog last night and which is in Not Paying on MNO now as of the time of writing this update. Yesterday it was spotted by many members that the formerly instant payouts to LibertyReserve in AmilloTrade are no more and the admin stopped answering emails from members. Well, the admin was proud that his script was unique, payouts were instant and the level of security was tight enough. The only thing is AmilloTrade still didn’t manage to last more that one full 21-day cycle, which can be considered only as a failure for a short-term program. I guess the timing of starting the program during the New Year holidays was all wrong and after that it didn’t manage to attract much attention from its members. Even the sponsoring of an MNO cash contest last week together with the interview given by the admin didn’t improve the situation and the program remained overlooked and ignored by most investors. I cannot guess the real reasons behind AmilloTrade‘s failure as I don’t have any contact with the admin. However I can speculate that there was something about AmilloTrade which was not so appealing to investors who saw their competitors performing much better. Despite the general failure of AmilloTrade the first investors who joined straight after listing the program on MNO 26 days ago and didn’t reinvest should be very nicely in profit from it. Well, it’s time to move on so please do not invest in AmilloTrade anymore.
I’m also quite concerned about the situation with PositiveSurf which was reviewed on MNO just a couple of day ago. Despite the fact that some of the pending payouts were processed by its admin yesterday and who briefly appeared on MMG forum to calm down the investors who were worried about his long absence things about PositiveSurf are still not looking good to me. Judge for yourself – yesterday’s payouts were merely selective and many members are reporting on public forums now about a more than 48-hour delay with payouts. I am aware that on the site it’s stated that the payouts would to be done within 48 hours on business days only, but thing which concerns me most about PositiveSurf is the high level of negligence of his duties by the admin. The site looks totally abandoned to me and no news was added since January, 17. The referral contest which was supposed to commence yesterday was not even mentioned by the admin during his brief forum appearance last night. I also submitted about five tickets to different email addresses (including the ticketing system on the website) informing the admin of PositiveSurf of the published review on MNO but haven’t received any acknowledgment of that yet. They were all totally ignored and I haven’t received any answer so far. Due to these circumstances and the generally negative attitude towards the slow payouts expressed by many members of PositiveSurf on forums I suggest you hold off from any further investments until (if) things get back to normal. PositiveSurf has been moved to Problem status on MNO already and tomorrow will be a decisive day for it when I will either move it to the Scam folder or the admin comes back online and pays all his dues. In my opinion, the first option is more likely. Anyway, I will report on that on my blog tomorrow, so stay tuned!
The programs that paid me for the last 48 hours include:
SureFireSurf, GorgonProjectInvest, OilCapital, ExtraIncome, FxEconomy, ECashBroker, GoldenShoesVentures, FutureTrails, AccessTomorrow, EasyCashGrowth, Businex, ReProFinance, IncomeLadder, AllianceAdvantage, DollarCommerce, FondosMayores, BetBankFund, Finansima, GainBucks, Escaliva, RevenueBuild and KlickWallet.
To finish up I just want to bring your attention to the poll that’s been running on MNO for the last week concerning the latest feature to be added here, the Live Chat Room which I have to say has proven to be an enormous success and even I myself was surprised by just how fast it became as popular as it has. Regular readers will have seen a couple of interactive chat sessions with a couple of the HYIP admins covered on the MNO monitoring page already during the week where readers were invited to put their own questions, comments, opinions, etc to them in real time and in a public setting. I myself couldn’t have been more pleased with the results considering it’s just getting started and feedback from readers and admins alike was unanimously positive. Therefore you can expect to see many many more such sessions in the future so watch out for that.
Getting back to my original point about the poll itself however, I asked the question:
“Would you like to see MNO Chat feature occasional live interactive chat or Question and Answer sessions with HYIP admins where members can participate?”
No surprise really as I suspected the vote would go this way but after the first admin Live Q&A session there could be no doubt in anyone’s mind. A resounding 72% of you said in response to that question that:
“Yes. It’s a great idea, sounds like fun. You can’t stop admins from logging in anyway so I would love the opportunity to join in and ask my own questions.”
The vote was split evenly between the other two options and so in a two-way tie for a very distant joint second place we have with 14% of the vote a more cautious approach favoring the option:
“Maybe, but only under certain circumstances. Only established admins and with strict moderation.”
And then with the remaining 14% were those not particularly interested in participating in the Live Chat sessions at all I think, but as they are unlikely to be held more that twice a week (three at the absolute maximum, but I think that will be rare) then you really don’t have to see it if you don’t want to. They voted:
“No, not really. This should stay strictly as a Chat Room for MNO readers and too many HYIP admins would only hijack that for their own uses.”
However I can assure you with the right moderation that nobodies going to be hijacking anything on MNO so your fears are baseless.
I won’t be running another poll just yet as I want to keep it an occasional feature rather than a regular one for the time being. If there is a subject that I really want to hear your opinion on then I’ll ask but I don’t want to run these things week in week out just for the sake of it. However if any of you guys have any suggestions that are interesting (or just plain fun) then feel free to submit them and if I like it then I will post it here and see what the opinions of the average MNO reader is about it.
That’s all for today, guys. I hope to see you tomorrow when two posts are due to be published on MNO. I’m looking forward to see you first for the interview from the admin of ExtraIncome Phil, followed later by the news. And of course let’s not forget the interactive Live Chat Session with the DollarCommerce admin. Don’t miss it!
Filed under Daily News by on Jan 23rd, 2011.