03/03/2011. EasyCashFund Review and Daily News from the Industry
Hi everybody! I guess it’s fair to say there’s been a fairly eclectic mix of online investment programs so far this year, with HYIPs of every stripe competing for our hard earned dollars. Some good, some, well, less so, but I’d hazard a guess that it’s the shorter term ones that have dominated the market so far in 2011. Not that they’re always necessarily that much better than their longer term counterparts or anything (though some of the definitely were, and by some distance too) it’s just the way the industry moves. Anyway, one of the latest short term ventures to start getting some attention with the online players is EasyCashFund, a program just added to the MNO monitoring list. Indeed now that the program’s first plan has expired only today and the first investors are waking up to their profits, EasyCashFund might just get interesting over the next couple of weeks.
You have three investment plans to pick from in EasyCashFund, all of which pay on expiry. They have all incidentally been changed slightly since the program launched, with the modified versions suiting investors better. The first one, the one that’s just completed its first cycle today, runs for a 5 day term. It’s called The Easy Cash Beginner Plan and you can join for a $10 minimum. Any thing from that up to the maximum allowed (for this plan) of $3,000, will see EasyCashFund offering 120% paid on expiry.
The second choice is called The Easy Cash Advanced Plan. It’s more profitable, running as it does for a longer term which is 10 days, but is going to cost you a $100 minimum to join so do think it over first. Anything from that up to a $5000 maximum will bring in a return of 145% interest on expiry, principal included.
And finally for a $200 minimum spend you can join not just the most expensive plan but also with a 15 day investment term also the one carrying the highest risk. Or the highest reward depending on your way of looking at things. For a deposit between the minimum 200 bucks to a $10,000 maximum EasyCashFund are offering their biggest single payout of 175%. I guess it could be argued that that’s a particularly difficult interest rate to maintain on a consistent basis, however on the other hand for those kind of prices participation in this particular plan can only be expected to be limited at best, hopefully not putting too much of a drain on the program’s cash flow.
Payment methods are up to a fair enough industry standard, could be better, could be a lot worse, but a lot of you will no doubt appreciate the use of AlertPay. LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney complete the list. Payments will need to be requested from within your account area, however once made the EasyCashFund admin assures us all withdrawals are instant so you should see them in no more than a matter of minutes at most.
Something else the admin does is a pretty slick marketing job so no wonder a lot of people are expecting big things from this one. For example there was a small bonus added to the accounts of the first 500 members – an offer which has since expired having achieved its target (so please don’t go looking for it) but you can see how this would definitely catch the eye. Once that particular goal was reached a newsletter was issued mentioning some other incentives will be offered from time to time so it’s worth keeping an eye out for that.
EasyCashFund is hosted on a dedicated server and is protected from DDoS attacks by Dragonara. This has only recently been upgraded by the way after some initial attacks on them. Hopefully with Dragonara now on board the program will run smoothly from this point on. They are also running off a licensed GoldCoders script which features a built in e-currency exchange mechanism for any of the three payment processors in use. There’s a pretty good commission rate as well, though obviously this is a service available to EasyCashFund members only. You may also be interested to see a “proof of payments” page, outlining the most recent payouts to members. The website is also 256 bit SSL encrypted for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Customer support if you have any further questions or account related issues is available through the email ticketing form. Just fill out you details in the form supplied and submit.
The business activities (or alleged business activities) of EasyCashFund are mostly related to ForEx. An old HYIP favorite I suppose so no surprise there. No surprise either that the texts contain a lot of talk without any real information or proof of any of this, so you know what comes next – always be extremely cautious when dealing with any anonymous online business, HYIP related (especially) or otherwise. Enjoy it while it lasts, stay rigorously within spending limits that are affordable to you, and if you regularly try to earn money online then keep in mind that you can also lose money online so always try to keep things stable by keeping a diverse portfolio.
In anticipation of tonight’s review on MNO the admin of EasyCashFund Denise sent out another newsletter where my review (which you can find above) is announced. By the way, I can’t say that I’m as thrilled about the program as it might seem at first glance. Of course it has all the features to become a success but the admin should work hard to achieve this. The first cycle was completed today and 5 days online is a good beginning, but we will see how the situation develops within the next few days. In the newsletter Denise also announced the first weekly special bonus where deposits of $1K and more made via AlertPay in any plan would receive a 7% bonus and that the offer would be valid till the end of the week only. So if you want to take advantage of this offer then hurry and if you have any further questions Denise is ready to answer them if you submit a ticket on their support page. Here is the latest news from EasyCashFund (excluding the latest point about the slightly modified plans which will be announced in the upcoming newsletter):
“Thank you! EasyCashFund continues to grow at an incredible rate and we’d like to thank the support of each member first and foremost. EasyCashFund is firing on all cylinders today as the first payouts are being processed for our first investors. Withdrawal requests are being processed instantly no matter how large the deposit.
Our most anticipated review for Money-News-Online is scheduled for either today or tomorrow and should give our members a professional look at our progress. Paul at Money-News-Online has invested a large amount funds into our system and will monitor our company closely. This is what he has to say about EasyCashFund thus far:
“Many investors already see EasyCashFund as the next big thing among short-term programs simply because the admin Denise is doing a great job in marketing the program in the best way possible. For instance it was decided to credit $1 cash bonuses to the first 500 investors who join. The offer has now expired. After the successful achievement of 500 members after two days online Denise issued a newsletter highlighting some important stuff like the upcoming Weekly Special offers where members can benefit from some incentives, the recently introduced Proof of Payment page where you can see all the payouts processed instantly in real time and the currently upgraded DDoS-protection by Dragonara.”
This short announcement of our upcoming review can be viewed at the bottom with the other daily news here:
As soon as the official review is released by MNO, we’ll publish it on our news, and place a link of it on our ‘rate us’ page.
Please remember that we feature our Weekly Special’ and this week we’re offering 7% deposit bonus for investments over $1000 for AlertPay only. If you are considering making a deposit via AlertPay make sure to do so this week. Offer ends Sunday night at 11:59 (-5 GMT). Quite a few members have taken advantage of this deposit bonus already!
Administration is working hard in the field most of the day, but our friendly support staff can assist you with most matters. Our support team is standing by to answer any questions or concerns you may have about EasyCashFund at anytime. Contact live support or send a support email through our support form at http://www.easycashfund.com/?a=support. You may also reply to this email with any questions you may have.
Regards, Denise – EasyCashFund”.
I would like to say a huge thanks to everybody who participated in the two recent Live chat sessions with HYIP admins who came to MNO to answer your questions. Tonight we saw the admin of FirstMonetaryFund Stefan who was earlier interviewed on MNO and which you can read here. The chat went along nicely and many questions were answered though many were successfully avoided, though the admin must be praised just for his guts to come to MNO Chat – only a handful of admins can pull it off successfully. Anyway, I guess if you read my review of FirstMonetaryFund (posted here) you might be aware of the basics: the program accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney only into the following plans – 1.1% for 15 business days, 1.5% for 30 business days, 1.8% for 60 business days, 2.2% for 90 business days, and special VIP plan paying 2% for 30 business days with principal returned on expiry for all of them. And in case you missed the chat conference and would like to catch up on what was said there you have a chance to do by checking out this thread on the MNO forum.
If you remember last night we had another Live chat conference with the admin of Escaliva (he was previously interviewed on MNO here). In that conference (the full transcript of which can be read here by the way) the admin Leonard said that withdrawals from his program would remain instant to both LibertyReserve and AlertPay at all times regardless of the amount of the deposit and that he was sure that he would be able to handle the instant payouts from now on. Some lucky winners were also rewarded with some cash prizes and the chat overall was a success in my opinion. During the session Leonard also promised not to change the current plans of 2.8%-5.6% daily for 7 days with principal return on expiry which made his program famous and running for almost eight weeks. This alone is a great achievement in itself but the admin’s promise to arrange another live chat session in a month or so could be treated as a bold move if we don’t pay attention to the fact that nobody could predict Escaliva would become such a hit and run for over 7 cycles already.
However, today another important event happened in the world of Escaliva – another investment plan has been added for those who are ready to spend $200 or more in a plan paying for 30 calendar days and returning your principal on expiry. So for the $200 minimum deposit you will get paid 3.2% daily for the duration of 30 days. If you want to deposit $2,000 or more you should expect instant daily payouts of 4.8% during the 30-day period, and finally for those brave enough to risk a $10K deposit will get a whopping 6.4% daily interest for 30 days. In addition to that a bonus was announced which will continue for the next 2 days and where every new deposit with fresh funds or re-deposit from the profit balance will be rewarded with double the daily interest as a bonus. All details of the new investment plan and the bonus offer coming with it you is in the first newsletter from Escaliva received today:
“Dear investors,
Thank you everyone for joining in the MNO live chat event, it was great and we promise to hold up another live chat session in the near future.
During the live chat, one of the member asked if we have any plans to change our investment plan or not. No, we do not plan to change our investment plan, but we plan to add new investment plan, and here we are!
New investment plan offers slightly more profits while having a longer term of investment as many people requested. Here are the details:
3.2% daily for 30 days with minimum investment of $200.
4.8% daily for 30 days with minimum investment of $2000.
6.4% daily for 30 days with minimum investment of $10000.
Again, like any other major feature update to our site, we are offering another bonus event! From now until the end of this week (11:59PM PST on Saturday, March 6, 2011), you will be receiving a bonus on your deposit, both new and reinvest. This bonus is worth 2 days of interests for you, so you will be earning 5.6% bonus for 2.8% daily and up to 12.8% bonus for 6.4% daily.
We have also updated our banners accordingly. If you use our banners on your website, please check if it has been automatically updated or not. If not, I would advise you to update it.
Best Regards, Leonard Coffman”.
This is not all about Escaliva for today, guys, because a few hours after the second update was sent I received another newsletter where Leonard provided members with the link to the live chat and correcting the small error in dates provided in the previous email. So here is the latest from Escaliva (reviewed here):
“Dear investors,
You can find the transcript to our live chat yesterday on here:
Please also be reminded that we are having a bonus event to celebrate our new investment plan right now. You will receive cash back equals to 2 days interests, or from 5.6% to 12.8% cash back. This bonus applies with all deposits at all amount, either new deposit or reinvestment. The cash back will be credited back to your account within 24 hours after your deposit.
This bonus event will last until 11:59PM (PST time) on Saturday, March 5 (our previous newsletter stated March 6, which is incorrect and we want to correct this). Any investments made after that time will earn daily profits as normal, and no cash back will be given.
Best Regards, Leonard Coffman”.
Another Live chat we will have next week will be probably with the admin/ president of MidasGoldFund Warren (interviewed here). He already expressed an interest in that and we are currently in talks to arrange a time and date. Of course I will report about that on my blog later on, but I just wanted to say that from the beginning of his program Warren sometimes visits the MNO Chat room and we had an informal agreement that he would come for a proper interactive session with readers when the first payments on expiry are processed. Well, I’m glad that Warren remembered and especially I’m pleased to report that it looks like the first principals were paid to the first investors after finishing the 30-day cycle with profits of 1.7%-2.7% (I myself was paid as well last night). So we may safely assume that those of you who put their trust in the program from the beginning and deposited when the review of MidasGoldFund was just published on MNO a month ago (click here to read it) were in good profits already. And I believe many of us would like to know how the admin of MidasGoldFund is going to continue. I hope we will get answers to those questions in the upcoming chat session on MNO which is going to be scheduled possibly for next week. Stay tuned for more announcements!
Those of you who are members of one promising player in the HYIP market GreenBackShares might be wondering why their website is gone today while leaving one page outlining the reasons for the current difficulties. What happened in a nutshell is some hacking attempts and the theft of some funds. The admin believes that it was because of some very serious vulnerabilities in GoldCoders script. So rather then risking the funds of the investors and of the program’s very existence itself it was decided to remove the site for two weeks while the new script is installed and the protection level is to be upgraded to the highest possible levels to ensure it won’t happen again. During this period of about the next two weeks the investors of GreenBackShares will be paid interest to SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney and AlertPay manually while LibertyReserve payouts could be delayed for 2-3 days while the admin’s account is replenished after the funds were stolen from it.
Well, I’m aware that there will be many skeptics out there that are going to say that GreenBackShares is not going to come back and that two weeks offline is too long for the program to survive. I can’t predict how it’s going to end but as long as GreenBackShares pays its members (be it manually or automatically) it will remain on Paying status on MNO. In fact I’m deeply sympathetic to the admin who is apparently the victim of hackers and is dealing with the situation. Jeremy, by the way, is not hiding from his investors and is ready to answer all the questions about this incident. He has already been seen on the MNO Live chat tonight (straight after the session with FirstMonetaryFund admin finished) and was able to answer some questions from MNO readers regarding this necessary downtime and his further plans in reviving GreenBackShares. I would like to help him with providing a better explanation about what happened to his site and what the solution might be. So he will hold another public Q&A conference on MNO Live chat tomorrow, on Friday, March 4th, at 20:00 GMT (London time). There is no need to register an account on my chat if you don’t want to ask any questions but at least be here on time to stay informed on the current events with GreenBackShares. So, I hope to see you all on MNO Live chat tomorrow with the admin of GreenBackShares Jeremy (you can read the first Live chat transcript with him here).
And this is the long but welcome explanation of the current downtime in GreenBackShares which is posted on the site tonight. Please note one very important point – according to this update all the members of the program will be paid their interest as usual in manual mode which should eliminate the complaints:
“Dear Members,
My name is Jeremy Bates, co-founder, trader and spokesman for GreenBackShares.
I find myself writing to you today with great bitterness, but also with great joy, as change is always for the best, in the long run.
But let’s cut to the chase…
We are forced to suspend our online presence for 2 weeks, as part of a radical website update. It seems that in the short 2 month we have been operational we’ve managed to take a consistent bite out of the online investment market, which apparently bothered certain key power circles to a great extent.
For the past 2 days, our website has suffered a consistent battering from “unknown” assailants. Our Liberty Reserve accounts have been systematically emptied and our website engine infested with malware, which in turn, propagated through our internal network. We have never encountered such level of viciousness before. This attack was clearly set out to destroy us and was not initiated by your common hacker, who only seeks to make a profit. Why else would someone bother to destroy a project with so much potential right now, in the early stage of development, for the mere prize of $1,200? I did mention before that our money management policy was very tight… and it really is. We only kept as much LR as needed to pay the Liberty Reserve dividends for the next week or so.
It is not the financial loss that bothered us most. But the sheer ferociousness of the attack left us speechless. They have even bothered to take $11,14 from the outgoing payments account.
This being said, I must admit it was our great mistake not to take the website script as seriously as we should have from the beginning and buying the worse script on the market instead.
There are only 2 possibilities: either GoldCoders is determined to take down our project because we are interfering with their own agenda, or, their script is so poor that virtually anyone can do as they please with it. The first one sounds much more plausible, if you ask me… but hey, I’m no computer expert.
That’s the story.. Now, for the good part!
We have gone so far out of our way for this project as to literally move to a foreign country, just to make sure there will be nothing to distract us from our work. And we are definitely NOT GIVING UP this easily. Maybe these unidentified persons wanted to find the online investment version of “True Grit”. Well, they certainly stole funds from the right accounts then!
We have already commissioned a custom website engine with a professional software developer, which will be ready in about 14 days. We will also be substantially upgrading our DDoS protection, as we all know what’s the next best thing to breaking into a website…. DDoS-ing it. Unfortunately, they will not get their shot at that.
Now comes the really important part you don’t want to miss!
Until our proprietary website engine is ready, our webpage is just.. this webpage. Account access and new account signup are suspended for this short period. During this maintenance period, all dividends will be paid manually, directly to our member’s e-currency/bank accounts. As our Liberty Reserve accounts have been sucked dry, we will resume payment of LR dividends in 2-3 days time, after our LR funding request gets filled. All other payments (AlertPay, PerfectMoney, SlidTrustPay and Bank) will continue with no delays, as these accounts have not been affected.
All members’ accounts with 0 balance, 0 shares and 0 withdrawals have been deleted, to avoid unnecessary confusion during this technical transition. We apologize if this inconveniences any of our members in any way, but what good is an investment account with no investments?
After integration of our new website engine, all operations will go back to normal, including automatic dividend payouts.
As the “unknown assailants” have infested our mainpage with malware, all members that accessed our website during the last 2 days (March 1st and 2nd) are strongly advised to scan their computer for viruses (we recommend NOD32 anti-virus software) and to change all their e-currency accounts passwords, just to be on the safe side.
We would like to send out a sincere “THANK YOU” to all our members that have chosen to support us from this early on. We will not let you down! And you will definitely not be disappointed.
All investment monitors that are part of our program and will obtusely choose not to wait 2-3 days for their regular LR payments and just switch the monitoring status to scam will have their account deleted immediately and we will not resume cooperation with them. Not after one month, not after one year, not ever!
Sincerely Yours, Jeremy Bates”.
DenXon (reviewed here) sent the first official newsletter to members today and straight away I must say we have to omit all the statements about being the leading world gas and oil company. Hey, we’re dealing with high-risk HYIPs now, so there is no need to tell us that as only gullible people will fall for it. The aim of any HYIP admin is to make investors believe that only their project is for real, and that’s how they hope to get huge deposits from investors. We must remember though that every high-yield program will end sooner or later, but we can reduce the risks by joining programs like DenXon earlier. So DenXon just started a few days ago and offers one single plan. For a $20 investment minimum it pays 2.5% daily interest for the lifecycle of the program and allows compounding as well as principal return after a 12-week lock-in period. Please bear in mind that DenXon accepts all the popular payment processors including AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, and that alone can make the program look attractive in the eyes of some investors. Communication is also an important part in any HYIPs marketing so more updates but with more substance unlike the first newsletter from DenXon will be welcomed by its investors in the future:
“Hello. Thanks for joining DenXon Corporation: “Leaders in Oil and Gas profitability”.
Our team is pleased to announce the official opening of DenXon Corporation to the general public, we are a globally recognize oil and gas firm involved in the production and marketing of natural oil and gas products serving Europe and America. The solemn purpose of our online investment project is to enlarge our firm by sharing profits among participatory members.
DenXon Corporation investment portal is barely two days online; fresh for all kinds of investors to participate in our endless stream of 2.5% daily interest and 6% referral commission, due to the quality of our program we have employed the best monitors and blog online, members have started earning and proof can be seen on the rate us page of our website, also we have been reviewed by a top expert in the online investment business, this news can be read by clicking on:
http://money-news-online.com/blog/2011/03/02/02032011-denxon-review-and-daily-news-from-the-industry/ . Our businesses are on for the benefit of members, we sold 40 thousand metric ton yesterday which is the first day after the opening of DenXon online project, and profit would be share among all members.
DenXon operates on a single plan which pays all member 2.5% Daily interest for the life of the project, this means that after making an investment you will continue to earn daily interest of 2.5% of your invested amount forever, the reason why we have chosen this plan is for the benefit of our members, it’s a realistic stable and sustainable plan, with this plan we could go on with this project for months and months and possible for years however your daily interest is not the only earning opportunity, you stand a chance of earning 6% Referral commission of all the investment of your referrals. Daily withdrawal and payment is inculcated in our plan, you can earn daily and request to withdraw your earnings which would be processed manually almost instantly.
Once again we appreciate your time and support, DenXon is a reliable earning opportunity, we can assure you that you’re in the hands of reliable professionals in oil and gas sector. Our support is online 24 hours of the day – 7days of the week hence you can be assured of quick and quality responds. Enjoy your time with DenXon Corporation.
Regards, Nicole. DenXon Project Manager.”
Again and again many investors are falling into the trap organized by the admin of CarInvestment the site of which is paying selectively now to monitors and small AlertPay investors only. The admin is now trying to exploit members’ trust and steal their LR funds. I have received a lot of emails for the last two days in which people were asking me if it was safe to change your API settings in LibertyReserve in order to get paid instantly again from CarInvestment. My answer will still be a categorical “NO”! Not only will you not get your instant withdrawals from CarInvestment if you do it, but also your LR account will be emptied and you will lose all your money there. This trick used by CarInvestment was used by other HYIP admins in the past and some gullible investors actually bought it and lost everything in those scams. So all MNO readers are advised to ignore this request. I always try to answer all the emails within a 24-hour timeframe and sometimes, when such a serious issue comes to my attention, I also put this on my blog. So please check out my blog carefully on a daily basis in order to avoid such tricks like this one from of CarInvestment. A “censored” version is present below:
“Hello, CarInvestment admin here! As you may know we changed security for our website because of downtime few days ago. We upgraded our withdrawal security too. Now you need to do following steps in order to receive your pending withdrawal instantly.
You need to Create API to get your payment instantly.
1. Login to your LR account, go to Merchant Tools.
2. Click on \”Create new API\” ( API is for instant payments )
3. Enter the following entries
3. API Name: xxxxxxxxxxx
3. Sec. Word: xxxxxxxxx
4. Check ENABLED
6. Check BALANCE
Other values leave to default. After doing so, reply this email and we will process your payment instantly. You should be able now to receive withdrawals from us instantly as usual. Thank you.”
Another trick often used by HYIP admins is to try to steal your personal information and use it in their criminal activities (like creating fake verified payment processor accounts, etc.). Please be advised that in no way should you send personal or sensitive information to HYIP admins, which in most cases are pending crooks anyway. Remember that today this info might be stored while the program is still paying and tomorrow it might used against you. If you want to avoid any future problems I would not advise you to send any personal information to the administration of FondosMayores, even if you want to modify your password. This is an unacceptable practice in my opinion and your information will be definitely compromised in one way or another. So read the latest news from FondosMayores (reviewed here) but keep in mind to NEVER actually do this:
“Dear Clients
In order to improve security regarding secondary password, FondosMayores will ask for identification papers, passport, utility bills before modifying any password. So please, make sure the information in your profile is accurate and complete. If you notice something in it, please send a ticket support through your Fondos account.
The FondosMayores Team”.
It seems I was wrong regarding CorpBayGroup (reviewed here). The program managed to pay me today, and though it took them more than the 48 hours they required I have moved them back to Paying status on MNO. If you have any issues with CorpBayGroup or your pendings are not paid yet please let me know, and I will try to contact the admin about it. At the time of writing it looks like all the problems have been solved however.
FxEconomy was another program that has been moved to Problem status on MNO tonight. I have two pending payouts from them which were not processed for 48 hours already, though on the site it was promised that the payouts are made twice per day on business days. In addition I got one unconfirmed complaint about the pendings from one of my readers and the silence on the admin’s part doesn’t make me too optimistic regarding the program’s future. Anyway, at this moment FxEconomy is on Problem status and will stay there for the next 24 hours after which it will be moved either to Paying or to Not Paying status on MNO.
Another big failure today was ProfiTaste. The program has collapsed after being online for less than a week. Well, it looks like the admin really made an effort to run his program better but the early DDoS-attacks and expenses connected to DDoS-protection lead to a sharp decline in deposits after the site was back online didn’t give the admin a chance to continue the game. WIt’s just my speculation of course, but it’s based on the real deposit stats provided on the site and on the rapid decline in new sign-ups in the last couple of days. It appears like the attacks made the program bankrupt, just like they were possibly intended to. Anyway, ProfiTaste is still online and still accepting deposits. So be extremely careful and do not invest there anymore!
I have been paid today from the following programs:
ExtraIncome, ExoticFX, EliteAlliance, OilCapital, Escaliva, EasyCashFund, Agromatica, FirstMonetaryFund, ForexTradingTeam, GorgonProjectInvest, CorpBayGroup, DenXon, ImperialFund, ReProFinance, WallStreetCompany, PermanentProfit, AssetManagement, FondosMayores, GainBucks, ViscoCorp, FutureTrails, InvestPlatforms, UnicornInv and SilverDigger.
That’s all the news for today, guys. Enjoy your Friday and see you on my blog tomorrow with the latest news and events from the industry. Don’t forget to come to the Live chat with GreenBackShares admin Jeremy as well at 20:00 GMT. Hope to see you all there, guys!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Mar 4th, 2011. Comment.