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31/01/2012. InvfairLimited Review and Daily News from the Industry


 Beware! InvfairLimited has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! It’s been a busier news day in the industry than yesterday so there’s quite a bit to catch up with in the news section which I’ll be getting to in just a few moments. First up for tonight’s update however is a new long term HYI program that was added to the MNO monitoring list yesterday called InvfairLimited. Well, maybe not quite a brand new program as it’s been online for almost a month now, but it is new to MNO. InvfairLimited has selection of fairly traditional investment plans for you to choose from, though while it has to be said the majority are probably outside the budgets of most industry players the one plan that is most affordable is probably your best option anyway due to it putting you into profit a lot faster.

And that’s where I’ll start. InvfairLimited‘s first plan, called The Standard Plan and can be joined for a $20 minimum and it runs for a term of 30 business days (six weeks). In return you will receive a daily interest payment of 1.4%. At the end of the term your principal gets returned. So at that rate you should have interest payments amounting to 42%, your net profit. In more practical terms that would mean if you invested let’s say $100 in this plan InvfairLimited would pay you back $1.40 per day, adding up to $42 on expiry. Your initial hundred would then be returned.

For the second plan the minimum investment jumps considerably to $1,000, making it a lot less appealing to the average player. It runs for a term of 60 business days (12 weeks) and is called The Premium Plan. During the term InvfairLimited are offering investors 1.6% interest per day, with their original deposit returned on expiry. That would mean a net profit of 96% for the investor.

Other plans are considerably more expensive and less likely to get too much attention, or at least not until such a time as InvfairLimited do a lot more work in establishing themselves as a dependable long term paying program. But for your information I’ll just run through them briefly for you anyway, the final decision resting with you whether to join or not after all.

So for a $3,000 minimum deposit you can avail of a 1.8% daily interest rate for 90 business days, a $5,000 minimum can get you 2% per day for 120 business days, a $10,000 minimum is offered 2.2% per day for 150 business days, and for $25,000 InvfairLimited are offering 2.4% interest per day for 180 business days. Principal is returned on expiry of all plans.

The other points you need to be aware of regarding InvfairLimited‘s investment plans include the use of compounding. I’m no great fan of the practice myself, but it’s a matter of personal choice I suppose, so if you like it then the option is there for you. Payment options for transferring funds into and out of the program include AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and OKPay. You can deposit using either dollars or euros and withdrawals are made manually, requiring you to log in to your InvfairLimited account and request it. Once done you are asked to allow “one working day” (ie up to 24 hours but not forgetting that they don’t work weekends) for your payment to be fully processed.

The design and security look up to scratch as well with InvfairLimited being hosted on a dedicated server with support and a high level of protection provided by BlockDos. The website is SSL encrypted throughout both public and private areas and is running off a unique and customized script. If you need to contact the InvfairLimited support team for any reason, or have a problem with your account, you can get in touch with them by filling out the ticketing form and submitting it. Also included are a couple of e-mail addresses you can write to directly or some telephone numbers you can try if you prefer to speak to somebody in person. InvfairLimited have postal addresses in different countries, and while I am in no position to verify either at the moment I do suspect from personal experience that they are virtual hosted offices.

Despite the original script, one thing not original is the text. It’s copy/pasted from other online sources so it makes it (even more) obvious to the more experienced HYIP industry players to ignore the claims of InvfairLimited to have anything to do with the currency exchange markets and are more connected with the HYIP industry. Even if they do display various certificates of incorporation. There’s always a fair enough chance of making money from it of course as well as the risk of losing it eventually if you join too late. So as you all know by now try to keep a more diverse portfolio and stay well within an affordable spending limit.



It’s hard to imagine sometimes what the HYIP industry would look like without the MNO monitor. Just after a couple of days online and first having been reviewed a couple of days ago (click here to read it) CrownEarnInvestgroup became a very popular choice among online investors. The admin already asked for some interview questions which were sent to him tonight, so you can expect to see that soon I hope. For now CrownEarnInvestgroup are getting more and bigger every day thanks to some popular short term investment plans – 3.2%-7.91% for 21 days, 102% after 1 day, 136%-144% after 14 days – and instantly processed payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney which are the only payment processors being used. According to the latest newsletter from the admin though the growing popularity of CrownEarnInvestgroup has its downside as well in the form of the ongoing DDoS attacks on their servers on which the admin is promising to react by upgrading their level protection to a higher level by the weekend. Here is the full newsletter from CrownEarnInvestgroup in which the review on MNO blog was also mentioned:
Dear valued investor.
Just a short brief on what happened the last 24 hours.
Now after being online almost 48 hours total our investor list has grown a bit more that 100% just since yesterdays nice numbers thanks to our monitors, and a special thanks to MNO Admin who also published a review of CrownEarnInvestgroup. You can find his review on THIS LINK.
The problem with instant payments to Perfect Money has been solved and we now have 100% instant payments on both Liberty Reserve and PerfectMoney.
Our DDoS provider BlockDos has been working very hard last 48 hours with number 7 heavy attack just arrived. This is the reason for past 45 minutes offline until they cleared off the traffic and made their final setting against the attack. We decided to move our dedicated server to BlockDos Server Park as their service is working better and much faster in their hands without the 45 minutes holes between. This will all be arranged before the coming weekend and we are already preparing the setup. Update will be sent out shortly before the change are made.
We are very sorry for the disturbance regarding the attacks. Just know that its only temporary and we do all necessary steps to give you a 100% positive experience in CrownEarnInvestgroup Ltd.
All best regards, From CrownEarnInvestgroup Ltd.


Popularity coming at a price is not exactly new for the admin of PammGroups Cris. His program has been online for only five days but is already one of the hottest short term programs around. It offers several investment plans with payments processed on expiry on deposits starting from $10 – 105%-130% after 1 day, 117%-225% after 3 days, 143%-600% after 7 days, 200%-1250% after 14 days, 350%-2500% after 30 days. Paying very fast to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, PammGroups was able to attract not only hundreds of investors but also dozens of scammers and spammers who would do anything in order to benefit from the program’s popularity. So the latest newsletter from PammGroups (reviewed here) was a warning against trusting such spammers trying to contact you from the email addresses which do not belong to the admin:
PammGroups Urgent
Hello, I just received a message from a few PammGroups members that someone is sending fake emails from our name offering bigger investment percents than we have. Emails are sent from, thats NOT our email. Our emails are only:
I would never send emails like this, so if you received anything from this fake email please ignore it. Thanks.
Best regards, Cris. PammGroups.


A short update was issued by the admin of SenrosGroup tonight who announced that his program is now available on Twitter. Hopefully it will improve the communication between the admin and his members:
Twitter Added
We hope you will find a minute to read our short notification. SenrosGroup is now available on Twitter! You can not follow our regular updates there and tweet us if you have any questions. Stay tuned for more updates from us soon!
I remind you that SenrosGroup offers instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on three investment plans with principal return on expiry – 1.5% for 15 business days, 1.8% for 25 business days, 2.5% for 50 business days. SenrosGroup has been paying for 45 days already and more info about the program is available in my review published here.


The admin of FACTUnion Amelia who is going to be interviewed on MNO soon issued an update last night announcing 2,000 members after being online for only two months. There was a mention of nine global representatives of the program in total and about the investment calculator. Such a device will be a very useful tool investors in one of the plans offered via AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – 4%-5% for 30 business days (interest credited every hour) and 1.2% for 150 days. As you might remember from my review of FACTUnion posted here I personally recommended the 30 business day as you can get 120% profit overall just within six weeks and the instantly processed payouts on the hourly credited interest will allow the member to be in profit in much shorter period of time than the 150 days plan. In addition, we have to consider the age of the program which is two months old now making the hourly paying plans in FACTUnion even more attractive. Anyway, we will see what Amelia is going to say about that in the upcoming interview on MNO. Stay tuned for that and meanwhile read the latest news from FACTUnion below:
Calculator Added and More…
Lets start from an important and great news, as all of you must be aware that we are very close to reaching 2000 members and 2 months online, This is as perfect as I always expected it to be. There are 2 more representatives of FACTUnion from African regions, and it makes total of 9 representatives for us around the globe. Check our our representatives page for further information:
As promised earlier, we have integrated a simple calculator in those 3 plans boxes. I am sure this will be a helpful addition for most of investors. Simply click on “Calculate” button on any of the plan and enter amount that you are willing to invest. So now what’s next? We are thinking about adding Paid-to-promote feature but we haven’t concluded anything yet therefore we are open for your suggestions.
Also as most of you have noticed, HYIPExplorer finally withdrew from his account and changed our status to PAYING. This is of course a new addition in list of our monitors and it was added after receiving several recommendations from our members. We have now over 27 well known and less known monitors and over 9 reviews published by different blogs in different languages.
You can also expect an interview with Money-News-Online soon! That’s all for now!
Regards, Amelia (Administrator) / FACTUnion.


FXMoguls (reviewed here) reached its 55th day online meaning that it’s been paying for almost two months to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay deposits made into the 2.4%-3.7% for 150 business days plan with principal return on expiry. That also means that in a couple of days from now the first investors of FXMoguls should collect their first profits and with the membership at over 1,200 according to the admin Jason (interviewed here) it can be considered as a welcome sign for future growth as well. In his latest newsletter Jason also mentions his program reaching #7 on MNO monitor, reminded about the investment bonus which is still available for everyone investing over $50, and announced about the addition of an investment calculator. More about the latest developments from FXMoguls can be read in the latest newsletter below:
FXMoguls Newsletter 01-30-2012
It’s time for the weekly FXMoguls update to share with you everything that is happening behind the scenes with FXMoguls and FX Moguls LTD.
Let me start by thanking all members old and new for the phenomenal support we have received. As of today we have over 1200 members and that number is rapidly growing daily. We are quickly becoming a very popular program and with good reason.
We will soon be celebrating our 60 days online and we are going very strong with payments and support continuing as always.
We have added an investment calculator to the FXMoguls website. This was a request from a few members and we thought it was a good idea. So we had it programmed so that you could use it to calculate your investment with us and to also see the power of using the compounding options. We will also be adding this calculator to your member’s area but for the time being it can be found by visiting –
For those of you that follow the MNO blog you will notice that we are his # 7 program at this time. We consider this a great achievement as we are competing against some very well made and well run programs. This is an honor for us and we will surely live up to its expectations.
The deposit bonus for deposits over $50 is still on going. We have however started to look into the possibility of an end date to this promotion so please keep an eye for more information regarding that. From the beginning we always stated that this was limited time and we have decided that it’s is rapidly approaching the point where this promotion can come to an end.
We will choose the winners of our testimonials contest for this week in the coming days.
If you would care to participate you may leave your testimonial for FXMoguls in one of the following threads and you have the chance to win a free $10 upgrade to the processor of your choice.
Here are the qualifying threads for you to participate in:…sc-t393289.html
Please remember also that we pay a 6% referral commission for all members signed up under your unique referral link so please take advantage of that as it is here to benefit you.
Thank you again for being a member of FXMoguls and we wish you much prosperity in the coming week.
FXMoguls Staff”.


Unfortunately, tonight I have to issue the strongest possible warning against investing in EVBusiness. Very similar to the pattern followed by PreMoney before scaming EVBusiness has introduced a new “limited” promotional plan with high returns of 18% for 5 calendar days with principal returned on expiry. The minimum amount to deposit in that plan is $500 which is the price of one unit which can be purchased via LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney. Now the question arises why would on Earth a successful and instantly paying program like EVBusiness announces a new high profit plan which has nothing in common with the original 2.8% for 60 days with principal return on expiry which was explained in detail in my original review of the program posted here and which has now been totally replaced with the new plan. The answer to that question is pretty simple – as with any other program such a new short term plan just means that EVBusiness is going to collapse within a week from now as this plan can be seen as one last attempt to play on the program’s popularity in order to attract the bigger investors before scamming. As I was told in my ShoutBox today the admin of EVBusiness has already used the same trick in his previous program PreMoney where the profit was really paid for a few days but the principals were never returned on expiry meaning all investors lost money. As usual we see the rush marketing strategy so predictable with ponzi scams – invest in this plan today because it will not be available tomorrow. Please do not buy this rubbish and even if you’re still paid instantly by EVBusiness think twice before investing in the program from now on as it might be too late to make any profits from this point on. I will update you on any issues with EVBusiness reported to me within the next few days, but for now the program will stay on Paying status with MNO despite the red flag in the latest update today:
EVBusiness Special Plan
We are glad to announce that we have received an excellent offer from our traders, that made us able to propose special profit for limited time. Since this is a one-time offer, you are highly advised to react as soon as possible. Only 2000 units are available. Each unit worth $500 and minimum deposit amount is only $500 (1 unit). Period of the special plan is 5 calendar days but you can withdraw your initial investment amount earlier than 5 days if you need it. Both of the capital and earnings are fully guaranteed and there is absolutely no risk of losing funds. Members are only allowed to make one time deposit in this plan due to high request. Once all units are sold out, no investment will be allowed in this plan. Deposits are accepted through LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. You can sign in to your current EVBusiness account and make deposit in this plan from “Deposit Funds” section.
Example: If you invest $5,000 LibertyReserve in this plan without compounding, you will receive $9,500 in your LibertyReserve account in 5 calendar days.
Special plan features:
Daily Interest: 18%, Period: 5 Calendar Days, Minimum Deposit: 500$, Referral Bonus: 8%, Principal Back: YES, Compounding Available: YES, Withdraw Type: Fully Instant, Total Return: 190%”.


The same warning sign might be seen by the members of WorldwideCapital (reviewed here), although it’s not so bad as a 10% bonus on the first investment cannot be considered as a serious warning. Still I believe that WorldwideCapital might be struggling at the moment to pay on the offered plans via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – 1.5%-2.3% for 150 business days with principal return on expiry. Since the program has been online for more than four months already the first profits have been already been paid. Therefore, the bonus announcement would be necessary for the program in order to maintain a stable inflow of new funds for the long term and I hope that this is the main reason for the short update posted on the program’s website recently:
Get 10% bonus for a new deposit
We offer you to get 10% one time bonus for creating a new deposit. This limited offer is valid from 30th of January till 29th of February.
Best Regards, Financial Department,


Please note that BaseBucks was officially dropped by MNO today and the admin was properly notified of this. It’s due to some personal issues with him and new information I obtained. I would strongly recommend to stay away from BaseBucks and all other programs run by this admin!

Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: RelaxCapital, WorldwideCapital.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, OneInv, EVBusiness, NewGNi, Royalty7, EurexTrade, FXMoguls, IncomeInt, PammGroups, ForexReflex, LuxorAlliance,  IncomeInt,  WinningProfitsGeniusVenture, FelminaAlliance, ProfitableSunrise, SolidForexLtd, CrownEarnInvestgroup, BensonUnionPlexCapital, FACTUnion, SenrosGroupVascoForex, InvfairLimited (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: LifeTimeProfits, PanamaHedgeFund.
From MNO Basic list: EtoroGainClub, PerfectLottery, AmbrianInvestment, WalesFinance, UFOWin.

That’s all the news I have for you today. Hopefully you found it useful and I’ll see you on MNO again tomorrow!

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