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28/02/2012. BulletProfit Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! BulletProfit has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello all! Well, it’s been a slow enough start to week in the industry, mostly bad news to be blunt, and today’s not really been all that busy either. Maybe encouraging event however was the launch of a new program called BulletProfit which was added to the MNO monitor only yesterday. It’s a mostly short to mid-term HYIP that makes low interest daily interest payments, your profit only coming once BulletProfit return your principal on expiry of the term. So before we move on to what will be a short update for this evening’s news section that’s the program I want to look at in a bit more detail.

Starting with the investment plans, BulletProfit offers three of them in total. They’re all pretty simple and are explained in very basic terms in the program’s FAQ page. The first option, and the most affordable of them, can be joined for a $10 deposit. The term runs for 7 calendar days, during which BulletProfit will pay you a daily rate of 1.6% interest. By the end of the term that adds up to 11.2% which you can count as your profit once your initial principal is handed back. At the time of writing I should point out that that has not happened for anyone yet, BulletProfit being too new. We’ll only see that at the beginning of next week. Maximum amount allowed to deposit in this plan is $500.

The second plan continues with a $100 minimum withdrawal, but runs for a longer term of 15 calendar days. During that time BulletProfit will now be offering you a daily interest payment 2%. That adds up to a straight 30% total profit, but again can only really be considered that once BulletProfit return your principal at the end. And the maximum you are allowed to spend here is $1,500.

And finally the longest term plan – and the riskiest one – runs for a term of 21 calendar days. It’s also the costliest one with BulletProfit requiring a $200 minimum to join so I can’t see it getting all that popular, or at least not before the first plan expires anyway. While the term is running BulletProfit are offering a daily interest payment of 2.5%, all adding up to 52.5% net profit by the end. This of course hinges on your original principal getting returned on expiry.

Payment processing options are typically limited to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. So you all know all transactions are final and refunds are out of the question no matter what happens. Payments are not made instantly and will have to be requested. Once made then the BulletProfit admin asks you to allow him up to 18 hours to complete the transaction.

On the side of security and design there’s a good first impression. Hosting is on a dedicated server protected by one of the leading providers in the industry with BlockDos. BulletProfit is running off a customized script and their website is properly SSL secured. If you need to get in contact with the admin for any further questions or account related issues then then that’s best done by filling in your details on the contact form and submit it. The site also comes with a built-in Live Chat feature, which is available at least for 12 hours daily.

The admin has made a bit of noise about his recently launched advertising campaign and seems serious about spreading the word around the main forums and monitors. That won’t guarantee the popularity of BulletProfit by itself, but it can’t really hurt their chances of it either. The content (ie the texts) seem original which is fine, shows a little effort on the admin’s part at least. I don’t usually pay much attention to them anyway, and when you get to the part where they tell you they have (and I quote) “a proven track record” then neither will you. It’s a brand new HYIP yet to put anyone in profit, so nothing is proven. Other that that they simply mention ForEx trading and the oil industry, though with little to back it up. So as always you need to remember that BulletProfit is an online HYIP, and needs to be treated as such. Remember to try to widen your portfolios if you want to stay in the industry, and also remember there are no guarantees, high profit comes with higher risk, and therefore you need to set yourself a sensible and affordable spending limit that you will stay within.



Please note that any further investments in FXMoguls are strongly advised against at this point. The program has some issues with payouts to LibertyReserve accounts since yesterday and the admin is remaining silent about the whole thing. Most probably FXMoguls is gone completely and will never return to Paying status despite some sporadic instant payouts to AlertPay and PerfectMoney. I must say this collapse didn’t come as a complete surprise for me as the admin of the program behaved kinda weird lately – first he said he was interested in extending the banner spots on MNO blog for another week, but then didn’t actually pay for anything and went silent. Within 24 hours of the banners being removed from MNO there were the first complaints about pending payouts. So, in my opinion the banner and Sticky listing extension on MNO is still a pretty good indicator of if a program is going to scam soon or not. FXMoguls has made profits for its first investors but those who joined the shorter-term plan introduced later lost their money. I believe that less than three months online is not a very good result for FXMoguls being a long-term program which probably suffered by the lack of new deposits due to the sudden collapse of many new and established programs last week, which definitely hurt the industry.


One such program that stopped payouts during the last weekend was PXSense. The admin sent an apology letter last night and disabled all the new upgrades. I must say that with only two months online PXSense proved to be a complete and utter failure with only the very first investors to be in a small profit. Despite all the admin’s efforts to present his program like something unique and different from the rest, he obviously failed to persuade the investors to follow his lead. Well, this is just another miserable failure out of many others these days but at least the admin had the courage to speak openly about that it and closed the new deposit option. Here is the farewell newsletter from PXSense:

PXSense Closing
 Dear Members, PXSense is not in a good position, given the situation that the program had stopped producing enough sales of Upgrades since the start of the year. During the last week there were almost no sales of Upgrades and we were relying entirely on the reserves built during our first month. Now our reserves are finished. You probably have noticed that by the stop of the instant payouts to Alert Pay. The instant payouts returned for a short time due to unexpected deposit which was finished in 24 hours. It was hard to work on developments and trying to fix the situation when it is not delivering the wanted results and attention from the public. Given the above reasons PXSense has to close.
I would like to thank all the promoters who considered PXSense as an exclusive program and showed support.


Please beware of the scamming tactics now in place from the admin of LuxorAlliance. His program has already stopped paying regular investors and currently pays only to monitors some of which still gladly display Paying status for this proven scam. In collaboration with such junk monitors LuxorAlliance is trying their best now to squeeze more money from the unsuspecting investors who for some reason might not read the warnings on MNO or stumble across such junk websites. So for those unfamiliar with what’s going on with LuxorAlliance (on Scam status with MNO now!) is offering a 10% promotional bonus, lol. Come on, don’t you think the deposit bonus will be pocketed along with the rest of your money by the greedy admin who already stopped paying to regular members of the program? I surely think so, guys. Don’t be so gullible to give a single cent to those crooks. Here is that hilarious email with an offer that should be avoided:
Hello Dear LA investors,
Sorry for a delay. Today as we promised we introduce instant withdrawal. And to redeem our fault we’re giving a chance to all our old investors to get 10% on their new deposits. It’s only for 1 username and for 1 deposit. All new users don’t qualify for this promotion but still they can take advantage of our great plans.
Full news report will be published as usual on Friday. Where we’ll tell more about our office video we’re working on and also introduce our country representatives who you will be able to contact directly if you’ll have any concerns.
Best Regards,
LuxorAlliance Team

Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky listHoldingsTrade, AVIFinance, III.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, NewGNi, OneInv, Royalty7, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, ProfitsMax, FelminaAlliance, ProfitableSunrise, SolidForexLtd, BensonUnion, PlexCapital, VascoForex, MyDiamondShare, MoneyEra, BulletProfit (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund.
From MNO Basic list: WalesFinance, UFOWin, AmbrianInvestment, CreditProgramBank.

That’s everything I have for you about tonight, guys. I’m a little sick and staying in bed for the second day in row (caught cold) but I will not stop updating my blog even from that position. In fact it’s not a bad place to work from, lol! So stay tuned for more news and updates on MNO tomorrow!

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