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26/09/2012. SkyCrown Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! SkyCrown has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! As we get further and further into Autumn (I was about to say as the Autumn “hots up” but would just sound silly, lol!) there’s a definite increase in activity in the HYIP industry, and despite the scams that go with it there’s also a noticeable increase in the number of good quality programs offering good money making opportunities. They’ve always been there of course, it’s just that sometimes they’ve been harder to find. But with September drawing to a close as happened in so many years previously, some of the more experienced admins who might have been taking things a bit more slowly during the quiet Summer months are more or less all back working hard again now, and there are some good programs around now to counteract the cheap scams. One of them I hope, fingers crossed anyway, might well be the one I’m looking into tonight – SkyCrown. This is a medium/long term HYIP which joined the MNO Premium List a couple of days ago, and has been running for about two weeks. There’s a couple of interesting features to SkyCrown, much of which is probably a little above average for the industry. But first off let’s start with the investment plans, which by combining profitability with sustainability is what’s really going to bring people’s initial attention to SkyCrown.

Plans are quite OK as long as you’re a fan of longer term HYIPs. You have two options to choose from, though both have quite a lot in common as we shall see. The first is called The Nimbus Prime and it can be joined for a minimum deposit of $25. That’s well above the industry average but hardly enough to break you. The plan runs for 50 business days, or 10 weeks, making interest payments from Monday to Friday at a rate of 3% per day. SkyCrown are counting your principal as part of these payments so it won’t actually be returned at the end. That means you finish up with payments totaling 150%, or your own money plus 50% profit.

In monetary terms that means a $100 investment would yield $3 interest per day, five days per week. You would earn that back, ie break even and not possibly lose anything, after 34 payments which is just short of 7 weeks, and complete the cycle with $150 in total, SkyCrown including your initial hundred as part of that. The maximum deposit in this plan is $5,000, however that is strongly advised against for reasons I am about to explain.

The second plan, called The Excelsior Max, also runs for 50 business days. Interest payments are made from Monday to Friday at a rate of 3.5% per day. The minimum deposit is $250, however because the rate is so much higher here it makes it absolutely pointless to make a deposit of $250 or more into the first SkyCrown plan. Despite the first plan having a maximum limit of $5,000 anything above $250 is made pointless by this second plan paying a better rate for the same term. But anyway, for $250 or more, SkyCrown pay you back 3.5% per business day for ten weeks. This will include your principal so total earnings at the end of the cycle will mean a return of 175%, or your own money plus 75% net profit. Maximum spend is $10,000, though again you may have more than one active deposit running at any one time.

One of the features about SkyCrown that will really catch the eye of a lot of investors, and I think one that could potentially spark the most debate in the HYIP industry as a whole (which I for one would welcome!) is their selection of payment processors. At first glance it may look fine, plenty of choice and some popular names are there. At the moment they are using the likes of EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and just a couple of days ago the newly opened PexPay was added. OK, but no LibertyReserve? Nope. No sign of it. I think I’ve seen about three or four major HYIPs in as many years to operate without using the dubious “services” of LR, but in the case of SkyCrown it’s especially noteworthy that they are being so completely upfront about the reasons why, explicitly stating on their website that LR simply cannot be trusted.

I mean I think it’s regrettable that it’s come to this, but he does have a certain point. Widespread hacking, a customer support department that tells you to get lost because it’s your own fault for getting robbed, and random account blockages for no reason where LR simply take their own members money and refuse to give it back have all added up to leave their reputation in ruins over the last few months. Though truth be told it’s actually been brewing for a lot longer than that. Anyway, the subject’s been covered elsewhere on MNO so I’m not going to distract anyone from SkyCrown‘s review by going over it again here now. It’s enough to say that LibertyReserve is not accepted, the admin makes a very strong case for not dealing with them that I agree with, and there’s plenty of better options open to you, and safer ones than LR.

But for those of you who simply cannot drag themselves away from LR then don’t worry, the SkyCrown admin has a solution for you. He seems to have a sort of “gentlemen’s agreement” with Andrei, the owner of Xchanger to exchange funds for his members at a 0% fee. What’s required of you is to open a PerfectMoney account (which is free of charge and will take about five minutes of your time) and make an investment in SkyCrown through them. If you insist on getting paid to LibertyReserve then OK, you can do so. The money will be exchanged for you via Xchanger, though the SkyCrown admin himself will still not be dealing directly with LR. And who could blame him, lol! But seriously, I do believe this is a smart move and would love to see other admins try something like it. It will protect the integrity of other member’s funds and those of the program itself, while at the same time accommodating LR users while forcing them to shoulder their own risks for themselves. If SkyCrown‘s LR was to be hacked or blocked then all members would lose. This way you can continue to use them if you really prefer to ignore the warnings all over every major forum now, but nobody else has to suffer for it and the rest of the program’s membership won’t be affected.

As for the actual payment schedule itself, all members are required to log in to their SkyCrown members account area to request their payout. Once done, the admin will process it manually. He does this twice per day, every day except for Sunday which he takes off (I guess that’s only fair. He’s earned it if he’s done such a good throughout the week). Payments are processed in the morning from 09.00 to 12.00 noon, and again in the evenings from 18.00 to 21.00 GMT. So if you don’t get your request in on time for one, you should hopefully get it processed in the following round. Also note that withdrawals are processed on Saturdays if you have money in your your account yet to be requested, though you do not actually earn any new money after Friday.

SkyCrown‘s other features, such as design and security, are up to a decent enough standard for the industry. SkyCrown‘s website for example is entirely SSL encrypted in both public and private areas by RapidSSL for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server by BlackLotus who remain one of the leading choices for DDoS protection in the online HYIP industry. The script is customized, looks basically a bit like ProBiz from which I believe they’re basing the general template, but is modified completely to fit the program’s own needs and requirements. But it’s well laid out and easy enough to navigate your way round. If you have any further questions, comments, or account related issues then you can get in touch with the SkyCrown support team by a wide variety of methods. There’s the usual support ticketing form which you can fill out and submit via the contacts page, or else just mail them directly at the address provided – it probably ends up in the same inbox whichever you use anyway. However there’s a Live Chat feature for anyone looking to have their questions answered in real time, as well as a telephone number and postal address in Switzerland. From personal experience these things are mostly serviced virtual offices, perfectly legal and hugely beneficial to millions of small businesses the world over, but unlikely to be the place to find SkyCrown‘s owners were you to arrive unannounced. For those of you who enjoy social media/networking sites, you’ll also find SkyCrown on Facebook and Twitter.

Overall I’d say I was impressed with the effort put into this one. Plenty to read and refreshingly absent are the only two words HYIP copy writers ever seem to know these days – “copy” and “paste”, lol! Quite original though as always in this industry devoid of substance. For the record SkyCrown are saying they are involved with “private equity investment” though give very little information to expand on that let alone proving it. I know the more experienced players who make up the majority of the MNO readership will know this and won’t object to me repeating it, because it’s more for the benefit of newbies than anyone else. Handing money over to someone you can’t trace is a high risk venture, no matter what that person would prefer you to think. So act sensibly, don’t be afraid of the risk because a hell of a lot of people are making good money from this business, but there’s always a danger and you need to be prepared for it. That means basing you spending on what you can afford to lose rather than what you would ideally wish to win, and if you decide to go ahead and join SkyCrown then try to keep them as a smaller part of a larger more diverse portfolio. But this could very well grow into one to watch over the coming Autumn and Winter months, and maybe even beyond if we’re really lucky.



Finally today the admin of ROInvest added EgoPay as the second payment processor. If you didn’t have a chance to read my detailed review of the program published on MNO last night I remind you it’s part of a bigger strategy of the gradual increasing of the maximum deposits allowed in ROInvest and adding more and more payment processors with time. Please remember that unlike PerfectMoney withdrawals that are processed instantly on both plans offered by the program – 1.7%-2.7% for 50 business days (principal back) and 3.5%-4.5% for 50 business days (principal included) – the withdrawals to EgoPay will be processed manually by the admin, so please allow up to 24 hours to get paid after submitting a withdrawal request. The next in line is SolidTrustPay which will be added to the site in three days. In fact you can see the countdown on the website showing the time left until that happens.

The admin of ROInvest also mentioned my review as this will definitely boost the ratings of his program and it was totally unbiased, explained in basic English how it works, and listed both good and bad points of the website you might be also interested to read it here before considering an investment with ROInvest. For more on all that please read the latest newsletter from the program below:

ROInvest – Egopay added
Dear ROInvest members,
Egopay has now been added to the site. The clock has been reset and in just over 3 days STP will be added, check the clock on our site to know the exact time.
A reminder that Egopay withdrawals are MANUAL and take up to 24 hours. STP, LR and PM (When added) withdrawals are all AUTOMATIC.
We had our review on MNO yesterday, it’s a very detailed and honest review and really highlights the features that ROI has, i was very happy in reading it, as MNO is one of the biggest if not the biggest hyip monitor site. You can read the review here:
A note that if you have a withdrawal pending with PM, it is because you need to fill in your PM number in your ROInvest back office.
Have a good week everyone, i`ll be sending another news letter when STP is added.


The admins of JustTripler launched just yesterday and will be fully reviewed on MNO on Friday sent out the first newsletter where they welcomed the first members and reported on the first successes. JustTripler offers 7% for 21 calendar days plan for a minimum deposit of $30 accepted via all the popular payment options including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay. Withdrawals are processed within 24 hours, usually much faster, and the minimum to withdraw was reduced to $1 so now even the small investors can cashout daily. The full version of JustTripler‘s first newsletter can be read below:

Welcome Message from JustTripler
Esteemed members,
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome all our members who joined and invested in our program, Our program launching is a great success, as you can see in our stats we have been receiving a positive response to online investment community. We already have almost 200+ members in less than 24hrs of our operation. Our advertising effort is really paying off, we have bought several banners in top forums and blogs as well as Monitoring site.
Our FAQ page has been updated from time to time to ensure that all your question are being answered, our support personnel is handling support email in timely manner to provide fastest response to all your inquiry, we also have skype support that you can use for immediate solutions for your account problems.
Well that’s all for today newsletter, we will keep in touch to address all members concerns as well as to update everyone on our current status. Please note: we have reduced the minimal withdrawal amount to $1USD for more and more members to earn from the referral program.
Thank You, Regards
Mardy and Mark”.


Following up my story from yesterday, the admin of OdoFx finally replied to my email concerning the website accessibility and promised to fix the issue with logging in which he did within a few hours afterwards. So everything is working perfectly well now and the withdrawals from 1.9%-3.5% for 210 business days plan with principals returned on expiry are processed instantly to LR and PM and manually to EgoPay. I was paid as usual by OdoFx today and moved the program back to Paying status on MNO then. In my response to the technical difficulties acknowledged and subsequently fixed by him he also promised to add SolidTrustPay to the list of accepted payment processors soon of which I will report if he does so. Here is the email from the admin of OdoFx (reviewed here) for your information:

Hello Sir
Thank you Patience.
Problem was happened because we have install SSL again and some file was misplaced. Now all are ok.
Please allow us 24 hours to fix any problem in future also.
Any suggestion are welcomed by us to improve program.
Hopefully , we will enable STP within this week. We are looking for pexpay also.
Regards, Admin”.


Most likely the site of HourHour is gone for good unfortunately having been paying only for three weeks. The blame is currently not on the admin though but oddly enough on its domain registrar who accused the admin on running a HYI program and suspended the domain. Surely it’s impossible to resolve this but I would seriously hope for a good resolution if HourHour was not a website offering such high returns. Even if the admin Kirk is able to get a back-up of the site from his hosting provider onto an alternative domain I doubt very much he could repair the damage and attract many members for round two. Anyway, we will see what happens next but in your place I wouldn’t be too hopeful of HourHour resuming anytime soon. Anyway, since I got an explanation from the admin today and since the website is offline with the domain suspended I will keep HourHour on Waiting status on MNO for a couple of days and see what happens, but don’t hold your breath. Here is the latest news I got from Kirk recently and if I find out anything else I’ll let you know:

Dear HourHour members,
You may notice that our site was down since about 24 hours before. We suddenly received a mail from our domain registration saying our domain has been suspended. We never heard of it before. We have contacted our host provider to see if they had a backup of our site. If yes, we will change a domain name and run again. Thank you for your patience.
We observe that the domain name is involved in HYIP. Since such an activity is in violation of our AUP, we have suspended it. We have taken this action after reviewing the following evidences.
You may refer to the REGISTRAR REGISTRANT AGREEMENT in your Control Panel at Help -> Legal Agreements for our AUP / TOS.
PDR, Abuse Desk.”


The first program added to my Premium list today is BinarySuccess. It’s a brand new short term program which just launched today and strangely for this type of program accepts all the popular payment processors including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay. For a minimum of $10 you can join various plans each paying you on expiry of your investment – 105%-130% after 1 day, 120%-210% after 3 days, 190%-300% after 5 days, 320%-420% after 7 days, 625%-850% after 15 days, 1750%-2000% after 30 days. You must realize that even though BinarySuccess is very new the risk is still high, so please only invest what you can afford to lose and remember that the longer the plan the higher the risk involved. Since the site is running off a licensed GoldCoders script you have to make a withdrawal request for your earnings and then wait for up to 24 hours to get it processed. The first withdrawals are already processed in my account, and I must say they were done quite fast, however it’s no guarantee for the future. The admin just reported about installing an SSL certficate from Comodo, plus BinarySuccess website is hosted on a dedicated server by Koddos. More about BinarySuccess will be able in the upcoming review on MNO soon!


The second program added to Standard Listing on MNO today was Hero10. It’s a brand new program also launched today and offering from 7% to 10% returns (depending on the invested amount starting from $10) for the duration of 20 business days with no principal return. Immediately one can see that the layout of the program and its structure and texts are copied from the very successful Royalty7. It looks like the admin would like to make the average investor think that it’s run by the same administration. Unfortunately it’s not true as at the core of the website is the script, and it’s far from being original. It’s a basic no-frills licensed GoldCoders script. Although the choice of payment processors accepted by Hero10 is quite good with SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney all included. Payments are promised within 24-48 hours which is quite a reasonable time for a program like Hero10 and again copies the timeframe in Royalty7. The site is properly SSL-secured and hosted on a dedicated server by CloudFlare, although I have already noticed some downtime and am quite concerned if Hero10 will be able to withstand serious DDoS attacks on its servers. Anyway, the fact that the admin of Hero10 is obviously trying to copy another more successful program is quite concerning and I hope he doesn’t have some bad intentions in mind by doing this. Of course it’s not similarities with another successful program from the past make or break a site because most HYIPs share a number of common traits, but surely it will not be taken by the investors as a sign of originality. Let’s see how it goes and I will give you more thoughts about the program in the upcoming review of Hero10 to be published on MNO soon!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: TheMoneyGalaxy, IntraFunds.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, Finvance, RightFiveProfitableSunriseEurexTrade,  TheBig5, FelminaAlliance, PlexCapital, Bull&BearCapital, BensonUnion, PipsFund, AtlanticVision, RoyalUnion, DiamondAsset, SkyCrown, ROInvest, ProsperaNova, ForexEarn, JustTripler, OdoFx, BinarySuccess (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, Alconoil, SingleStepInvestment.
From MNO Basic list: AoGo, StallionGold.

That’s all for tonight. See you all tomorrow with a detailed review of ForexEarn and the regular daily news from the HYIP industry. Stay tuned and hope to see you on MNO tomorrow for more!

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