10/05/2013. HighlightFinance Review and Daily News from the Industry
Beware! HighlightFinance has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone! Friday’s here again so I hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend and a couple of days off, especially if you have any plans now that the summer is getting started. Anyway, before moving on to this evening’s news stories I want to take a closer look at a short term program called HighlightFinance. You may well know the name already as they’ve been online for several weeks now, around about a month or so in fact. So to start off with this is something you will need to consider very carefully before joining, assuming you like the look of HighlightFinance‘s other main features at all that is. It’s by no means a new program in comparison to the plans they offer, and as we all know, HYIPs have a beginning and an end. Just how close we are to the end of this one is what makes the whole business such a gamble.
What you have here is three pretty basic short term plans which run for various lengths of term. All of them pay you just once on expiry so clearly some are carrying a higher degree of risk than others. But to be fair the HighlightFinance admin has kept the minimum deposit levels very affordable for all three plans so in reality the risk really only becomes an issue when you yourself start gambling with money you shouldn’t. Remember you can only lose the rent money if you gamble with the rent money, and no one is suggesting that you do that. So the first option you are presented with is called simply The Normal Plan and it runs for a term of 3 calendar days. You need a basic minimum of just $6 to join, and can spend anything up to an $8,000 maximum. On expiry of the term HighlightFinance offer to pay you back 112% interest from which they are also including your initial deposit. So that’s going to be your own money plus an extra 12% net profit on top.
Plan number two then is called The Professional Plan. It runs for an extended term lasting for 7 calendar days, again making just one single repayment to the member on expiry so like I said the risk does go up. It is still affordable however as the admin has kept the minimum price of joining to just $6, though the maximum goes up to $18,000. On expiry then you receive a payment of 132% where HighlightFinance are including your principal, so it’s your own money back plus 32% net profit for yourself on this occasion.
The third and final plan, called The HighLight Plan, runs for a term of 16 calendar days. You can join for a $6 minimum while the maximum stretches to $28,000 this time, the most accepted in any of HighlightFinance‘s plans. You receive just one single payment on expiry which is promised to be 180% of your initial spend. HighlightFinance include your principal in that payment so this time it’s your own money back plus 80% net profit. I’m not saying that’s impossible, but highly unlikely to either be sustained for any significant number of cycles or completed regularly to anyone other than the smaller investors. Having said that, it doesn’t necessarily have to impact the program’s cash flow if nobody actually joins it, and considering the risk involved is likely to be the case. Perhaps not exactly nobody, but I would suspect investors in this plan to be very much in the minority.
Payment options for the members of HighlightFinance are fair enough in the sense that all the popular processors are included. You can make deposits and withdrawals in the program through any of SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve. Payments are made manually and so will need to be requested first from within your private members account area. Once done the HighlightFinance admin requires anything up to a further 48 hours to complete the transaction, which I have to say stretching the acceptable limits to say the least. Sure, I know that plenty of other programs have similar terms and conditions and that 48 hours is nothing out of the ordinary. But the difference here is that HighlightFinance is a short term high risk program and is going to have a far higher turnover of members. If you want to keep things moving then faster more reliable payments are critical.
Aside from the age of the program making any longer term future to it unviable, I’m also a bit concerned about the security of it all. I mean on one hand HighlightFinance seem to have made an initial effort to protect the website with hosting on a dedicated server and anti DDoS measures, but then they seem to undo a lot of that work with cheap pirated scripts. Anyway, I guess it’s entirely up to you whether this bothers you or not, I’m just here to describe the facts for you which are as follows. HighlightFinance are hosted on a dedicated server by BlackLotus, and have a separate arrangement for DDoS protection with BlockDos. The script is an unlicensed version of GoldCoders so in the event of any backdoors or faults turning up there then you’re pretty much on your own. GoldCoders themselves will (rightly) have neither the interest nor the obligation to provide any tech support or backup. In the interests of fairness however I guess I should tell you what the admin told me when I asked about this. Basically he says he has his own programmer who he trusts more than those employed by GoldCoders themselves, and if there’s a problem then that’s who’s going to be dealing with it. Make what you want from that, as at the end of the day it’s your money we’re talking about here and not anybody else’s. For any further questions about this or any other aspects to the program you can get in touch with the HighlightFinance admin by completing the online support ticketing form on the contacts page and submitting it.
Texts and website content are original, or at least in the sense that I don’t believe them to be a copy/paste taken from another site. In the sense that it tells us something we haven’t heard in this business before, then not really. For the record HighlightFinance claim to be “competent” (their word) ForEx traders. There’s no further information on how that particular activity can generate 80% profit plus cover whatever costs they have in running the program (which doesn’t include a script, lol!) so I suggest you skip that. Experienced players will know this anyway, I just feel the need to repeat it for the newbies. Treat HighlightFinance as you would any high risk HYIP, play with money you can afford to lose, keep your expectations modest, and if joining try to use them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
Only after ten days online did the admin of RouletteGURU Seb manage to send out the first newsletter addressed to investors. The program which takes LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, or EgoPay offers a 3% for 90 business days plan with principal returned on expiry. More information on RoulettRouletteGURUeGURU is always available in the review published on MNO here which Seb kindly introduced in his newsletter today. The admin also asked all current investors to support the program on the list of monitors the link to which he also published in the newsletter by voting straight after receiving their daily withdrawals. AlertExchanger was introduced as an official exchange partner for the site, and although I’m not quite sure how this partnership will be beneficial to the members of RouletteGURU apart from its admin, I think you might find them helpful for your e-currency account handling. Here’s the newsletter from RouletteGURU in its entirety:
“Member Newsletter 10. May 2013
Hello all
More than 600 new members have signed up in the last 10 days, so I guess it’s time to say Hello! Thank you all, we didn’t expect such an overwhelming acceptance and are glad to have all of you with us.
My name is Sebastian Blitzer and I am the administrator of RouletteGURU.
Few things I like to point out today:
Last Sunday we have been reviewed by the well known Money-News-Online blog. Money-News-Online has been the preferred source of information for online investors for many years. Please read our review here.
Earlier this week our Ratings, or Monitoring page was added to our website. Please check our payment status here . We would appreciate it if you could take the time to vote for us with one of the monitors or post your payment proof in one of the investment forums. Networking is powerful and extremely important and will help us to be at your service for a long time to come.
Also, we are pleased to announce that we have reached a mutual agreement with alertexchanger.com and announce AlertExchanger as our official Exchange Partner.
AlertExchanger is a trusted e-currency exchange service in business since 2008.
And that’s all for today folks! Take care until next time.
Yours truly, Seb”.
There are two possible reasons why CapitalPartnersInvest suddenly announced this Thursday and Friday as extra days off in addition to Saturday and Sunday when the project doesn’t credit investors accounts anyway. First, it could be a cash flow issue that the admin is hoping someone will come and invest between now and Sunday, so it will be possible to process withdrawals again on the coming Monday. Second, it could be due to the Victory Day long weekend celebrated in Russia right now and, as CapitalPartnersInvest is obviously of Russian origin, the more likely version. However we cannot rule anything out so I would advise to hold off from investing in CapitalPartnersInvest until Monday when payments should resume. There are three investment plans with principal returned on expiry – 2% for 30 business days, 2.5% for 40 business days, 3% for 50 business days – accepted exclusively via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. More on CapitalPartnersInvest which has been listed on MNO for over three weeks now can be read in my review published here. Hopefully we’ll see the program back to normal by then, but better safe than sorry as the reason for additional days off was not explained in the update posted yesterday:
“Dear investors!
Pay attention to the operational changes of CapitalPartnersInvest for the next few days.
May 9 and 10 are days of rest.
May 11 and 12 are calendar days of rest.
All bids for payment which entered on May from 9 to 12 will be processed on Monday 13.05.2013.
CapitalPartnersInvest works in former mode of operation according to the set schedule and company rules till May 9.
Have a nice weekend!
Information support service of CapitalPartnersInvest.”
AlphaGains which pays 10%-13% for 13 days plan via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve sent another newsletter today. There were some adjustments made to the withdrawal requests that requires now having at your balance at least $1.05 when requesting payments to STP and EgoPay, as a 4% withdrawal fee was introduced recently. Due to an incident with the automatic creation of thousands of accounts done by malicious software a turing number was introduced when logging into your account to fix the problem. The admin also reminds members about the existing Skype and Facebook accounts for proper communication between him and other investors. However the least expected was the explicit recommendation of another program TetraFunds that was also added to Premium listing on MNO today and is allegedly run by the admin’s “friend”. I’ll discuss the similarities and differences between the two programs in my introduction of TetraFunds posted below, and here is the latest newsletter from AlphaGains (reviewed here):
“AlphaGains NEWS
Dear AlphaGains Members,
A few things to talk about, firstly what a week and what a start to a long, healthy future with Alpha.
I few people are making $1.00 withdrawals still, but with the new 4% withdrawal fees you can only request $1.05 or more. So the MIN is $1.05 for STP and EGOPAY. LR and PM there is NO MIN amount you have to withdraw.
I have add TURNING CODES to the site for when you have to login, these are a pain and take a few seconds, i know i hate them sometimes but they have been added to stop mass creating of accounts that were found today.
Most of you know me on SKYPE: michael.invest.holls
And you have joined our SKYPE group but FACEBOOK is were i have decided to improve on, and i have today hired 2 trusty Admins to look after the group and i will also try and be on there as often as i can: https://www.facebook.com/groups/613587018651455/
Finally, a friend of mine have opened a site that is just a few days old, having known him a long time and done alot of business with him in the past, i thought i would take the time to repay all the friendship that he shown me in the pass by sharing his site with you: TetraFunds.
He, like us, has long term goals and his plans are equally stable, we will be helping each other and we shall be advising each other when needed.
Thank You to everyone that has made AlphaGains so special and thank you everyone for your support, the people i speak to on SKYPE daily have been amazing and helped me a lot.
Regards, Admin Michael”.
TetraFunds is a new project that joined Premium listing on MNO today after having been online for three days. Yes, the one recommended by the admin of AlphaGains (and possibly even managed by him!). Well, there are some similarities with AlphaGains as both sites are hosted on a dedicated server by BlackLotus and are using Comodo SSL encryption. However, the main advantage of TetraFunds is that it’s running off a custom made script which is developed specially for this program (although I could swear I’ve seen the very same one just recently in another program whose name I can’t remember). TetraFunds offers two investment plans. The first offers 2.5% for the duration of 120 business days and since compounding is not allowed in this plan you will finish the term with 300% pure profit as the initial investment is also returned. You can have your principal back either at the end of the term or after 60 business days for an 18% penalty fee. The second plan is NOT recommended as it pays you a slightly higher investment rate of 3% for a slightly shorter investment period of 100 business days. However, please note that in the second plan there is a 100% compulsory compounding rate in place, so you will NOT be allowed to withdraw anything until the end of the term. I found the description of the plan given on TetraFunds website confusing, so please do not fall into this trap, but if you invest in that 100% compounding plan and change your mind later you can still withdraw your principal earlier than the expiry date for a 9% fee. Still better than waiting for a highly unlikely return of 2,000% which you are told to expect on expiry. Expect it all you want, but I doubt very much you’re going to get it. The minimum to invest in both plans in TetraFunds is $10 and there is quite a good choice of payment processors available, including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. Also note that the minimum withdrawal is $5, so take that into consideration if you’re a smaller investor or someone who just plays for fun. A more detailed review is coming next week, so stay tuned for that!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Money&Credit, RewardsWeekly, NorthlandOpps, MalaysianINC, LuxuryLife, NEOMutual, BriscoFund, MoneyInSports, AbsoluteGainFenix, RonWards, EmpireFinanceGroup, EarningAlliance, Jango, SecureAssets, AlphaGains, PrimeInvest, EuroStar, RouletteGURU, SimplyTwelve, AuroraUnion, JLBCO, AdroCapital, HighlightFinance, BlackGold.
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: 12DailyFund, PrimeLookUp, SloansLoans, ForexShare, FiamaCorp, SanderaGroup.
That’s all for tonight guys. But before I go I just wanted to report the inaccessibility of AustralianBusinessGroup today, which has been going on for a few hours now so I had to move it to Waiting status on MNO. Hopefully tomorrow access will be restored and if I hear more by then I’ll let everyone know then along with the latest news from the HYIP industry. I’ll also have a more detailed review of a long-term program BlackGold. Enjoy your weekend, guys, and see you again tomorrow!
/em admin by completing the online support ticketing form on the contacts page and submitting it.
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on May 10th, 2013. Comment.