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15/11/07. News: BPP Reached 10% Today!


Well, it seems like another kind of promotion to boost the daily percentage in BusinessProfitPro started today. Here is what one of the admins told: “Today, Nov.15th server date, we are going to try and raise that Daily ROI to 5%. Here’s what’s going to happen, if we get enough upgrades to lift that up to 5% or more, I will set it to 10% so you get the Max Daily ROI tomorrow! Let’s make this happen, RACE TO 5%!” I think the idea was great and at the moment of writing this post the daily ROI was 4.56%. But is it possible to get another 0.44% for the three hours left until the server time day ends? Yes, with the support of the members. Will it help boost the participation and reinvestments level in the future? Yes, certainly. My opinion: the admins should constantly promote this new program and therefore help it grow in every possible way. I’m sure they are great marketers and have all the necessary experience to get BPP back on track. The problem is some members are not able to understand how this program works. It’s a profit share type of program similar to LightHalzen which was a very successful one. It means the more you reinvest the more you will get in the end. Some members consider this as a usual type of HYIP and try to withdraw everything they can. These tactics lower the ROI even more every day. Therefore these members trying to withdraw everything will not get all those benefits which will get the members supporting the program. I hope soon all the members will see all the benefits of such attitude and will keep reinvesting more. For example, I’m on CEO level with 100% reinvestment daily and just deposited 3$ more (that’s all I have in my LR account at the moment). It’s now less than 3 hours left and the future of BPP is up to all of you. So let’s help BusinessProfitPro grow and feel free to deposit till we have the time!

Charles from SurfMargin opened a new site in Spanish. That is exciting news as the program keeps expanding. There are many plans for the future which soon will be implemented. This is the latest update from Charles:
The new fee payment options system seems to be working OK and in removing the script from the personal page some of you fee payers got left behind but I am catching up. To speed things up I am paying out the fee payers as – is (in other words deducting the fee) if you have gone over the time for payment just send me a ticket and I will credit you with the fee amount after I have caught up with all the current payments.
Whilst we’re talking about tickets the new ticket system is up and running now and I have knowledgeable assistance in the guise of ANGUS AKA “angusmitch” Angus (a Brit/Scot living in Manchester) has been with us as a member from practically day 1 and knows the system inside out. So if you need to talk to him when he is online (his code is Operator #1) you’ll know who it is your speaking to because he posts lots of comment on here.
The video should be up and running by the weekend. I know we are all looking forward to that. The Spanish language site is also on-line ( but is still a work in progress as we translate some of the not so obvious pages. All in all a lot of work is going on behind the scenes for you. Next week we will probably start on the scripting for the new Member Advertising Agents opportunity. If you haven’t heard about that it was announced at the conference and will be part of the video
By the way, today’s percentage is 14% so why not grab this perfect opportunity and become a member today?

Remember I told you in my last post, that you should backup computer files regularly. People who are opting for cheap web hosting should particularly have an efficient backup solution by subscribing a right package that includes a backup hosting service. This is why one should keep with latest data recovery software. Due to increased frequency online file sharing, issues of data loss are getting more severe. Before changing web design, refreshing the backup files is very important. So remember to find an appropriate solution and back-up your files if you’re a webmaster.

I just received a completed interview from Larry, admin of AttractiveAds and it will be published tomorrow here. So stay tuned!

P.S. Remember to request payments in AttractiveAds and Xtreme-Hits tomorrow! Friday is only day you can request payments there.

P.P.S. BusinessProfitPro has reached max cap of 10% today! I think this is the beginning of the new explosion which we will see soon. And it proves that the members can support the program they trust.

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