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Hi, guys! This year started with great news for me. I finally got my pending payment from SurfMargin which I was awaiting from December 7. But does this mean that it’s safe to upgrade now? Well, I feel kinda ambivalent about it. On one hand, it’s obvious that Charles started to catch up with all the pending payments. It appears that he has finally received all the necessary funds from his offline partners. The surfers are also feeling comfortable and upgrading, for instance the ROI for today was 7%, and yesterday it was 8%. But on the other hand, the situation is quite unclear at the moment and Charles hasn’t yet come out with some announcement about the future of SurfMargin. There have been many plans announced lately but it seems that not much has been realized yet. For example, I can’t see any upgrades on the Spanish version of the SurfMargin site, the offices seemed to be open but nobody knows their real addresses, also I didn’t hear much about the franchising plan that Charles mentioned in his videocast for ASAmonitor. So it would be really appreciated by all the members if Charles could update us on the near future of SurfMargin. I have no doubts about Charles’ capabilities as an admin but considering all these events and instability of the site I decided to reupgrade only with the minimum amount in both sites run by Charles: SurfMargin and MultiStreamOnline. So only Charles himself can answer the question if SurfMargin is really back on track? I may upgrade with a greater amount when I see this answer, but not now.

There seems to have been another successful day for FastProfitPro today. The admin of the site just mentioned on the MMG forum the following: “ANOTHER RECORD BREAKING DAY!!! Yes, that is our FUNDS STATUS since yesterday… and it will stay that way as long as you break the record everyday. AND TODAY, YOU DID IT AGAIN with still an hour to go! Congrats!” Well, if you look at the Alexa rankings for FastProfitPro you will see that the site is growing steadily and gradually. And this means that it’s still safe to invest here in my opinion. Recently Dave suggested to change the plan from 20% for 6 days to 15% for 8 days but then changed his mind. He did it right in my opinion because FastProfitPro is really stable now but any change could be harmful for the program’s lifecycle. Fortunately, Dave always listens to his members’ opinions making the right conclusions afterwards. I’m sure that with such an admin we have a bright future ahead for a very long time.

I received another payment last night from Larry. AttractiveAds is going great and still expanding as Larry does everything possible to promote his program. I’m going to make another upgrade tomorrow. With such great results and three and a half months online I cannot see a reason why AttractiveAds cannot grow further.

The other site I joined a couple of days ago is QXLsurf. It offers 7% for 17 days with a payment after expiry. It’s quite a conservative rate in my opinion, especially considering the 3% deposit fee. Anyway, I’m going to make a review of this site tomorrow and tell you the reasons why I chose it.

If you noticed I exceeded my bandwidth last night and my site was offline for more than 12 hours. I find it intolerable and since the amount of my visitors is growing every day I have made a decision to change my hosting provider sometime in January. So there will be further downtime which will take up to 72 hours. I will notify you about it beforehand and hope that it will not affect my daily news reporting job much. I’m still in the process of picking up a good provider and hosting plan for my website so if you have suggestions regarding the best hosting to choose please feel free to email me or leave a suggestion in the comments section after this post. It will be appreciated to find a piece of good advice from you.

See you tomorrow for QXLsurf review, guys!

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