23/03/2010. ArbsTeam Review and Other News
Hi everybody! The second program I want to talk about tonight is one just introduced on MNO a few hours ago this afternoon. It’s called ArbsTeam and I have to say I have a good feeling about this one. It could well prove a very popular pick among the online investing community. But don’t just take my word for it, see for yourself because speaking from experience I think a lot of you will like this one. It is in some ways quite unique and of very good quality.
ArbsTeam has four plans to chose from. All are of the perpetual “no expiry date” style so once you join you should expect to be paid for as long as the program survives. The plans themselves can further be divided into two sub-sections – those that pay daily and those that pay weekly.
I imagine daily payments are a bit more popular so that’s where I’ll start. The first plan accepts deposits of a minimum of $10 up to a maximum of $5,000. In return you are offered a daily interest payment of 1.6% for however long the program runs for. Potentially that could be a very long time, with the right management and the support of the members that is. But all you need to worry about is breaking even. At 1.6% per day that will happen after 63 days. After that, it’s pure profit all the way with (in theory) no real limits. Keep in mind however that if choosing this option your principal is locked in permanently and will not be returned at any point in the future. So when depositing just make sure that you can wait that long to break even.
It’s a slightly different story for larger investors however. The next plan will return your principal, but only if you ask for it and only after a lock-in period of 100 days. Other than that you are still subject to the same conditions, ie you will be paid interest on your deposit for as long as ArbsTeam is in operation. The plan itself is open to deposits starting from a minimum of $5001 up to a maximum of $50,000. In return you will be paid a daily rate of 1.8%, allowing you to break even after 56 days. By the time you are allowed to withdraw your principal comes around you should we substantially in profit so personally I don’t see why you’d want to, but never mind, the decision remains yours alone.
And so with the second set of plans we see ArbsTeam move on to weekly payments. The first plan here is open to deposits starting from a $10 minimum up to a maximum of $5,000. In return for that you are offered a weekly interest payment of 13%. An investment of the same value in the daily plan would yield a return of 11.2% over a seven day period. The higher payment this time reflects a higher risk for you and a little less work for the admin, so consider if you feel the increase is a fair one before deciding which is more suitable for you. Anyway, at 13% per week you would break even in 8 weeks and start collecting pure profit after that. Just remember that your principal will not be returned in this plan, so be sure you only play with money you can do without until you have broken even.
The final plan from ArbsTeam is another weekly payment one, except this time it’s for larger investors and will return your principal should you wish to leave. The lock-in period this time is 14 weeks. The minimum deposit will be $5001 and the maximum is $50,000. The rate of interest will be 14% per week allowing you to break even again after 8 weeks.
There are a couple of other points I’d like to make briefly about the investment plans here. First of all ArbsTeam will take deposits made in your choice of either dollars or euros. As always I’ve opted to describe them in dollars as that is the choice of most MNO readers, but if you prefer euros then the option is there for you. The ratio is a straight 1:1 so minimum spends are €10 or €5001, depending on your chosen plan.
The accepted payment methods include LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay, and EcuMoney. ArbsTeam are not using a script to run their website and I think one of the practical advantages of that is payments are therefore made directly into your e-currency account every day (or every week as the case may be) without the need to request anything. You just sign up and sit back, the rest is done automatically for you.
Granted there may be a down side to not having a script. Most people’s problem with that is that they don’t have a member’s area or “back office” where they can view their transaction history. My own answer to that is that you should be keeping your own personal records in an offline file anyway. Personally I like to write everything down in a journal, I suggest you all do the same.
One thing that certainly isn’t affected by not using a script is your security. Obviously if you don’t have an account area then you don’t have an account that can get hacked. Transactions are still very secure however as ArbsTeam are using an SSL-encrypted channel as supplied by Comodo. Hosting is provided by Koddos who have them on a dedicated and protected server. So there is little for you to worry about on that front.
The overall design of the ArbsTeam website is excellent. Very professional throughout, well explained, and easy to navigate. They even have a stats page which is updated every day outlining how much they are generating for the members. You may relate any questions or support related issues to the admin via the online ticketing system, or directly to a number of different e-mail addresses with each one dealing with a particular subject, eg technical problems, customer services, etc.
The only real criticism of ArbsTeam I would have is with the texts, but the amount of investors out there who absolutely could not possibly care less about that hardly makes it worth mentioning. As a business ArbsTeam are claiming to be involved in the field of arbitrage betting. The thing is however that their explanation of how arbitrage betting works is taken from other sources and can easily be found on the net. I’d just be a lot more convinced of it’s authenticity if it were original. But you know even if it was original I’d still be telling you to treat them with all the caution that should go with any online HYIP game.
Well worth a couple of bucks as part of a diversified portfolio. And when I say a couple I mean keep it sensible and keep it affordable. ArbsTeam is an excellent HYIP but there are no guarantees. No reason to be afraid of that but just don’t forget it either.
I have already started the news in the earlier post today so do remember to take a look at that as well. Let’s continue now with Cashift (reviewed here). As you know from my review Cashift has two plans to choose from: 10% for 12 days with daily payouts and 135% after 12 days with one-off payment on expiry. Four payment processors are being accepted including: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and StrictPay and the minimum to invest in each plan is only $5. If you’re a member of Cashift already you might be interested to read the newsletter I received from the program’s admin today:
“I hope everyone is having a good day today just like us here at Cashift. I want to invite everyone to check out this link to read the review about our website, Cashift.
Over 400 people have registered on our website already and we are very pleased about this. It only means that more and more people are starting to realize that they made a good choice in joining Cashift.
I do have some reminders to the members today. Please visit the monitors page when you get paid and post some votes on our monitors. They are there for you to vote on. Then if you want to go the extra mile, then visit the forums after.
Here is the link to the forums page:
Then here is the link to the list of the monitors:
Another reminder for those who requests AlertPay withdrawals below $1. Please be reminded that only withdrawal requests for AlertPay in the amount of $1 or higher will be processed because AlertPay does not process transactions below $1.
Thank you for spending some time reading our news and updates for you.
Much Regards, Owen Dawson”.
I have some problems trying to withdraw from AtlantisMutual (reviewed here). The website is very slow and sometimes the pages are almost impossible to load. The admin (interviewed here) offered a reward for any information about the recent DDoS-attack on their servers which affected the site’s accessibility. AtlantisMutual, offer several plans with payouts processed instantly on expiry to your LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts (105% after 7 days, 120% after 21 days, 191% after 60 days, 293% after 90 days, 391% after 120 days). AtlantisMutual has been monitored by MNO for over 6 months already and still shows remarkable results. Here is the latest update from them which will hopefully be back to normal soon:
“Network speed
Atlantis MIA staff apologize for slow work of AtlantisMutual servers, which is a result of a recent DDoS attack. Currently we are filtering out flood traffic and expect network speed get back to normal shortly. Legal investigation has been initiated as well. If you have any information on the attack, please get back to us at maintenance@atlantismutual.com. Reward is granted.
Should you have any issues with your account due to slow network speed, please contact us for immediate assistance.”
I totally lost the site of InvestAward now which first showed some problems last night. I have to move the site to Waiting status on my monitoring page and will update you if I hear something new about that. The site is now not accessible for over 24 hours which is not a good sign at all.
If you search for a good place to get rid of $30K to $200K there is no better place to do so than SotInvest (reviewed here). The returns are ridiculous and the offer is 200% to 500% after 1 day. Well, if I had a magic wand to double my money daily I would simply do so and not solicit it from somebody else. Really, by applying simple arithmetics you can easily turn one dollar into a million in less than 3 weeks. So if you’re really desperate to lose your money simply give it to the admin of SotInvest as he simply turns your $200,000 into $1,000,000 in one single day (24 hours). Oh, it was really hilarious and I couldn’t stop laughing. Especially I like the sentence where your principal was guaranteed, lol. Here is the new investment plan offered by SotInvest:
“We launch new plan: VIP plan – 200%-500% after 1 day
Hello All, We launch new plan: VIP plan – 200%-500% after 1 day
All Payment And Deposit GUARANTEED
For details info you can check on member area
Best Regards. Admin. SotInvest.”
BVBC (reviewed here) admitted that they had some cashflow problems so the deposits would be turned off but the withdrawals would be still processed. I’m not sure how long it will last and when the program gets stabilised as the admin promised in his latest newsletter. However as soon as it’s paying it will stay on Paying status on MNO. I don’t really care about their issues, only if the members get paid or not. Enough said and here is the latest update from BVBC admin:
“Greeting everyone, In light of what is happening in the hyip industry and everything crashing around, we also have been hit with this slump. We will be paying all pending every Friday maybe earlier, to recover and then go back to paying daily once we have stabilised the program. Yes we have cash flow problems, but we are working on it. We don’t need monitors to tell that we are scam or something else. We plan to stick around. We our selves admit we are having some problems and we would like to fix it. For those of you who have withdrawals under $1 please wait till it gets to a dollar at least. We will be turning of deposit taking, and still pay everyone who is with us. For monitors there is no need to put us in problems or anything else as we are still paying you can update your own monitors when you get paid. We are just not taking in more deposits now. Till we clear everyone get the program stabilised to daily payments. There is one or two of you which have pending problems this is being taken care of by monetary soft as you have been personally explained the problem. Thank you Todd S.”
The admin of InvestProxy program (reviewed here) suggested that those not comfortable with displaying their username on the recently opened stats page where everybody can see real stats from the program to send him an e-mail. Of course I understand that. Some may have deposited huge amounts and they feel uncomfortable with their usernames on public display. So if it applies to you please email the admin as suggested below and your username will be changed. Here is the latest update from InvestProxy:
“The payment proof page shown here: https://www.investproxy.com/payproof.php displays the full usernames. If you are not comfortable with the way your username is displayed there, please send us a new username and we will change it.
We felt that for transparency, the names should be displayed in full. However, we will be delighted to hear from you if you want the first 5 characters of the username taken and xxx added at the end. To send us your suggestions, please reply to this message or send your suggestion directly to admin@investproxy.com. Also by using our contact page.
Have a nice day. Regards. Admin. InvestProxy.”
Finally for today here is the list of programs that paid me for the last 24 hours:
ProsperityWallet, PTVPartner, Aballong, HighYieldClub, OneDailyPro, CurrencyBasics, GarantMoney, SotInvest, NasMos, UmaxFunds, ForexNetClub, Cashift, BJInvestment, Oico, FinanceNova, WestFinance, SureBetInv, PanaMoney, AtoxFinance, EuroNanoInvest, Eternidex, IncoForex, WWFD, ScootFx, IntermedInvestments, Plents, BVBC, BioEnergyFunds, RedOrchidInvest, MoneyPlus, SmartTradersInv, AimTrust, YesInvestment, WaterInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, DepositPalace and ExceptionalFunds.
I will see you on my blog tomorrow with another review and more news from the industry! Stay tuned and stay on the money with Money-News-Online!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Mar 23rd, 2010. Comment.