23/02/2011. Agromatica Review and Daily News from the Industry
Hi everyone! A reasonably well planned and thought out HYI program to be added to my monitoring list was Agromatica, a brand new website to just open this week. It’s a long term investment program offering low rate of interest plans to it’s members with one shorter term option mostly for testing purposes.
The plans all return your principal on expiry, but the first thing you might notice about them is just how far into the term you will have to be before seeing any profit at all. Indeed in two of the three plans this doesn’t happen until after your principal gets returned. However on closer inspection apart from an excellent array of payment methods we can see that not only are the plans aimed more at sustainability, they are also a bit better protected from Hit-and-Runners than most. And with with surprisingly low maximum investment levels the risk you take by joining up for Agromatica is also quite low. Well, maybe not a low risk, but what I mean is the risk is whatever you make it yourself.
Plan number one runs for a term of 15 calendar days. It will cost you a minimum of $19 dollars if you wish to make a deposit, which in turn can be anything up to a $49 maximum. By joining this plan Agromatica are offering you a daily interest payment of 0.5% interest with your initial deposit returned on maturity. So that will give a total profit of 7.5% which is actually quite good in terms of interest for the length of time you need to deposit for, but only applicable obviously to smaller investors so there won’t be any huge sums of cash being earned here (given that like I said it’s more of a test plan).
If you’re happy enough with that and are now ready to move on to something a bit more serious, Plan number two runs for 60 calendar days and will set you back a $50 minimum to join. In return for that Agromatica are offering a dividend of 1% interest paid daily for the plan’s duration. Once the term comes to an end you will then see your principal returned, having already collected a total profit of 60%. the maximum investment to this plan looks at first to be relatively conservative at just $149. However do keep in mind that Agromatica allow several deposits at any one time. You’re allowed to keep up to 11 separate deposits spread around the three investment plans on offer (to a value not exceeding $4,999) in the program at any one time.
Agromatica‘s third plan runs for a term of 90 calendar days. An investment here will earn you an interest payment of a more generous 1.2% per day for a deposit starting from a $250 minimum. It’s the only plan that allows you to break even before the term’s expiry (just barely though – it happens after 84 days) but like the others returns yor principal at the end. The total profit should add up to 108%. If the minimum investment seems a little high then the maximum will, compared to just about any other online HYIP, seem a little low. It’s kept to a max of $499 but do keep in mind that that is again only the maximum allowed per deposit. If you want to spend a bit more you are allowed a maximum of 11 deposits at any one time, as long as they don’t collectively exceed $4,999 in total.
Like I said at the beginning Agromatica‘s list of payment processors is excellent. Better than most and nice to see again an admin that offers a full range of payment processors right from the very beginning and not one who fills his own coffers with untraceable LR deposits first before adding verifiable options later. The full list of payments includes AlertPay, GlobalDigitalPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and for those who like using their Debit Card, SolidTrustPay. Better than about 99% of long term online HYIPs around at the moment I think you’ll agree. Payouts are manual and so need to be requested. The Agromatica admin asks that you allow him up to 12 hours to get everything processed.
The website security has a couple of good solid dependable features as well, something you should of course expect – if not demand – of any online company handling your money. For a start Agromatica are fully SSL encrypted and hosted on a DDoS protected dedicated server with support and protection by BlackLotus. But arguably the best thing about the program might be the script. It’s a highly secure and customized one under license from X-HYIP script. If that’s not a name widely recognized by industry newbies then longer term MNO readers might remember a good many programs throughout 2009 and 2010 running off of them. Many of which were very successful but all of which were very secure. For any support related issues or just general inquiries the Agromatica admin can be found on Yahoo Instant Messenger, a built in Live Chat feature, or if no one is currently logged in to those there’s always the traditional e-mail based support ticketing form that you can fill out and submit.
The opening line on the Agromatica homepage mentions “Population growth, resource scarcity and pollution of natural environment” so you might be forgiven for apocalyptical visions or something, but as the name implies they are allegedly investing in agriculture and farming and food production technology. I must say it’s a welcome break from the ForEx traders littering the industry and any originality is a welcome change. Of course when it’s beyond your capabilities to prove the authenticity of any online investments website (as it is mine) then a little healthy skepticism becomes a necessity, so Agromatica must until proven otherwise be treated as a regular HYIP. Though it has to be said a very well organized one and one definitely run by a serious and experienced administration team. As always establish a spending ceiling that is affordable to your own circumstances, stick to it rigorously, and if joining Agromatica remember that it’s best to use them as part of a wider and more diverse portfolio.
Let’s start today’s news with a fascinating newsletter received from the admin of a program recently added to MNO – ExoticFX. The main purpose of this newsletter seems to be explaining their trading strategy and the meaning of their very original name. Apparently, exotic ForEx is a field where the non-standard currency trading gives better opportunities to be in profit than the more traditional methods. I think it’s better to leave you read the full ExoticFX newsletter yourselves so you could understand exactly what they are allegedly involved in and how it can help you as an investor to make a profit:
“Welcome to ExoticFX
An idea whose time has come!!
We would like to take the opportunity to welcome all those who have decided to join us. ExoticFX is an opportunity whose timing could not have been better. With the instability of the world around us and huge challenges facing major economies around the globe, it is important to know that ExoticFX is an opportunity that can provide you all with a guaranteed income to grow your portfolio.
For most, exotic forex has little meaning. It is a field of trading that even the majority of traders will never get into.
What is exotic forex? Typically exotics are considered the trading of currencies outside strict adherence to the Majors. Such as the Mexican Peso, Brazilian Real, Thai Baht and South African Rand.
Many may ask, what makes us unique? First, the fact we are trading in the exotic arena is unique in itself. But please understand, we do not limit ourselves to any one market. We specialize and participate in all areas of Foreign Exchange including trading of Exotic, Crosses, Majors, Exchange Traded Funds (ETF’s) as well as Heavily Leveraged ETF’s, and Emerging Market Stocks.
Our Trading groups dedication, coupled with the timing indicators we employ, have provided us an 88% success rate for several years now. Our overall success rate avails us the ability to offer such high guaranteed daily rates to our investors.
We are bringing this opportunity to those who would like to be involved in a special and highly rewarding field but do not have the time or training to achieve this on their own. All you need to do is allow us to handle the work while you reap the benefits. In essence, a fully managed fund with guaranteed returns, It doesn`t get much better than this!
To top off our program we have anticipated all the problems that can exist in the online arena and have implemented several safeguards in our operations both with the website and the server to assure every investor their funds are safe and that we are here for the long-haul.
We are looking forward with great anticipation to becoming a leader in this online industry.
If you have not yet joined us please visit us today to see the many and varied options we offer to you. You may also visit our 24/7 live support room where we will happily address your questions if you have them. We’ll look forward to meeting you.
Welcome to the Exotic side of Forex
ExoticFX – Just Profits!”
I would like to remind you that ExoticFX takes deposits via AlertPay, LibertyReserve, GlobalDigitalPay and HD-Money into one of the following daily paying plans: 1% for 120 business days, 1.2% for 140 business days, 1.45% for 160 business days, and 2% for 180 business days. If you prefer to get into one of the plans paying on expiration and delivering your principal back faster you can try to deposit in 1% daily for 2 weeks, 1.28% daily for 4 weeks, 1.55% daily for 6 weeks, or 2.3% daily for 8 weeks plans. All deposits are returned on expiry. There are a many great features you can find in your account in ExoticFX which were described in my review of them published here. For better understanding of its trading model I hope the admin will agree to answer some interview questions for MNO.
The admin of MidasGoldFund Warren issued another newsletter yesterday which was mostly a brief recap of what was already discussed in his previous newsletters. In particular the last update commented on the utmost importance of the social networking tools like Twitter and Facebook in the promotion of the program. Also the referring link was given to press release which was really more of a decent sized Q&A session for the most commonly asked questions from the members of MidasGoldFund. If even after such a press release you’re still hesitant regarding them then you should definitely read my detailed review of the program published here and my interview with the admin of MidasGoldFund Warren Lincoln here. This is the full most recent newsletter from him:
“To our members,
This is a summary news email to our MidasGoldFund members highlighting current news here at MidasGoldFund, especially to the hundreds of new members that have joined us since our last mailing.
We want to highlight our social networking features of MidasGoldFund. Any and all updates will be made available immediately over Facebook and Twitter. Keep these pages in mind for any news relating to MidasGoldFund up to the minute.
Our Twitter page is located at http://www.twitter.com/midasgoldfund and our Facebook page is located at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Midas-Gold-Fund/196345023708882
MidasGoldFund also made its biggest announcement since we opened our doors to investment, via our first Press Release, which is written in an interview style. The majority of our Press Releases will be written in an interview style with our President, Warren Lincoln. We find this makes the reading of press releases a little easier to understand and more informative. Our Press Release was released on February 13th and can be read in full here: https://midasgoldfund.com/index.php?a=news#4
Thank You, MidasGoldFund”.
Just as a reminder I will add a couple of words about MidasGoldFund so you will get the general idea of what the program is all about. It has been monitored on MNO for 23 days, accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay and pays 1.7%-2.7% daily (depending on the investment amount) for 30 calendar days. As you can see the first payouts on expiry should start in a week and I hope that the admin of MidasGoldFund will come to the MNO Live Chat for more questions because he promised to do so straight after the first principals on expiry are returned.
By the way, for those of you who attended and actively participated in last night’s Live Chat session with the admin of GreenBackShares Jeremy (interviewed here) were certainly not disappointed. All the active participants of the conference not only got detailed answers to their burning questions but also were rewarded with $50 bonuses (this is the minimum to invest in GreenBackShares) to their accounts in the program. A few lucky ones were awarded with some cash prizes assigned by Jeremy for the results of the quiz questions that followed the chat itself. The winners are of course satisfied as well as Jeremy himself. He admitted to me that he was quite satisfied of the general attitude towards his program and his ability to answer all the questions. And he’s even ready to meet us all again in a month or so when provisionally a second chat session is scheduled. In general, I can say that last night’s chat was a success but I guess everybody discovered something new they wanted to know about GreenBackShares – a program that just hit my Top 10 on MNO monitoring having been listed 18 days and paying 1%-1.8% daily for 150 business days, 5.5%-9.5% weekly for 30 weeks, and 12%-20% bi-weekly for 15 cycles on deposits made via AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay or Bank wires. For those who were not able to take part last night I would like to give you the link to the full transcript here. For further information regarding the investment plans offered by GreenBackShares you can always refer to my detailed review published here.
And I would like to remind you for the last time that tomorrow, Thursday at 21.00 GMT we will have another live chat on MNO with the admin of GorgonProjectInvest Paul (I remind you that you can read the full chat transcript of the first session with him over a month ago here). Tomorrow I expect some more information and more cash prizes on which will be available only to active participants. So be sure you have an active account registered on MNO Chat by 9 p.m. and maybe win a cash prize if you’re lucky.
Today’s news published on the site of GorgonProjectInvest (reviewed here) addressed the concerns and reservations some members of the program have when they don’t always get their withdrawals processed instantly as promised. I must admit that I myself faced this issue several times but was always paid within 24 hours of the request being made. I even received some complaints from some members who always think the worst if they don’t get paid instantly. I have to explain to them every time therefore that for security reasons a smart administrator of any program keeps only a small fraction of the funds in his LibertyReserve account for processing cashouts at any given time. Such security measures should be very effective and will help to avoid big losses and even the program’s closure if things go wrong and hackers somehow manage to empty the account. So there is nothing wrong when your withdrawal from GorgonProjectInvest goes to pending status and is paid manually by the admin within 24 hours as he has to replenish the account occasionally. You should also note that only payouts to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay payment processors are fully automated and usually if they don’t exceed $250 they are transferred to your account instantly. As for the other e-currencies accepted by them (SolidTrustPay, GlobalDigitalPay and Pecunix) they are processed manually within 24 hours at all times. Here is the full clarification of the automatic withdrawal system given by Paul (interviewed here):
“Automatic Withdrawal Clarification
We have issued a notice to clarify our Auto-Withdrawal Service as some investors are concerned that sometimes this service is unavailable.
If you were expecting an auto-payment but did not receive it, there may be a few reasons why:
– We keep a low amount in our e-currency accounts to avoid fraud and hacking, so the account may be exhausted. We will usually add to it 2 or 3 times a day.
– There may be a lot of traffic on the server or the server is overloaded, making the script default to manual payments. Again, this is a security measure.
– The e-currency you chose maybe offline.
– We may have turned off automatic payments on purpose for maintenance.
Please do not worry if you do not receive an automatic payment. Your withdrawal will be processed manually within 24 hours (usually much quicker). Of course we will try to make sure we can provide the auto-withdraw service at all times, we just want to avoid people panicking for no reason.
Thank you for your understanding.”
I was paid my withdrawal on expiry of my 180 business days plan from ReProFinance today. Although the withdrawal was not instant it was processed really fast which finally propelled ReProFinance to the Top 5 most popular programs on MNO. I’m glad to report that currently ReProFinance (reviewed here) is the oldest program on MNO monitoring which was first listed almost 9 months ago. So, although ReProFinance offered very low returns of 0.8%-1.5% for 90 business days and 0.9%-1.9% for 180 business days with the principal returned on expiry many investors, especially those who joined in the beginning are now in profit. All other members are still enjoying their daily profits which in most cases they can receive instantly to their LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney accounts. The recent boost in new investors to ReProFinance was obviously connected with them implementing their new design, and adding such popular payment options like AlertPay and Bank wires. I hope the admin of ReProFinance will keep up the good work for many months ahead and that many other investors will be able to enjoy profits from the project.
Unfortunately the same cannot be said of KlickWallet because the program has closed today. Payouts to AlertPay are still processed instantly in most cases but with the LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney cashouts having been stopped and pending for over 24 hours it’s just a matter of time before the program eventually collapses. So any future investments in KlickWallet are not recommended.
I can’t say the situation came as a complete surprise. Even last night I noticed on my blog that I cannot get through to the admin Andrew regarding the extension of the cash contest on MNO forum and arrangements for the upcoming live conference on MNO chat. I was kinda suspicious as well because the LR payouts were not processed yesterday either, though at that point it was still within 24 hours. Today though I noticed that LR withdrawal requests I had were not processed yet and therefore I put KlickWallet to Waiting status on MNO monitoring and contacted Andrew for an explanation. It was pointless denying the obvious, and he admitted the program was just about over. Although it has been running successfully for nearly 7 weeks which is not a bad result at all (to be honest fantastic would be a better word) for a program with such short-term plans paying after 5-20 days. Of course we can always expect better results and a longer lifecycle but for reasons which Andrew promised to specify to me in a follow-up email which I am yet to receive from him KlickWallet‘s cashflow was severely affected yesterday, so it was not possible to continue. Well, I hope that Andrew will at least show some decency and update the members of the closure officially because the site is still there are still accepting payments. I believe it will continue like this for a couple of days because the admin obviously has nothing to lose by doing this, and if you’re inattentive and don’t check the payment status of a program on MNO monitoring every day before making your investment you could be trapped. So please be careful and do not invest in KlickWallet anymore! I will update you later on on my blog if I have some additional information from the admin.
Two more program have been moved to Problem status on MNO tonight. The first is CorpBayGroup whose website was very intermittent for the last two days and as a result my withdrawal is still pending for over 36 hours now. I have already contacted the admin of CorpBayGroup for an explanation and will update you when I receive a reply. As for InvestPlatforms, I saw a couple of complaints about them on major forums regarding payout delays observed over the last couple of weeks already. In addition to that, at the time of writing the InvestPlatforms website is not loading for me, so I have contacted the admin there as well. I will let you know more on the status of those two programs on my blog tomorrow, but for now no new deposits are recommended. Be careful, guys!
Here is the list of the paying programs from which I was paid for the last 24 hours:
ForexTradingTeam, EuropeInv, GreenBackShares, GorgonProjectInvest, PermanentProfit, ECashBroker, CarInvestment, ExoticFX, ExtraIncome, Escaliva, FxEconomy, ReProFinance, SilverDigger, AssetManagement, FirstMonetaryFund, MidasGoldFund, GainBucks, ViscoCorp, OilCapital, FutureTrails, FondosMayores, WallStreetCompany, UnicornInv, EliteAlliance and Agromatica (the first payment received).
That’s it for tonight, guys. I will be back tomorrow with the latest news from the industry. Stay tuned and see you tomorrow on MNO blog and Live chat with the admin of GorgonProjectInvest!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Feb 23rd, 2011.