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29/06/2011. BaseBucks Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! PaidVerts and MyTrafficValue are both scams and are run by an experienced scammer who stole a lot of money from online investors! Do not invest in PaidVerts and MyTrafficValue scams!

Hi everyone! After a busy start to the week and a huge number of news updates, particularly yesterday, I had to postpone looking at one program on my monitoring page until today. Still plenty of news to get to again today. First of all though the latest program I wanted to talk a bit about is one called BaseBucks, and it’s something a little different from what you would usually see covered on MNO. Though I believe some of you will know them already as this is something of a revival for BaseBucks and is the second outing for them having previously been online back in 2009.

They weren’t monitored by MNO back then so the details around what they did, why they closed, and why they reopened in the present form are a bit sketchy, but not really all that important as far as the second reincarnation goes. Not to me anyway as I’m approaching them for the first time as a monitor after adding them to MNO for the first time about two weeks ago now. Though I guess it’s worth pointing out that refunds were made to members of the previous version of BaseBucks so when it ended it ended well – something we don’t get to say very often in this business.

So before we get to what exactly BaseBucks is about I need to make something clear to all the readers. BaseBucks offers more than just the traditional HYIP style investment plans. They also have a cycler, however I need to make it clear as I have to the admin that as a monitor I am not going to be participating in that, nor will I be covering it on MNO. In the interests of fairness I will include a brief description of this in the admins own words taken from a mail he sent me recently, however if you have any questions or any problems then direct them to BaseBucks as I myself will not be taking part. That’s not to say I’m warning anybody else about it or anything, it’s simply because it’s something I just don’t cover on MNO.

I’ll give you the admin’s version of what that’s about in a moment, after I tell you about the part of BaseBucks that I am monitoring, their investment plan. It’s on one hand extraordinarily simple though on the other hand not quite like much else you’d associate with the “traditional” HYIP industry. It’s basically a low interest long term plan. Nothing unusual about that you might think but in this case there is neither a fixed rate of interest nor a definite investment term. What happens is this – you are required to make a minimum deposit of at least $3 in order to join. After that BaseBucks make a daily interest payment of what looks to be a seemingly random and arbitrary figure, but never less than 1%. And you will then receive that payment everyday for however long it takes you to earn 200% interest, or double your money.

And that’s it. So for a $100 deposit you get back a variable payment typically anything from $1 to $2 per day until such a time as you have earned $200. theoretically there’s no exact time frame for this happening, but if payments start at at least 1% per day then worst case scenario is that you can do so in 200 days.

Payment options are limited to just LibertyReserve but not totally a bad thing given the simplified (maybe streamlined is a better word) way in which BaseBucks operates. Everything there is totally automatic and you don’t have to register any kind of account there. You don’t have to log in (indeed there’s nothing there to log in to) and no withdrawal requests are required of you. Everything is paid automatically to you everyday directly to your LR account. So once you first make a deposit in BaseBucks the only thing you ever need to do after that is just keep an eye on your LR account to make sure you got paid. Though you will also get an e-mail notification informing you of your payment.

You can track the progress of all of that on the BaseBucks website which updates the statistics of what percentage you have earned today as well as how close each individual member is to reaching his goal of doubling his money. It shows you each member’s original investment and how much progress they have made towards a 200% return. As I said already it’s a very simple website but basically quite safe as there are no private members areas to be compromised. The program is hosted on a dedicated server by Panamanian provider CyberCast.

The final thing I want to mention is the BaseBucks cycler. Now, like I said I don’t participate in such activities myself and the full extent of my monitoring of the program will focus on the investment plan. Nevertheless, it’s an optional feature to BaseBucks so if this is of any interest to you then you’re free to join if you like. Now, I don’t normally allow program admins to contribute to reviews of their programs, but as I won’t be taking part in it I will give you the admin’s own description of the cycler below.
Our Cycler.
This is not strictly a cycler. It’s an “attractive entry device” into our main investment. The idea is, that every week it resets. New deposits then flood in; with 50% of all those deposits being repaid 118% “instantly” (or before the next reset).
The remaining deposits, are then automatically upgraded into our “main” daily paying investment. Where they will be paid daily variable rates of return UNTIL they earn 200% back.
* Note the recurring opportunity with the cycler.
If you act quickly with a reset (every Tuesday). You can pretty much ensure you make an instant 118% every week – by “hit and running” with a speedy investment!
(With the safety net of our main daily program, in case you get your timing wrong!).
* Strategy!
There are two elements to this;
i) Invest as quickly as possible after a reset (when the queue is shortest)
Use our “shuffle” feature. By depositing $33 exactly. You initiate a shuffle; that randomly re-arranges the “queue”. (By shuffling, you’re aiming to re-arrange the queue pushing your main investment(s) closer to the top! For faster repayment)

As is always the case I’ll just remind you that no matter how different a strategy any admin appears to adopt, your strategy should remain to invest cautiously in any program you approach with only modest, affordable deposits. Also try to diversify you portfolio.


Something I like to hear from HYIP admins is the encouraging emails telling the world about their wonderful achievements or spreading the word about the enormous success they enjoy. Of course the main purpose of such emails is to get more investors and we should be perfectly aware of that. That’s not such a bad thing at all, as a caring admin is usually the one who gets the best results for his program, even if he has to exaggerate things a bit like in the case with admin of Insectrio Robert (interviewed here) who couldn’t help but boast a huge membership of 5,000 members which in my opinion is simply too-good-to-be-true (just remember GNI that only had 6,000 members after a few months online becoming one of the largest programs in HYIP industry back in 2009). Of course Insectrio is a long way behind that but I can agree with the admin that he’s at least on the right path to success. Insectrio has been online for a little over five weeks and it’s a little bit premature talking about the possible survival of the summer and running into September like the admin promised, but it looks like Insectrio really managed to survive June and is still going strong paying instantly on LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney deposits from the following plans – 103% after 1 day, 120% after 5 days, 145% after 10 days, 170% after 15 days. Nobody can predict how long all this will last but I would be glad if it could survive another month or so and would like to wish good luck to the investors there with that. The latest official newsletter is posted below:
Victory belongs to Insectrio!
Dear members,
Hi! How are you and how is your day? I hope you are all having a very good time with your family and friends! Today is one of the best and most exciting days in my life, because today, after only 38 days online, Insectrio has reached the 5,000 members mark and has surpassed $220,000 in deposits already – something that is totally insane in such a sluggish period as the summer! And it’s all because of your tremendous support to Insectrio – thank you for that! Our members count is growing extremely fast recently with over 200 new investors joining everyday and I just wonder what will be the growth rate after we surpass this summer successfully and reach September – I am so curious and can’t wait for that to happen!
As I said in my interview with Paul, many short-term programs are collapsing one after another and many of them can’t even survive one day, what a shame, lol! I’m very proud of many Insectrio members who don’t fall to these fast and dirty scammers and stick only with Insectrio – these members will eventually be the only ones that will never lose a penny and will always win. Because Insectrio is rocking and will always be the leader of the market! With the most powerful dedicated server from Dragonara, SSL and WebPIPE implemented, Insectrio is fully protected from any kind of DDOS attacks and has the highest level of security. Hence, and because the growth has become the best and I still haven’t used any of my reserved funds, I’m fully confident that Insectrio will be able to last for many years to come without any problem!
In Insectrio, everyday becomes stronger and better than the day before. Advertising & Promoting Insectrio is an integral part of the program’s success – and in this opportunity I would like to thank all the best advertisers and promoters of Insectrio, who identify the huge potential of the project and appreciate the work I put into it – you are the best! You have no idea how much your support is important to me and I’m very happy to see that many big promoters have boosted the growth of Insectrio and just like I wrote in the website main page, let all your friends know about Insectrio and how much you are happy with it! Of course, please always remember to MaxiVote after every time you get paid from Insectrio, and post your instant payment proofs in the forums and share your success story with your friends – this is extremely important to me as this will undoubtedly increase the popularity of Insectrio even further and expose it to a wider audience of investors.
Please MaxiVote for Insectrio here:
And post your instant payment proof in the following forums:
Ok that’s all for now! Thank you very much!
Regards, Robert”.

I must add that I also like another quality about Robert of Insectrio (reviewed here) – he is always updating its members whatever happens. Even small glitches that prevent LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney investors from receiving their profits instantly is the topic for his short notification, when today he reported that due to some technical difficulties with API in PerfectMoney processor the instant payments from Insectrio could not be processed for a few hours. I like how he informed members properly so they wouldn’t worry about the payments and were aware of the delays. I guess such a careful attitude is another thing that allows Insectrio to run without any issues for so long. Here are the both updates regarding PerfectMoney difficulties issued today:
Dear members,
PerfectMoney website has some issues now with their API and therefore withdrawals to PerfectMoney accounts are not processed instantly and it’s impossible to make payments as well. Once these issues are fully fixed by PerfectMoney staff I will immediately let you know. As soon is it all backs to normal, I will cancel all the pending withdrawals to PerfectMoney and you will just need to request them again and they will processed instantly as always.
Thank you very much for your understanding.
Regards, Robert”.
Dear members,
Ok so everything is back to normal now and I just cancelled all the pending withdrawals to PerfectMoney so those who requested them before, only need to request them again and they will be processed instantly as always.
Regards, Robert”.

PerfectMoney was not the only processor to be reported as problematic by some HYIP admins in recent days days. LibertyReserve seems to have also given some headaches. Due to some technical glitches deposits were not added properly and had to be added manually by some programs later. ReProFinance (reviewed here) featured a short this short update on their website:
LibertyReserve deposits / temporary problems
Dear investors,
All your payments to our LibertyReserve account are received, and will be added to your ReProFinance accounts within 12 hours. This is so due to LibertyReserve internal API problems.
ReProFinance administration.

GorgonProjectInvest (reviewed here) also reported about some technical issues accepting LR deposits which according to some admins have been solved by now. Here is the latest message on the website of GorgonProjectInvest, just in case:
Liberty Reserve Deposit Problem
Hi Everyone
It seems there is a problem with new Liberty Reserve deposits as none are showing up in investors GorgonProjectInvest accounts after the Shopping Cart process has been completed.
After investigation, it looks like it is a Liberty Reserve issue as other merchants are also having the same problems.
Please continue to add your funds using the deposit process on our web site, but we will manually add the deposit to your account. Please allow up to 24 hours for us to do this (until the problem is fixed).
No other digital currencies are effected, expect we have also seen a few GDP deposits not being added to accounts as well, but we believe this is a different issue and intermittent (possibly traffic related).
Whenever a problem like this occurs, we will always find the deposit and add it to your account manually, so please continue as usual.
Support Team”.

More interesting news from GorgonProjectInvest includes the addition of new Russian and Chinese phone support where you can call and speak to an operator in your own native language. Previously only support in English was available, but I guess with the expansion of the site more extensive support options were needed (GorgonProjectInvest is undoubtedly one of the biggest and most popular low-ROI programs online and #1 on MNO for some time). GorgonProjectInvest has been monitored on MNO for over six months paying 1.9% for 30 days, 2% for 90 days and 2.2%-3.5% for 180 days with the principal returned on expiry. They accept all the popular payment processors (except AlertPay) along with direct Bank wires. Here is the latest updates from the admin of GorgonProjectInvest Paul (interviewed here):
New Russian and Chinese Support Phone Numbers
We are delighted to announce that we have added some additional support telephone numbers.
Now we have Russian and Chinese! More may follow if these are successful along with the much anticipated translation of the web site into several languages.
We have three support telephone numbers at the moment:
For English Support call +61(0)870706100
For Russian Support call +37052032401
For Chinese Support call +18292497022”.

The admin of another popular program Opulentia Daniel (interviewed here) whose program currently holds the #4 spot on MNO reported today that his site was inaccessible for three hours today due to some technical issues in the data center. It looks like everything is back to normal now and the program has returned to normal:
Opulentia: Downtime
Due to network problems in the data center of our hosting provider, our site was unavailable for about 3 hours, from 11:00 to 14:00 GMT. The problem has been resolved and the site is online again.
We apologize for this interruption.
Best regards, Daniel Beletzky
CEO at Opulentia”.
Opulentia (first reviewed on MNO here) accepts five popular payment processors for two main investment plans paying daily and weekly and returning principal on expiry – 2.15% on every business day for 365 days and 11% for 55 weeks.

MGFunds (reviewed here) has reported more significant downtime that is expected to last from 24 to 48 hours. They’re currently offline due to issues with their hosting provider and the urgent need to change the servers. The admin of MGFunds Mark personally apologized for the inconvenience and promised to catch up with the pending payouts as soon as the site is back online. I will keep you informed on MNO about the situation with MGFunds which so far was a great and stable performer paying 3% for 45 days for a number of months already:
ATTENTION: MGFunds Unscheduled Downtime
Respected Admin,
I just wanted to keep you and your readers updated, MGFunds should be back online really soon.
We are down for an emergency change of host, and as you know this usually takes time, 24-48 hours.
We manage to reduce this time by half, but still can’t give precise eta as we’re waiting dns propagation.
Payments will continue as usual once we are back, we will try to get a jump on it by working over time.
I would appreciate if you can please let your readers know that we are fighting to get back online asap!
My sincerest apologies,
CEO, Mark Goodman. MGFunds.

As you might know by now the cash contest sponsored by GulfReserve where everybody can get a $5 cash prize is underway at the MNO Forum (click here to participate). By answering a simple question about GulfReserve you can get richer and possibly even consider depositing your own money in one of the investment plans via AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – 4%-5.5% for 30 business days, 1.2% for 150 calendar days and 105% after 5 calendar days. To learn more about GulfReserve which might help you answer the contest questions you can always read my review of the program here, or get acquainted with the admin Alina in my interview here or Live chat transcript which was posted on MNO Forum here. This is the contest reminder sent by Alina last night:
MNO Cash Contest Reminder
Hey, This message is exclusively for MNO users as we have just sponsored our very first contest to be held in MNO forums. Although if you are not an existing MNO forums member, you can still join to participate. This contest will last for 7 days and everyday 1 winner will be handpicked by Paul himself. Everyday winner will earn $5 USD cash reward sent directly to their PerfectMoney accounts.
Here is the direct link to participate:
In the meanwhile, Our our contests at FaceBook are also running and we are rewarding our FaceBook participants everyday with bonus investments and cash reward so I highly recommend you to join us at FaceBook as well:
Thank you, GulfReserve Team.

Quite out of the blue and not specifying a reason for doing so the administration of FeoCash (reviewed here) introduced a 1% flat fee that would be charged automatically from all profits to be paid to investors’ LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts. This will make the hourly plan less popular as by getting 4.33% for 24 hours the overall profit will be reduced from the current 3.92% to 2.92% which will definitely dampen enthusiasm. Perhaps such a measure was done to switch the members’ attention to other plans offered by FeoCash and paying on expiry – 118% after 4 days, 150% after 10 days and 280% after 30 days. However, since the program is 19 days online already I doubt very much that such plans will get many more takers. Anyway, we will see what the reaction will be to this 1% withdrawal fee of which was only briefly mentioned on their site:
From now on all the withdrawal will be charged 1% fee. So feel sorry for the convenience brought to you.

LucrativaFund has been moved to Problem status on MNO, and this time I promise I will not be moving it again. There were just two many complaints submitted to me from MNO readers for the last two days and there was simply no other way that the admin could pay everybody. Of course he tried to persuade me again to move his program to Paying status and promised to pay as soon as possible, but I won’t buy this anymore. First, you need to pay to all and then I will consider moving your program back to Paying status. Second, if you’re paying selectively and never bother replying to complaints yourself I wonder why I should do this for you. The timeframe for payouts is 48 hours and I know that some people were waiting for 10 days still hoping to be paid from LucrativaFund. It’s simply unacceptable to make people wait that long and ignore reasonable complaints. LucrativaFund is now on Problem status on MNO and personally I don’t see any way back for them – there was just too much damage done to their reputation by now. Please do not invest there anymore!

One of most rapidly growing short-term programs – EarnGroups – has come up with the most detailed tutorial dedicated to the program’s advertising that I have ever seen online. It looks like the admin of EarnGroups Christian (interviewed here) really takes this matter very seriously and totally understands that the success of any short-term program depends largely on the activity and the promotional efforts of its current members. However not many HYIP investors are good promoters and in order to help them with their efforts they sent that update today. EarnGroups pays 120% after 7 days and 145% after 14 days instantly to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay. Many people already took advantage not only from the nice profits but also from the promotional efforts as by spreading the word about EarnGroups to interested communities you will not only help the program last longer and bring you more profits but also get a hefty 5% referral commission. Below you will find some tips and tricks on how to advertise EarnGroups (originally reviewed on MNO here):
Promotional Tools Tutorial
Hi Members,
With the rapid growth and huge success of EarnGroups, we have been receiving emails from many members lately, asking us as to how to use their referral links, and get referrals. We understand that many of you have already seen the vast potential lying within EarnGroups, and are doing their level best to make money with EarnGroups in every way they can. So we decided to send out an email to all our members to give you a basic idea as to how to promote your referral links, and get referrals.
The most important thing required to promote anything is the associated promotional tools. EarnGroups being an online investment venture, has provided you the necessary banners, and your unique referral link, which can be found inside your account area, within the “Promotional Tools” section. Let us give you a brief explanation of the promotional tools.
Your EarnGroups referral link is a unique link, which when clicked by someone, redirects them to website of EarnGroups, with you being his/her upline. When such a person registers on EarnGroups website from there, he/she will become your downline, and you will earn referral commissions from the deposits made by him/her directly from his/her payment processor.
The referral link of a member of EarnGroups will be of the form For example, if your username is, say money, then your referral link will be
Banners are usually attractive animated images, which appeals to the eyes of the person. EarnGroups too has provided you with highly attractive banners, in order for you to get referrals. The number of referrals you get will totally depend on the seriousness with which you do the promotion. The banner links, when combined with your referral link, in the right manner, will serve as your referral banners.
EarnGroups offers you 4 different sized banner images, to use as per your choice.
125 x 125 banner link:
468 x 60 banner link:
728 x 90 banner link:
160 x 600 banner link:
Now let us give you an idea on as how to advertise your referral link on various kinds of websites.
A forum is a place where people from different places around the world meet together, discuss on various matters, and share their opinions. Most forums often allow its members to have their own signature, which will be displayed at the bottom of every post they make. Now this is the option which you should make use of. Using your signatures to promote your EarnGroups referral link will allow you to get referrals. The only thing you have to do is to use the right code.
Most of the forums allow its members to put banners in their signatures. For example, the 468 x 60 banner code will be of the form
Likewise, for the other banner sizes, you will have to edit the links pointing to the banners accordingly.
On the other hand, if you wish to use a text instead of a banner in your signature, you may use the code [url=””]YOUR TEXT[/url]
Paid To Click websites, often otherwise known as PTC websites, are platforms where most advertisers come to promote their websites. PTC websites often require you to pay a fee as the advertising charge, but the number of referrals you get will be higher than what you acquire from advertising on normal websites. PTC websites will ask you to submit the banner link, and your referral link, and after you have done so, they will do the rest as per the advertising plan you choose.
If you have your own website or blog, you can put the banner codes which direct to EarnGroups. All you have to do is copy and paste the html banner code which can be found in the Promotional Tools section in your account area. There is no need for you to edit any of the details in those codes, as it already contains your unique referral link.
The above mentioned are just a few ways to advertise your referral links. You may advertise your referral links by any means you wish to. You can get your friends and family friends to join EarnGroups through word of mouth.
We hope we have given you a basic idea on how to use and advertise your referral links. If you need any further clarifications, you are always welcome to contact our support department at
We wish you a pleasant stay with us.
Best Regards, Christian

The admin of the above reviewed BaseBucks Jo sent another daily newsletter today explaining how the investments work in his program and how it’s different from others. I guess you might find it amusing but for me I personally don’t see much difference between BaseBucks and other HYIPs apart from more openness as you can see all the stats in the program in real-time. Anyway, here is their latest newsletter:
Basebucks – Daily News (+1.01% and 1 Fast Track Payment)
Hello, You can read todays daily result report here:
# We have re-worded the homepage a little to promote the cycler a little better and better explain how and why we work!
# Also the first proof of concept for the Fast Track is now visible; Now that “bestwealth” has completed his $80 return ($40 investment + $40 profit) in 23 days… That reduces our daily return requirement by at least $0.40/day.
And his $30.00 contribution to the re-invest fund is still there. That fund is currently dormant, but once it starts earning (few weeks!) – he’ll be helping repay every other investor. Despite already being fully repaid! eg. If that $30 re-investment contribution yields just 1% per week; $0.30. That’s contributing potentially a 10% return to a new $3 investor. On top of whatever that $3 investors’ own contribution achieves. So $0.30 is nothing for the original investor = bad/slow investment.
But via crowd sourced time-offsetting, we get the investor repaid really fast. Whilst the “slow” investment piles up. And at the end of it; we have 100x the capital working to repay 1x the active investment. So now a tiny return on big capital, becomes a big return on little active investment.
This is the basic idea behind BB2.
Now all we need to do is repeat and scale this!
And in just a few months you’ll see such an improvement with our results.
(Either the daily rate and/or the quantity of Fast Track payments).
Jo. BaseBucks”.

OnlineWealthFund (reviewed here) sent a short reminder about its Affiliate Race contest according to which the three top referrers will get huge cash prizes of $450 in total. There are less than two days left till the end of the contest, so you might like to look over the rules below:
Just A Reminder
Thanks to all of you who have spread the word about OWF. Our list of members continues to grow and we have you to thank for it.
It’s not too late to participate in our Affiliate Race!
As a reminder, there will be prizes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.
1st place will receive $250.00
2nd place will receive $125.00
3rd place will receive $75.00
The rules are easy. Whoever are the top 3 affiliate marketers with the most new affiliates (ends Midnight GMT on June 30th) will receive the prizes. New affiliates will be considered if they have an active investment.
Thanks for your support, Gene Adkins”.
OnlineWealthFund has been listed on MNO for two weeks paying on three plans daily and returning your principal on expiry – 1.9% for 14 days, 2.3% for 21 days and 2.9% for 42 days. Since its first introduction on MNO OnlineWealthFund has undergone some important changes and currently the program accepts only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from a $1 minimum. I can say that my first two-week cycle in the program has finished successfully today and I already requested my principal back. I will report on MNO tomorrow as soon as I get it, as only then we will see if OnlineWealthFund is a serious enough program that will be able to run for a long time.

TrueWealthAlliance (reviewed here) also went through some serious changes today and added three more investment plans effective immediately. The existing three plans pay daily with principal returned on expiry – 1.5% for 30 days, 2% for 60 days, 2.5% for 90 days – and will continue to operate. The three new plans however are aimed at those who like to risk their money for a longer term with a potentially bigger reward at the end. So if your intend to invest anything from $10 to $200 you’re now entitled to join a plan offering 125% after 15 days. For a bigger spend between $100 to $1,000 will get an opportunity to get 175% after a 30 day term. And if you’re ready to wait 45 days to be paid 225% interest on expiry then you’re welcome to join the third new plan, but only if you’re prepared for a $400 minimum spend. TrueWealthAlliance accepts three payment methods – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and GlobalDigitalPay – and the minimum starts from $10. Apart from introducing the new plans in the latest newsletter Martin (the admin) also answered some commonly asked questions which you might find useful if you were considering joining. Here is the latest newsletter from him:
Additions at TWA
Although our doors have been officially opened less than a week, our numbers continue to grow steadily. We are very pleased!
We do realize that this industry is ever changing as well as that this time of year is especially slow and competitive. We are willing to change and compete with the best of them. We have a great team, a great program and are here to perform above and beyond.
In order to do just that, we have added three investment plans to our line up in order to avail ourselves to those who prefer an even shorter investment term.
These three plans pay on expiration and your principal is included.
125% in 15 Days, 175% in 30 Days and 225% in 45 Days
We want to earn your trust so we have made it easier for you to test our abilities.
A few common questions we’ve received are:
Q. What do I need to sign up with you?
A. We do not require you to disclose your full personal info. All you need to do is to fill in the following fields: Login, Password, Contact Email, E-currency type and your contact name. We will never sell, lease or transfer your personal details be to any third party.
Q. Can I open more than one account in my name or with same PC and IP address?
A. Yes, you may, but your username and email address need to be different and you may never sponsor someone at the same IP address.
Q. How can I make a deposit?
A. Firstly, you need to have funds in your e-currency account. Our minimum deposit is $10. Please login to your TrueWealthAlliance account. Login using the member username and password that were provided upon signing up. Click on the ‘Make Deposit’ menu and follow the instructions provided on the page.
Q. How many times can I make a deposit into my account?
A. You can make a deposit into your account whenever it suits you.
Q. Which e-currencies do you accept?
A. We accept Global Digital Pay, Liberty Reserve and Perfect Money.
We are very much looking forward to the next several months and beyond as this program steadily becomes a mainstay for those of you that are determined to align yourselves with us.
Your Financial Ally,
Martin Campos”.

Here is the list of the programs that paid me for the last 32 hours:
StraDox, AlphaForex, PermanentProfit, InvestNetGroup, ReProFinance, Insectrio, DranTex, EurosFund, ViscoCorp, AdvanceFund, UnicornInv, GlobalFxTrades, PowerfulStrategy, BaseBucks, OnlineWealthFund, SafeDepositary, TrueWealthAlliance, BrantonsGroup, EarnGroups, GulfReserve, PrimFix, Opulentia, GorgonProjectInvest, EurexTrade, EverydayEarnings, FeoCash and HyperCompound (the first instant payments received).
Please also note that WindFund and EasyDollarsGrowth have stopped paying and have been moved to Problem status on MNO today. Further investments are not recommended.

A brand-new program called LeLaissezFaire launched just yesterday and went straight to the Premium list on MNO. As you may know, Laissez Faire is a French expression meaning the principle of free trade between merchants without any interference from government or the imposition of taxes. I guess this is exactly the approach the admin is expounding in the first newsletter on his website. The newsletter is pretty refreshing and quite different from those standard clichés that many HYIP admins use. In it he actually explains briefly why he chose such a strange name for his program. More interestingly he precisely described many categories of investors which only an experienced admin might know and promises that any category can find what they are looking for in LeLaissezFaire. The program is offering four investment plans each of them paying on expiry – 110% after 7 days, 125% after 14 days, 145% after 21 days, 190% after 28 days. The only payment processors accepted are LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and the minimum to invest is affordable to everybody starting from $1. LeLaissezFaire is SSL-secured site running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated DDoS protected server by Dragonara. More on the program will be posted in the upcoming review on MNO blog. Meanwhile, you can read the first update from the admin of LeLaissezFaire posted on their website last night:
LeLaissezFaire is now Online
We have officially launched our program and would like to invite you to check out LeLaissezFaire.
LeLaissezFaires’ approach to online investing is synonymous with what it takes to get it done right and that is keeping restrictive governmental entities out of it.
We have structured our backend in such a way as to provide a very short term investment period with a very high profitability. With LeLaissezFaire you won’t have to spend weeks on end wondering if your investment is safe or if you principle will be returned. With LeLaissezFaire we believe and practice what we preach .. “Let Us Be!” And that is a two way street.
We have devised our program design around EXACTLY what investors want … High Returns and Quick Profits.
Through our research of online investing we have determined there are essentially three kinds of investors in the online investing world.
Hit-n-Runners – those who like to get in and get out and move on… 7 to 28 day returns are your perfect answer.
Short to Mid Term Participants – these are they that like to wait to see if the hit-n-runners will collapse a program before they participate, or at the very least they like to see how the program matures after the first cycle or two. Again we say, 7 to 28 days is a short period of time so keep a watchful eye out and you will notice we have the resources and resolve to handle even the most keen in and out investor.
Fearful but Willing at Mid to Late Season – These investors are hesitant to engage any new program. They like to participate only in those programs that have ‘stayed the course’ for several cycles and proven their worth. That is fine with us too. We will be here when you are ready.
Check out our website, get a feel for what we are all about and you will see for yourselves that the LeLaissezFaire philosophy …
“Let Us Be”, “Leave us Alone” or our favorite… “To Let People Do As They Wish”
Is a philosophy that is long overdue as it pertains to online investing.
Wishing you Financial Freedom
LeLaissezFaire Team”.

The second program added to MNO Premium listing last night is called HyperCompound. In my opinion this program is simply great when it comes both to the script which is highly customized with lots of interesting features, wonderful design and a unique concept in investment plans which I will explain in more detail in the upcoming review. Instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney (deposits start from $1) and the acceptance of direct Bank wires, SSL-secured site by Comodo and hosting on a dedicated Staminus server just adds to the feeling that HyperCompound is possibly destined to be the next big thing when it comes to quality low-ROI programs. Despite the claims of being online for five years we can see that the domain of HyperCompound was registered just three months ago (although for five years) and the first mention of them on public forums is dated just a week ago. But the main attraction of HyperCompound is its investment plans which are truly different from everything I have seen before. The unique script pays you a fixed daily interest rate of 1.5%-3% on every business day. In addition you will also receive a bonus payment which will be added to your account daily and will increase daily too – so the longer you stay with the program the higher the daily interest you can earn. The investment term in HyperCompound is 100 business days and as the name implies you can choose the level of compounding yourself. The principal is to be released after 100 business days but you can claim it back anytime for a fee that will change daily from 100% at the start to 0% by the end of the investment term. Anyway, in my opinion the plans HyperCompound offer are quite complicated but extremely interesting to analyze which I’m about to do in the review tomorrow along with the regular daily news from the industry. Stay tuned for that, guys, and I hope to see you on MNO tomorrow!

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