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17/09/2011. PokerProfits Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! PokerProfits is paying selectively! Do not invest!

Hi guys! I hope the weekend’s been going as well for you as it has for me this evening, as I’m writing to you from the biggest party of the year in the worldwide capital of beer brewing! I had a pretty cool day exploring the old part of Munich and then moved on to the many beer halls after that where I must say it’s getting fairly lively now. Hope I didn’t overdo it too much though so sorry for any mistakes and typing errors in advance, lol! Luckily there isn’t all that much news today so I can afford to take it easy anyway, though as you can see I still have all the main updates that were available. Before getting to that though I want to look at one of the latest additions to the MNO monitoring page called PokerProfits. That’s another of the recent crop of online HYIPs claiming to make money from gambling (not a million miles short of the truth if you consider that HYIPs are a form of gambling anyway, though I’m not sure that’s exactly what the admin means). I can’t really call PokerProfits a short, medium, or long term program as there’s no expiry date set on it. It’s a so called perpetual program where once you join you remain a member for as long as the program manages to survive and it’s up to the investor when to ask for his principal back and leave the program.

There’s only one plan to speak of and the actual rate of interest given back to you will be the same regardless of how much you spent. PokerProfits start taking deposits from a $10 minimum and with a $200,000 maximum that effectively means you’re free to spend whatever you like. There’s no fixed investment term so you should continue to be paid for however long the admin is capable of running the program, something that is of course totally unpredictable. However you like to manage it is up to you – some might have a certain figure in mind, others a certain date, while more might just prefer to sit back and collect the payments until the program collapses. It’s totally up to you. But you are as I said earlier free to collect your principal and leave PokerProfits completely at any time that suits you.

How much you earn from PokerProfits however is another matter. It changes from day to day depending on the fortunes of the program, and indeed can even result in a loss. You can potentially earn anything up to a maximum of 5% interest per day, and risk losing up to 5% per day as well. The general trend for the moment is upwards, though do remember that this is by no mean guaranteed. You can see a record of PokerProfits previous payments up to now, and over the last five days (from the date of writing this review) the average payment was just marginally over 3%. It’s impossible to say how much you can earn from the program in total of course, as it’s up to you how long you stay.

The payment options open to you in PokerProfits is one of the more interesting aspects to the program. The traditional online HYIP options that you all know are available to you like LibertyReserve, AlertPay, and to a much lesser but by no means unknown extent HDMoney. The PokerProfits admin however has stated that his program is based and legally registered in Canada (his words by the way, not mine. I can in no way vouch for that claim) and as a result has an arrangement with a number of Canadian banks. That means that Canadian based investors can take advantage of that, so get in touch with him if that applies to you. Payment are made manually and can be expected within 24 hours of request.

It seems like the very idea of online gambling to generate money for HYIPs is getting awfully trendy now, with numerous programs claiming to be involved. I tend to doubt any of them are genuine, but one advantage PokerProfits has over the competition is that it uses a custom made script. The hosting provider is BlackLotus which is noted for providing good protection for HYIPs, and they have PokerProfits on a dedicated server. If you have any further questions about that or any other aspects of the program then you can only contact him by filling in the e-mail support form found on the contacts page.

As already mentioned the business behind PokerProfits is of course gambling, In fact I’m sure the name gave that much away to you already. But at this stage we’ve seen every conceivable business listed in the HYIP industry, none of them have ever turned out to be genuine, and with the greatest possible respect to PokerProfits about as much proof has been offered here as any other HYIP I have seen, ie none. So you know to proceed with caution, and rather than spend too much in PokerProfits try instead to keep smaller deposits in a greater number of HYIPs, including PokerProfits in that portfolio if you like them.


FIPO (reviewed here) which is one of the most popular new programs now and currently #1 on the MNO Exclusive listing issued another newsletter today. I must say that so far I am personally pretty impressed with the speed of payouts processed to my LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts every day. I’m sure that the 500 members of the program that have joined it already are also delighted with their returns in the 2.2% for 22 days plan with principal returned on expiry or the 2.4% daily forever plan. In a few days from now the first principals from the first plan should be returned and I’m sure that MNO will be the only source that will report on that as FIPO is officially monitored only on my blog which the admin confirmed once again in his latest newsletter. The most exciting update though was the official opening of the program’s own forum where members can share their views and communicate with each other and possibly the admin. I believe things like this can really improve a program as they strengthen the ties between members and create a sense of community which as a rule makes any program last longer and attracts more new investors. That is just one of many strong points to FIPO and I hope we see a new leader emerging here, at least the admin works hard and I can see his level of dedication in this latest newsletter:
FIPO Newsletter!
Hello Everyone,
We have been online for 3 weeks now and time does fly! We are very delighted with the progress and immensely grateful for our members’ support. We are also proud to announce that FIPO is fast approaching the 500 members milestone and our server has been online for 3 weeks without any setbacks. Our growth is reflected in multiple ways and we do believe that we are all geared up for a very long successful online presence here.
One of the activities that has kept us on our toes besides our regular schedule, is the preparation to launch our exclusive FIPO Forum. We felt that our members need to have a suitable platform that will allow them to share and exchange information about FIPO regularly.
So, this newsletter comes with the fantastic news that the FIPO Official Forum has been launched TODAY! Do drop by and give us your inputs, get in touch with us and also share your opinions and feedback on our services and your personal experience in being a FIPO member! Also, you get to exchange your views with all our other FIPO members! We invite each one of you to contribute to the activities in the FIPO Official Forum.
By now, we suppose most of you are aware that FIPO is exclusively monitored by Money-News-Online. We have not granted the permission or added any other monitoring program. This exclusive monitoring option is something which we intend to use for a long time to come.
Our profit payout personnel have been extremely busy in ensuring that all payouts are made within minutes of receiving each withdrawal request. We have received many messages of appreciation for our efforts from our members over the few weeks and would like to maintain this standard of payment processing for the long haul.
Likewise, our Support service team has also been busy responding promptly to all member queries around the clock, ensuring that all tickets are answered as soon as possible.
We thank you all, once again, for your great support and look forward to many more months of profitable investment opportunities for you.
Thank you.

It looks like some monitoring sites do not like the fact that another program from my Exclusive listing will not be monitored by them. Instead of spending a lot of money on such “services” the admin of Divatri chose to be monitored exclusively by MNO following the path of such enormously popular programs as GNI which was the first one ONLY monitored on MNO and which lasted for 18 months bringing profits to countless investors. I received a strange email from one monitoring site today asking why I have such specific rules for Exclusive listing on MNO and why my listing is “exclusive” and open only to the programs that do not wish to be advertised on other sites. Well, the answer is simple – I don’t follow anybody else’s rules. I felt there was a demand in the HYIP market for such services and I was not mistaken as more and more admins are looking at this option as a smart alternative to spending thousands of dollars on countless monitors which usually deliver nothing but headaches. In my opinion the decision to go with one single but reliable monitor singles the admin out as a smart guy with a well planned strategy for the future. He prefers slow and sustainable growth to the explosive growth that can’t be managed financially in the long term. Needless to say however that I never force any admin to join the Exclusive listing with MNO but those who do this will get my full support. Everybody has a choice and the admin of Divatri has made a good one. But today one of the monitoring sites rejected by Divatri was deleted from the program’s database after an attempt to forward some bad traffic was successfully blocked by their hosting provider BlockDos. Such malicious attempts can not be tolerated and I fully support the decision of Charles, the admin of Divatri to delete the account of that monitoring site which was reported in the new update today:
At around 12:45 PM ET, one of our customers from ( attempted to take down the web site once again. Fortunately, thanks to BlockDoS, all the fake traffic that was being redirected from ( to our web site, was successfully blocked. After thorough investigation, we found that the customer in relation to such activity was the owner of a monitoring web site called ( As a matter of fact, this kind of activity violates our policy. And as a result, we have deleted his account. For more information regarding this, please visit:
Sincerely, The Management”.
I remind you that Divatri was reviewed on MNO just two days ago and you can read the full review of the program here. The program accepts AlertPay, PayPal, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $10 to the following investment plans – 1.4%-2% for 150 business days, 7.5%-10.5% for 36 weeks and 30% monthly forever.

Regular readers of MNO have probably noticed already that both advertising banners belonging to HyperCompound (reviewed here) were changed on both my blog and monitoring pages. In my opinion the new improved versions are better designed and will definitely bring more new customers. Here is the latest news from the program regarding that event:
New Banners
We are pleased to announce that we have created new banners, you can find them in your account’s member area. All HyperCompound affiliate partners are kindly asked to update their banners if they were uploaded to their respective resources.
The admin of HyperCompound was also interviewed on MNO recently which you can read here. The program pays 1.5%-3% + bonus interest for 100 business days with principal returned on expiry. The minimum to invest starts from only $1 accepted via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and withdrawals are usually processed instantly. The program has reached #8 among the programs listed on Premium status with MNO and it definitely remains one of the most popular choices among investors preferring long-term stable programs with more unique left-of-center plans and many original features like HyperCompound offers to its clients.

Here are the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours listed on MNO:
BetForInvest, PowerfulStrategy, FreedomFxStrategy, HitNRunMasters, StockBiz, BruyetteInvestment, SafeDepositary, InvestNetGroup, BrantonsGroup, RegularBee, UnitrustDirect, WinnerEarn, SportEarn, NeoProgress, HyperCompound, RichesBank, FIPO, AGSTrade, ViscoCorp, PrimFix, EurexTrade, ReProFinance, After60Days, SuperHotPay, BaseBucks, PokerProfits, GlobalFxTrades, TopsFund, LargeProfit, FelminaAlliance (the first payments received) and PaidJack (the first payment received).

Please stay tuned for tomorrow’s review of another new program, again allegedly involved in poker playing called PaidJack, and of course the latest news from the HYIP industry. More on that read on MNO tomorrow!

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