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28/09/2012. JustTripler Review and Daily News from the Industry


 Beware! JustTripler has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi all! Hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend again, though I hardly noticed the week passing by I’ve been that busy. And no change this weekend either as I still have a couple of new programs to look into for you that have joined my monitoring page in the last few days. The one I’m continuing with this evening is called JustTripler which I’m kinda pleased will at least be a shorter review than usual owing to them only having one investment plan. So let’s take a closer look at that plan and some of JustTripler‘s other features and see what you think of of it yourselves.

To start with I think the name’s a bit misleading. Not that I attach any importance whatsoever to these things, but you would tend to get the first impression that an online HYIP calling itself JustTripler would somehow triple your money. Usually, but not in this case. Maybe it’s just to get people associating the name of this one with some of the recent big and successful programs in a similar vein, I don’t know, but as I said it’s not particularly important. I just mention it because you might go to JustTripler expecting to find something that’s not there, because there’s no connection at all other than a similar sounding name.

What is there however is one single investment plan open to all players willing to drop a $30 minimum into the program. If that’s you, then the plan will run for 21 calendar days during which JustTripler are offering you a daily interest payment of 7%. The maximum deposit is $30,000 but the 7% rate applies to all members regardless of how big or how small their deposits are. Your principal is counted as part of the daily payments so it won’t be returned to you on expiry. That means your payments will add up to a final sum of 147%, or your own money plus 47% net profit.

To put that in monetary terms, we’ll pretend you sign up with $100. In return JustTripler are offering to pay you back $7 per day, every day for three weeks. You would earn back your original hundred 15 days into the term, and start counting passive profit only after that. All things going according to plan that would mean a total return of $147, out of which $100 is yours and $47 is profit. And that’s it. It’s a pretty simple choice for you now – you either like it or you don’t, you either trust them or you don’t, but one way or another your choice is simple – take it or leave it because it’s the only thing you’re getting from JustTripler.

It seems to be an essential feature these days for even the most average and mediocre HYIPs to have a wide selection of payment options. And this one is no exception with all the popular processors available for you, including SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and LibertyReserve. Payouts are handled manually by the JustTripler admin and so you’ll need to log-in to your account and make a request. Once that’s done you are asked to allow up to 24 hours for the transaction to be completed. I have to say my own withdrawals were fast, though when the program’s still not so popular the admin won’t exactly have too much of a workload for himself anyway. But if JustTripler do get popular just be aware of the terms.

On the technical side of things JustTripler is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection by Koddos. The website is SSL encrypted by Comodo and runs off a script under license from GoldCoders so I guess most of you will find it looks familiar. The JustTripler admin can be contacted if you have any further questions, comments, or account related issues by filling in your details on the online ticketing form and submitting it.

The design and content are pretty basic, by which I mean the alleged business interests backing the whole thing up. Though I think we all know by now, readers here do anyway, not to treat JustTripler as anything other than an untraceable online HYIP. For the record they say on their website that they are exactly what we know they are – an online HYIP. The thing is it’s not often you get a HYIP admin who will so candidly admit this, even when the overwhelming majority of regular players are already aware of it. At least I hope they are anyway! So kudos to the admin here for being in that tiny minority who choose not to deny the obvious. I doubt it will have much of an impact either way on the program’s popularity, but at least no one is trying to deliberately deceive you into thinking this is a business with a future. I don’t like some of the language used by JustTripler when describing themselves as they throw certain words like “transparency, responsibility, and guarantees” around far too easily, all of which are a total contradiction of what internet HYIPs are really about, but let’s leave all that for another day. You now have the basic facts about JustTripler, and it’s up to you what you want to do with them. Just remember to stay within an affordable spending limit, and if joining any one HYIP try to make it a smaller part of a more diverse portfolio.



As promised by the admin of Finvance Mark (interviewed here) some time back the ultimate goal for his program would be to provide e-currency exchanges freely between all processors. So you might remember last night some issues with EgoPay’s mass payment system forced Mark to make withdrawals from EgoPay available to other handlers, so there were already several directions available straight from your account in Finvance totally free of charge! This apparently went really well and so he’s now offering all exchanges within your account in Finvance in all directions for a 0% fee.

So let’s see how this will be beneficial to someone who decides to join the 8% for 20 business plan offered by Finvance (reviewed here). Suppose you make a deposit via LibertyReserve and would like to be paid via PerfectMoney instead of paying the high fees to exchangers. No problem – just click on the link provided by Mark in his newsletter while signed into your account and make the exchange. Take another another example – if you make a deposit in Finvance via EgoPay and want to get paid via SolidTrustPay instead go to the provided link and make an exchange request for your earnings absolutely free of charge. I’m sure the new service will prove popular and maintain further growth in the program which is already going from strength to strength currently occupying #2 in the list of Premium programs on MNO. Here’s the latest newsletter from the admin of Finvance with more details:

Finvance Free Exchange Service
Finvance would like to introduce our full free exchange service to all our members. As many of you have taken advantage of our test exchange periods over the past month, we are now proud to announce the next big thing from Finvance.
Our Free Exchange system is now online for all 4 e-currencies we accept: SolidTrustPay, Liberty Reserve, EgoPay and PerfectMoney.
This means you can exchange earnings in any direction you choose without any fee. This applies to all our active investors now as well as new investors.
Offered Exchanges:
Liberty Reserve to SolidTrustPay, Liberty Reserve to PerfectMoney, Liberty Reserve to EgoPay
SolidTrustPay to Liberty Reserve, SolidTrustPay to EgoPay, SolidTrustPay to PerfectMoney
EgoPay to Liberty Reserve, EgoPay to PerfectMoney, EgoPay to SolidTrustPay
PerfectMoney to Liberty Reserve, PerfectMoney to EgoPay, PerfectMoney to SolidTrustPay
To take advantage of our exchange services, just login and visit this link to exchange earnings into your chosen e-currency:
To participate in exchanges, you must visit the exchange link to exchange your earnings. We have had some users put in their withdrawal memo’s the e-currency they want. Any withdrawal request submitted in any e-currency will be processed in that e-currency. Please use our exchange link if you wish to exchange earnings into another e-currency.


For some strange reason I noticed my latest withdrawals in ProfitableSunrise (currently ranked at #4 in MNO’s Premium list with the review published here) are not allowed to be made via LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney and every time I tried to request one I saw a message informing me that only withdrawals to EgoPay and SolidTrustPay are allowed. As I’m mostly receiving referral commissions from ProfitableSunrise at the moment (as it has become extremely popular among readers lately) I thought it was somehow connected with the cross-checking of referral commissions credited to my account. However by checking online forums I was made aware of the situation and that it particularly affected at least a few members who were not able to withdraw to their LR and PM accounts either. After I was contacted by one of my referrals in ProfitableSunrise affected by the same issuel and was forced to create an STP account which she didn’t really want to do in the first place I realized it was high time to contact the admin. It looked to me at that point that ProfitableSunrise had some cashflow issues and was ready to scam pretty soon, so the admin might be accumulating LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney reserves that are easily withdrawn instead of SolidTrustPay and EgoPay funds which might be traced.

Anyway, the admin of ProfitableSunrise Roman (interviewed here) tried his best to calm fears about the program’s financial situation by quoting the terms of service which I was not aware of before. In a nutshell, the admin reserves the right to pay investors who join the 1.6%-2% for 180 business days with the original principal back on expiry to another payment processor of his choice after the initial deposit is returned. So suppose you invested $100 with ProfitableSunrise via LibertyReserve. After you have withdrawn $100 in earnings to LR and are now in profit, the admin can close your option to withdraw to LibertyReserve and pay you to PerfectMoney, EgoPay or SolidTrustPay (depending on what payment processor he has higher reserves in). So please be prepared for that as it’s starting to be enforced now. The question remains though – why at this point when ProfitableSunrise is at its peak paying for about eleven months want to implement this rule? Is it a strong indicator of a coming collapse, cashflow issues or just a rule from the terms and conditions which the admin is trying to observe? In any case you will be the judges of that! I will just let you ponder this by letting you read the explanatory email I got today from the admin of ProfitableSunrise Roman and consider what it actually means. Maybe it even means nothing more than exactly what it says:

Hello Paul,
This is not true. The withdrawals to PM and LR are working as usual.
All transfers between us and our customers are regulated by the Terms Of Service.
– We reserve the right to allocate any of the payment systems we work with as the withdrawal payment method for any account.
– We let our members negotiate the possibility of selection of the the withdrawal payment, but only for the amount that does not exceed the amount deposited through the system the member wants to use for withdrawal.
– We reserve the right to allocate the withdrawal payment method for the amount exceeding the deposited amount. This right is can not negotiable.
If you believe that the Terms of Service were not observed for some of our customers please let us know the username and we will investigate.
So note that when you receive any complaints from our customers, make sure to check our terms of service before making decisions about such complaints.
Blessings, Roman.


A technical email was issued by Nick, the admin of SkyCrown today. In it he reminds members about the utmost importance of keeping your e-currency accounts up-to-date to avoid any unpleasant situations or delays with deposits and withdrawals in the future. SkyCrown pays from 3% to 3.5% depending on the principal to EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, PexPay or PerfectMoney. LibertyReserve is also accepted but indirectly and the profits are paid to your PerfectMoney account instead. Withdrawals are processed manually from Monday to Saturday and have to be requested from your account area. By the way, to make your experience easier and give you an idea when you’re able to withdraw your earnings a server time was added to the main page and is perfectly visible on top now. Making such small improvements every day the admin of SkyCrown certainly deserves the boost his program got after the detailed review was published on MNO (click here to read it). The latest newsletter from Nick can be found below:

Account Management Best Practices
Dear Members,
We want to remind you that in order to be able to withdraw and deposit funds you need to have your e-currency account correctly typed in under your financial details.
If your e-currency account is not typed in at all, you will not be able to deposit funds.
If your e-currency account is not the one funds will originate from or if it contains errors, your deposit will not show up in your account and you will have to contact us.
We chose to adopt this system with our members in mind, to ensure the correct account is there when processing withdrawal requests.
Please ensure your e-currency account is present and is spelled correctly as soon as possible, even if you do not plan to make a deposit right now, as details such as this can be easily forgotten and can lead to frustrating situations.
As a side-note, we added the server time to the upper-right corner of our website, so you can see exactly how much time is left until your next profits or until the next transaction processing session.
Warm Regards, Nick Seltzer
Online Identity Manager
SkyCrown Capital Management”.


I received quite an angry email from the admin of BinarySuccess (to be reviewed on MNO soon) suggesting that some members who are not waiting patiently for their withdrawals to be processed within the promised 24-hour timeframe and posting and complaining on forums and monitors will be penalized with the suspension of their accounts. I must say that so far BinarySuccess is paying within the promised timeframe and there is really no call for spreading panic if one of your withdrawal request was paid within minutes and the second one within hours. Note that the time for processing pending withdrawals was clearly stated on BinarySuccess from the beginning and if you don’t like the terms you shouldn’t have joined the program in the first place. Today I was returned the first principal on expiry of the 105%-130% after 1 day plan and hopefully soon we will see the first returns on other investment plans including 120%-210% after 3 days, 190%-300% after 5 days, 320%-420% after 7 days, 625%-850% after 15 days, 1750%-2000% after 30 days. Here’s the email I was talking about:

 Dear members
 Please Read faq before Invest
After I make a withdrawal request, when will the funds be available on my ecurrency account?
Funds are usually available within 1-24 hours. All requests will be processed manually.
Those members who make fake post/vote before 24 hours payment not received, We suspend his acc Instantly!
Best Reg BinarySuccess.


Today two more programs reported API account issues in EgoPay that affected withdrawals, sometimes making them multiple times and causing huge inconvenience to the admins.

I must say that at the time of writing EgoPay seems to have fixed the issue and canceled the duplicate withdrawals made by the admins yesterday. This mess prompted the admin of SingleStepInvestment (to be reviewed on MNO soon) to issue a newsletter announcing temporarily delayed payouts to EgoPay:

EgoPay API Problem!
 Dear Member, EgoPay is facing some technical issues with their API system which they are working on to fix. As it is beyond our control, so we apologize that EgoPay payments will be delayed until EgoPay fix the problem. EgoPay has informed us that it will take maximum 24 hours to solve the problem. All of other payments will be processed as usual. Thank you, SingleStepInvestment Ltd.”

The admin of AtlanticVision (reviewed here) was concerned about the negative balances the clients of EgoPay might have been left with after the double payments were canceled today by the payment processor’s administration. The admin urged everyone who has their EgoPay account balances negative to contact the customer support of his program and provided the email address where you need to write to have your problem solved. Here’s the email:

Temporary Issue
Yesterday we have experienced some technical difficulties with Ego Pay payment processor. As a result of their API failure every payout to this payment processor was doubled leading to customers using this payment processor had their account balances negative. At this time we have sorted out all the problems and all doubled payouts were cancelled, however balances remained negative. We ask everyone who has their account balance negative to contact customer support at in order have this problem resolved. Thank you for your attention and stay tuned for the up-coming updates!


The minimum to withdraw in CEmobility has been now reduced from $10 to $1. In the short newsletter issued by the admin today it was also reported about an upgraded server after DDoS attacks on the site during its first days online, although I myself didn’t see any evidence of this with the site still loading pretty slow compared to others. Anyway, here’s the latest news from CEmobility which will be properly reviewed on MNO soon:

Cheers We grow up and better!
We do two important things today:
1. Upgrading our server due to attacked yesterday and fixing the bugs.
2. Changing minimum of withdrawal from $10 to $1. We hope more those who are interested in our business could join us for partner.
Best Regard CEmobility.


As usual on Fridays DiamondAsset issued another weekly newsletter where the admin reported on the end of another business week where they successfully paid out interest to clients’ LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay accounts for the 1.8%-2.5% for 120 business days with principal back on expiry plan. He also suggested to follow DiamondAsset on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates and provided the links to them. Here’s the latest from DiamondAsset (first reviewed on MNO here):

Interest Payments
Dear Investor,
Thank you for maintaining investment relationship with DiamondAsset.
This is to inform you that all Interest Payments for this week has been successfully processed. We appreciate your patronage and invite you to FOLLOW us on Facebook and Twitter, this will enable you to get our Latest News and Updates faster;
Kind Regards,
DiamondAsset Support Team.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: TheMoneyGalaxy, IntraFunds.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, Finvance, RightFiveProfitableSunriseEurexTrade,  TheBig5, FelminaAlliance, PlexCapital, FixedMonthlyIncome, Bull&BearCapital, PipsFund, AtlanticVision, SingleStepInvestment, RoyalUnion, SkyCrown, DiamondAssetJustTripler, ROInvest, ForexEarnBinarySuccess.
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, Hero10.
From MNO Basic list: AoGo, StallionGold, BeeGold (the first payment received).

That’s it for tonight, guys. See you tomorrow with another review and more news from the industry. Remember that despite being the weekend MNO is still working hard and updating members on the latest events from the HYIP world and the programs monitored on my site. Read today’s news today only on MNO and have a nice weekend!

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