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13/10/2012. ProForexUnion Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! ProForexUnion has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Hope you’re all having a nice weekend so far. It’s been a busy enough day for news considering it’s Saturday, and plenty of items that might be of interest to you. As usual however I want to start with any new programs being featured on the MNO monitor for the first time, and today it’s the turn of one called ProForexUnion. This is a medium to long term HYI program that launched about two and a half weeks ago now. When you see the investment plans ProForexUnion are offering you’ll see that’s not really a long time and that the program can still be considered comparatively new. If on the other hand you would like to adopt a more cautious approach as is your right, I would just like to point out that ProForexUnion‘s first and shortest term plan will be coming to maturity in the next couple of days and therefore putting its first investors in profit. If you’d feel safer by waiting for that to happen then please feel free to do so. You’ll be hearing about it first right here n MNO so do keep an eye on my blog for that if you’re interested. Reports of the first principals being returned should be coming in not later than the middle to late next week so in the greater scheme of things it’s not that long to wait.

But for those ready to take a chance and dive right in, let me try and describe ProForexUnion‘s investment plans for you here in more detail. First of all there’s three of them, all making low rate interest payments per day and all returning your principal on expiry. The rate depends such things as the length of the investment term and how much you are prepared to risk, but despite that ProForexUnion is still wuite affordable with a minimum requirement of just $10 needed to join their most basic plan. This one runs for 20 calendar days (hence ProForexUnion‘s first members hopefully about to profit next week) and offers a daily interest payment of 1.2%. This adds up to a total of 24% net profit by the end of the term, which only becomes profit once ProForexUnion return your principal as promised. The maximum investment allowed for this plan is a relatively conservative $300.

But unfortunately if the maximum for that plan is conservative, then the minimum for the next one is almost extortionate at the same level. It will cost you at least $301 to join ProForexUnion‘s second plan which runs for 30 calendar days. During this time you are offered a daily interest payment of 1.7% per day, adding up to 51% in total by the time of expiry. ProForexUnion should then give you back your principal, meaning this is your net profit. Maximum spend for this plan is $1200.

The remaining plans (basically one plan split into two options depending on your budget) are really for the big spenders only. Both run for 60 calendar days and are organized as follows:
For a deposit between $1201 and $3500 ProForexUnion are offering a daily payment of 1.9% with your principal returned of expiry. Total payments here should, if everything works out how we would hope for, add up to 114% net profit.
And for anything over and above that up to a maximum value of $10,999 the rate is 2.4% per day. That accumulates to 144% in total by expiry, at which time ProForexUnion should again return your principal.

Other things you should be aware of concerning the investment plans include first of all the option of compounding. Now it’s entirely up to you whether you want to do this or not, for my own reasons I’ve always advised against it, though I wouldn’t necessarily say it reflects badly on the program just by being available either. Sometimes I just think there are more complications that the whole thing is worth, and a far more effective, profitable, and safer form of “compounding” is actually just to reinvest your earnings in different more diverse HYIPs than the one you earned them from. But anyway, ProForexUnion make it available should you insist on making use of it no matter what.

One other curious feature to ProForexUnion is that your investment plan cannot be chosen by you in the traditional sense. It will be allocated to you automatically according to the amount you invest, so please check carefully before making a deposit.

Apart from that you would obviously need to know what the payment options are, and in this case ProForexUnion are accepting deposits through SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. All the popular choices in other words. Payouts are made manually by the admin and so will have to be requested from inside your ProForexUnion members account area. Once this is done you are required to allow up to a maximum of 24 hours for all transactions to be completed.

The design and security features of the program are up to a decent standard, with the ProForexUnion website running off an entirely customized script and quite an eye-catching and well made (in my opinion) design in general. There’s a lot of interesting links, and graphics for example, none of which do anything whatsoever to secure your money but do at least go some way towards making the whole thing look a bit more professional. The website is SSL secured by Thawte and hosted on a dedicated server by AntiDDoS who I think are widely accepted now as a more dependable alternative to many of the more common service providers. Certainly I don’t remember too many issues with the programs they’ve hosted which were covered by my monitor anyway.

If you have any further questions for the ProForexUnion admin about this, anything else about his program, or any account related issues then you can get in touch by filling in the online support form and submitting it. Alternatively you can just write directly to the e-mail listed. A longer shot, and not something to bother with if you’re actually expecting an answer, would be the various postal addresses on the ProForexUnion website, though you are of course free to try and research them if you’re interested. Personal experience suggests these, should they even exist, merely serviced offices for mailing purposes. Phone numbers are also included for these offices, but again it’s up to yourself if you think calling them will get you anywhere (again, personal experience would say usually not but don’t let that put you off trying). The ProForexUnion website also has a Live Chat feature, though it’s not a 24 hour service ant there’s nothing to indicate when you’ll find an operator there, if in fact it’s ever made available to members at all that is.

Overall though it is quite a nice looking website, quite well designed, and with a full page of various certificates and letters allegedly originating from all manner of sources testifying to the capabilities of ProForexUnion in what they are claiming to be doing. The name of the program kinda gives it away, right? – ForEx trading – but that’s hardly an original statement in the HYIP industry either. It’s an identical claim made by a million other programs in the past, and if it was ever true or not – even once – it never prevented anyone from losing money in the end if they weren’t careful. So until ProForexUnion do a better job of guaranteeing your investment than they do (which is 100% impossible anyway) then I would suggest you treat them as you would any other high risk online HYIP. That of course means establishing an affordable spending limit that you will never break and won’t be badly affected by if you lost it, and trying to keep a wider more diverse portfolio.



The first ever newsletter was issued today by the administration of PerfectFinance (reviewed here). I would like to remind you that the program was added to MNO two weeks ago and since then it’s managed to get into the Top 10 most popular programs on MNO winning investor’s attention with stable payouts and prompt support. The investment plans available for those joining PerfectFinance start from a $10 minimum for 2.7%-3% for 60 days with principal back on expiry. Please note that all payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are processed instantly, while payments to SolidTrustPay and EgoPay are done manually by the admin, but shouldn’t take longer than 24 hours anyway.

The expected performance from PerfectFinance attracted a lot of members in the first two weeks online and resulted in 3,300 registered users which is a pretty decent result by any standards. New features include an investment calculator to help you count your profits in the program. If you have any questions you can always contact PerfectFinance via Live chat, email, or phone support. The admin also allows multiple investment accounts in the program which are usually prohibited, and asks you to vote for the program on various forums and monitors. Members’ support is pretty important if a program wants to stay for the long term and I’m glad that the admin realizes this and finds the time to update investors on how the program is doing. Please read the latest news from PerfectFinance below:

PERFECT FINANCE #1 Newsletter – 13. October, 2012.
October the 13th 2012, is a major milestone for us at PerfectFinance, as it marks the second week since we have brought our system online. With the great success that the program has had thus far, we see this is being only one of many major achievements to come as we continue to strive to serve our valuable investors better and provide them with the best returns possible.
At the moment we are proud that our client base has approached 3300 total registered accounts, with 2500 active users. Our communication with people and variety of acquaintances results in good benefit for you and new good source of profit based on equity investment for your friends.
At PerfectFinance we have always promoted transparency and communication, in order to gain investor trust and confidence. In order to achieve this, PerfectFinance provides 24/7 English live chat. You can also talk to one of our customer support from 8:00 AM till 4:00 PM GMT. Call us anytime at +44 20 7097 8777!
For our investors’ convenience, we have installed an investment calculator. It does not only include your gained profit, it also includes the principal that you have made your investment with…. What are you waiting for?? Go to the header and calculate your earnings now!!
Now, you and your family can share fun and profit altogether. Your family can register using the same PC/IP without any problems. Share everything together and enjoy investing with PerfectFinance.
PerfectFinance allows the investors to change their compounding rate at anytime during their investment. Just log into your account and go to “Your Investment” to change it. This option will make your investment instrument even more changeable and flexible.
At the end, PerfectFinance wishes to thank all investors and promoters for their trust in our program as we aim to grow our business in the effort to continue to serve you better all the time.
Best Regards, Christopher Walters


As you might remember, just two weeks ago the admin of RightFive Steve (interviewed here) announced that payouts would be made on Saturdays as well as business days and for the last two weeks this was followed diligently. However this Saturday the payouts on both plans offered by RightFive (reviewed here) – 5% for 30 days and 110% after 7 days to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve were not processed due to internet connectivity problems. The next batch of payouts will be done on Monday as stated in the latest update posted on the RightFive website today, so I hope that the pending payouts will be finished by then:

No payments processed today
13. October 2012
We are facing some internet connectivity problems at our location. We are therefore unable to process payments today. Next payments will be made at the usual time, starting around 12:00 GMT on Monday, 15th of October.
Please note that this will be still in our processing window of 48 hours, since yesterday all payments were processed and tomorrow is a non paying day.”


Apparently following the success of other popular HYIPs the admin of Nubcoyu has decided to issue regular weekly newsletters on every Friday. The first one was sent to me late Friday, or early Saturday to be exact. I must say that it was a bit more entertaining that what we’re used to from the HYIP admins. In this one the admin explicitly tells everyone how he earns the money to provide Nubcoyu investors with the promised 1.4% per day for 200 days via EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Such investment opportunities including piggybacking on other successful programs (and the admin even goes so far as to list them!), involvement in sales of pirate DVDs and food on street markets. I don’t know how about you, guys, but it sounds really refreshing after all this ForEx and precious metals rubbish. Of course it’s not necessarily true but I’d rather hear more interesting stories than some very obvious copy/pasted lies. The admin of Nubcoyu also tells us something of his personal life and his recent car accident which led to his alleged hospitalization and the payout delays. Also the recent review of his program published on MNO this week (click here to read) was called unbiased and that a brainstorming “ideas contest” to improve the program is ongoing. Everything you wanted to know about Nubcoyu and its owner is in the full version of the first weekly newsletter below:

Nubcoyu Friday Issue 1 (12/10/2012)
Greetings To Our Valued Investors,
We’ve decided to publish a weekly newsletter every Friday night in order to inform and report our progress with the business. We are excited and delighted with our first issue for our Nubcoyu Friday newsletter. Today, we’ll cover insights into our recent activities, both business related and non-related. So, please stay with us and read the happenings at Nubcoyu!
Attending Hatachi Senior High School Autumn Wind Culture Festival
Our team at Nubcoyu attended the Hatachi’s school Culture Festival last weekend. My daughter, Miyako is attending that school, so how can a father like me not attend it. We, a group of 5, opened a little Okinawa Soba stand there. By the way, Soba is a variation of Japanese ramen fried and kneaded with Kuuki Sauce. We did take around $400 of your deposits to invest in materials needed for preparing the food. Our progress exceeded our expectations and we received a lot of positive feedback from students. We managed to reap over $1700 from that day and we’ve inputed that whole amount of $1700 into the Nubcoyu system, in order to accelerate the engine. So, some of you might ask if we don’t take any cuts? We do, but in conventional way. Each of us has an investor account at Nubcoyu, invested with $1000 each. This is to ensure our strict fund management and to accurately determine the direction of the wind.
Anyways, back to the business. My lovely daughter also managed to win the ballet contest and earned a golden cup for it. She also went on stage for an English speech, which she truly excelled at and earned complements and honour rewards from the school’s principal. I guess it’s more than worth that I hire a westerner to help her out with English privately.
Investment With Pirate DVD Shops
We have a lot of underground connections with people in Thailand. We’ve decided to open 5 DVD stores in Bann-Mor district of Thailand. Guess what? They’re all pirated discs. Most of you might have known that Thailand is known for cheap materials and weak law enforcement, so $20 each for local police did the job. We’ve gathered the top hit movies, games, programs and even Mac softwares to be torrented and copied right onto PRINCO discs at $0.4 each. We then sell each of those discs at $10 – $15. Sweet! We’ll put up more reports on the pirate disc business soon.
Investment With Street Food
We have invested in street food vendors. Right now, our friend, Mr.Nitichai is making the deal. More reports soon!
Investment With Other HYIPs, cyclers and MLMs
One of the most effective ways of fund expansion is to invest in other high risk programs, notably HYIPs. Our recent investment with AWTC, SiriusUnion, NewGNi, Finvance, RoyalUnion, Gulf-Of-Mexico, etc. has been proven successful. I’d like to express my regards for every admins for their hard work and sincerely hope it continues this way. For hybrids, we did win a lot of ISMAdFunds, where we earn 1.5% daily while advertising on their Social Network. More information to come soon.
Admin Hospitalized
On my way back from Minami Alps back to the Kai City on Wednesday evening, I felt half asleep and crashed directly into the bushy lanes. Although there was no perilous wounds physically, I passed out from the shock and found myself conscious at the Yamanashi JinMin Hospital.
The moment before I passed out, my daughter’s face just popped up and at that moment, I truly thought I was really going to die. Luckily I didn’t! So everyone, don’t drive half asleep!
Surprisingly, nobody from my team came to see me!
MNO Review Announced!
As you might already know, we’ve been interviewed on MNO unbiasedly. For those interested, we highly recommend you have a thorough read though it and that might help you make up your mind!
Nubcoyu Ideas Sweeptakes Still Going ON!
Since last week, we’ve opened a new discussion of online and offline business investments to add more oxygen to our program. We’ve just received 3 of them though, so don’t be shy! Express your genius!
That’s it for today. We hope that you’ll enjoy your great weekend and be able to spend quality time with your family and loved ones.
Nubcoyu Administration Team
Remember To Check Our Social Network!


DiamondAsset (reviewed here) also managed to update everyone on the successfully processed withdrawals during the business week. As a reminder, the program pays only on business days from Monday to Friday and credits accounts on those days with 1.8%-2.5% interest for the duration of 120 business days after which the main principal is returned. DiamondAsset has been running for over 50 days already and paying on the deposits starting from $10 to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. In the latest newsletter from DiamondAsset it was reported about the successful payments this week and links given to the program’s Facebook and Twitter pages:

Interest Payments
Dear Investor,
Thank you for maintaining investment relationship with DiamondAsset.
This is to inform you that all Interest Payments for this week has been successfully processed. We appreciate your patronage and invite you to FOLLOW us on Facebook and Twitter, this will enable you to get our Latest News and Updates faster;
Regards, DiamondAsset.


Please note that ProfitaLimited has been moved to Waiting status on MNO today due to delayed payouts. In fact the only thing that stopped me from moving it to Problem status was that the payouts are still within the announced terms of 96 hours. However I found it very strange that apparently monitoring sites for ProfitaLimited including MNO are getting paid much faster and certainly within a few hours, while a lot of investors were left waiting. It certainly smells like selective payouts to me, guys!

The other thing that makes me very suspicious about their future was the investment plan has suddenly changed from 15%-40% for 8 business days to 150% after 1 day (!). That usually indicates a pending demise of any program within the next couple of days and such change of plans certainly can’t be done out of good intentions. The complete giveaway sign of a scam however is that the MNO monitoring logo displayed on ProfitaLimited‘s website is not an actual dynamic logo from my monitor, but rather a static image hosted on their server and therefore the status displayed there cannot be considered either accurate or truthful. Please do not be misled and do not invest in ProfitaLimited which will probably go to Problem or Scam status on MNO by tomorrow!


Finally I want to introduce a high quality program called CarbonDeals that came to MNO within the first hours of its launch and I believe might be a good addition to your investment portfolios. Anyway, the initial response to CarbonDeals was largely enthusiastic, especially from experienced readers which I take as a good sign. The program has a very good design and runs off a modified and licensed ProBiz script with full SSL-encryption of the entire site and hosting on a dedicated server by BlackLotus. All investment plans start from a $20 minimum and are capped at a $5,000 maximum. Payment processors include SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and EgoPay. Plans offer 5.2% for 28 days, 4.2% for 42 days, 3.8% for 56 days, 3.6% for 70 days, all of which include your principal. If you want faster returns then CarbonDeals will offer you 108% after 1 week, and for a slightly longer period 10% for 2 weeks with the principal returned on expiry. A full analysis of all the investment plans and the other features will be included in the upcoming review of CarbonDeals on my blog soon, so stay tuned for that, everyone.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: SiriusUnionRoyalUnion, ProfitaLimitedIntraFunds, AgroFinance, ProsperaNova.
From MNO Premium list: Finvance, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, SkyCrown, PerfectFinanceROInvest, PipsFund, AWTC, OdoFxProForexUnion.
From MNO Standard list: PrimeX7, UFOWin, BYW30.
From MNO Basic list: 10For25Ads, StallionGold, TradingFxInv.

That’s all the news for tonight. I hope to see you on MNO tomorrow, same time as usual. So enjoy the rest of your Saturday and see you all then!

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