27/11/2012. SigmaSum Review and Daily News from the Industry
Beware! SigmaSum has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello all! It was a quieter day than usual for the middle of the week today, but there’s still some important updates I think you may wish to be aware of. I’ll get to that in the second half of the update as usual but first want to start with a relatively new short term HYIP called SigmaSum that’s just been listed on the MNO monitor. It’s quite a straight forward program with the “classic” style investment plan that’s been popular in the industry in the past. SigmaSum have their own variation of that as we shall see, as well as the other main features you might want to know about it you’re thinking about taking a chance on them.
What you have is basically just one short term plan broken down into five different sub-categories based on how much you would care to invest. As is typical for the HYIP industry these options are heavily slanted towards the bigger spenders, with the highest returns being offered to those prepared to take the biggest risk. Better news however is that it will only cost you $5 to join SigmaSum in the first place, which is below the industry average. That would get you into what’s called The Alpha Plan, which also takes anything up to a $499 maximum. It runs for 12 calendar days, during which SigmaSum make a daily interest payment to members. For this particular option the rate is 9%. Your initial principal is factored into the daily payments and so will not be returned on expiry, which means your final earnings will hopefully add up to 108%, or 8% net profit.
Or to put it another way if you were to invest $100 with this plan you’d be hoping to receive $9 per day in return until it adds up to $108 in total. Given that the maximum spend is relatively high (not for the industry as such, rather compared to what real people can actually afford) then I’d be guessing this is where the majority of members would be joining. There are a great many unknown and unpredictable factors governing the success and failure of any HYIP, especially seasonal factors, but just to consider this plan purely on it’s own merits we can see that it’s quite sustainable by industry standards and no “obvious” reason why it couldn’t run for a decent number of cycles. But then that’s where the gambling side of things comes into play.
SigmaSum‘s remaining plans are more or less organized identically to the first one, only changing the interest rates for the bigger investors. Because we’re talking about vast sums of money that are nowhere near affordable and therefore irrelevant to most readers I’ll just skip through most of them briefly, though the one other option that is likely to interest a good number of you is The Gamma Plan. Again running for 12 calendar days, SigmaSum‘s minimum deposit is $500, and for any amount up to $4,999 are offering investors a daily payment of 9.5%. This will include your principal already so won’t be returned separately. All going according to plan this should result in total earnings of 114% for you, or 14% net profit.
With most folks counting the days until Christmas now it’s unlikely that many will be spending on the more expensive plans available from SigmaSum, Santa Claus being a more deserving recipient of your money than HYIP admins I think you’ll agree, but just in case you’re interested I’ll just list the figures for you here:
The Delta Plan pays 10% daily (120% total) on amounts from $5,000 to $19,999, The Sigma Plan pays 11% daily (132% total) on amounts between $20,000 and $49,999, and The Omega Plan is offering 12% per day (144% total) on anything above that to a maximum value of $500,000.
Payment options are pretty good, though that does seem to be the case with any new HYIP starting up these days that wants to be taken seriously. All the popular processors are already listed with SigmaSum so I don’t really see any reason for investors to be looking for it to be expanded. But with SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and even LiqPay already there there isn’t much room for that anyway. Payments are made manually by the admin and will need to be requested from insider your SigmaSum private members area. Once done you are then asked to allow up to six hours for the transaction to be completed. I must say that’s pretty good by any standards, I just hope it’s not too ambitious a schedule for him to keep up with because people do tend to get vocal if they find themselves waiting longer than a minute past the agreed time. Then again, it mightn’t be an issue if there’s at least two people handling the payouts, but we’ll see how it goes over the next week or so anyway. My own payment was instant by the way, though this is in no way guaranteed or even offered for that matter, so at least be prepared to wait and just accept any instant payments as a sort of bonus. Payouts to EgoPay however will definitely be made manually.
On the design and security features, I’d also be largely positive. Hosting is on a dedicated server with support and protection by BlockDos who are the established industry leader right now. Of course that doesn’t necessarily prevent the DDoS attacks that have been so prevalent in the industry recently from being launched, but at least when it does happen then SigmaSum (or their hosting provider) is in a better position to deal with them. The SigmaSum website is also SSL encrypted by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions, and if running off a script under license from GoldCoders, though it’s barely recognizable due to being heavily customized to meet the admin’s requirements. Any further questions or account related issues can be addressed to the SigmaSum admin either by filling out the online support form (which opens in a pop-up box when you click on the contacts tab) or else just by writing to him directly at the listed e-mail address. SigmaSum are also maintaining a Facebook profile.
Overall it’s not a bad looking website, professionally designed though extremely vague about any king of sustainable business plan to keep it all afloat. For the record the claim is made that SigmaSum‘s activities include “Stock, Forex, Gold and Oil”, or all the usual tall tales regularly told by HYIPs though never in fact proven to be even remotely true. So as is always the case in this business, think of yourself and only yourself first and foremost. Do what you need to protect your own money, nobody else will do it for you when you take part in a high risk activity, so set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose and if joining SigmaSum at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
As the exclusive official monitor for NewGNi (first reviewed here) I feel obligated to report about all the important news from the program which is currently the undoubted leader in the HYIP world firmly occupying the #1 spot on MNO. With that in mind, I made a detailed analysis of the latest decision from the admin of NewGNi Jurgen (interviewed here) to go private and close the program for new sign-ups starting from December 1st. Some readers already followed my advice and opened an account with NewGNi as it’s not compulsory to make a deposit straight away. For those who didn’t make it yet I have created a reminder banner counting down the days and placed it on top of the MNO blog page to remind everyone the clock is ticking and they only have a limited time left to join this wonderful program paying for almost a year now. So, at this moment only three days remain to join NewGNi before new sign-ups are barred, so don’t miss this opportunity! You can read my recent article regarding the decision to go private accompanied with the original newsletter from Jurgen here.
As you might understandably have some questions regarding this unexpected decision from NewGNi, you are now welcome to submit them regarding this or anything else you would like to know about NewGNi to me. Reason being I’m planning to do another interview with Jurgen for which he has already given me his consent. This time however the questions are going to be set by you, the MNO readers, so if you have any then please send them to me within the next 48 hours directly to my email address abramsonp@gmail.com or send me a message via the MNO Contact page and submit your questions there. I’m sure there’s a need for a second interview now to clarify some things regarding the next stage in NewGNi‘s development as well as learning about Jurgen’s plans for the future.
Please also note that there might be some misunderstanding regarding the return of deposits to members not wishing to stay in the private NewGNi. If that describes you then you are free to request your principal back and leave, but initially this only applied if the lock-in period of 180 business days had already expired. I remind you that NewGNi currently offers payments of 1% per business day and 6% weekly via four e-currencies – PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, PexPay, and EgoPay. Once the program goes private these payments will only be processed once per week, every Monday to be exact. However that announcement some people objected, saying that these are not the terms and conditions they agreed to when first joining. So Jurgen came to the decision to allow anyone not wanting to stay with NewGNi under the new terms to get their principals back even if the lock-in period has not expired. But don’t jump to get your money back just yet, because you’re going to have to allow them another couple of days. The thing is that NewGNi is running off a Shadow script and the 180 day lock-in period is automatically written into your account, so Jurgen wouldn’t have been able to refund you early even if he wanted to. This means there needs to be be some changes made there to disable this feature make it possible to withdraw principals while avoiding the restrictions placed by the lock-in period which remains in place. Within the next couple of days then you can expect another official newsletter from NewGNi explaining the process of how to leave, if for some bizarre reason you don’t want to make easy money from them anymore. So stay tuned for that!
I am in total agreement with this decision as it will totally alleviate any concerns regarding the future of the program and keep all the members happy. As a matter of fact, Jurgen told me that their cashflow is not suffering as there is a large group of private investors covering the deposits of those looking to leave. However, I must add that I myself do not see any reason to worry as NewGNi is paying fine and all the changes were announced in advance and plenty of notice given. Plus now all the dissatisfied customers go elsewhere and leave it to the loyal and devoted fanbase only. But I suggest you to think twice and keep at least part of your money in NewGNi as it’s certainly one of the most professional and long-running programs in the industry, and I certainly don’t believe it has reached its full potential yet!
An announcement was made by ProForexUnion today regarding the addition of three more languages to its interface – Chinese, Italian and Russian. Alas, on closer inspection I have to say that the translation is in not done by professional interpreters as some large HYIPs often do, but rather by translation software. I can see it as I’m a native Russian speaker myself and found it full of comical errors indicating it’s a computer program. Having said that, it’s at least good enough to give people the general idea of what’s going on and will probably help someone in some way. I also won’t deny that the general achievements of ProForexUnion (reviewed here) are really incredible with the program running for over two months now meaning it managed to return the original principals on expiry of all plans via SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay – 1.2% for 20 days, 1.7% for 30 days, and 1.9%-2.4% for 60 days. I would like to wish the best of luck to the current investors of ProForexUnion not yet in profit and congratulate those who already scooped some nice profits since the program was first introduced on MNO almost seven weeks ago. The latest short newsletter regarding the multi-lingual interface was posted on the ProForexUnion website today:
“ProForexUnion. Languages: Chinese, Italian, Russian.
ProForexUnion Company is multilingual now! And we will constantly expand the list of accessible languages. We have added: Chinese, Italian, Russian.
Sincerely, yours The ProForexUnion team.”
I keep telling you that Nubcoyu (reviewed here) is one of the most original programs online. And I don’t mean an investment plan paying 1.4% for 200 business days to SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney. I mean mostly the admin’s personality, of course. Naming the program after himself the admin Nubcoyu (he was interviewed on MNO here) is a tireless entrepreneur running several business ventures in Japan and neighboring countries whilst managing also to provide a nice income to his investors. His marketing skills are pretty astonishing and I must say that Nubcoyu is one of a very few programs on MNO whose weekly updates I look forward to every Friday, like an episode of an addictive TV-series. Anyway, today Nubcoyu introduced the new so-called N-SHIP concept that should back up their business principles. If you’re interested in what it all means please read the update below:
“Nubcoyu‘s Official Concept
Dear Valued Investors,
I’d like to deliver a special issue of our newsletter, announcing the Nubcoyu‘s Official Concept. We’ve had a meeting within our group today and discussed about a concept, to which we’ll strictly oblige in order to create a clear vision and organize our operation for our family.
Introducing N-SHIP Concept:
The “N-SHIP Concept” will become the soul of our work.
N, N stands for Nubcoyu. The name of the website and it’s admin. In other words, it’s the name of the ship we will get on board.
S, S Stands for Soul. We work with our investors’ visions. They have the souls and spirits of those who refuse to give up, overcome obstacles, and learn from their mistakes. As one soul and we are here to lead them towards the finish line and share in their victory.
H, H stands for Healthy. We aim to maintain a healthy investment environment and ensure rewarding monetary growth to our investors. We will also ensure healthy state of minds of our staffs and investors so that we all can laugh and smile together at our achievements.
I, I stands for Identity. Our identity as a unique, revolutionary investment group makes all us become one. Members will be proud with their identities they share as Nubcoyu investors. That will encourage the long lasting friendship and team work amongst our investors and staffs.
P, P stands for Potential. As we and our investors evolve together as a family, we will tap into enormous potential that is neither confined nor restricted.
That’ll be our resolution for 2013. Do you have any resolutions? Stop smoking, making more money or finding lovers? 2013 is close and we’d better prepare for it!
To everyone’s success, Nubcoyu”.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: LoyalAssets.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, FelminaAlliance, StallionGold, LLLtd, TheMoneyGalaxy, BensonUnion, ProForexUnion, 4FXInvestment, ProsperaNova, DiamondAsset, FNOCapital, SureInv, StartUpInvestCapital.
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, SigmaSum (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: GoldTradeFunds, XtremeRichness, TheInvestmentBank, TrackInvest, InnovisCorp (the first payment received).
That is all for today, guys. I hope to see you all on MNO tomorrow and I will be looking forward to your questions for NewGNi, so don’t forget to submit them if you have something in mind. Also you can see that LordOfProfits is currently back online and though MNO still has it on Waiting status I would not recommend investing just yet, as it’s not clear if the payouts are going to resume tomorrow or not. Anyway, the updated status of LordOfProfits will be on my monitoring page by tomorrow. And for now, I wish you all good luck with your investments and see you here again soon!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Nov 27th, 2012.