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18/01/2013. PremierLeagueProfits Review and Daily News from the Industry


Hello everyone! The weekend is here again so I hope you’re all looking forward to a couple of days off work. No such luxury for me at MNO I’m afraid as I still have a lot of new programs to get through for you, though that’s no complaint I guess. So before tonight’s news update it’s the turn of PremierLeagueProfits which is a long term HYIP. You might be familiar with the name already, with PremierLeagueProfits already being listed on the MNO Basic List for about a week or so before upgrading. It’s still very much a brand new program however as you’ll see once I describe the plans. So let’s take a closer look and see what you think, though I must say there does look like some work still needs to be done here to bring the program up to a higher standard.

Starting as usual with the investment plans, PremierLeagueProfits are offering two of them. One makes interest payments by the day, and the other makes slightly more generous ones by the week. Whichever one you go for, you can join the program for a minimum spend of $10. You’ll get the same rate of interest no matter how much you invest, so if joining the daily plan for example the rate will be 1% interest per business day – that’s Monday to Friday – for a term of 180 business days, or 36 weeks. That (obviously) adds up to 180% in total interest, at which point PremierLeagueProfits promise to add your initial principal to that making it your final net profit.

On the other hand for a slightly better ROI you can look at PremierLeagueProfits weekly investment plan. The term runs for a shorter duration, and is measured in weeks as that’s the frequency of the interest payouts. Members can join for a $10 minimum deposit, and in return receive 7% back once per week. The term runs for 30 weeks, so by its completion this should add up to a total of 210%. At this point PremierLeagueProfits again promise to return your original deposit, leaving this as your net profit. Maximum investment in either plan is $100,000.

I know the first reaction of most HYIP investors to naturally gravitate towards daily interest payments, being seen as the safer option in most programs and making it easier for members to claw something back from their deposit in the event of a problem. And though it’s entirely up to yourselves of course but when see the finer details of the plans there is (in this case) very little extra “protection” as such in going for the daily option. In the long run you see if there was a problem it wouldn’t really save you that much more money but still comes at the expense of the more generous payment in the weekly plan. All that’s assuming you’d actually be bothered joining PremierLeagueProfits at all in the first place of course.

A couple of other things you will need to be aware of concerning the investment plans start of course with the payment options. And this list includes all the popular processors, with SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve all available. Payouts are made manually by the PremierLeagueProfits admin and so require you to log into your private members account area and make a request. Once done you will then be asked to allow anything up to a further 48 hours for the money to find its way into your e-currency account. So far they haven’t been that slow in completing my own transactions I’ll admin, but that’s the time frame they’re asking for.

The other thing you need to know about PremierLeagueProfits before getting involved, and I really can’t stress the importance of this enough so please pay close attention and make absolutely certain you understand this completely before you do anything, is that their withdrawal process is very tricky, a little confusing in fact, and unlike anything else you’re likely to have seen recently. Granted these things are always easy after someone else shows you how to do it the first time, but in PremierLeagueProfits the whole thing is a bit odd. I’d like to say it could be explained a bit better, but really it could do with just being explained at all. I’ll try my best to talk you through it here, which isn’t that easy I know unless you already have an account there to follow with.

So first of all the obvious first step is to sign in to your members area. Then, across the top of the page you’ll see some tabs. Now, the first thing you might think to do is to click the one that says “withdraw”, right? Except that doesn’t do anything. What you actually need to do is click the tab that says “Your Investments”. This will give you a small graph detailing the amounts you have deposited in both plans (as you are free to join both daily and weekly ones as you please). To the right of this graph you will see two links. One saying “cashout” and the other saying “move to wallet”. If you’re only in one of the plans then click “cashout”, and that will be enough. If on the other hand you have something in both plans then the “move to wallet” link will be more suitable. This will move both of your interest payments to your account wallet, where you are then allowed to withdraw the total amount to your e-currency account in one single transaction. Sorry if that doesn’t seem clear, but to be honest it makes a lot more sense if you’re reading it while already logged into your PremierLeagueProfits account at the time.

As for the design (which isn’t great) and security (which is a little better) of the program, PremierLeagueProfits is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server who also I believe provide DDoS protecting services. The website is also SSL-secured by GeoTrust. But what I really don’t like all that much is the script they’re running off. It’s not one of the usual mass produced generic models you see every day so I know it’s a bit strange saying this, but honestly it’s a mess. It’s difficult to navigate, poorly explained, not in any way user friendly, and overly complicated without needing to be. Having said that, I have no reason to think it isn’t at least secure. The script itself is under license from MaxHYIP, not a widely known name but I have seen it before and know they’ve been around a few years. If you have any further questions or account related issues for the admin to deal with, then PremierLeagueProfits can be contacted by filling in your details on the e-mail support form and submitting it, or else through the recently installed Live Chat feature if you manage to find an operator there and want to chat with someone in real time.

The alleged business behind PremierLeagueProfits is arbitrage sports betting. We’ve heard this one many times in the industry now. Just recently in fact with one of the biggest programs of the last year making the very same claim though things ended very badly for them as they always do, and this so called fool proof way to make money only seems to guarantee the profits of one man – the admin. For instance he seems to make a big deal from one particular feature on the website and seems to think (or rather would like you to think!) that it constitutes some kind of proof that his claims about arbitrage betting are genuine. In actual fact the only thing this link does is connect you with a football website carrying lives scores from various leagues across Europe and the world. OK, but how that’s supposed to prove someone from PremierLeagueProfits is making winning bets on any of those things is beyond me. I mean if you want to prove the reliability of this then tell me before you make the bet, because it doesn’t prove a damn thing telling me after the game is already over. So please don’t treat PremierLeagueProfits as anything other than a regular online HYIP, a very high risk one, and one that leaves plenty of room to be improved at that. If joining PremierLeagueProfits always remember to “spread your bets” as it were, and to protect yourselves from heavy losses in any one single program by keeping smaller deposits spread out between a wider more diverse portfolio.



A very dangerous incident happened to ZionFinance (reviewed here) as someone managed to hack into the program’s database and only by some miracle significant damage was avoided. As reported by the admin Alfred, nothing was really affected, and the payouts to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyResevre and PerfectMoney resumed shortly after some intensive internal checks and moving the site to a new more secure server. I just hope that such attacks will not be repeated and that ZionFinance‘s hosting provider Koddos were not the ones responsible for trying to steal from the program’s members. Anyway, like I said payouts are now back to normal on all plans in ZionFinance – 3.5%-5.5% for 12 days (principal back), 15%-19% for 8 days, 160%-200% after 14 days. Just one quick point I need to bring to members attention – if you notice you cannot login to your account or restore your password please contact the support immediately, as it could be the result of the hacking attempt and your funds might not be very secure there anymore. Otherwise, please remain where you are and enjoy your daily profits from ZionFinance. Here’s the latest two newsletters issued by the project today with the interval of a few hours:

Payments delayed
Our database was hacked into today. Fortunately, our technical specialist quickly noticed this. We are currently transferring our database to a more secure server. In connection with this, payments might be delayed for a period no longer than 6-8 hours. If your withdrawal request is returned to your account, do not pay attention to this and simply repeat your request later. Also, if you cannot log in to your account and cannot restore your password — IMMEDIATELY contact us at
We are sorry for this situation. Thank you for your patience.
Best Regards, Alfred Silva
Admin ZionFinance.

Technical work is finished
Technical work is finished, our database successfully installed to the new server. Now all withdrawal requests will be processed in normal mode. Sorry for the late payment. Thank you for your patience.
Have a nice day, Alfred Silva
Admin ZionFinance.


Unfortunately I had to moved ForexTMS to Waiting status on MNO today due to the site not loading for anyone and the admin’s failure to reply to my email on concerns with the site’s accessibility for the last 24 hours. But now instead of the site one can see the a sort of countdown with the BlackLotus logo on it and no further information. So one can only guess what that means and with no information from the admin could be anything. In a positive scenario, the site will be back online after 24 hours, while the negative scenario sees ForexTMS long gone by the time the countdown reaches zero. I want to believe we’ll see the program back online and that nothing serious happened, although the lack of communication and nothing posted on the program’s Facebook page so far doesn’t really inspire confidence and I’d say a lot of investors are worried about their money. Anyway, just yesterday the payouts from ForexTMS were still processed instantly, and so I don’t believe this exit was deliberate, but who can know for sure what’s going on behind the scenes. With the latest Koddos issues, accusations of them robbing their own customers, and today’s report on the database hacking from ZionFinance anything can happen. For now ForexTMS is on Waiting status on MNO and I’ll decide the final status for them on my monitor by tomorrow if the program continues to pay or not. If I hear from the admin of ForexTMS I’ll let you all know as soon as I can, so stay tuned for that!


I’m pleased to report a follow-up of the recent issues with STP payouts from AlevrasInvestments (reviewed here) tonight. I remind you that yesterday I reported a problem one of my referrals faced with them, waiting for pending withdrawals to STP for a few days already. It looks as if the problem was in the script and the admin of AlevrasInvestments finally replied to my email today confirming it was solved and that all payouts to SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney or LibertyReserve should be processed instantly again. Later on the same referral confirmed that he had been paid as promised and the project was duly returned to Paying status on MNO. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to AlevrasInvestments‘ admin for replying to my email and reacting promptly to the issue. The program continues paying on the original investment plans with principal returned on expiry – 3%-6% for 55 days – with all the payouts being instant again.


The admin of EveryHourPaid just upgraded his listing on MNO from Basic to Standard on its third day online and therefore his program is scheduled to be reviewed on my blog by Monday. For now I would just like to give you a brief introduction. The name EveryHourPaid implies they credit your account with earnings on an hourly basis and that is indeed true. The minimum to invest in EveryHourPaid starts from $10 and you can deposit via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve. You have a choice between two plans – 1% to 1.1% hourly for 120 hours (or five days) and 0.6% to 0.65% hourly for 240 hours (or ten days). Remember that in both plans the principal is included in your earnings and is not returned on expiry, so your pure profit on deposits less than $5K will be 20% on the 5 day plan and 44% on the 10 day one. I will give you a better description in the upcoming review, but for now the fans of instant payouts should be really pleased as EveryHourPaid processes everything in under a minute.

On a refreshing note, the admin never actually claims his program to be anything other than a pure ponzi-game (which in essence all HYIPs are anyway!) and is even posting the results of the first round that lasted for eight days only on his site. Apparently that first round was never widely advertised and the official reason for the program’s closure was the lack of LR funds due to an exchange request delay. The admin although reported that all the members of the first round were in profit as he paid to them from his own funds with 20% profits on top. He did this to establish a reputation for round two which is now on. This approach has already attracted a lot of new investors lured by hourly and instant payouts and a general revival of short-term HYIPs spearheaded by the likes of such giants as CashROTOR (reviewed here) or SafeguardWallet (reviewed here). As EveryHourPaid is in this upward trend now, we should expect some good results from them as well. And if the admin is really experienced he will not miss this opportunity to make some big money for himself and his members.

On the technical side of things, EveryHourPaid runs off a licensed script by GoldCoders and hosted on a dedicated server by Koddos. The pages are also SSL-secured by Comodo and the site’s design is also appealing. You can see the original content of the site with the profit-sharing concept of re-distribution of funds among members and the results of deposits and withdrawals processed that may affect your strategy in EveryHourPaid. I hope the current trend will help EveryHourPaid to sustain the payouts in the long run and I’ll be looking forward to reviewing it on MNO in full on Monday. Stay tuned for that, guys!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: CashROTOR, ProForexUnion.
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, SureInv, SafeguardWallet, StallionGold, DiamondAsset,  4FXInvestmentBensonUnion, UsdTrading, ZionFinance, Stravia, Xgolding,  BankPaying, AlevrasInvestments, MGProfit, GISolutions, AIOFinance, OilOfAsia.
From MNO Standard list: BGTGroups, PremierLeagueProfits, EveryHourPaid, TradExFund, AirCargoXpress (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: TrackInvest, Sun7Life, Fxen, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, HourlyAdvertise, PerfectForex.

That’s all for tonight, guys. Stay tuned for more news from the HYIP industry on MNO tomorrow along with a full review of TradExFund. Have a nice weekend, everyone, and don’t forget to like me on MNO Community on Facebook!

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