10/01/2014. AdBitrage Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Beware! AdBitrage has stopped paying! Do not invest!
Hi everyone! I know that since the New Year and the holidays this might be the first weekend off since returning to work, so if you need the rest then I hope you’re all looking forward to it! It’s business as usual for MNO however, which I must admit I’m kinda pleased about as the HYIP industry is most definitely slowly but surely on the way back to normal now with a noticeable increase in activity across the board. There’s been a couple of new additions to my monitor this month which is obviously something I’d also be pleased to see, and one of these is called AdBitrage. This is a promising long term program which was I believe several months in the planning and development stage before finally launching just a week before Christmas. In fact the admin had already paid for monitoring on MNO quite some time before the website ever appeared online. Given the time of year and the usual slowdown in the industry the AdBitrage admin was also quite aware that there was probably little point in putting too much time and expense into monitors and advertising at that particular point, and has in my opinion rightly held back until now. With the more experienced players returning to the HYIP arena at this time and what I suppose you could call a sort of “test run” period completed during the holidays, AdBitrage is starting to get serious now and looking to the future. So let’s start off today’s update with a closer look at what they have to offer investors and see if they have what it takes to become one of the early big hits of 2014.
Starting off then with the investment plans, this is probably the easiest part as it’s really quite simple. The trend in the HYIP industry at the moment is once again moving back towards longer term programs, and like I said above this is definitely the category AdBitrage comes under. There’s only one plan on offer so it’s a going to be a very simple and straight forward choice for you. Not much to think about – you either like it or you don’t – but I’m guessing a lot of the fans of longer term HYIPs might recognize the combination of profitability and sustainability necessary to make the program a successful pick for as many members as possible.
Here’s how it works. You can join AdBitrage for a $20 minimum. There’s no upper limit to how much you can spend so you’re free to invest pretty much whatever you want, but needless to say that’s not a green light to start spending more than you can afford. The investment term runs for 100 calendar days, during which members will earn a flat rate of 2.5% interest per day. This rate applies to all investors, big and small, regardless of how much you have decided to spend. AdBitrage are factoring your principal into these payments and so will not be returned in a separate payment on expiry. This leaves you with a final return of 250%, which is composed of 100% your initial investment plus 150% net profit on top. That’s well over double your money back, which isn’t bad for just over three months. Granted it may not sound as much as what some shorter term programs are trying to sell, but the question we need to be asking here is whether the plan is actually deliverable or not. You may find an “offer” of an overnight profit elsewhere, but it’s far less likely to actually be delivered.
But anyway, that’s up to you to think about before handing over any money. Meanwhile let’s take a look at how a practical example might work. We’ll say you invested $100 in AdBitrage. In return the admin will pay you back $2.50 per calendar day for the next 100 days. You reach the break even point after 40 days into the term, which means you have earned back an amount equivalent to your original deposit and therefore cannot possibly lose any money no matter what happens the program after that. So it’s pure passive profit from that point on. You will then complete the term with AdBitrage having paid you a grand total of $250, which is your own initial hundred plus an extra $150 net profit for yourself.
If that sounds like something you would like to be part of then, you’ll probably want to hear about your payment options. All the most popular industry handlers are included, with SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney. Although there’s other growingly popular options out there I’d imagine almost everyone will be satisfied with things as they stand, so with little demand to expand the list this is probably how things will stay. There is however no specific timetable given with regards to a payment schedule. I’ll ask the admin to clarify this if he agrees to an interview at some point in the future, but so far I can’t say I’d describe the payouts from AdBitrage as fast exactly. Generally they have been completed within 24 hours for myself, though I’m still going to suggest you allow anything up to 48 hours until further notice before contacting AdBitrage about any payment issues.
On the more technical and design side of things, AdBitrage is running off a script under license from ShadowScripts. I have to say that out of all the “branded” scripts on the market, ie those not uniquely developed for one individual program, ShadowScripts is by far the best product that I am aware of. It might not be an everyday name exactly, but they’ve had enough clients for it to be fairly widely known by now, and I’ve yet to hear about any problems with them. If you’re interested I had an interview with its developer some time back which you can read here. It’s a quality product, not cheap, but you get what you pay for. Just one thing you should be aware of with programs running off ShadowScripts, including AdBitrage obviously, is that you will first be required to fund your members wallet area. Once you have done this you will then be required to redirect the funds from your account area into the plan of your choice. The fact that AdBitrage only have the one plan is irrelevant here, you will still need to move the money from your account into an active investment plan. And this is critical so please don’t forget, otherwise your money just sits there doing nothing until you activate your plan.
Other than that AdBitrage has quite a minimalist design, but one I think they are better for as it makes a good first impression. Just a matter of personal opinion there mind, maybe you disagree, but in a competitive business this can’t be taken too lightly. The program is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and DDoS protection of CloudFlare. The website is SSL encrypted by GlobalSign for safer browsing and more secure transactions. If you have any further questions for the AdBitrage admin or any account related issues that need dealing with then you can get in touch by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it through the contacts form.
On the business side of things, AdBitrage makes the claim of being involved in the sale of online advertising space. The website content relating to this, ie the texts, seem original and while I don’t think it’s the first time I’ve heard this it isn’t really that popular a claim in the HYIP industry, compared to let’s say ForEx trading for instance. Nevertheless while it’s nice to see content not copy/pasted for a change I still don’t see anything that proves this is genuinely AdBitrage‘s business beyond any doubt, much less that it can be so profitable. So as always you should just work off the hypothesis that you are dealing with a high risk online HYIP and proceed accordingly. Experienced industry players will know that means being aware but not afraid of the risks, and keeping things at a level you can manage. Set yourself a spending limit that you can afford to comfortably live without, and if joining AdBitrage at all then at least try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio. Fingers crossed it will develop into one of the early trend setters of the new year.
It looks like the admin of DcGrandLimited tried to fool everyone by getting listed on some expensive monitors, including MNO amongst others, and then scamming on the following day. This happened literally overnight so I hope there wasn’t too many victims. Some people still hoped for the best and tried to figure out what happened (as the payouts were still within the 24-hour timeframe), and the admin supported those speculations by posting a highly questionable email to alleviate investors’ fears:
“About pending withdrawals; server security update.
Hello, as you all have noticed, DcGrandLimited has not processed withdrawals in last 10 hours, please do not panic, as we will process your withdrawals in upcoming hours. This withdrawal delay is due to our server security update, which is performed by our hosting provider – BlockDos.net. We are not able to process any withdrawal until security upgrade is performed.
Best Regards, Daniel Campbell,
CEO of DcGrandLimited”.
Although just a couple of hours after that newsletter was released it became pretty clear that the admin didn’t plan on resuming payouts at all. First, he removed the MNO logo where I rightly displayed a Waiting Status. And immediately after that he “paid” what he owed, but unfortunately only in his imagination as the batch number included with the payment confirmation emails was fake and no real payouts were made. I wonder what he was trying to achieve with such a trick, but everyone realized immediately that DcGrandLimited was a scam. I was really disappointed in the outcome, as although I knew it was coming at some point I hoped the admin might at least have waited for a couple of weeks before pulling this stunt. Then again there might have been the temptation to close the program if he couldn’t service the new deposits and had no intention of trying. The admin also tried to get into the MNO ShoutBox straight after paying for the Standard listing, but I wouldn’t allow it because according to my new policy only the admins of Premium listed programs may post there. This time such a strict approach paid for itself and DcGrandLimited‘s admin didn’t manage to significantly damage my downline, with significantly less invested than what he spent on monitoring. Hopefully this encourages him not to come back to me again under a different name. The scam was nasty anyway, and I hope the incident doesn’t make you less inclined to take a gamble in the HYIP industry and its chances for recovery in 2014. Please consider yourself warned as DcGrandCapital was moved to Scam status on MNO, the first monitor to do so, so I hope it saved at least some of you some money. Sorry to anyone who jumped in too quick, but I hope there will be plenty of other better opportunities to recoup your losses. I’ll keep acting quickly in such instances and all the admins should know that their tricks will be exposed on my blog as soon as I see them.
If you weren’t put off by the previous scam and are still into short-term programs offering high returns within days then it might be worth looking into the promising newcomer SclassInv. Well, the program was actually reviewed on MNO more than five weeks ago, but only got any real attention from my readers after upgrading to Premium listing and more recently by the site’s total overhaul which was announced a few days ago and completed yesterday. Not only the layout of SclassInv has changed though but also the structure of the whole website became more convenient. When checking this out I noticed more points of contact were added and that you can see now the last ten deposits and withdrawals in real time. The website is apparently still in test mode and the admin promises to finish the work and have the fully updated version of SclassInv today:
“Hello and welcome to our new website. Website will be fully finished on 10Th January 2014. If you have any questions or concerns, contact us trough support form.”
I would like to commend SclassInv for a very dependable performance over the last couple of months or so and for the efforts the admin made in taking the program to a new level and making it more appealing to a worldwide investment community. SclassInv (reviewed here) has been successfully paying to PerfectMoney and EgoPay investors on the following plans – 103%-105% after 1 day, 107%-111% after 2 days, 110%-117% after 3 days, 117%-128% after 5 days, 138%-160% after 10 days, 155%-178% after 15 days, 185%-200% after 20 days. As you can see, for about forty days online many investors in SclassInv are already in good profit and hopefully will continue to be the case. I’ll keep you updated on any changes with this, the currently #4 ranked program on my Premium List.
I guess ApexBinary (reviewed here) received all the necessary exposure during its week of advertising on MNO including top blog banner and Sticky listing as the admin didn’t renew the package yesterday. Although it’s taken ApexBinary from the top position on Sticky to only #12 on Premium listing where it features now, it looks the investors are still enjoying investing in the program’s long-term and sustainable 1.2%-2.4% for 180 business days plans with the principal back on expiry. The biggest hike in deposits in ApexBinary has been observed by me over the last week when the program took their first deposits via SolidTrustPay – the best payment processor serving the HYIP industry which the admin was able to add after some rigorous checks, and indicating a serious approach with long-term goals in mind. After nearly 40 days online ApexBinary is growing stronger every day and investors are enjoying instant payouts to four popular payment options – PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PexPay.
Realizing the program’s great potential to grow in 2014, it’s good that the admin cares about further growth and sees the role members can play in this. So in the latest update posted yesterday he put some emphasis on explaining the perks of the referral program ApexBinary has now and if you’re interested in some extra income in addition to that already offered by the plans and perhaps even become an agent for them please keep reading below for more details on that:
“ApexBinary Referral program review
ApexBinary Review on Referral program and its benefits.
What is a referral program?
ApexBinary LTD offers a solid referral commission of 5% to each user who refer new members!
Even if you don’t have an active investment, you can refer your friends or members of your family and benefit of this program!
What is Agent Referral program?
Once you refer over 10 investors, your commission will be 10% and you can apply as ApexBinary Representative!
How do i promote ApexBinary under my account?
You can use tools as referral link and banner in your member area to refer investors to earn a profit!
How long it takes to earn the referral profit?
It will be credited to your account immediately and could be either invested or withdrawn instantly!
If you have any further enquires about the referral program, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be glad to assist you further.
ApexBinary LTD – Trust Through Transparency”.
The latest newsletter from MyGoldNestEgg was long and extensive enough to cover oh so many topics which I will just give a brief description before posting the full version below. The admin Andy said that all support tickets had finally been answered after a massive backlog. The development of the upcoming Feeder Program is also progressing nicely and Andy reminded that all who invested in MyGoldNestEgg would be automatically credited 10% of their investments into the new program with the opportunity to profit faster than the main program. Some promotional suggestions from the members of MyGoldNestEgg are also needed and those who make the best ones will be financially rewarded. Some people who can support MyGoldNestEgg on forums are also needed and those interested should also contact Andy for more info on the mutually benefitial co-operation. More changes are coming to the profit accruing process to re-schedule the process to a Monday to Friday schedule as opposed to the current Tuesday to Saturday one. Finally, as MyGoldNestEgg is paying automatically to your e-currency accounts now once you reach the minimum (set on default at $1) the withdrawal process is going to be introduced soon, but even now you can contact the admin to request anything between $10 and $1,000 to be paid manually to your PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, C-Gold, BitCoin, HD-Money, or Pecunix accounts. Although such a wide range of payment processors might be very enticing to a wider audience they are being held back by a highly complicated profit accrual scheme and the overall lack of a comprehensive explanation of the profiting process. Actually, MyGoldNestEgg pays on units which can be purchased for as low as $50 from five simultaneous sources of income until you double, triple, quadruple or even quintuple your original deposit. Confused? Then read my review of the program here which will hopefully make MyGoldNestEgg easier to follow:
“MyGoldNestEgg Update – Fri 10th January
Hello to all Members, as before, to ensure I reach everyone, I’m going to send this via the newsletter and the site’s own update system. If you’re a member but you haven’t signed up to the Newsletter please visit the site and click on the Newsletter navigation tab. We’ll be sending it from the update system first and the newsletter later today.
If you’re receiving this and you wish to delete your account with us then please log into the site and visit the Settings page, if you wish to unsubscribe from the Newsletter then instructions for that are contained in the email.
There are a few things that I wanted to cover today.
1. Support Emails
We’ve cleared all of the support emails and thanks to those members who resubmitted their requests.
2. Feeder Program
Development of our Feeder Program is moving forward rapidly, we should be testing the site this weekend and looking to launch it sometime next week.
We will let you have full details of the program just prior to the launch, when we’ll be importing the current membership of MyGoldNestEgg into it, and if you’ve invested with MyGoldNestEgg we’ll be giving you 10% of your investment amount in the new feeder program as a bonus.
If you wish to take advantage of the 10% offer then you need to have your investment with us in place before the end of the coming weekend.
The new Feeder program will be complimentary to MyGoldNestEgg, and it will be a true feeder as investors in the feeder program will receive a matching investment in MyGoldNestEgg as part of their package. It will have shorter timescales for investment returns than MyGoldNestEgg, but as a result the returns will be capped at lower amounts. With MyGoldNestEgg the returns are open ended and not capped, so over time members will receive more, but we think that both sites together are a powerful proposition.
When we launch we’ll be promoting it heavily, which brings me to the next two points.
3. Suggestions.
If you have some great suggestions regarding ways or places to promote the site or which forums/monitoring sites you consider to be most effective or authoritative then please email support@mygoldnesteegg.com with your suggestions. The best of them will receive a $50 investment in MyGoldNestEgg.
4. Volunteers
Alternatively if you would like to help us out by monitoring forums for posts relating to the new feeder program (and MyGoldNestEgg) and liaising with me to answer them correctly then please also send an email to support@mygoldnestegg.com. Our volunteers will receive a $50 investment with us for their trouble, and we’ll keep adding and adding to that based upon the effort put in. So a volunteer who continues to support and managing forum posts will continue to receive investments.
5. Daily Payments
This coming weekend we will be shifting the scheduling of our Daily Payments Process.
Currently the process calculates your payment based on your holding the day before, with the holdings Mon to Fri used for the calculation. However that means we are paying you Tues to Sat, and that’s not how we want it to work.
So our developer is changing that so that the calculation is based on your holdings Sun to Thur, and the payments will therefore be made on Mon, Tue, Weds, Thur and Fri.
So we’ll continue with the current five day period up to Saturday, and then a shift will occur and your next payment will be on the following Monday, and then Mon to Fri following that.
6. Withdrawals Process
We will shortly be adding a proper withdrawal process to the site, but in the meantime if you wish to make a withdrawal please email support@mygoldnestegg.com and we’ll liaise with you regarding the details.
The minimum withdrawal amount is $10 and the maximum for each withdrawal request is $1,000.
We will let you know when the withdrawal form is live on the Commission Account page.
7. Private Opportunity Reminder
Finally today a quick reminder about the Private Opportunity that we have for Members to receive greater long term rewards from our strategic activity.
There is an opportunity for members to invest more actively in these projects and to receive a direct share of the income that they generate. The investment opportunity will see you receive a share of some services where the income is pooled with 50% going to my close team and investors and the other 50% fed into MyGoldNestEgg. Then we’ll allocate you individual services where you will receive the full 50% of income upfront. You’ll see the sites developer, will have your own control panel to view membership numbers and other stats and will receive 50% of the net income no matter how much is generated. If it generates $5000 a month then you’ll receive $2500 but if it generates $50,000 a month then you’ll receive £25,000 and there’s no cap at all.
As you’ll see from the background info if you’re interested, that’s very achievable and there are so many markets we’ll be delivering services in that a core investor will receive a minimum of 10 allocated to them, each with a minimum target of $5000 – if that target isn’t reached we’ll keep allocating your services until it is.
There’s much more to it on top, so if you’re interested please send an email to vipsupport@mygoldnestegg.com and we’ll get back to you with full details.
That’s all for today, we’ll update you again after the weekend.
Regards. Andy”.
Possibly the top payment processor in terms of convenience and direct funding and withdral options from your account that don’t exclude American residents either is SolidTrustPay. Now the administration of this always popular service provider wants to know how their clients found them in the first place, posting the question in the form of a poll on their official blog – “Member poll: How did YOU find STPay?” So far, I can see that the most popular answer with 40% of the votes are those who were referred to SolidTrustPay by a friend. You can also participate in the poll and have your say on the official STP blog. Please also bookmark it for future reference, as it might be a very useful source of information, especially if you are an STPay client.
I believe that it’s always important to find the best ways to market when you hear your readers’ opinions and views and therefore, I remind you that you still have time to vote on the MNO TalkBack page and say what you think of forums in general and whether or not you’re willing to participate in an MNO forum that is already open for registration here. Thanks for your active participation, guys, and if you wish to create an account on the MNO forum please contact me after signing up at abramsonp@gmail.com and I will approve your account manually. It’s being done to avoid spam so I hope you appreciate that. Soon a more aggressive advertising campaign will be launched on MNO to raise the awareness of the forum among the readers of my blog.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: -.
From MNO Premium list: RFIGroup, DublinCryptoriumLimited, Financ, SclassInv, InvGlobal, RemiTrade, TataAgroHolding, DailySharePro, FinMutual, ApexBinary, StableCapitalGroup, ImbueCapital, AdBitrage (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: –.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, WelorTrade, InsideForexGroup, ThaiMonetaryFund, GoldDailyPay, IndigoHillInv, MichaelKazakov.
That’s all for today, guys. I’m posting earlier than usual today, so I’d like to wish you all a good weekend and hope to see you on MNO again soon with more news and updates from the HYIP industry. Bye for now!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Jan 10th, 2014.