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12/06/2014. ChampionsLeague Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! ChampionsLeague has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! I can’t believe how quickly the last four years have passed, as it barely feels like a month ago I was watching Spain beat Holland in the last World Cup final. And yet here we are on the opening day of the new tournament already, so I hope you’re all looking forward to it as I am. It won’t get in the way of work on MNO for me though, which will continue uninterrupted no matter what. You know, a bit like that slogan the US postal service used to use “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” Though I must admit it’s a lot easier for me with a computer and a comfortable chair! Anyway, the program I want to look at for you today stays on sort of a football/sporting theme, calling itself ChampionsLeague and claiming to focus on sports betting. It can alternatively be a short, mid, or longer term HYIP depending on what your own personal preference is tor these things, as ChampionsLeague is the latest program doing away with the more traditional expiry dates and allowing investors the freedom to decide when they would like to leave. So let’s see what it’s all about, what they have to offer, and whether you think it’s worth taking a gamble on or not.

So let’s get the ball rolling so to speak with the plans. If I’m honest, and I’m in no way trying to deliberately disparage the program here before they’ve barely gotten started, but there’s really going to have to be a lot of changes made to ChampionsLeague if the program is ever going to achieve any kind of mass appeal to the average HYIP industry player. The problem has nothing to do with the website itself, but rather centers around the investment plan and the arrangements to reimburse members who join. The first thing that might make you take a step back is the minimum requirement to join. For this, ChampionsLeague will require a $100 minimum deposit. There’s actually only one plan, and if the high price of joining doesn’t put you off then on the plus side ChampionsLeague is another in the latest trend of programs that don’t set any expiry date. It’s entirely up to you to decide how long you would like to remain a member, and you can ask for your money back at anytime you want and leave. But as long as you happen to be there, members are offered variable rates of interest, that rise and fall based on the program’s performance, seven days per week. During the regular business week (Monday to Friday) these can be anything up to a potential maximum of 7% per day. On the weekend however this can grow to a potential maximum of 10% per day.

As far as I can see this information isn’t made available in the ChampionsLeague public areas, but from inside your account area you’ll be able to see the previous days results. Not from day one but from the point you joined. I can tell you that in the short space of time I’ve been monitoring them the daily dates have fluctuated between around 1% and 3%, so I’m going to take a total guess here and say I tend to think that’s more or less how they’re going to continue. In other words the “potential” target is one that will rarely if ever be realized. But that’s fine by me. I’d much rather be in a program where the admin consistently makes low payments and succeeds in the long run than a program where the admin promises a high payment but fails to deliver. Slow and steady wins the race and all that.

It’s impossible obviously for me to offer a practical example of how an investment with ChampionsLeague might play out, there’s too many variables and really it’s your own decision as to when to leave anyway. But a couple of other aspects to the plan that some readers may find off-putting is the minimum withdrawal requirement. Whatever about the $100 deposit rule (a lot of money, but from experience I know most of you can afford), it’s the minimum withdrawal rule which will really hurt. You will have to wait until you have at least $50 in your account before a withdrawal can be requested. Now, I know you guys can do your own maths here, but given the relatively low interest rates paid by ChampionsLeague until now your actual principal would have to be pretty substantial in order to gain $50 interest in a day. If you can’t afford that, and I also know most investors can’t, then you need to allow your earnings to build up and up until they do reach $50, at which point you can then withdraw. Of course you can always withdraw $50 or more as part of your principal, though that largely defeats the purpose of bothering to join ChampionsLeague in the first place.

For me that kinda cancels out the entire benefit of being allowed to withdraw every day. I mean technically yes, ChampionsLeague do make daily payments, but when so many investors literally can’t afford to make a deposit big enough to allow daily withdrawals then it kinda makes the whole offer of daily withdrawals redundant for most people. But anyway, moving on to the payment options, currently this is limited to just PerfectMoney. Payments are processed manually and will have to be requested from inside your members account area. Just don’t be in a rush for anything, as the ChampionsLeague admin reserves the right to take as long as seven days to complete any transactions. I must say I find it hard to think of one justifiable or acceptable reason for taking this long, given that there’s only one payment processor and not all that many transactions to carry out. Anyway, the admin did say that he hopes to add more payment processors in the future, so we’ll wait and see if there’s any truth to this. But with PerfectMoney pretty much closing the doors on US based account holders then expanding the list of payment options is a matter that needs to be tackled with a degree of urgency by the admin if ChampionsLeague is to have even a remote chance at success.

On the other hand, something that just might make this a little bit more bearable, is the fact that interest payments are added directly to your principal. In other words it’s a sort of automatic compounding if you don’t get to make a withdrawal every day. So for instance, let’s say you have a $100 deposit in ChampionsLeague who then make a 3% interest payment ($3). Rather having $100 in one pot and the $3 in another one, you instead have a new principal of $103. The obvious advantage of that of course is that tomorrow you will now earn interest on the $103 instead of just $100 like you would in most HYIPs. Personally I am aware that most of you would prefer (or at least prefer to have the option) to withdraw the $3, but with a $50 minimum that’s just not gonna happen. Of course you could withdraw $50 at this point, but that’s just eating way too much into your deposit at a very early stage of your investment. It’s your money, I know, so I’m not telling you what to do with it, but if you were going to do that it kinda makes it a bit pointless to join, and it’s not really what ChampionsLeague are all about in the first place.

Also on the subject of investing, you just need to be aware that your deposit is time sensitive. By this I mean that if you make your initial investment too late in the day it may not be registered with ChampionsLeague immediately. This will only happen the following day, and your investment then becomes active. It all depends on what time zone you happen to be in, but the ChampionsLeague admin works off Moscow time so if your deposit isn’t in before 10:00am there it won’t become active until the following morning. I know it sounds a bit odd but it’s just a by-product of the program’s script.

And speaking of the script, I think it’s also worth making a quick note on the steps involved in the deposit/withdrawal process itself, seeing it that it won’t be a particular system you’ll have come across before. Signing up and becoming a member of ChampionsLeague is easy enough, you just need to fill in the form with the usual questions and submit it. Then once inside your account area you will see a button marked “replenish”. Click on this to open a box where you type in the amount you wish to spend, click “confirm”, and you’ll be re-directed to your payments page. Meanwhile back in your ChampionsLeague account area this amount will show up as “unactive investitions” (whatever that means, but I’ll hazard a guess that it’s a misspelling of “inactive investments”) where it sits until being moved to your balance after not more than 24 hours. It’s from that point on that ChampionsLeague start crediting you with interest.

The process of making a withdrawal is equally simple, though again something that still needs to be explained before doing it for the first time. Back in your account area then, right next to the “replenish” button is another button marked “bring”. You need to click this one to make a withdrawal. Once you hit the “confirm” button this amount will be removed from your balance and show up as “in progress” under the list of transactions in your account area until such a time as the ChampionsLeague admin completes it.

Moving on to the more technical side of things, ChampionsLeague is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks provided by DDosGuard. For safer browsing and more secure transactions the website is using SSL encryption by Comodo, and is running off a unique custom made script. This is something that may prove to be a stumbling block for many investors as the main language of the ChampionsLeague website is Russian. There’s only an auto-translation into English (and it wasn’t that well explained to begin with, even in Russian), with some sections not translated at all. If you have any further questions or account related issues you need to have dealt with, the admin can be reached by filling in your details in the online support form and submitting via the contacts page. When it comes to social media sites ChampionsLeague seem to be most active on VK, which if you don’t know is sort of like a Russian language version of Facebook (almost identical in fact, just not in English). Although there are buttons for Facebook and Twitter, they don’t actually link to anything.

Being an original script, the website content is largely original as well, though I can’t say the same for the concept behind it all supposedly backing the payments up. ChampionsLeague are allegedly involved with sports betting, though of course there’s nothing there that substantiates this claim. Listing off the results of some football matches after they’ve already been played doesn’t count, and curiously none of the programs that made similar claims in the past ever told us what they were betting on in advance of the event taking place. It only happened after the game was over, and miraculously would you believe the admins always deemed to pick the winner. OK, sarcasm to one side for a moment even if it was true it still can’t guarantee a consistent profit anyway, and you would still need to treat ChampionsLeague like a regular online HYIP. That means it’s a high risk activity and as such you need to set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose. Likewise if you do decide to join ChampionsLeague at all, remember that they are probably best kept as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



If you believe that short-term HYIPs can’t run for more than a month, then how is it ProfitableMarkets (reviewed here) is paying for 50+ days already? Over seven weeks of impeccable payouts on all available plans – 102.5%-115% after 1 day, 106%-150% after 2 days, 114%-250% after 4 days, 130%-400% after 8 days, 180%-850% after 16 days, 330%-2,000% after 32 days. Sounds impressive, eh? The minimum to invest in ProfitableMarkets is only $5 and PerfectMoney, BitCoin, EgoPay, and Payeer are all accepted as payment options. The only possible drawback is the slowly processed payouts (within a 48 hour maximum), but at the same time it might be the thing protecting ProfitableMarkets from overheating and not allowing it to grow too big too soon. That is, perhaps, one of the biggest achievements of the admin who keeps doing a great job with his program that recently turned 51 days mentioned in the news section of the ProfitableMarkets website last night:

51 Days Online
Our online days is just beginning to grow. 51 days is just a start. Expect better business from us.


It’s possibly just a strange coincidence, but to the start of the World Cup in Brazil today and to celebrate the first victory of the hosts TerraElegance presented a new video review of the program in Portuguese today. The admin took some time out to write a couple of words also in Portuguese to greet the Brazilian investors. The video looks to be part of the ongoing policy of spreading the word about TerraElegance around the world and approaching local HYIP markets in different countries. I believe we might expect more such videos in other languages soon, so stay tuned as they’ll all be covered on MNO as well. If you speak Portuguese and would like to watch the 6-minute YouTube video yourself please see the latest update below:

Visao geral de TerraElegance em Portugues
Temos uma grande quantidade de participantes do Brasil. Por isso o nosso parceiro TerraElegance Xandre gravou video revisao para os participantes do projeto em Portugues.
Brasil, Bem-vindo!

If you haven’t read the more detailed review of TerraElegance posted on MNO, I remind you the program offers payments from 9% to 14% daily (depending on your principal and the chosen plan) on a $10 minimum deposit. Your principal is then locked in for just 24 hours after which you’re free to either withdraw any part of it, your profits, or keep compounding to up to 100% until you feel like you earned enough. Such flexibility in TerraElegance comes at a price, and a 7% fee applied is charged on every withdrawal to discourage hit-n-runners. It appears to be doing the trick as TerraElegance keeps growing with tremendous pace and hundreds of members have already enjoyed fast profits to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin. By the way, if you use BitCoin your investment will be counted in BTC and you will receive the profits on your investments with BTC as well. Overall, after only two weeks online TerraElegance seems to be unstoppable and members have been extremely pleased with their performance. The admin is also available on the MNO ShoutBox from time to time to answer any questions. By the way, congratulations to the TerraElegance admin on reaching the #4 position on the MNO Premium List today, less than ten days after joining and which is a very clear indicator of how popular the program is among readers.


The admin of OneAdClick has also commissioned a member of his support staff to MNO ShoutBox recently to respond to any questions posted there. Strangely, some readers took this quite negatively and even expressed their displeasure at this. On that I must remind you that any program listed on Premium Status on my monitor is entitled to have its admin or support staff join the MNO ShoutBox and post anything as long as they abide by the rules that apply to everyone and respecting others. This particular operator seems to do an OK job great so I don’t see any reason to restrict his right to support his members on the MNO ShoutBox as well, seeing it’s become a popular tool with investors and HYIP admins alike.

Back to OneAdClick though, and the latest update from the admin dealt with the extended support now available on two investment forums and the MNO ShoutBox. Also some preliminary results of the contest running for the whole month of June have been posted:

OneAdClick – Update
We are happy to inform that we have started providing support to members in various places. 1) MNO 2) Talk Gold Forum 3) Money Maker Group Forum (My support person is unable to make a post in our Thread)
One can reach our support to clarify any doubts regarding Deposits & Payouts.
After 10 days we want to post TOP 8 members leading in Deposit Contest for available 4 prizes are.
1) vegasbueg 2) bopeep 3) saibaworld 4) sramji 5) agtrade 6) treebartt 7) hercules88 8) hoangdan86
Do visit News for news on Contests.
Thanks & Regards
OneAdClick Admin

OneAdClick (originally reviewed here) has been flying well under the radar for about nine weeks now spending the last seven of them on MNO. The program only recently entered the Top Ten Premium Listed while paying moderate returns on conservative investment plans with some twists – 180% within 80 days (2% for 70 days, then 4% for 10 days), and 200% within 70 days (2.5% for 60 days, then 5% for 10 days). The first investors in OneAdClick are already in profit and it only requires $10 to join the program which is cleverly disguised as an advertising platform. OneAdClick accepts a huge variety of payment processors including SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, PexPay, Payeer, and BitCoin, so we can’t blame them for a lack of choice. And even if you don’t have enough money to invest you can simply surf from 1,000 to 2,000 sites on a weekly basis which will bring you from $1 to $2 profits which you then can withdraw provided you submit your testimonials on the major investment forums afterwards. Anyway, I hope that the increased level of support now taken by OneAdClick will help the program to grow further and benefit many investors for longer.


The admin of GenialStockExchange (reviewed here) continues with instant payouts to my PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and OkPay accounts on deposits in the 6%-7.5% for 20 days plan. I must say that just like MNO the admin likes to know what people think about his program and the HYIP industry overall:

GenialStockExchange introduced Survey
For the first time in this online earning industry GenialStockExchange have introduce people’s feedback/survey system.
GenialStockExchange feedback member is important. We want to know you better to serve you better. We want to focus our development to meet your needs. We ask you to respond as soon as possible because the site GenialStockExchange is increasingly popular, and we are willing to invest to meet serve you better. Also, we made this survey for us to reach out on people to know there feelings about hyips industry>
All new investors are welcomed here with a 2$ instant withdrawable for their participating in survey.
Interesting example of response
Mike Anderson, Director

On the subject of adding more payment options, Mike promises to add BitCoin and SolidTrustPay soon. Oddly enough, he has a solution to help people invest in his program even now, when they have only SolidTrustPay funds. He gives a link to some Facebook-based exchange guy who can allegedly help you get some PerfectMoney and EgoPay funds for the 8.5% from STP. Although I have to warn you all that such activities with unknown and unapproved exchangers is absolutely and totally forbidden by SolidTrustPay which only lists a few approved exchangers on this page – All other exchangers are NOT allowed, so I would not be going against STP policies as the admin of GenialStockExchange suggests:

Solid Trust Pay GenialStockExchange
Message to our active members*
Now you can exchange your Ecurrency In GenialStockExchange with Handsome Profit
Dear Investors and Friends,
How are you all doing?
I am sure you are all enjoying your Journey with us and earning a nice profit from our business.
GenialStockExchange always believe in Team efforts for success and we have been online now since last 20 days this is big success and that is just become possible because of all of you.
I take this opportunity to thank you all for this first mile stone and many more mile stone to come from now onwards as this is just a beginning.
As you all know we have taken a survey to take the feedback from our valued investors on various aspects to make this project as successful.
I strongly believe that if I do not change based on survey results then we can not grow further.
While digging analysis of survey 1 most important point has emerged related to introduction of payment processors.
Just have a look at the people’s votes below for the choice of payment processors they wish in this project.
At present members can invest via PM/EGOPAY/PAYEER/OKPAY.
I will add Bitcoin next week.
Based on the Survey results I get the request from our investors to include 1 more processors.
In order to satisfy our beloved investors and give them opportunity to invest with us i have come with the best offer for them.
I have most trusted Exchanger who can help us to exchange STP to PM/egopay/payeer. Normally that exchanger charges 10% Exchange fee.
But I have negociated with them and they will charge only 8.5% Exchange fee.
That is not end here.
GenialStockExchange go 1 step further for benefit and take care of our investors and the most lucrative offer from GenialStockExchange organization is we will bear this 8.5% exchange fee. Minimum exchange 50$.
Example : If you want to invest say 100$ in GenialStockExchange and you have either STP with you.
Step -1 Got to the exchanger as below mentioned location
step- 2 Get your PM or egopay from them.
step-3 Invest with us that you have exchanged 100$ STP.
Then we will pay back that 8.5% fee means.
We will add 8.5$ in your main balance in 24 to 48 hours. Even you can withdraw instantly if you wish.
So you can now invest with any ecurrency and its cost you nothing you can invest with any ecurrency and withdraw with any ecurrency without any fee or cost so what are you waiting for ?
I am sure this solution will definately please you and will give opportunity to a wide spread of people to invest with us.
Many more development yet to come.
Warm regards, Mike Anderson Director
Active Members : members who deposited atleast $10


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RockwellPartners, FinMutual, Cryptory, TerraElegance, RemiTrade, FortunesUp, UniroyalChemical, LucrativaLimited, OneAdClick, AssuredAssets, WazaTrade, GenialStockExchange.
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: ThaiMonetaryFund, SYMTLTD, RoyalUnionInvestment, OgdenOrganization, RedLines, TrustForexTrade, StockINV (the first payments received).

That’s it for tonight, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading and next time I’ll probably see you already over the weekend. I’m taking tomorrow off due to it being Friday the 13th. So I hope you don’t see too much bad luck! But seiously, keep a close eye on my monitoring page for any status changes and additions of any new promising programs. I’ll still do my best to reply to all your emails within 24 hours, as I usually do, so please Contact me at any time at Also, please keep voting on MNO TalkBack on your investment activities during the summer. Results will be drawn over the weekend. Not to miss anything important you can also follow MNO blog on Facebook and Twitter and subscribe to the daily news from the elite programs to be delivered direct to your mailbox. See you on soon, guys!

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