Jun 6th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! TerraElegance has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! Hard to believe it’s Friday already as I’ve been kept so busy with my monitor this week. I hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend as much as I am then and hopefully a couple of days off if things quieten down finally. Not just yet however as I still have a couple of news stories to get through that I think you might find interesting, maybe even useful. All that’s coming up in the second half of today’s update, after I take a closer look at TerraElegance for you. That’s the name of a very promising (fingers crossed!) brand new program that just launched about a week ago and is already making a positive impact on the industry. A bold claim to make at this early stage, I know, but I’m basing that entirely on the feedback I’ve been getting from readers who seem largely enthusiastic so far. Glad to know I’m not the only one who thinks so, then!

In a nutshell then while there is of course a lot more to TerraElegance I suppose it’s easiest to sum it up by saying it’s another program following in the current trend that’s dominating the top end of the HYIP market that allows members a greater degree of freedom and control over their accounts. There’s no fixed investment term as such you see, and provided you agree to a minimum lock-in period of 24 hours then you may come and go from the program as you please. In fact the 24 hour lock-in is largely just a symbolic gesture anyway, considering you won’t actually earn any interest until after at least one day. After that you can treat your account in TerraElegance more or less like a bank account, withdrawing your interest payments which are made daily, part of your principal, all of your principal, or any combination you please. Just note that you cannot add any extra money to your principal, that will require a new and separate deposit.

So let’s take a look at the numbers then. TerraElegance are offering four individual investment plans, all of which pay a daily interest rate based on the size of your deposit. $10 is the minimum cost of joining, and this gets you into The Terre Plan. No fixed investment term like I said, so for however long you yourself decide to remain a member TerraElegance will pay you 9% interest per calendar day. I can’t really say anything else about this, certainly not offer you a practical example anyway, because how the plan eventually plays out is based on how long you decide to stay a member. We’ll just say for example then that you have a $100 deposit here, TerraElegance will pay you $9 per calendar day until you ask for your principal back. Your final profit depends on how long you stay, and if you even make a profit at all depends on a combination of your own timing and good luck at getting out at the right time. Not too early, not too late, which getting right is of course the gamble you take in the HYIP industry. The maximum amount you may spend in this plan is $100.

The second option, called The Eau Plan, works along the same basic premise. The main difference being that TerraElegance require a slightly larger minimum deposit of $25 to join, and will accept anything up to $250. The investment term is up to you to decide, be it short, medium, or long term, but whatever you decide it to be TerraElegance will pay you 10.5% interest for every calendar day you remain.

Next up is The Air Plan for which TerraElegance charge a $50 minimum to join and accept deposits up to a maximum of $500. There’s no fixed term again, so until such a time as you decide to leave the program you can expect a daily interest payment of 12.7% per calendar day.

And lastly there is The Ferre Plan which requires a $75 minimum to join. TerraElegance are offering members a 14% interest rate per calendar day, for a term to be determined by the individual member.

As you can see the plans tend to overlap somewhat, which means the following plan makes the previous one redundant if you are making bigger deposits. For example, if you have $75 or more to spend, yes, you can put it any of the four plans you choose, but why would you? You can’t possibly want to select anything other than the fourth plan, because all the others pay you a lot less interest. Likewise if your operating budget is $50, there’s no real point in even thinking about plans one and two.

One thing you need to be aware of in advance, just to avoid any unwelcome surprises later on, if the withdrawal fee. TerraElegance do apply a surcharge on all withdrawals from the program of 7%. I would imagine that’s largely in place to try and keep too many hit-and-runners from doing some damage to the cash flow, but if you don’t like it (and honestly, I doubt anyone “likes” it!) it’s not actually as punitive as you think and doesn’t really eat that much into your profits.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you have a $100 deposit in TerraElegance and are owed a 9% interest payment. That’s $9 obviously. The 7% fee is levied on the $9 profit, NOT the $100 principal, which in this case comes to just $0.63¢. Hardly enough to be a reason by itself to put you off joining TerraElegance in the first place I would think. And only very marginally less than the stated 9%, certainly not 2% like someone who hasn’t yet learned how to count on their fingers might tell you.

So, if the investment plans are something that appeal to you, and judging by the early feedback I’ve been getting from readers I can see that for many of you they do, the next thing we need to look at are tour payment options. On one hand (to be blunt) TerraElegance could do with expanding this if they are serious about eventually competing with the top three or four programs in the HYIP industry, though on the other hand to give them some credit they’ve already done a lot of work to improve things already. Initially members could only join using PerfectMoney and Payeer, which are of course perfectly fine options by themselves anyway, and this has now been expanded to include EgoPay and the increasingly popular option of BitCoin. Payments will have to be made manually by the admin and therefore requested from inside your members account area. There’s no information on the FAQ explicitly stating the payment schedule, so I’d suggest you allow them the customary 24 hours to complete your transaction before contacting them. Having said that, almost all of my own withdrawals from TerraElegance have all been exceptionally fast and generally completed in well under an hour. Just remember that TerraElegance don’t explicitly guarantee that this will always be the case. Before making a withdrawal just make sure that all your e-currency accounts are specified in the “E-wallet settings” tab in your member’s area, otherwise the transaction won’t be processed as the script doesn’t know where to send it. Also when it comes to BitCoin deposits, I can see it’s accepted with no conversion, that is to say you deposit directly using BitCoin as opposed to the dollar value which is then subsequently exchanged. You can check the current dollar/BitCoin exchange rates on the TerraElegance website, but if making a BitCoin deposit you will be routed directly to CoinBase website. Compounding is also allowed, and can be changed at any time. Be careful here because it’s already set to 100% by default, so remember to remove or at least change it immediately if you want to start earning as fast as possible. It’s no big deal if you forget as like I said you can fix it later, but do keep this in mind.

By the way, just before we move on I want to make one other quick point about the withdrawal of your principal. As I explained above, TerraElegance do allow members to take their investments back (either in full if you want to leave the program or just partially if you prefer to stay with a smaller deposit) after an initial 24 hour lock-in period. Because TerraElegance is running off a script that perhaps the less regular HYIP players would be less familiar with however, it may not be entirely clear to everyone at first how to go about doing this, so I’ll just give a very brief description of how this works. First of all you’ll need to log into your members area (obviously!) and click on “Deposits history” inside of your account. Then click “Active”, followed by “Amount of change”, and finally “Sub”. You fill in the required amount and this will then be moved to your account balance from which you can then withdraw freely as normal subject to the 7% fee. The depositing process is also quite unusual and you can either deposit directly from the payment system (then choose the “Deposit from e-wallet” option in your account), or directly from your available balance to save on payment processors fees (in this case you click the “Deposit from balance” option inside of your account).

If all that’s clear then let’s move on to the more technical, design, and security aspects of TerraElegance. The script which I already mentioned above is under license from H-Script. This is becoming more and more popular in the HYIP industry recently so I guess a lot of you will find it easy enough to navigate, (though I still think it worth explaining the withdrawal process anyway). For an extra layer of security the TerraElegance website is using SSL encryption by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support of protection from DDoS attacks provided by DDoSGuard. The website is also entirely bilingual, being available in both English and Russian, which is arguably the single biggest HYIP market at the moment.

Should you have any further questions for the admin of TerraElegance that you think may not have been fully explained here or any account related issues you need to have dealt with then the main points of contact start with filling out your details on the online customer support form and submitting it via the relevant page on their website. The TerraElegance admin is also quite active on other media sites and you can find him keeping profiles on Facebook and VK (a Russian language social network that’s very similar to Facebook except it’s not in English). The website also comes with a built-in Live Chat feature, and various Skype accounts which you can use as well. This last point is significant I think because TerraElegance is one of the few programs (possibly the only one I can think of off the top of my head right now) clearly offering multilingual customer support. Some of the Skype accounts are clearly labeled as being for Russian language speakers. If you’re reading MNO then obviously you have a fairly good command of English so maybe that may not mean much to you personally, but don’t underestimate its importance because it really does a lot to make TerraElegance as a program hugely more accessible to a much wider audience. The HYIP industry is all about cash flow so the more people who can participate the better. The admin also has an account on the MNO ShoutBox (the admins of premium listed programs are free to do so if they ask for it) and can be seen there occasionally, so I hope readers won’t be shy and feel free to take him to task about any issues you might have there.

One interesting feature to the TerraElegance website not often seen is a video review section, which is also a way to make a little extra cash for yourself. Final payments will be based on the quality of the finished product, how well you link to the TerraElegance website, etc, but won’t go any higher than $20 I believe, so it’s not exactly going to make you rich. But still, if you have a knack for these things and fancy yourself as bit of a junior Spielberg then why not have a go. It is free money after all, and could be a novel way of spreading you ref link around which ultimately is where the real financial reward is. And remember if you do a good job of explaining how the program works it might even prove quite lucrative for you as this is something other investors will always want to hear more about. See the relevant page on the TerraElegance website for further information and some examples of the type of thing they are looking for.

Texts and website content is original, though I have to say bordering the cryptic, almost esoteric, if you want to see any kind of business plan backing the whole thing up. Personally I have no problem with them skipping the whole ForEx/stocks and bonds trading, or whatever else HYIPs claim to be doing with your money. Experienced players only find it tiresome when they know the truth anyway, so you won’t find anything like that on the TerraElegance website. Just treat it like any other online money making scheme, and a form of high risk gambling. Nothing to be afraid of as long as you’re capable of behaving like a responsible adult, but something to be conscious of nonetheless. The million dollar question of course is how long TerraElegance can run for, something that alas neither I, any other monitor, or even the admin could accurately predict. Plenty of similar style no-expiry programs have run with huge success for month after month and continue to do so, however just remember that they pay out a lot less than TerraElegance. So while the immediate appeal of a higher interest rate is one factor to consider and will of course bring in a lot of members, exactly how long they can sustain the payments is another matter. So remember to set yourself an affordable spending limit based on what you can afford to lose, not what you hope to earn, and if joining TerraElegance at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



If you’re not a fan of reading reviews and would rather watch a video, then a nice supplement for the MNO review of TerraElegance can be found on their website with videos available in both Russian and English. You might remember that the admin makes a financial reward to TerraElegance‘s best promoters and that includes video reviews created by the members. Such videos will also help those who create them to get noticed by other HYIP admins who might later hire them for their artistic skills in the future. Anyway, if you’re interested in watching the videos can see them in the news section of the TerraElegance website or follow the direct links to the YouTube hosted the videos in the end of the newsletter re-posted for you below:

Two best video reviews of TerraElegance. RUS/EN
Our partners made high-quality video reviews of TerraElegance in which they share their vision and impressions in “Average Joe” language.
A video with Russian footage has been recorded by our friend and trustworthy partner who owns “superzarabotki” blog. BTW, you’re invited to visit her blog to get a hand-by-hand guidance regarding TerraElegance investment procedure and also to have a glimpse of fresh textual reviews.
English-oriented audience will be pleased to watch a video review which we received from our active member George who joined us from hot Greece.
We thank both for your passion and competent advice. We’re eager to expect further strenghtening cooperation with you.
So, watch, learn and keep moving!
There’s so much fascinating waiting for you ahead. There’s opportunity to grow!

The second update from TerraElegance concerns the Live Chat which was just launched as I was writing the review. Now you can get answers in real time so I hope investors in TerraElegance will take full advantage. Here’s the update on that:

TerraElegance now with online support!
TerraElegance is growing at unprecedented pace. The number of investors is increasing every minute.
We’re thrilled with the scale of development and we put all our efforts to further spread the word.
Early this morning we launched online support on Terra Elegance website. Our trained team will be happy to provide competent advice and to answer any questions you have interest in. In case you find yourself slightly stuck while working with our program, feel free to ask online support which is available both in Russian and in English.
We continue expanding and we are busy making your experience with Terra Elegance more enjoyable day after day!


Possibly following the example of TerraElegance which is growing at a tremendous pace, the admin of LucrativaLimited decided to follow suit and announced a video contest as well today. The admin is of course well-known for copying other programs instead of creating something of his own, as his program design and features were almost exactly copy/pasted from the current leader of the HYIP industry RockwellPartners (reviewed here), only running off a cheaper GoldCoders script and not accepting SolidTrustPay. Apparently, LucrativaLimited are not growing as well as the admin expected when he launched the program (experienced players know the track record of copycat programs is pretty dismal), so in today’s newsletter a reward of $100 was offered for the best video explaining the program. The contest will run for the next two weeks and provided LucrativaLimited is still there by then the winner will be announced. I don’t really know if I need to remind you of the investment plan LucrativaLimited offers as you can read my review posted here and most of its features borrow heavily from RockwellPartners anyway. To briefly recap LucrativaLimited pays from 1% to 3% every calendar day while allowing you to withdraw your principal (or any part of it) anytime you like. The minimum to invest is $20 and payment options include PerfectMoney, BitCoin, EgoPay, and Payeer (STP was promised but I doubt very much it’s going to happen). Details on the video contest are included below:

LucrativaLimited – video contest!
Hello dear members,
It is no secret that every one of us is always looking for ways to earn more money. The LucrativaLimited crew always thinks outside the box when it comes to our projects management and it’s marketing all over the globe, so the LucrativaLimited team came together and created a “video contest” for our customers, which will benefit both the administrative crew and our loyal customers.
This video contest is a special opportunity for LucrativaLimited members to earn some more money with us. The best video editor will be awarded $100 USD, so why not join this contest and benefit from it?
Here are the main points the video should be about:
1. What LucrativaLimited is.
2. What we offer.
3. How to register.
4. What the transaction code is.
5. How to deposit and withdraw.
6. Why you should join it.
Please note that you can always add some extra information, such as what you think is important and what people should know about our project. The more informative the video is, the bigger the chances of you winning.
Video editing – how you display these main points is up to you. You can use voice, music, effects etc. Just remember, the more creative you are, the better for you.
Please note that you have to email your video or the link to it to: video@lucrativa.biz. The contest starts on 07/06 and ends after two weeks on 21/06, when we will announce the winner and award him with $100 USD in their desired currency. There are no language restrictions on the video.
So what are you waiting for? Create your video now and email it to us at: video@lucrativa.biz.
Stay tuned as we have more contests coming right at you, but that’s it for today. Thanks for your time, and have a great day!
Best Regards, LucrativaLimited


Cryptory (reviewed here) announced the winners of the monthly contest yesterday and MNO this time only came fourth from the top 20 promoters who are awarded from $10 to $110 in cash bonuses. You might be aware that Cryptory pays referral commissions from the earnings of the downline, not the deposit amount. So, judging on the MNO performance this month compared to the results of the last three months when MNO always came first, I can conclude that some readers started leaving Cryptory, perhaps switching to other successful programs paying higher interest but working along the same lines of allowing a principal withdrawal at any time (such as RockwellPartners, UniroyalChemical, TerraElegance, etc.) It’s not a significant setback and people are still investing in Cryptory, however, the growth is clearly a bit slower at the moment. You can see the progress of Cryptory on the program’s Partners page where all the stats for the latest monthly referral contests are displayed. In any case, Cryptory still remains a popular choice among readers, occupying the #3 position on the MNO Premium List and recently featured in the MNO Top Five Popular Programs article which can be read here. Cryptory remains one of the biggest programs in the HYIP industry now and a clear success for everyone involved. Note that Cryptory requires a minimum balance of $50 to remain active and be paid interest. Payments are made instantly to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, or OkPay accounts. The program is I think mostly appreciated by the more conservative investors who do not mind relatively low interest and enjoy the overall quality and solid performance. The latest newsletters from Cryptory are included below:

CRYPTORY® — Announcing the Top 20 partners
The past month has been very productive for us thanks largely to the work of our partners. CRYPTORY® not only offers our partners a percentage of income from the referrals they bring in, but also monthly cash rewards to the 20 most active partners. Every month the 20 most active partners will receive a bonus that ranges from 10 to 110 dollars.
To learn more about the affiliate program visit this link: https://www.cryptory.com/partners/. To see the highest achieving partners and winner’s list click on «Top Partners and Winners».
On the 5th of each month profits in the “Top Partners” list will be reset to zero to provide an opportunity for more partners to earn rewards (Profits will only reset to zero in the list and does not affect the partner profit totals found in the control panel).
The rewards program is our way of showing appreciation for your willingness to spread the word.
You can login to your account any time. Please visit our website and click on the “Login” link on our home page. If you have forgotten your password, you can recover it using “Password Reset” option at https://www.cryptory.com/cp/lostpassword/.
Would you like to be up-to-date with the latest company news? Follow us on your favorite social media sites below:
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Customer Support at https://www.cryptory.com/support/.
Thank you and welcome again to CRYPTORY®
Cryptory Investment Partners Limited

Congratulations! You are one of the top 20 partners this month.
You are one of the top 20 partners this month. Your account was credited a cash reward. We sincerely appreciate your efforts to bring in new partners and promote the CRYPTORY brand.
Doing business with DublinCryptoriumLimited is easy!
To learn more about the affiliate program visit this link: https://www.cryptory.com/partners/. To see the highest achieving partners and winner’s list click on «Top Partners and Winners».
Note that the cash reward will be accrued to the partners’ account on the 5th of each month.
You can login to your account any time. Please visit our website and click on the “Login” link on our home page. If you have forgotten your password, you can recover it using “Password Reset” option at https://www.cryptory.com/cp/lostpassword/.
Would you like to be up-to-date with the latest company news? Follow us on your favorite social media sites below:
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Customer Support at https://www.cryptory.com/support/.
Thank you and welcome again to CRYPTORY®
Cryptory Investment Partners Limited


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RockwellPartners, FinMutual, Cryptory, RemiTrade, UniroyalChemical, ProfitableMarkets, LucrativaLimited, PowerProfit, OneAdClick, TerraElegance, Clarvin, FortunesUp, AssuredAssets, FortunesUp, WazaTrade.
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: ThaiMonetaryFund, ZeusInvest, SYMTLTDOgdenOrganization, RedLines, RoyalUnionInvestment, TrustForexTrade, CharityMasses.

That’s all for today, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading and finding the most elite programs in the industry which can be found on MNO. As it’s the end of the business week let me finish by wishing you all a nice weekend and hope to see you all back here soon. Meanwhile, keep voting on MNO TalkBack, participate in the discussions on the MNO ShoutBox, support your favorites by voting after receiving your payouts on the MNO Monitor, and follow MNO on Twitter and Facebook not to miss anything important. Bye for now!

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