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26/06/2014. SolidSharePro Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! SolidSharePro has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Despite a couple of well publicized setbacks in the HYIP industry I’m pleased to see things are still moving along at a consistent if somewhat reduced pace. There’s a couple of new additions to my monitor which is a positive sign of growth in the industry so that at least is always welcome, and I’ll be looking into them for you over the coming days. The first one on the list is one I quite like called SolidSharePro, a program I hope can help as many people as is realistic make a profit for themselves over the coming weeks, and hopefully months. So let’s see what it’s all about and whether you feel SolidSharePro might be worth adding to your portfolios or not.

The first thing you might spot about it is that you can’t accurately describe SolidSharePro as either a short, medium, or long term project due to it being the latest in the current industry trend that allows members set their own investment terms. Daily interest payments are made to members, all you need to do is deposit and withdraw, and this will continue for how ever long you deem it a good idea to allow your principal to sit in your account. In addition to that SolidSharePro will also allow you to use your member’s area sort of like a bank account in the sense that you can add a little extra to your principal from time to time if you feel the program is performing well, or indeed withdraw just a smaller part of it (as opposed to the full amount) if you need to get back a portion of it to help cover expenses elsewhere without actually closing the account.

If all of that’s clear then, depending on whether you have a clear and definitive strategy in mind or simple wish to join SolidSharePro and go with the flow as it were, you’ll need a minimum of $10 in order to do so. I can’t really give you much in the way of practical examples of how your own investment might work out as there are too many variables and everyone’s strategy will throw up a different result, but I’ll give you the figures and you can play around with them which ever way you want. The first option then, simply called Plan Number One, will likely be the most popular. Certainly it will amongst smaller investors anyway as it’s by far the most affordable. The minimum is as I said $10, but you can spend as much as $499 if you have it to spare. SolidSharePro are offering members 2.4% interest per calendar day. Now whether you want to receive this for one day, one week, one month, or how ever long you think you’d stand a realistic chance of the program continuing to pay you is a matter of personal choice. But you don’t even need a strategy as such to start with SolidSharePro as you can decide what to do with you account as you go, making full or partial withdrawals on your principal as you see fit.

After that things are geared more towards the bigger investors, working along more or less the same lines of making interest payments to members for how ever long they decide to stay a SolidSharePro member. There is one curious organizational difference though. While the plans are described as paying X amount of interest per day, what actually happens is you get smaller payments adding up in your account by the hour. Eventually after 24 hours they add up to the rate stated by SolidSharePro in their plans description, but as far as I can work out there’s nothing to stop you from withdrawing it a bit earlier assuming you have enough money on the account.

For the sake of brevity then I am going to describe the remaining plans using the full interest rate you will receive after a full day, but just be aware there will be smaller amounts every hour leading up to this. Plan Number Two then starts with an opening deposit of $500. For anyone risking up to $1,999 SolidSharePro are rewarding them with a payment of 2.88% interest per calendar day (0.12% per hour if you want to get technical about it) for however long you decide to allow them hold on to your principal. Once you’ve reached your goal, or simply want your money back for your own personal reasons, you just ask for it back. Though again you can just take some of it back and continue earning on the rest if you prefer.

Plan Number Three opens with a $2,000 minimum spend. SolidSharePro offer investors with anything from that amount up to a $4,999 maximum interest payments that come to 3.6% per calendar day (0.15% per hour). Members can leave whenever they wish, though are also free to add or subtract smaller amounts from their principals as they see fit as well should they prefer to keep something in the account to keep it active.

The remaining plans are for the seriously big spenders only, continuing with Plan Number Four which carries the minimum deposit of $5,000 to join. Interest payments build up by the hour, with SolidSharePro ultimately returning 4.56% interest over any given 24 hour period (0.19% per hour). Principal can be withdrawn in whole or in part anytime the member wishes. SolidSharePro‘s upper limit on investments for this plan is capped at $9,999.

And finally, as much for information purposes as anything else, for a $10,000 minimum deposit you can join Plan Number Five. For an open ended term members here collect hourly payments that add up to 6% in total after every calendar day (or 0.25% per hour). Is that sustainable in the long run? Well, it probably doesn’t matter as SolidSharePro are a lot less likely to attract many members with a price tag like that, but if you want to have a go then as with all the other plans you can add or subtract from your principal at will.

So if all of that makes sense and you’re interested in joining SolidSharePro then you’ll need to know what the payment options are. Currently the choice is a bit limited, but most of the popular processors are included and I think it’s about as good as you’ll hope to expect from a program like SolidSharePro. You can sign up using any of PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, or BitCoin. Generally speaking withdrawals should be processed instantly but will still need to be requested from within your members account area. Once the request is received members should see the money in their e-currency accounts in under a minute, but do be aware that SolidSharePro are quite clear that they reserve the right to take up to 12 hours to process them if required. There are numerous perfectly valid reasons for this happening from time-to-time, and most programs using instant payouts will probably find themselves needing to switch them off at some point due to account replenishment, technical errors on the payment processor’s side with the API, and so on. In this event the SolidSharePro admin will simply revert to manual payouts for which he requires 12 hours.

On the more technical, design and security side of things, SolidSharePro is powered off a script that’s under license from H-Script. Perhaps not exactly the number one provider, it’s still a very popular product and one I’m sure most of the experienced readers will be able to identify quickly enough. It’s a solid enough product and easy enough to navigate so you shouldn’t have too many problems there. The inner workings of the private members area are a little different from the industry standard however, particularly with regard to the mechanics of moving money in and out. I was therefore more impressed by the fact that the admin took all of this into consideration. Knowing quite well that not every investor is going to be familiar with the procedures of depositing, topping up the current deposit, and withdrawing part of the principal, he has made sure that everything is explained in advance. You simply need to click the “How To Deposit” tab on the SolidSharePro website for a handy step-by-step guide to what you need to do, something I strongly suggest you read before investing in the program.

Just to get you started though, I’ll just tell you how to deposit. Everything else will become clear you see once you have an active investment there. So first of all you need to go to the “Operations” section. Once there, just press the “Add funds” button. Choose your preferred payment method, enter the amount you wish to spend, and choose your plan. That last bit isn’t essential though, as you can just leave it as “auto” because the plan is entirely determined by how much money you invest. To finish then just click the “Create” button and you will be directed to your payment system website to complete the payment. Your investment has then been created.

Likewise in order to make any changes to your deposit, and that includes withdrawing some/all of your principal, you need to click the “Deposits” button in your member’s area. Then click the “Active” button where you can then enter the amount with which you would like to top-up your current deposit or alternatively the amount you are looking to withdraw.

For hosting SolidSharePro are on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks by BlackLotus, and for an extra layer of protection the SolidSharePro website is using SSL encryption by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. If there’s anything about the program you think wasn’t really explained here or if you have any further questions or account related issues for the SolidSharePro admin to deal with, then you can get in touch by filling out your details on the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page. There are a number of other channels you can also try, the first of which is the Live Chat which SolidSharePro have built-in to the website. In what seems to be a rare enough exception in the HYIP industry these days SolidSharePro have a Live Chat feature which actually works for once, so you should probably take a quick look there before composing any lengthy e-emails and see if you can get your problem fixed in real time. Failing that you can also try and reach them at the Skype account that’s listed on their contacts page, or else by writing directly to the e-mail address that’s also included there. The SolidSharePro website is bilingual by the way, having been written in both English and Russian. It’s not immediately obvious if customer support is also bilingual, though if you’re reading this review then I guess you must be strong enough in English to at least get started with them.

And that’s about it I think. SolidSharePro is quite an original program and seems very well organized. I mean we’d expect there to be less quality programs around at this time of year, less new ones starting up anyway, so maybe that makes the promising ones that little bit easier to identify when you do find them. Having said that, SolidSharePro is still an online HYIP and needs to be treated as such. To be absolutely fair to them however, not much of our is wasted by the SolidSharePro admin in claiming that it might be something else, and truth be told I kinda prefer those admins – no nonsense, it’s a gamble, but no one is telling you otherwise. If you don’t like it don’t join it, but for the rest of the HYIP community who recognize these things it’s not a problem. Not if you remember to behave responsibly it’s not. So if you’d like to have a go at SolidSharePro yourself just stay well under a spending limit that you can easily afford to live without, and try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



You might remember the recent article on SolidTrustPay which can safely be considered one of the best payment processors in the HYIP industry (not very commonly used by the admins at the moment, mind!). In the article it was also mentioned that STP is the only payment processor in the HYIP industry with a real physical office situated in Canada and regular business hours for phone support when you can call and speak with them in person. I’m not even talking about such useful features as direct bank funding and withdrawing, STP’s own international MasterCard and TrustCard for your full protection. Admins don’t like STP because it doesn’t allow them to fill their pockets so easily, but at the same time it’s very user-friendly for regular investors whose accounts should be fully verified to take advantage of all the features STP offers to its clients (read the recent article on STP here).

Anyway, it looks like next Tuesday the SolidTrustPay offices will be closed for Canada Day (something similar to the US Independence Day which as you’ll know will be coming soon), so please note about the extra day off and allow more time for processing your deposits, withdrawals, and exchanging funds (if you use an exchanger). SolidTrustPay transactions should be approved in most cases and are reversible, unlike many other processors, so no one should be worried about funds being stolen from STP. However, support will not be available next Tuesday either, so wait until Wednesday to call if you have any urgent matters. Here’s the most recent update from SolidTrustPay‘s official blog regarding the extra holiday:

Customer Support Holiday – Canada Day
Summer is now in full swing, and with it, comes summer Holidays!
Please be advised that SolidTrust Pay’s offices will be closed on Tuesday, July 1st for Canada Day. As this is also a Canadian Banking Holiday, customers are reminded to add extra processing time for deposits, withdrawals, and e-currency exchanges.
We would like to wish you a fun and happy Canada Day. Enjoy the sunshine, and don’t forget the sunscreen!

Being a real payment processor and offering phone support, STP is also subject to occasional maintenance work on their lines, the most recent of which was yesterday which interrupted the phone service shortly. But as is usually the case clients were notified well in advance on SolidTrustPay‘s official blog:

Scheduled Phone Service Downtime: Wednesday, June 25th
SolidTrust Pay would like to inform members that our Phone Line Support Staff will be unavailable for a short duration in the morning of Wednesday, June 25th at approximately 9am EST. This change in access to Phone Support is only temporary, and will resume at 10:30am EST.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, and thank you for your patience.


Those of you who already dealt with SolidTrustPay before know their attitude towards HYIP admins who accept deposits from members manually. It’s been strictly prohibited and admins discovered breaking this rule will have their accounts closed. But it hasn’t stopped the admin of StpayBitcoin from asking people to make deposits in his program via SolidTrustPay and even PayPal which has always been closed to HYIPs completely. He even went into some detail to explain how it’s advisable to deposit into StpayBitcoin‘s investment plans – 2.6%-3.2% for 150 business days (principal back), 107%-125% after 24 hours, 4.5%-12% hourly for 24 hours – without getting caught. In the second email the admin of StpayBitcoin proclaims his Christian values and even promised that all the investments made into his program are totally safe. This would almost be hilarious if I saw it in a cartoon. But it’s real life, and not that funny at all. Barefaced lies disguised by fake Christian morality is particularly stomach churning, and regrettably not the first time this has been done in the industry. I’ll leave the following newsletters for you to read with comment and would advise you to be extremely careful if you think it’s a good idea to deposit in StpayBitcoin using anything other than the payment processors incorporated in the script – PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin. StpayBitcoin has absolutely no moral right to accept SolidTrustPay and PayPal and the admin is perfectly aware of the problems that will inevitably arise sooner or later. Although StpayBitcoin (reviewed here) is paying alright at the moment, I’m disappointed with the admin’s practices which are clearly designed to line his own pocket, not the members. OK, yes, I know that’s the ultimate goal of every HYIP, but in this case it’s an action that can only damage the program itself which the admin does not seem to care in the least about:

What a Good News!!
I know must of our members will glad to hear that our solidtrustpay account is ready. Please note that the minimum investment for stp account is $200. In addition, it is compulsory for you to contact us first before investing in the PAYPAL or STP account as we need to generate a special identification number that will make us correspond your investment with you. No investor should write HIS/HER username or email in the comment of stp or paypal as such an act will lead to the account been frozen without refund.
Our STP account is (kwarap) and do not invest until your have got your personal identification number from us. Using this medium to inform some members who invested with EGOPAY and PAYEER but entered their PM account. Kindly login and edit the information from your member area.
In Plan 1 – 3,You Principal is not part of the profit and which can be withdraw anytime but for Plan 4-6 Your Principal is inclusive in your Profit and Once the Profit is accumulated your need to Understand that you trading capital is exhausted. And to remove your PRINCIPLE from the plan you must allow at least 30 days of maturity.
Weekly News and Addendum to Policy
StpayBitcoin – Most Reliable Online Investment!

Very important Information
Valued Members,
Many at times it a pity that many investors due to greed and over anxiety tends to invest with wrong companies who swindle their hard earn incomes. It is better to choose company which great vision and strong capital base like ours. Although the profit may be small but it is slow and steady win the race as all your investment is 100% secure. Anyway in order to rescue most people from getting astray and loosing their funds, members can communicate their friends and family about our efficiency and honesty. Apart from the fact that you will also earn some referral bonuses, you will also safe a lot of souls and improve their economy.
All hyip monitors and partners where our banners are display should endeavour to contact us a day before our banner expiration on renewal process and if it has expired you can also contact us on the renewal process.
Now we also accept okpay, western union and paypal. You can contact us on the procedure of investing through any of it. Like us on facebook and rate us in monitors if you are satisfy with our services.
Weekly News and Addendum to Policy
StpayBitcoin – Most Reliable Online Investment!


The latest addition to Premium Listing on MNO is ResortFinance. The program has become an established player in the HYIP industry for quite some time already and the admin decided to purchase listing on the MNO monitor after six weeks online possibly leaving the best for last. I must say that despite the reasonable age ResortFinance‘s advertising campaign has been very gradual so far, and the first investors just started getting into the profit zone recently. By getting Premium Listing on the MNO monitor ResortFinance is clearly taking the program to a new level and is ambitious enough to reach new heights. Well, MNO will be more than pleased to help in achieving such a goal as I really like this one. An interesting investment concept behind ResortFinance combines variable daily interest payments that can be as low as 0.7% or as high as 3.5% on any given calendar day and depending on their profits posted on the website every day. The average monthly earning you should expect on your investment in ResortFinance at the moment is about 46% per month or 1.6% daily, but note that these figures can change at any time. There’s also an interesting concept for share purchases in place. Yoy join ResortFinance with a $20 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, OkPay, BitCoin, and Payeer, where $20 is the price of one share. You may only purchase shares / make investments in multiples of $20 which might be not very convenient to some investors. The shares then stay active in your account, bringing earnings within 60 calendar days and every 15 days you are able to sell the 25% of your shares. If you have only one share in your account you won’t be able to sell it until the full 60-day term expires and your principal is available for retrieval. As you can see, the concept is truly original and if you still don’t get it, then I will be able to explain everything in tomorrow’s review where I will try to show how it all works with a practical example.

On the technical side of things ResortFinance is running off a licensed H-Script with its own peculiarities which will be described in the upcoming review. These include a four-digit code assigned to you on sign-up and used as a secondary password in the program (so write it down somewhere). The program is hosted on a dedicated server by DDoSGuard and is SSL-secured by RapidSSL from GeoTrust. The website is bi-lingual with the Russian version noticeably better than the “original” English. Which obviously indicates a Russian HYIP to be much more likely than the US-based company as claimed. Here’s the update announcing the Russian version of ResortFinance a few days back:

Opening of the Russian mission ResortFinance.
We are pleased to announce the opening of ResortFinance representative office (back-office) in Russia! Its functional signification is to provide information support of our investors. There are telephone service operators and chat support, as well as client managers for solution of our shareholders’ inline questions and provision of complete information package for ResortFinance potential clients.
The Russian representative office is the first positive step in the development of ResortFinance in Russia.

As for the promotion of ResortFinance, it’s been done quite gradually so far and I believe that there might be an experienced admin behind the wheel. The promotional video and the new banner sets have been all added recently and investors can earn on three-tier referral commissions. The admin is also active on most social networks, links to which can be found at the bottom of the program’s website:

Updated representative materials.
Dear investors and partners, we pay your attention to updated promotional materials, having placed which (on a site, the blog, on social networks, forums etc.) You will significantly increase efficiency of your work and you will be able to earn even more, thanks to the partner program.

All in all, ResortFinance looks like a very serious contender to become the next big thing and I’ll be looking forward to reviewing it tomorrow. The program has been moved to Paying status on MNO monitor already as I was paid instantly even though the admin only guarantees payouts within 48 hours.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list:  –
From MNO Premium list: CryptoryRemiTrade, UniroyalChemical, FortunesUp, OneAdClick, GenialStockExchange, AssuredAssets, WazaTrade, ChampionsLeague, StpayBitcoin, GepardAlliance, SolidSharePro (the first instant payment received), ResortFinance (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: SYMTLTD, ThaiMonetaryFund, SuccessRoadToWealth, OgdenOrganization, TrustForexTrade, WeasPartners.

That’s all for tonight, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading both the news and the reviews of the new programs monitored on MNO. See you all tomorrow with a detailed look at ResortFinance and all the daily news from the HYIP industry. Thanks for reading MNO and do keep voting on my TalkBack page!

with a $20 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, OkPay, BitCoin, and Payeer, where $20 is the price of one share. You may only purchase shares / make investments in multiples of $20 which might be not very convenient to some investors. The shares then stay active in your account, bringing earnings within 60 calendar days and every 15 days you are able to sell the 25% of your shares. If you have only one share in your account you won’t be able to sell it until the full 60-day term expires and your principal is available for retrieval. As you can see, the concept is truly original and if you still don’t get it, then I will be able to explain everything in tomorrow’s review where I will try to show how it all works with a practical example.

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