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30/08/2014. GoldLoanFinancing Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! GoldLoanFinancing has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I guess this is the last weekend of the summer for most of you so I hope you’ll be making the best of it. It should I hope also see an upswing in HYIP industry activity, though to be honest this has already been noticeable over the last week anyway. From now on it’s no longer a question of if and when the revival will happen, but of how big it’s going to get. One program I suppose hoping to make a name for themselves this September and into the autumn is a brand new long term project called GoldLoanFinancing which has just joined the MNO monitor’s Premium List. I’ll be getting to the day’s main news stories as always in the second part of today’s update so keep reading for that, but first let’s see what GoldLoanFinancing are all about and if you think they might be worth your while trying your luck with. I have to tell you in advance though that this one is perhaps just a little bit more complicated than your average online HYIP, you could argue that there’s no real need for the admin to make it this way, but there you go. You can always refer back to this review again and again for further reference in the future if you need to, however the truth is you really only need to pay attention once and I’m sure GoldLoanFinancing will become pretty simple once you’ve actually used it a couple of times. The program gets off to an excellent start by combining profitability with sustainability, so I think you’ll agree in the longer term it’s probably going to be worth the extra effort. But don’t be put off or intimidated by this either, by the way. The fact is that most of the “complications” that differentiate GoldLoanFinancing from most other HYIPs won’t actually affect most investors anyway, so truth be told most of you might never even notice.

Starting with the investment plans then, as I said GoldLoanFinancing is a mid to long term investment program. There are in fact more ways than just the basic investment plans to make money from GoldLoanFinancing – that’s where the aforementioned complications come into play and are all about building a deposit and building a downline – but let’s keep it simple for the moment. You can join the program for a $30 minimum, a bit above the industry average but affordable nonetheless, and have three possible plans to choose from. The first of these runs for 30 calendar days and is open to all investors willing to part with an amount from that $30 minimum up to a maximum of $5,000. The terms of the plan are quite simple – GoldLoanFinancing will pay you back an interest rate of 1% per day for the term, and then return your principal on expiry. So your interest payments which add up to 30% represent your net profit, and then you get your own money added to that.

To put that another way then let’s say you joined the program with a $100 deposit. You should expect a daily payment of $1 in return for that until you’ve gotten $30 back all together, at which point GoldLoanFinancing should then add your own initial hundred as well leaving you with $130 in total – $100 that was yours to begin with plus $30 from the program.

Bigger investors with at least $300 to spare are placed in the second plan which runs for a term of 50 calendar days. In return for the bigger investment GoldLoanFinancing are prepared to reward members with an improved interest rate of 1.2% per day. By the end of the cycle that should accumulate to 60% in total. Still not enough to constitute a profit of course, that only comes when the GoldLoanFinancing admin returns your principal on expiry as promised. The maximum deposit allowed for this plan is capped at $10,000.

The third plan is available to anyone prepared to invest a minimum of $500 in the program. This one runs for a term of 70 calendar days, and to entice you to join GoldLoanFinancing are offering potential members a daily interest payment of 1.5%. This adds up to a grand total of 105% in interest payments alone, at which point GoldLoanFinancing will add your original investment on top of that. So it’s 205% back to you – 100% your money and 105% profit from the program.

You’ll no doubt notice the amounts there overlap somewhat, which isn’t all that common in the HYIP industry. So just in case you’re wondering why anyone would possibly want to invest $500 in the first plan at 1% per day when the same amount gets you 1.5% in the third one, well, all three plans have various advantages over each other. For example the first plan won’t pay you so much profit, but it carries less of a risk. So what you gain with one you lose with another. If you change your mind by the way and decide you may have jumped in too quickly or invested a bit more than you can afford, GoldLoanFinancing have a sort of cooling off period. You can ask for your money back within 48 hours of joining and get a refund, no questions asked, after that you’re committed to the full term.

Just one other quick point about the plans I need to make before we move on, if you happen to be a fan of compounding then pleas note that GoldLoanFinancing do not allow this for the smaller investors (i.e. most of you) participating in their first plan. If you happen to be a medium to bigger spender with $300+ in the second and third plans however then sure, compounding will be made available to you.

When it comes to the payment processors should you decide you do want to join GoldLoanFinancing, I think a lot of investors are going to be pleased with this. This is the latest of a slowly growing number of programs to finally start incorporating Payza. With STP no longer (or at least not currently) an option for most programs, Payza will be a huge help in opening GoldLoanFinancing up to the ever lucrative American market. And while I do believe this program will be a slow burner – not necessarily a bad thing by any means, incidentally – in the longer term I think the presence of Payza will eventually play a crucial role in the program’s success if it ever does become a hit. Otherwise you can also join GoldLoanFinancing using PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer, so that’s most of the popular options covered. Payouts for members will have to be requested from inside your private account area, but once done the admin says that all payments will be instant. Just log in, make the request, and you should have the money in your payment processor account in under a minute. My own first payment has already been completed so I can confirm that they are indeed instant.

As for the more technical, design, and security features, GoldLoanFinancing is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks provided by SharkTech. This is a new enough name to me in relation to hosting HYIP related websites, so I can’t really say that I know they’ve ever been seriously tested or not when it comes to dealing with the almost relentless nature of DDoS attacks that affect this industry. However it is at least on a dedicated server and the admin seems to trust them, so I guess this is something we’ll be finding out before too long. For an extra layer of protection the website is SSL secured by EssentialSSL for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The site is multi-lingual and can be translated into Russian, Chinese, and Portuguese. As far as I can make out these are just online auto-translations unfortunately, and as the website isn’t particularly well written in English in the first place I’m afraid the translated versions don’t come out much better. Perhaps the most impressive GoldLoanFinancing though in my opinion would be the custom-made script which was specially developed for the program. It’s still quite easy to navigate however, and generally user friendly. It all revolves around the many unique account levels and extra features that I told you already set GoldLoanFinancing apart from most other HYIPs which, don’t worry, I’ll explain in a moment.

To contact the admin if you have any further questions or account related issues that need to be dealt with then you can get in touch by a couple of different channels. You can either write directly to the admin at the e-mail address listed, or else use the support ticketing system. Just fill out your details on the form provided and submit your ticket via the contacts page. There’s a postal address as well but that’s something I suggest you ignore. Mostly even if the address itself is genuine you’re unlikely to find anyone connected with what ever online HYIP is listing it physically located there. GoldLoanFinancing have a Facebook page for those of you using social media sites, though being a brand new program as it is there hasn’t been any activity worth speaking of there yet. And if you think someone will actually answer you, GoldLoanFinancing have a phone number you can try if you wish. Finally one last communication tool which is built into the script is an online chat room. This is entirely public by the way, so anyone, GoldLoanFinancing members or not, can see what’s being talked about there. I know I shouldn’t laugh at this but seriously, it’s almost embarrassing to see some of the low grade monitors there publicly begging the admin for money and spamming their own ref links. This would be a much more useful feature if the admin either starts to moderate it more seriously or else makes it private.

Now, there are some additional features to GoldLoanFinancing which are important but I’ve deliberately decided to leave until last. By reading the above review you will see that it can be quite a simple, run-of-the-mill HYIP with nothing too complicated. That’s probably how it’s going to be for most investors so I’m only explaining the extra features at the end to avoid complicating things where I don’t need to. However there’s a series of bonus features in GoldLoanFinancing that will be of interest to some readers that may help them increase their earnings and avail of more favorable terms and conditions. There are you see three different types of account in GoldLoanFinancing, called Regular, Active, and Partner. The plans and payments I have described above apply to Regular accounts, which will be held by the majority of members. To be upgraded to an Active account however, you will need not only to have a minimum deposit of $100, you will also need to have at least 20 active referrals in your downline. If you manage to achieve that then the GoldLoanFinancing admin will increase the available interest rates as well as the referral commission rates. For Partner accounts you get even better rates on both interest and ref comms, however the admin only awards this to members with a $1,000 deposit and a downline of 100 members. I suggest you log in to your own members area to see what the exact figures are if you are interested.

On top of that then GoldLoanFinancing have a series of “bonus credits”. There are various different things you can do to earn these credits, which you can then trade-in for a cash payment. For example, for every $10 you invest GoldLoanFinancing will give you one credit. Every time you get an active referral signing up under your downline you get ten credits. Every ten credits you earn can then be exchanged for $1, and that’s in addition to your regular ref commission payments. So you can see there’s some encouragement there to help members grow their investments, and an incentive to try and promote the program among others.

Finally then just for the record GoldLoanFinancing claim to be involved with loaning and finance. There’s no more than a couple of very badly written lines on this, I believe that have probably come out of an online auto-translation tool anyway, so they really don’t make much sense. I would suggest you ignore it anyway and assess GoldLoanFinancing according to how you see it as an online HYIP. Like all the others it’s a form of high risk gambling, but that doesn’t mean nobody can make a little money for themselves out of it. Just remember to be realistic in your expectations, keep your spending limits comfortably within what you can afford to lose, and if joining GoldLoanFinancing at all then try and use them as a wider more diverse portfolio.



Sparbs (reviewed here) is still doing exceptionally well and paying to everyone. Just last night it was reported in the official newsletter that the first lucky investors were paid from the 160% after 30 days plan, joining those who had earlier profited from the shorter 120% after 15 days plan. So now we’re only waiting for the bravest members who joined the longest term, 210% after 45 days plan offered by Sparbs as they will get the best profit in just a couple of weeks. I must say that the arrival of Sparbs on MNO Premium listing a month ago wasn’t really met with great enthusiasm (which didn’t prevent it from eventually reaching the Top Five Popular Programs list the latest article on which can be read here). It looks like Sparbs was a blast from the past when this type of program was extremely popular with thousands of people joining them. Yet nowadays it seems that the “perpetual” style programs get most attention from investors, leaving programs like Sparbs in the shadows. It’s not necessarily a bad thing for those who have already invested in Sparbs as I believe that the gradual growth will be more beneficial for the program leading to a longer lifecycle. According to the administration (and it doesn’t sound like inflated figures to me), after over a month online Sparbs has 860 members which is not bad at all, considering the tough competition from the new generation of no-expiry programs dominating the HYIP industry over the last few year. Still, the conservative approach from the admin of Sparbs is admired by many experienced investors and I believe in the long term it might become more popular. The administration prefers to act softly and by slowly increasing the amount of payment options with seven methods currently accepted – Payza, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, OkPay, BitCoin, and LiteCoin – and the minimum to invest starting starting from only $10. I believe Sparbs deserves much more attention than it currently gets. Below is the latest newsletter in its entirety:

30 days have passed like a blink of an eye and Sparbs has great news to share with its members and also congratulate with their first months’ earnings. Keep on reading the whole news to find out what’s happening on Sparbs.
#1: 30 Days Passes, 30 day Plan Expires, Congratulations with your earnings!
Finally, 30 days just passed and with that our 30 day plan also expired. Our members who had decided to invest in our 2nd plan (160% after 30 days plan) are now enjoying 60% pure profits of their initial investment amount. We would like to congratulate them with their first months earnings.
That’s not all!
More members who invested in our 3rd plan, i.e. 210% after 45 days, will enjoy a whopping 110% pure profits within next 15 days.
The best part about Sparbs investment program is that you can always withdraw your earnings or profits as soon as the investment period is over, and your “initial investment amount” will continue to generate profits for you every month.
Alternately, you also have an option to “re-invest your profits” as capital, also known as compound interest, and earn even more profits for you. At Sparbs, you will never lose and only make more profits for the long term!
#2: “Upcoming Sport Events” integrated into Sparbs:
Sparbs recently integrated an “Upcoming Sport Events” section on its website to allow our members to know more about upcoming arbitrage events. If you are betting expert or un-experienced member you can leave this job for us – professionals.
We are sport arbitrage company working since 2009 under FINANCIAL EXPERTS LIMITED name and gain a lot of experience in free risk arbitrage.
#3: Recent Website Statistics:
After 33 days online, Sparbs has managed to attract 860 members, a significant rise from 520 investors from the last week. The membership on Sparbs never shows a sign of slowing down, thanks to our easy to invest and profitable investment plans.
Similarly, the deposit amount on Sparbs has increased from $18,000 to almost $39,000.00 within the last 10 days (from Aug 18 to 27). Both these growing numbers of members and deposits amount indicates that Sparbs‘ investment program is popular, easy to use, and profitable, even for the first-time investors.
Sparbs is very active on Facebook. If you spend most of your time on Facebook, rest assured you’ll receive updates, earning reports, new promotion offers, and investment tips and tricks on your Facebook wall. If you need help getting started with our investment program or have any information to share with us, simply post your feedbacks, questions, and comments on our Facebook wall and we’ll reply as soon as possible.
#4: Important Notice for Newbie and Intermediate Betters & Investors:
Investment risk has dramatically reduced to a “zero” risk level when we decided to enter into the sports arbitrage industry. For example, our member can place bet on both teams on the same match and earn profits, which has removed betting as something as gambling and transformed it into a solid investment strategy.
So, if you’re a first-time investor, or even an intermediate better, we highly recommend you to try Sparbs‘ reliable investment program and earn passive income every single month.
We have the ‘right’ tools, years of industry experience, and in-depth knowledge of the sports arbitrage. Our team of sports arbitrage experts have been in this industry for more than a decade and they have an in-depth knowledge to spot, analyze, and place bets on profitable arbitrage situations on the web. So if you’re a first-time investor, let one of our sports arbitrage experts help you get started really quickly so that you make the most out of your investments.
The best part about betting on Sparbs‘ investment plans are that your initial investment amount is 100% guaranteed, meaning you never lose at Sparbs.
That’s all for now. Please keep on returning back to our site for updates, news, and tips. Become our Facebook Fan and do not forget to promote our investment plans within your circle by becoming our affiliate.
Thanks for reading, Sparbs Team


After completing its first month online the admin of SafeBetIncome has decided to add his project to Standard listing on MNO which saw now the first program there for weeks. I expect to see more programs on the Standard List over the next few months, as starting tomorrow Premium listing on MNO is getting more expensive and therefore becoming money restrictive for admins on smaller budgets. I think his original strategy of running his program was to build-up some trust and stay under the radar during the first month online and then increase promotional activities over the second month in order to attract a wider audience. If his intentions are good, then I believe SafeBetIncome is in the right place when came for listing on MNO, as I see the program getting good results in the long run. Of course, some people would always say that it’s too late to join such a program, but if it’s not your cup of tea you may as well skip this introduction and the upcoming review of SafeBetIncome coming on Monday.

Anyway, let’s see what investment plans SafeBetIncome has to offer. They are quite simple to comprehend and all but one are following one general principle – paying the full amount on expiry of the investment with the rates increasing along with the size of your deposit there. The plans include – 103%-120% after 1 day, 53.5%-75% for 2 days, 123%-230% after 5 days, 180%-500% after 10 days, 300%-1000% after 20 days, 500%-1600% after 30 days. The minimum to invest starts from only $5 and four payment processors are accepted including PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin. As SafeBetIncome is running off a licensed script from GoldCoders, all the withdrawals must be requested from your member’s area and they are then promised to be paid within a 48 hour maximum (which is quite a long waiting time for this type of program, I must admit). The site is SSL-secured by Comodo and hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection from GeniusGuard. The admin seems to be a pretty experienced guy to me and judging by his regular newsletters he’s definitely not a newbie. SafeBetIncome is definitely not his first program, and I even think his former programs were already on MNO with some degree of success. So my expectations from SafeBetIncome will be quite high despite already being a month online. The latest newsletter from SafeBetIncome is posted today and is dedicated to their first month online for which the admin invented the new word “monthsary”. Well, I guess that guy has some sense of humour after all, beside claiming to be running a UK-incorporated company (which is easily to be done for a few bucks, by the way – read the article on that here) with rates of a ponzi-game (higher rates in a day than annual rates in most of the Brirish banks, lol). Jokes aside, now no one can deny that SafeBetIncome is a serious player on the HYIP market and hopefully its addition to the MNO monitor which the admin also mentioned in the newsletter will bring some good results to the program:

SafeBetIncome Ltd Monthsary Newsletter
Simply a quick heads up for everyone.
Today we have reached the one month online mark and SBI Ltd had established itself as one of the major investment programs all over the hyip market. For the past 31 days, SafeBetIncome Ltd had been providing a good percentage of profits to our investors and with that we would conclude that many of our members are now enjoying the ride.
Latterly, we could not help but notice the growth SBI have achieved, members and investors keep pouring in, and the traffic is undeniably great. Almost 2000 members cant be wrong with SBI Ltd. You may check our alexa ranking as your basis.
As part of our dedication to expanding our presence online, we have initiated to be listed on a well known monitor blog Money News Online.
Let’s watch out for his respective reviews which will be available soon for the public to read.
Thank you for staying with us, your support is helping us achieve greater heights and work harder each and every day. We are definitely beating the records, stay with us for a profitable years to come.
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.
Best regards, Charles Cuyler
SBI Ltd Management


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: BTCLegacy, RemiTradeTraderWaysPurpleWealthWeTradeWePayGlobalBuildingGroup, LaxoTradeCryptoFarmCryptcoMiner, LinumFund, GoldLoanFinancing (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: VioletStockOgdenOrganizationBaikalsTours, 20DayGold.

That’s all for tonight, guys. Hope you enjoyed reading and see you all tomorrow with a more detailed review of LinumFund which is already getting a lot of attention from readers along with with the regular daily news from the HYIP industry. Invest safely and always read MNO blog – a place to discuss elite programs only!

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