17/09/2014. PiNeverEnds Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Beware! PiNeverEnds has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi everyone! I have to start today by saying it’s been a very positive week in the HYIP industry overall and the omens for a successful autumn season have all been good. It might even be worth your while marking this week in your diaries if you have any interest in such things as it might just mark the starting point of some of the biggest programs in the industry as we enter what often turns out to be such a fruitful time of the year for us anyway. I have another new addition to the MNO Premium List to introduce in the news section coming up in the second half of today’s update which I don’t mind telling you I’m cautiously optimistic about, maybe even enthusiastic, but no more than I am about the program I want to start with today – PiNeverEnds. This is one of the most innovative, imaginative, and just downright original programs to have come my way in recent months, and that’s always been a quality that I liked in the programs I monitor, a feeling shared by many readers here too, I know. PiNeverEnds has been shall we say “in the workshop” for some time now, which I know because the admin first made me aware he was working on it a number of weeks ago. He also made it known that he wanted to start by making MNO its first monitor which would exclusively cover the program initially, before he would then expand PiNeverEnds more gradually across other online resources. That might not be of much interest to you guys (not much to me either, to be honest) but it does indicate a certain amount of planning was put into the program while the website was being developed, and that the PiNeverEnds admin has something of a longer term business strategy. Not just the “close your eyes and hope for the best” approach.
So where do I start on PiNeverEnds? Well, the investment plans are generally the best thing to explain first but in this case I think a few words about the organization and set-up of the program might make things a bit easier to follow. Anyone with the most basic education then is certainly familiar with the mathematical number Pi, or in the Greek form ? as it’s often written. 3.14159 (et cetera), the full value has never been established as it continues for millions of decimal places and no obvious pattern has ever been established. I think there’s even been competitions to see who can recite it furthest, with some savants being able to reel it off to tens of thousands of places. You can read up on it through Google or Wikipedia if you want, but for the purposes of PiNeverEnds as an online HYIP we’ll just say Pi equals 3.14. You’re probably wondering why I’m telling you all of this but the thing is that the investment plans in PiNeverEnds all basically revolve somehow around either this number, or multiples of it. I suppose it’s not really essential that you know this before looking into the plans and seeing if they’re really any good – sustainability combined with profitability are what you need to look for after all, not gimmicks – but it doesn’t hurt to know how things are organized.
You have four plans to choose from, all of which can be joined for a minimum deposit of $25. A little bit above the industry average, but I would say affordable to most regular investors nonetheless. Plans run for various terms ranging from short to long, but it’s with the longest term option that I’m going to start with because that’s where PiNeverEnds themselves begin. This is called The Piphilologist Plan and it runs for a term of 314 calendar days (see the 3.14 Pi connection there, right?). This is probably the only plan where some users may have some confusion over the terms, please read very carefully if you would like to join. PiNeverEnds make daily interest payments to their members here, but whereas the plan runs as I said for 314 calendar days, you will only earn any money on business days. So weekends count as part of the total duration, interest in earned Monday through Friday only. There’s nothing to stop you making an actual withdrawal over the weekend of course, you just don’t earn any new money then.
Once that much is understood, we can look at the numbers. And I must say this is quite a unique and interesting concept I think a lot of might enjoy. For the plan’s duration PiNeverEnds will pay you a variable daily interest rate. In other words you get a different amount every business day. But having said that the rate is variable, it’s also predictable. You see it follows the sequence on digits that make up the number Pi. So if we say Pi equals 3.14159…..etc then on day one you get 3%, the next day you get 1%, the day after that you get 4%, and so on like that. So the daily rate can be anything from 0 to 9% depending on where we are in the sequence.
Sorry I can’t give you the exact figure you will earn by the end of the term, because that’s not possible. The exact number of business days within a 314 calendar day term will depend on what day of the week you decide to jump in, but to be honest the difference over a term running for that long is really quite negligible. Generally speaking however the “average” daily works out at 4.53% (coincidentally almost exactly half way between the min/max levels of 0 to 9%) so you can do your own calculations from there. All things going according to plan you’d be looking at around 1,000%, though that of course is based on the rather ambitious assumption that PiNeverEnds can sustain this all the way to the end. Obviously I wish the admin the best of luck with getting there, I just wouldn’t want to be the one promising you the investor it’s really going to happen. Arguably the more important statistic though is how long will it take you to break even – that is to earn back an amount equal to your own investment and so make it impossible to lose money no matter what happens next – which is after approximately a month. Again the exact point depends on what day you have joined, but one way or another it’s gonna be something like four weeks. PiNeverEnds are counting your principal as part of the payments and so will not be returning it in a separate payment on expiry.
In practical, monetary terms then let’s see how a typical investment with this plan might work out. We’ll say you deposit a nice round figure of $100. The first day PiNeverEnds will pay you back 3%, or $3. The next day it’s $1. The day after that it’s $4. This continues every day from Monday to Friday for a term of 314 calendar days. You can see the rates you can expect from one day to the next by visiting 3.141592653.com. PiNeverEnds are counting your principal as part of the payments and so will not be returning it in a separate payment on expiry. The maximum deposit allowed by the admin is capped at $50,000.
That’s the plan where I have my own deposit, but don’t take that as any sort of endorsement that it’s the best option. It’s the best option for me as a monitor, but you might like the others a bit more. PiNeverEnds have three more options for you to think about. They’re all a bit more straight forward, and work in a more “traditional” HYIP style if I can call them that.
So for another $25 minimum deposit you can join The Euler Plan. This one runs for a term of 20 business days (that’s four weeks) making payouts at a rate of 3.14% per day, Monday to Friday only. At the end of this term PiNeverEnds will return the member’s initial principal. That means your interest payments come to 62.8% which by itself isn’t enough to put you into profit, but this will then happen once your own money is returned. To compare it with PiNeverEnds‘ previous offering, the same $100 deposit here would get you back $3.14 per day until you’ve gotten $62.80 in total. This becomes net profit only when the admin adds your original hundred to that. Maximum spend is $50,000.
Your third option is called The Basel Plan and sees PiNeverEnds change tact to single payment on expiry plans. This particular one – again open to deposits from $25 upwards – runs for 31 calendar days. In return for your investment, members are offered a final one time payment of 164% net profit in addition to your own principal which is also returned. Whether that’s one or two transactions I don’t know (I would assume it’s all included together), but it’s a payback of 264%, from which 100% is your own money to begin with and 164% is your reward for joining. So we’ll say for another $100 invested here PiNeverEnds should be handing back $264 on expiry – $100 that was yours and $164 from the program. I must admin 31 days without a single payout is a very hard selling point for an online HYIP so I wouldn’t be expecting massive deposits into this plan for a while. The program really needs to establish itself and a stable payments record first, however I’m pretty sure a certain amount of interest will build up for this plan before too long. Really though, it will probably require the first payment reports from investors prepared to take the gamble to start appearing on HYIP forums/monitors before there’s any real widespread acceptance of it. Maximum spend remains $50,000.
A safer less risky option perhaps is The Glutton Plan. It’s another on expiry payment, however this time you are only required to wait 7 calendar days before you’re happily in profit. It doesn’t pay as much as the last plan, but then again you’re not taking anything like the same risk. PiNeverEnds ask for a $25 minimum deposit to be allowed to join, and at the end of the term pay you back 136% interest. This includes your principal, so it’s your own money back plus 36% net profit. Or to put that another way, spend $100 today and have PiNeverEnds give you back $36 a week from now. The maximum spending limit is, as always, capped at $50,000.
For what’s basically a short enough list of plans, there’s only four of them, I do think PiNeverEnds have covered a remarkable amount of ground and made something that would appeal to as diverse a group of investors as possible. However the plans aren’t just the only way to make money from them as I shall explain.
First however, because this is relevant, I want to explain the payment options. Currently the only processors in use are PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin. Withdrawals are handled by the admin manually and so need to be requested from inside your PiNeverEnds private member’s account area. Once done, all transactions are promised to be completed within a 48-hour maximum. So far though I’m pleased to say that none of my own withdrawals were anything even close to that, with the 48 hour maximum really just being a safety-net for the admin if there’s any technical problems outside of his control with let’s say the script or the payment processors.
However for a program that wants to position itself as one of the real industry leaders this autumn, a lot of potential investors might express some disappointment with the absence of Payza or SolidTrustPay. Applications have been submitted to both payment processors for approval and account verification. So confident is the admin that his program is going to be accepted for automated transactions, he’s actually offered a bonus on all deposits made via BitCoin of 3.14% until at least one of those payment processors is added. And I can vouch for this myself as I’ve been paid the bonus already. If you’re interested in getting the same then make a deposit equal to $25 through BitCoin at what ever the current exchange rate is. I guess this offer expires whenever Payza or SolidTrustPay are added. I’d expect Payza to be first here by the way, but wouldn’t be holding my breath for STP to appear any time soon if I was the admin. Still, it’s good to have the underway at least, and you never know your luck.
Still roughly on the subject of the investment plans, I think it might be a good idea at this point to say a few words about the process of actually joining and investing. The thing is that because of the script PiNeverEnds is running off this is a little different to the more generic GoldCoders style programs a lot of you might be more used to. The first thing you will need to do is to fund your account, or e-wallet, in the program, which is basically just a holding area for your money until you decide what to do with it. After that you need then to re-direct this money into your preferred investment plan in order to start earning. There are two ways to do this (as both will lead you to the same page). Either click the tab that says “Plan” which can be found in the box marked “Add to Account” on the left hand side of your private account area, or else click the “Make New Purchase” button which is under the headline “My Account Dashboard” in the middle of the page. Remember PiNeverEnds will allow you to split your investment between more than one plan, so keep that in mind as a strategy if you wish.
Moving on to the more technical aspects of the program now, the script that I mentioned above is under license from Shadow Scripts, perhaps the best and most secure of the “off the peg”, or commercial style options not unique to one program. As part of the package ShadowScripts are also providing DDoS protection to PiNeverEnds, a feature I can’t say I was aware of them offering in the past. Still, if their adeptness at DDoS protection is anything like that of their other services then I doubt very much that the PiNeverEnds admin has much to worry about. In this industry unfortunately I doubt very much we’ll have to wait for long before finding that out the hard way! Hosting itself is on a dedicated server from SharkTech.
If you have any further questions or account related issues you need to have dealt with then I have some good news for you – the PiNeverEnds admin just loves to talk! Communication is a strong point here and he’s been very active at it. But to go through the proper channels the best option is to submit a support ticket through your members area. There’s also a sort of internal mail service there for messages and a tracking system for new, open, and resolved support requests. On a more informal basis though you might be able to find the admin on the MNO ShoutBox from time to time where he is sometimes available to handle reader’s questions in real time, so you might want to take a quick look to see if he’s active there first before composing any lengthy e-mails.
There’s quite a lot going on on the PiNeverEnds website aside from the basics about the investment plans which I’ve tried to describe as best I’m able to you above. I mean I don’t know how much of this is of any interest to you, let along any practical value, but I do think that such a singularly individual and unique looking program and website is huge bonus all by itself. There’s even an interesting (and dare I say it mildly entertaining) music video based the mathematical qualities of Pi. All very original, but at the end of the day you have to come back down to earth and remember it’s still an online HYIP. Granted the admin is doing a pretty fine job in reviving some of the qualities that have been lacking from the industry for too long now – is it just me or does anyone else remember a time when HYIPs were fun? – but that doesn’t make things any less of a gamble. So yes, I know I’m largely positive about the program, and yes, I was certainly flattered to be the only official monitor hired by the admin (for the initial start-up anyway), but that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten the cardinal rule of being a successful online HYIP investor – protect yourself first. Never go beyond a spending limit you can afford to lose, and if you’re joining PiNeverEnds then do try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio. Don’t expect the Earth, but by all means enjoy the opportunity while it’s there, and have fun with it – arguably the program’s own best advice!
Continuing on the promise to deliver MNO readers the best programs this new season I’d like to introduce CryptoArbs. The program started only last night with the admin adding it to the MNO Premium List straight away, like he knows what he’s doing. And to be sure CryptoArbs looks impressive with its cool layout, extended SSL-certificate from Comodo, and DDoS protection by industry leaders BlockDos who also host the site on a dedicated server. The script CryptoArbs is running off is a licensed version of the ShadowScript (you can read my interview with its developer here) which is well known for its unique features and high standards of quality. The investment plans do not disappoint either – CryptoArbs promises to pay from 3.8% to 6.8% daily interest (fixed and depending on the size of your deposit) for an unlimited period of time with the option to withdraw your principal with no fees anytime you like. All the withdrawals are expected to be paid within 36 hours of request. You see that the investment plan offered by CryptoArbs is very profitable for online investors and at the same time offers a great level of flexibility when it’s only up to you alone to decide when you earned enough profits to leave the program. If you like CryptoArbs after having a first glance and do not want to wait for the more detailed review due to be published on MNO on Friday I’d like to clarify that due to the script’s peculiarities you need to first fund your e-wallet in the member’s area and then re-distribute your balance between the plans by clicking the “Token” tab under the “Add To Account” sign. Not exactly the same but very very similar to what I’ve just described in the review for PiNeverEnds above, both programs using as they do the same script. By the way, the minimum to deposit in CryptoArbs is $30 and the four payment processors currently accepted by them include PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, and Payeer. Read more on the program on MNO soon, but meanwhile please check out the website for yourselves and read the first short news from the admin announcing the site’s launch and their Twitter account to follow below:
“The launch of CryptoArbs
We at Cryptomine Limited would like to announce the launch of our website, CryptoArbs.
We are an all encompassing arbitrage trading firm of cryptocurrencies.”
“Follow us on Twitter @cryptoarbs
We are now on Twitter. Follow us for the latest @cryptoarbs or www.twitter.com/cryptoarbs”.
Some excellent news from yesterday that I’m delighted to report is that Payza is now accepted by currently the biggest program in the industry, LinumFund. That effectively makes it the third program from the MNO Premium List to accept Payza (the others being Sparbs and LaxoTrade). That clearly shows that Payza is expanding after a two year sabatical and is trying to reclaim the once substantial share of the HYIP market it last held back in 2012. The odds are firmly in Payza‘s favor for now as their main competitor SolidTrustPay seems to be less interested in the HYIP industry these days. It is of course impossible to take advantage of the automated deposits and withdrawals without their prior approval of a payments button, and so far only LinumFund have managed to achieve this in recent months. Still, when it comes to the convenience of the direct banking and card deposit and withdrawal options Payza make an essential competitor, even a replacement, for STP. Payza is more commonly accepted in the HYIP industry nowadays, but yet verification of a business account for HYIP admins is still not that easy, so can also be considered a sign of an admin’s professionalism when deciding where to invest. For the potential HYIP investors and verified clients Payza offers a wide variety of funding and withdrawal methods with the recently introduced BitCoin wallet funding completed usually within two business days maximum. Now Payza is getting to another very important phase in their expansion – introducing and increasing the list of authorized exchangers. The list can now be found on the Payza website and, according to the latest blog post, the company is ready to consider applications from businesses looking to become an authorized exchanger. So if you want to check out where to exchange your Payza funds or have an exchanger yourself then please read below for further instructions originally published on the Payza blog:
“What are E-Currency Exchangers and why are they so Important?
If you use online payment platforms and e-wallet services, you might be familiar with e-currency exchangers. These companies will help you transfer money from one e-wallet service to another, or let you use the money in your Payza account to purchase other quasi cash items such as mobile credits.
Using an exchanger is a great way to make the most of your Payza account, but be careful, not all exchangers are created equal. These days it seems like just about anyone is willing to take your money from one service and pay you on another, but can they really be trusted?
At Payza, some exchanger services have been integrated directly into our platform. In most countries, members are now able to exchange their Payza money directly for Bitcoin right in their accounts by using the Withdrawal by Bitcoin feature. U.S. members are also able to buy eGift Cards at over 80 of the largest retailers and restaurants in the country. That is just a couple of examples of how exchangers are being used at Payza to give you more options.
For other services, we have a list of Authorized Exchangers that you can use to help you add money to your Payza account from outside our platform, or to move your Payza dollars into another account.
The best part about Authorized Exchangers is that these companies have all been reviewed by Payza so you can rest assured that they can be trusted to follow through on their services. If you want to exchange your Payza funds, you should only use one of the exchangers in your country authorized by Payza. You can find the list of Authorized Exchangers here: Payza Authorized Exchangers
How to Become a Payza Authorized E-Currency Exchanger
Do you offer exchanger services or do you have a great exchanger to recommend? Let us know! We’re always looking for quality companies to partner with. Contact our Business Development team atbizdev@payza.com to get started.
Payza is eager to work with innovative companies that can provide outstanding regional or international services that will give our members more choice when it comes to using their Payza dollars.”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: LinumFund, RemiTrade, AssuredAssets, 2FXLtd, Sparbs, PurpleWealth, TradingAllianceLimited, GepardAlliance, LaxoTrade, CryptoFarm, PiNeverEnds, CryptoArbs (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: SkyRocketInv (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: TrustForexTrade, VioletStock, GunInvest, OgdenOrganization.
That will be all the news for tonight, guys. Please come back tomorrow for the full review of the new and lightning fast paying short-term program SkyRocketInv and, of course, as usual all the important updates from the biggest online investment programs monitored on MNO. Don’t forget to keep voting on the MNO TalkBack page as it’s important to help me analyze the current industry trends. Bye for now!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Sep 17th, 2014.